using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Models.Domain; using Bit.Core.Models.Response; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Numerics; using Bit.Core.Utilities; namespace Bit.Core.Services { public class CryptoService : ICryptoService { private readonly IStorageService _storageService; private readonly IStorageService _secureStorageService; private readonly ICryptoFunctionService _cryptoFunctionService; private SymmetricCryptoKey _key; private SymmetricCryptoKey _encKey; private SymmetricCryptoKey _legacyEtmKey; private string _keyHash; private byte[] _publicKey; private byte[] _privateKey; private Dictionary _orgKeys; private Task _getEncKeysTask; private Task> _getOrgKeysTask; private const string Keys_Key = "key"; private const string Keys_EncOrgKeys = "encOrgKeys"; private const string Keys_EncPrivateKey = "encPrivateKey"; private const string Keys_EncKey = "encKey"; private const string Keys_KeyHash = "keyHash"; public CryptoService( IStorageService storageService, IStorageService secureStorageService, ICryptoFunctionService cryptoFunctionService) { _storageService = storageService; _secureStorageService = secureStorageService; _cryptoFunctionService = cryptoFunctionService; } public async Task SetKeyAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key) { _key = key; var option = await _storageService.GetAsync(Constants.LockOptionKey); var fingerprint = await _storageService.GetAsync(Constants.FingerprintUnlockKey); if(option.HasValue && !fingerprint.GetValueOrDefault()) { // If we have a lock option set, we do not store the key return; } await _secureStorageService.SaveAsync(Keys_Key, key.KeyB64); } public async Task SetKeyHashAsync(string keyHash) { _keyHash = keyHash; await _storageService.SaveAsync(Keys_KeyHash, keyHash); } public async Task SetEncKeyAsync(string encKey) { if(encKey == null) { return; } await _storageService.SaveAsync(Keys_EncKey, encKey); _encKey = null; } public async Task SetEncPrivateKeyAsync(string encPrivateKey) { if(encPrivateKey == null) { return; } await _storageService.SaveAsync(Keys_EncPrivateKey, encPrivateKey); _privateKey = null; } public async Task SetOrgKeysAsync(IEnumerable orgs) { var orgKeys = orgs.ToDictionary(org => org.Id, org => org.Key); _orgKeys = null; await _storageService.SaveAsync(Keys_EncOrgKeys, orgKeys); } public async Task GetKeyAsync() { if(_key != null) { return _key; } var key = await _secureStorageService.GetAsync(Keys_Key); if(key != null) { _key = new SymmetricCryptoKey(Convert.FromBase64String(key)); } return _key; } public async Task GetKeyHashAsync() { if(_keyHash != null) { return _keyHash; } var keyHash = await _storageService.GetAsync(Keys_KeyHash); if(keyHash != null) { _keyHash = keyHash; } return _keyHash; } public Task GetEncKeyAsync() { if(_encKey != null) { return Task.FromResult(_encKey); } if(_getEncKeysTask != null && !_getEncKeysTask.IsCompleted && !_getEncKeysTask.IsFaulted) { return _getEncKeysTask; } async Task doTask() { try { var encKey = await _storageService.GetAsync(Keys_EncKey); if(encKey == null) { return null; } var key = await GetKeyAsync(); if(key == null) { return null; } byte[] decEncKey = null; var encKeyCipher = new CipherString(encKey); if(encKeyCipher.EncryptionType == EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64) { decEncKey = await DecryptToBytesAsync(encKeyCipher, key); } else if(encKeyCipher.EncryptionType == EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64) { var newKey = await StretchKeyAsync(key); decEncKey = await DecryptToBytesAsync(encKeyCipher, newKey); } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported encKey type."); } if(decEncKey == null) { return null; } _encKey = new SymmetricCryptoKey(decEncKey); return _encKey; } finally { _getEncKeysTask = null; } } _getEncKeysTask = doTask(); return _getEncKeysTask; } public async Task GetPublicKeyAsync() { if(_publicKey != null) { return _publicKey; } var privateKey = await GetPrivateKeyAsync(); if(privateKey == null) { return null; } _publicKey = await _cryptoFunctionService.RsaExtractPublicKeyAsync(privateKey); return _publicKey; } public async Task GetPrivateKeyAsync() { if(_privateKey != null) { return _privateKey; } var encPrivateKey = await _storageService.GetAsync(Keys_EncPrivateKey); if(encPrivateKey == null) { return null; } _privateKey = await DecryptToBytesAsync(new CipherString(encPrivateKey), null); return _privateKey; } public async Task> GetFingerprintAsync(string userId, byte[] publicKey = null) { if(publicKey == null) { publicKey = await GetPublicKeyAsync(); } if(publicKey == null) { throw new Exception("No public key available."); } var keyFingerprint = await _cryptoFunctionService.HashAsync(publicKey, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256); var userFingerprint = await HkdfExpandAsync(keyFingerprint, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userId), 32); return HashPhrase(userFingerprint); } public Task> GetOrgKeysAsync() { if(_orgKeys != null && _orgKeys.Count > 0) { return Task.FromResult(_orgKeys); } if(_getOrgKeysTask != null && !_getOrgKeysTask.IsCompleted && !_getOrgKeysTask.IsFaulted) { return _getOrgKeysTask; } async Task> doTask() { try { var encOrgKeys = await _storageService.GetAsync>(Keys_EncOrgKeys); if(encOrgKeys == null) { return null; } var orgKeys = new Dictionary(); var setKey = false; foreach(var org in encOrgKeys) { var decValue = await RsaDecryptAsync(org.Value); orgKeys.Add(org.Key, new SymmetricCryptoKey(decValue)); setKey = true; } if(setKey) { _orgKeys = orgKeys; } return _orgKeys; } finally { _getOrgKeysTask = null; } } _getOrgKeysTask = doTask(); return _getOrgKeysTask; } public async Task GetOrgKeyAsync(string orgId) { if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(orgId)) { return null; } var orgKeys = await GetOrgKeysAsync(); if(orgKeys == null || !orgKeys.ContainsKey(orgId)) { return null; } return orgKeys[orgId]; } public async Task HasKeyAsync() { var key = await GetKeyAsync(); return key != null; } public async Task HasEncKeyAsync() { var encKey = await _storageService.GetAsync(Keys_EncKey); return encKey != null; } public async Task ClearKeyAsync() { _key = _legacyEtmKey = null; await _secureStorageService.RemoveAsync(Keys_Key); } public async Task ClearKeyHashAsync() { _keyHash = null; await _storageService.RemoveAsync(Keys_KeyHash); } public async Task ClearEncKeyAsync(bool memoryOnly = false) { _encKey = null; if(!memoryOnly) { await _storageService.RemoveAsync(Keys_EncKey); } } public async Task ClearKeyPairAsync(bool memoryOnly = false) { _publicKey = _privateKey = null; if(!memoryOnly) { await _storageService.RemoveAsync(Keys_EncPrivateKey); } } public async Task ClearOrgKeysAsync(bool memoryOnly = false) { _orgKeys = null; if(!memoryOnly) { await _storageService.RemoveAsync(Keys_EncOrgKeys); } } public async Task ClearPinProtectedKeyAsync() { await _storageService.RemoveAsync(Constants.PinProtectedKey); } public async Task ClearKeysAsync() { await Task.WhenAll(new Task[] { ClearKeyAsync(), ClearKeyHashAsync(), ClearOrgKeysAsync(), ClearEncKeyAsync(), ClearKeyPairAsync(), ClearPinProtectedKeyAsync() }); } public async Task ToggleKeyAsync() { var key = await GetKeyAsync(); var option = await _storageService.GetAsync(Constants.LockOptionKey); var fingerprint = await _storageService.GetAsync(Constants.FingerprintUnlockKey); if(!fingerprint.GetValueOrDefault() && (option != null || option == 0)) { await ClearKeyAsync(); _key = key; return; } await SetKeyAsync(key); } public async Task MakeKeyAsync(string password, string salt, KdfType? kdf, int? kdfIterations) { byte[] key = null; if(kdf == null || kdf == KdfType.PBKDF2_SHA256) { if(kdfIterations == null) { kdfIterations = 5000; } if(kdfIterations < 5000) { throw new Exception("PBKDF2 iteration minimum is 5000."); } key = await _cryptoFunctionService.Pbkdf2Async(password, salt, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256, kdfIterations.Value); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown kdf."); } return new SymmetricCryptoKey(key); } public async Task MakeKeyFromPinAsync(string pin, string salt, KdfType kdf, int kdfIterations) { var pinProtectedKey = await _storageService.GetAsync(Constants.PinProtectedKey); if(pinProtectedKey == null) { throw new Exception("No PIN protected key found."); } var protectedKeyCs = new CipherString(pinProtectedKey); var pinKey = await MakePinKeyAysnc(pin, salt, kdf, kdfIterations); var decKey = await DecryptToBytesAsync(protectedKeyCs, pinKey); return new SymmetricCryptoKey(decKey); } public async Task> MakeShareKeyAsync() { var shareKey = await _cryptoFunctionService.RandomBytesAsync(64); var publicKey = await GetPublicKeyAsync(); var encShareKey = await RsaEncryptAsync(shareKey, publicKey); return new Tuple(encShareKey, new SymmetricCryptoKey(shareKey)); } public async Task> MakeKeyPairAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { var keyPair = await _cryptoFunctionService.RsaGenerateKeyPairAsync(2048); var publicB64 = Convert.ToBase64String(keyPair.Item1); var privateEnc = await EncryptAsync(keyPair.Item2, key); return new Tuple(publicB64, privateEnc); } public async Task MakePinKeyAysnc(string pin, string salt, KdfType kdf, int kdfIterations) { var pinKey = await MakeKeyAsync(pin, salt, kdf, kdfIterations); return await StretchKeyAsync(pinKey); } public async Task HashPasswordAsync(string password, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { if(key == null) { key = await GetKeyAsync(); } if(password == null || key == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid parameters."); } var hash = await _cryptoFunctionService.Pbkdf2Async(key.Key, password, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256, 1); return Convert.ToBase64String(hash); } public async Task> MakeEncKeyAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key) { var theKey = await GetKeyForEncryptionAsync(key); var encKey = await _cryptoFunctionService.RandomBytesAsync(64); return await BuildEncKeyAsync(theKey, encKey); } public async Task> RemakeEncKeyAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key) { var encKey = await GetEncKeyAsync(); return await BuildEncKeyAsync(key, encKey.Key); } public async Task EncryptAsync(string plainValue, SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { if(plainValue == null) { return null; } return await EncryptAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainValue), key); } public async Task EncryptAsync(byte[] plainValue, SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { if(plainValue == null) { return null; } var encObj = await AesEncryptAsync(plainValue, key); var iv = Convert.ToBase64String(encObj.Iv); var data = Convert.ToBase64String(encObj.Data); var mac = encObj.Mac != null ? Convert.ToBase64String(encObj.Mac) : null; return new CipherString(encObj.Key.EncType, data, iv, mac); } public async Task EncryptToBytesAsync(byte[] plainValue, SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { var encValue = await AesEncryptAsync(plainValue, key); var macLen = 0; if(encValue.Mac != null) { macLen = encValue.Mac.Length; } var encBytes = new byte[1 + encValue.Iv.Length + macLen + encValue.Data.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(new byte[] { (byte)encValue.Key.EncType }, 0, encBytes, 0, 1); Buffer.BlockCopy(encValue.Iv, 0, encBytes, 1, encValue.Iv.Length); if(encValue.Mac != null) { Buffer.BlockCopy(encValue.Mac, 0, encBytes, 1 + encValue.Iv.Length, encValue.Mac.Length); } Buffer.BlockCopy(encValue.Data, 0, encBytes, 1 + encValue.Iv.Length + macLen, encValue.Data.Length); return encBytes; } public async Task RsaEncryptAsync(byte[] data, byte[] publicKey = null) { if(publicKey == null) { publicKey = await GetPublicKeyAsync(); } if(publicKey == null) { throw new Exception("Public key unavailable."); } var encBytes = await _cryptoFunctionService.RsaEncryptAsync(data, publicKey, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha1); return new CipherString(EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64, Convert.ToBase64String(encBytes)); } public async Task DecryptToBytesAsync(CipherString cipherString, SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { var iv = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherString.Iv); var data = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherString.Data); var mac = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cipherString.Mac) ? Convert.FromBase64String(cipherString.Mac) : null; return await AesDecryptToBytesAsync(cipherString.EncryptionType, data, iv, mac, key); } public async Task DecryptToUtf8Async(CipherString cipherString, SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { return await AesDecryptToUtf8Async(cipherString.EncryptionType, cipherString.Data, cipherString.Iv, cipherString.Mac, key); } public async Task DecryptFromBytesAsync(byte[] encBytes, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { if(encBytes == null) { throw new Exception("no encBytes."); } var encType = (EncryptionType)encBytes[0]; byte[] ctBytes = null; byte[] ivBytes = null; byte[] macBytes = null; switch(encType) { case EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64: case EncryptionType.AesCbc256_HmacSha256_B64: if(encBytes.Length < 49) // 1 + 16 + 32 + ctLength { return null; } ivBytes = new ArraySegment(encBytes, 1, 16).ToArray(); macBytes = new ArraySegment(encBytes, 17, 32).ToArray(); ctBytes = new ArraySegment(encBytes, 49, encBytes.Length - 49).ToArray(); break; case EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64: if(encBytes.Length < 17) // 1 + 16 + ctLength { return null; } ivBytes = new ArraySegment(encBytes, 1, 16).ToArray(); ctBytes = new ArraySegment(encBytes, 17, encBytes.Length - 17).ToArray(); break; default: return null; } return await AesDecryptToBytesAsync(encType, ctBytes, ivBytes, macBytes, key); } public async Task RandomNumberAsync(int min, int max) { // Make max inclusive max = max + 1; var diff = (long)max - min; var upperBound = uint.MaxValue / diff * diff; uint ui; do { ui = await _cryptoFunctionService.RandomNumberAsync(); } while(ui >= upperBound); return (int)(min + (ui % diff)); } // Helpers private async Task AesEncryptAsync(byte[] data, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { var obj = new EncryptedObject { Key = await GetKeyForEncryptionAsync(key), Iv = await _cryptoFunctionService.RandomBytesAsync(16) }; obj.Data = await _cryptoFunctionService.AesEncryptAsync(data, obj.Iv, obj.Key.EncKey); if(obj.Key.MacKey != null) { var macData = new byte[obj.Iv.Length + obj.Data.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(obj.Iv, 0, macData, 0, obj.Iv.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(obj.Data, 0, macData, obj.Iv.Length, obj.Data.Length); obj.Mac = await _cryptoFunctionService.HmacAsync(macData, obj.Key.MacKey, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256); } return obj; } private async Task AesDecryptToUtf8Async(EncryptionType encType, string data, string iv, string mac, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { var keyForEnc = await GetKeyForEncryptionAsync(key); var theKey = ResolveLegacyKey(encType, keyForEnc); if(theKey.MacKey != null && mac == null) { // Mac required. return null; } if(theKey.EncType != encType) { // encType unavailable. return null; } // "Fast params" conversion var encKey = theKey.EncKey; var dataBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data); var ivBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(iv); var macDataBytes = new byte[ivBytes.Length + dataBytes.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(ivBytes, 0, macDataBytes, 0, ivBytes.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(dataBytes, 0, macDataBytes, ivBytes.Length, dataBytes.Length); byte[] macKey = null; if(theKey.MacKey != null) { macKey = theKey.MacKey; } byte[] macBytes = null; if(mac != null) { macBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(mac); } // Compute mac if(macKey != null && macBytes != null) { var computedMac = await _cryptoFunctionService.HmacAsync(macDataBytes, macKey, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256); var macsEqual = await _cryptoFunctionService.CompareAsync(macBytes, computedMac); if(!macsEqual) { // Mac failed return null; } } var decBytes = await _cryptoFunctionService.AesDecryptAsync(dataBytes, ivBytes, encKey); return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decBytes); } private async Task AesDecryptToBytesAsync(EncryptionType encType, byte[] data, byte[] iv, byte[] mac, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { var keyForEnc = await GetKeyForEncryptionAsync(key); var theKey = ResolveLegacyKey(encType, keyForEnc); if(theKey.MacKey != null && mac == null) { // Mac required. return null; } if(theKey.EncType != encType) { // encType unavailable. return null; } // Compute mac if(theKey.MacKey != null && mac != null) { var macData = new byte[iv.Length + data.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(iv, 0, macData, 0, iv.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, macData, iv.Length, data.Length); var computedMac = await _cryptoFunctionService.HmacAsync(macData, theKey.MacKey, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256); if(computedMac == null) { return null; } var macsMatch = await _cryptoFunctionService.CompareAsync(mac, computedMac); if(!macsMatch) { // Mac failed return null; } } return await _cryptoFunctionService.AesDecryptAsync(data, iv, theKey.EncKey); } private async Task RsaDecryptAsync(string encValue) { var headerPieces = encValue.Split('.'); EncryptionType? encType = null; string[] encPieces = null; if(headerPieces.Length == 1) { encType = EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64; encPieces = new string[] { headerPieces[0] }; } else if(headerPieces.Length == 2 && Enum.TryParse(headerPieces[0], out EncryptionType type)) { encType = type; encPieces = headerPieces[1].Split('|'); } if(!encType.HasValue) { throw new Exception("encType unavailable."); } if(encPieces == null || encPieces.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("encPieces unavailable."); } var data = Convert.FromBase64String(encPieces[0]); var privateKey = await GetPrivateKeyAsync(); if(privateKey == null) { throw new Exception("No private key."); } var alg = CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha1; switch(encType.Value) { case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_B64: case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha256_HmacSha256_B64: alg = CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256; break; case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_B64: case EncryptionType.Rsa2048_OaepSha1_HmacSha256_B64: break; default: throw new Exception("encType unavailable."); } return await _cryptoFunctionService.RsaDecryptAsync(data, privateKey, alg); } private async Task GetKeyForEncryptionAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key = null) { if(key != null) { return key; } var encKey = await GetEncKeyAsync(); if(encKey != null) { return encKey; } return await GetKeyAsync(); } private SymmetricCryptoKey ResolveLegacyKey(EncryptionType encKey, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { if(encKey == EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64 && key.EncType == EncryptionType.AesCbc256_B64) { // Old encrypt-then-mac scheme, make a new key if(_legacyEtmKey == null) { _legacyEtmKey = new SymmetricCryptoKey(key.Key, EncryptionType.AesCbc128_HmacSha256_B64); } return _legacyEtmKey; } return key; } private async Task StretchKeyAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key) { var newKey = new byte[64]; var enc = await HkdfExpandAsync(key.Key, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("enc"), 32); Buffer.BlockCopy(enc, 0, newKey, 0, 32); var mac = await HkdfExpandAsync(key.Key, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("mac"), 32); Buffer.BlockCopy(mac, 0, newKey, 32, 32); return new SymmetricCryptoKey(newKey); } // ref: private async Task HkdfExpandAsync(byte[] prk, byte[] info, int size) { var hashLen = 32; // sha256 var okm = new byte[size]; var previousT = new byte[0]; var n = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)size / hashLen); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { var t = new byte[previousT.Length + info.Length + 1]; previousT.CopyTo(t, 0); info.CopyTo(t, previousT.Length); t[t.Length - 1] = (byte)(i + 1); previousT = await _cryptoFunctionService.HmacAsync(t, prk, CryptoHashAlgorithm.Sha256); previousT.CopyTo(okm, i * hashLen); } return okm; } private List HashPhrase(byte[] hash, int minimumEntropy = 64) { var wordLength = EEFLongWordList.Instance.List.Count; var entropyPerWord = Math.Log(wordLength) / Math.Log(2); var numWords = (int)Math.Ceiling(minimumEntropy / entropyPerWord); var entropyAvailable = hash.Length * 4; if(numWords * entropyPerWord > entropyAvailable) { throw new Exception("Output entropy of hash function is too small"); } var phrase = new List(); var hashHex = string.Concat("0", BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "")); var hashNumber = BigInteger.Parse(hashHex, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber); while(numWords-- > 0) { var remainder = (int)(hashNumber % wordLength); hashNumber = hashNumber / wordLength; phrase.Add(EEFLongWordList.Instance.List[remainder]); } return phrase; } private async Task> BuildEncKeyAsync(SymmetricCryptoKey key, byte[] encKey) { CipherString encKeyEnc = null; if(key.Key.Length == 32) { var newKey = await StretchKeyAsync(key); encKeyEnc = await EncryptAsync(encKey, newKey); } else if(key.Key.Length == 64) { encKeyEnc = await EncryptAsync(encKey, key); } else { throw new Exception("Invalid key size."); } return new Tuple(new SymmetricCryptoKey(encKey), encKeyEnc); } private class EncryptedObject { public byte[] Iv { get; set; } public byte[] Data { get; set; } public byte[] Mac { get; set; } public SymmetricCryptoKey Key { get; set; } } } }