using System; using Bit.App.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Controls; using Bit.App.Resources; using Xamarin.Forms; using XLabs.Ioc; using Acr.UserDialogs; using System.Threading.Tasks; using PushNotification.Plugin.Abstractions; using Bit.App.Models; using Bit.App.Utilities; using Bit.App.Enums; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using FFImageLoading.Forms; namespace Bit.App.Pages { public class LoginTwoFactorPage : ExtendedContentPage { private DateTime? _lastAction; private IAuthService _authService; private IUserDialogs _userDialogs; private ISyncService _syncService; private IDeviceInfoService _deviceInfoService; private IGoogleAnalyticsService _googleAnalyticsService; private IPushNotification _pushNotification; private readonly string _email; private readonly string _masterPasswordHash; private readonly SymmetricCryptoKey _key; private readonly Dictionary> _providers; private readonly TwoFactorProviderType? _providerType; private readonly FullLoginResult _result; public LoginTwoFactorPage(string email, FullLoginResult result, TwoFactorProviderType? type = null) : base(updateActivity: false) { _deviceInfoService = Resolver.Resolve(); _email = email; _result = result; _masterPasswordHash = result.MasterPasswordHash; _key = result.Key; _providers = result.TwoFactorProviders; _providerType = type ?? GetDefaultProvider(); _authService = Resolver.Resolve(); _userDialogs = Resolver.Resolve(); _syncService = Resolver.Resolve(); _googleAnalyticsService = Resolver.Resolve(); _pushNotification = Resolver.Resolve(); Init(); SubscribeYubiKey(true); } public FormEntryCell TokenCell { get; set; } public ExtendedSwitchCell RememberCell { get; set; } private void Init() { var scrollView = new ScrollView(); var anotherMethodButton = new ExtendedButton { Text = "Use another two-step login method", Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["btn-primaryAccent"], Margin = new Thickness(15, 0, 15, 25), Command = new Command(() => AnotherMethodAsync()), Uppercase = false, BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent }; var instruction = new Label { LineBreakMode = LineBreakMode.WordWrap, Margin = new Thickness(15), HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }; RememberCell = new ExtendedSwitchCell { Text = "Remember me", On = false }; if(!_providerType.HasValue) { instruction.Text = "No providers available."; var layout = new StackLayout { Children = { instruction, anotherMethodButton }, Spacing = 0 }; scrollView.Content = layout; Title = "Login Unavailable"; Content = scrollView; } else if(_providerType.Value == TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator || _providerType.Value == TwoFactorProviderType.Email) { var continueToolbarItem = new ToolbarItem(AppResources.Continue, null, async () => { var token = TokenCell?.Entry.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", ""); await LogInAsync(token, RememberCell.On); }, ToolbarItemOrder.Default, 0); var padding = Helpers.OnPlatform( iOS: new Thickness(15, 20), Android: new Thickness(15, 8), WinPhone: new Thickness(15, 20)); TokenCell = new FormEntryCell(AppResources.VerificationCode, useLabelAsPlaceholder: true, imageSource: "lock", containerPadding: padding); TokenCell.Entry.Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric; TokenCell.Entry.ReturnType = ReturnType.Go; var table = new TwoFactorTable( new TableSection(" ") { TokenCell, RememberCell }); var layout = new StackLayout { Children = { instruction, table, anotherMethodButton }, Spacing = 0 }; scrollView.Content = layout; switch(_providerType.Value) { case TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator: instruction.Text = "Enter the 6 digit verification code from your authenticator app."; layout.Children.Add(instruction); layout.Children.Add(table); layout.Children.Add(anotherMethodButton); break; case TwoFactorProviderType.Email: var emailParams = _providers[TwoFactorProviderType.Email]; var redactedEmail = emailParams["Email"].ToString(); instruction.Text = "Enter the 6 digit verification code from your authenticator app."; var resendEmailButton = new ExtendedButton { Text = $"Enter the 6 digit verification code that was emailed to {redactedEmail}.", Style = (Style)Application.Current.Resources["btn-primaryAccent"], Margin = new Thickness(15, 0, 15, 25), Command = new Command(() => SendEmail()), Uppercase = false, BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent }; layout.Children.Add(instruction); layout.Children.Add(table); layout.Children.Add(resendEmailButton); layout.Children.Add(anotherMethodButton); break; default: break; } ToolbarItems.Add(continueToolbarItem); Title = AppResources.VerificationCode; Content = scrollView; } else if(_providerType == TwoFactorProviderType.Duo) { var duoParams = _providers[TwoFactorProviderType.Duo]; var host = WebUtility.UrlEncode(duoParams["Host"].ToString()); var req = WebUtility.UrlEncode(duoParams["Signature"].ToString()); var webView = new HybridWebView { Uri = $"{host}&request={req}", HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; webView.RegisterAction(async (sig) => { await LogInAsync(sig, false); }); Title = "Duo"; Content = webView; } else if(_providerType == TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { instruction.Text = "Hold your YubiKey NEO against the back of the device to continue."; var image = new CachedImage { Source = "yubikey", VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center, WidthRequest = 266, HeightRequest = 160, Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 25) }; var table = new TwoFactorTable( new TableSection(" ") { RememberCell }); var layout = new StackLayout { Children = { instruction, image, table, anotherMethodButton }, Spacing = 0 }; scrollView.Content = layout; Title = "YubiKey"; Content = scrollView; } } protected override void OnAppearing() { base.OnAppearing(); ListenYubiKey(true); if(TokenCell != null) { TokenCell.InitEvents(); TokenCell.Entry.FocusWithDelay(); TokenCell.Entry.Completed += Entry_Completed; } } protected override void OnDisappearing() { base.OnDisappearing(); ListenYubiKey(false); if(TokenCell != null) { TokenCell.Dispose(); TokenCell.Entry.Completed -= Entry_Completed; } } private async void AnotherMethodAsync() { await Navigation.PushForDeviceAsync(new TwoFactorMethodsPage(_email, _result)); } private void SendEmail() { } private void Recover() { Device.OpenUri(new Uri("")); } private async void Entry_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { var token = TokenCell.Entry.Text.Trim().Replace(" ", ""); await LogInAsync(token, RememberCell.On); } private async Task LogInAsync(string token, bool remember) { if(_lastAction.LastActionWasRecent()) { return; } _lastAction = DateTime.UtcNow; if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(token)) { await DisplayAlert(AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred, string.Format(AppResources.ValidationFieldRequired, AppResources.VerificationCode), AppResources.Ok); return; } _userDialogs.ShowLoading(AppResources.ValidatingCode, MaskType.Black); var response = await _authService.TokenPostTwoFactorAsync(_providerType.Value, token, remember, _email, _masterPasswordHash, _key); _userDialogs.HideLoading(); if(!response.Success) { ListenYubiKey(true); await DisplayAlert(AppResources.AnErrorHasOccurred, response.ErrorMessage, AppResources.Ok); return; } _googleAnalyticsService.TrackAppEvent("LoggedIn From Two-step"); if(Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android) { _pushNotification.Register(); } var task = Task.Run(async () => await _syncService.FullSyncAsync(true)); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Application.Current.MainPage = new MainPage(); }); } private TwoFactorProviderType? GetDefaultProvider() { TwoFactorProviderType? provider = null; if(_providers != null) { if(_providers.Count == 1) { return _providers.First().Key; } foreach(var p in _providers) { switch(p.Key) { case TwoFactorProviderType.Authenticator: if(provider == TwoFactorProviderType.Duo || provider == TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { continue; } break; case TwoFactorProviderType.Email: if(provider.HasValue) { continue; } break; case TwoFactorProviderType.Duo: if(provider == TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { continue; } break; case TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey: if(!_deviceInfoService.NfcEnabled) { continue; } break; default: continue; } provider = p.Key; } } return provider; } private void ListenYubiKey(bool listen) { if(_providerType == TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { MessagingCenter.Send(Application.Current, "ListenYubiKeyOTP", listen); } } private void SubscribeYubiKey(bool subscribe) { if(_providerType != TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { return; } MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe(Application.Current, "GotYubiKeyOTP"); MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe(Application.Current, "ResumeYubiKey"); if(!subscribe) { return; } MessagingCenter.Subscribe(Application.Current, "GotYubiKeyOTP", async (sender, otp) => { MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe(Application.Current, "GotYubiKeyOTP"); if(_providerType == TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { await LogInAsync(otp, RememberCell.On); } }); SubscribeYubiKeyResume(); } private void SubscribeYubiKeyResume() { MessagingCenter.Subscribe(Application.Current, "ResumeYubiKey", (sender) => { MessagingCenter.Unsubscribe(Application.Current, "ResumeYubiKey"); if(_providerType == TwoFactorProviderType.YubiKey) { MessagingCenter.Send(Application.Current, "ListenYubiKeyOTP", true); SubscribeYubiKeyResume(); } }); } public class TwoFactorTable : ExtendedTableView { public TwoFactorTable(TableSection section) { Intent = TableIntent.Settings; EnableScrolling = false; HasUnevenRows = true; EnableSelection = true; NoFooter = true; NoHeader = true; VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Start; Root = Root = new TableRoot { section }; if(Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS) { RowHeight = -1; EstimatedRowHeight = 70; } } } } }