package com.x8bit.bitwarden import android.content.Intent import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope import com.bitwarden.core.CipherView import import import import import import import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.BaseViewModel import import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.first import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.mapNotNull import javax.inject.Inject /** * The amount of time we should wait for ciphers to be loaded before timing out. */ private const val CIPHER_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS: Long = 500 /** * A view model that handles logic for the [AutofillTotpCopyActivity]. */ @HiltViewModel class AutofillTotpCopyViewModel @Inject constructor( private val authRepository: AuthRepository, private val vaultRepository: VaultRepository, ) : BaseViewModel(Unit) { private val activeUserId: String? get() = authRepository.activeUserId override fun handleAction(action: AutofillTotpCopyAction): Unit = when (action) { is AutofillTotpCopyAction.IntentReceived -> handleIntentReceived(action) } /** * Process the received intent and alert the activity of what to do next. */ private fun handleIntentReceived(action: AutofillTotpCopyAction.IntentReceived) { viewModelScope .launchWithTimeout( timeoutBlock = { finishActivity() }, timeoutDuration = CIPHER_WAIT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, ) { // Extract TOTP copy data from the intent. val cipherId = action .intent .getTotpCopyIntentOrNull() ?.cipherId if (cipherId == null || isVaultLocked()) { finishActivity() return@launchWithTimeout } // Try and find the matching cipher. vaultRepository .ciphersStateFlow .mapNotNull { } .first() .find { == cipherId } ?.let { cipherView -> sendEvent( AutofillTotpCopyEvent.CompleteAutofill( cipherView = cipherView, ), ) } ?: finishActivity() } } /** * Send an event to the activity that signals it to finish. */ private fun finishActivity() { sendEvent(AutofillTotpCopyEvent.FinishActivity) } private suspend fun isVaultLocked(): Boolean { val userId = activeUserId ?: return true // Wait for any unlocking actions to finish. This can be relevant on startup for Never lock // accounts. vaultRepository.vaultUnlockDataStateFlow.first { it.statusFor(userId) != VaultUnlockData.Status.UNLOCKING } return !vaultRepository.isVaultUnlocked(userId = userId) } } /** * Represents actions that can be sent to the [AutofillTotpCopyViewModel]. */ sealed class AutofillTotpCopyAction { /** * An [intent] has been received and is ready to be processed. */ data class IntentReceived( val intent: Intent, ) : AutofillTotpCopyAction() } /** * Represents events emitted by the [AutofillTotpCopyViewModel]. */ sealed class AutofillTotpCopyEvent { /** * Complete autofill with the provided [cipherView]. */ data class CompleteAutofill( val cipherView: CipherView, ) : AutofillTotpCopyEvent() /** * Finish the activity. */ data object FinishActivity : AutofillTotpCopyEvent() }