using Bit.Core.Abstractions; using Bit.Core.Enums; using Bit.Core.Exceptions; using Bit.Core.Models.Data; using Bit.Core.Models.Domain; using Bit.Core.Models.Request; using Bit.Core.Models.Response; using Bit.Core.Models.View; using Bit.Core.Utilities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Bit.Core.Services { public class CipherService : ICipherService { private const string Keys_CiphersFormat = "ciphers_{0}"; private const string Keys_LocalData = "ciphersLocalData"; private const string Keys_NeverDomains = "neverDomains"; private readonly string[] _ignoredSearchTerms = new string[] { "com", "net", "org", "android", "io", "co", "uk", "au", "nz", "fr", "de", "tv", "info", "app", "apps", "eu", "me", "dev", "jp", "mobile" }; private List _decryptedCipherCache; private readonly ICryptoService _cryptoService; private readonly IUserService _userService; private readonly ISettingsService _settingsService; private readonly IApiService _apiService; private readonly IFileUploadService _fileUploadService; private readonly IStorageService _storageService; private readonly II18nService _i18nService; private readonly Func _searchService; private readonly string _clearCipherCacheKey; private readonly string[] _allClearCipherCacheKeys; private Dictionary> _domainMatchBlacklist = new Dictionary> { [""] = new HashSet { "" } }; private readonly HttpClient _httpClient = new HttpClient(); private Task> _getAllDecryptedTask; public CipherService( ICryptoService cryptoService, IUserService userService, ISettingsService settingsService, IApiService apiService, IFileUploadService fileUploadService, IStorageService storageService, II18nService i18nService, Func searchService, string clearCipherCacheKey, string[] allClearCipherCacheKeys) { _cryptoService = cryptoService; _userService = userService; _settingsService = settingsService; _apiService = apiService; _fileUploadService = fileUploadService; _storageService = storageService; _i18nService = i18nService; _searchService = searchService; _clearCipherCacheKey = clearCipherCacheKey; _allClearCipherCacheKeys = allClearCipherCacheKeys; } private List DecryptedCipherCache { get => _decryptedCipherCache; set { if (value == null) { _decryptedCipherCache?.Clear(); } _decryptedCipherCache = value; if (_searchService != null) { if (value == null) { _searchService().ClearIndex(); } else { _searchService().IndexCiphersAsync(); } } } } public async Task ClearCacheAsync() { DecryptedCipherCache = null; if (_allClearCipherCacheKeys != null && _allClearCipherCacheKeys.Length > 0) { foreach (var key in _allClearCipherCacheKeys) { await _storageService.SaveAsync(key, true); } } } public async Task EncryptAsync(CipherView model, SymmetricCryptoKey key = null, Cipher originalCipher = null) { // Adjust password history if (model.Id != null) { if (originalCipher == null) { originalCipher = await GetAsync(model.Id); } if (originalCipher != null) { var existingCipher = await originalCipher.DecryptAsync(); if (model.PasswordHistory == null) { model.PasswordHistory = new List(); } if (model.Type == CipherType.Login && existingCipher.Type == CipherType.Login) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(existingCipher.Login.Password) && existingCipher.Login.Password != model.Login.Password) { var now = DateTime.UtcNow; var ph = new PasswordHistoryView { Password = existingCipher.Login.Password, LastUsedDate = now }; model.Login.PasswordRevisionDate = now; model.PasswordHistory.Insert(0, ph); } else { model.Login.PasswordRevisionDate = existingCipher.Login.PasswordRevisionDate; } } if (existingCipher.HasFields) { var existingHiddenFields = existingCipher.Fields.Where(f => f.Type == FieldType.Hidden && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Name) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Value)); var hiddenFields = model.Fields?.Where(f => f.Type == FieldType.Hidden && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.Name)) ?? new List(); foreach (var ef in existingHiddenFields) { var matchedField = hiddenFields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.Name == ef.Name); if (matchedField == null || matchedField.Value != ef.Value) { var ph = new PasswordHistoryView { Password = string.Format("{0}: {1}", ef.Name, ef.Value), LastUsedDate = DateTime.UtcNow }; model.PasswordHistory.Insert(0, ph); } } } } if (!model.PasswordHistory?.Any() ?? false) { model.PasswordHistory = null; } else if (model.PasswordHistory != null && model.PasswordHistory.Count > 5) { model.PasswordHistory = model.PasswordHistory.Take(5).ToList(); } } var cipher = new Cipher { Id = model.Id, FolderId = model.FolderId, Favorite = model.Favorite, OrganizationId = model.OrganizationId, Type = model.Type, CollectionIds = model.CollectionIds, RevisionDate = model.RevisionDate }; if (key == null && cipher.OrganizationId != null) { key = await _cryptoService.GetOrgKeyAsync(cipher.OrganizationId); if (key == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot encrypt cipher for organization. No key."); } } var tasks = new List { EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model, cipher, new HashSet { "Name", "Notes" }, key), EncryptCipherDataAsync(cipher, model, key), EncryptFieldsAsync(model.Fields, key, cipher), EncryptPasswordHistoriesAsync(model.PasswordHistory, key, cipher), EncryptAttachmentsAsync(model.Attachments, key, cipher) }; await Task.WhenAll(tasks); return cipher; } public async Task GetAsync(string id) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var localData = await _storageService.GetAsync>>( Keys_LocalData); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>( string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId)); if (!ciphers?.ContainsKey(id) ?? true) { return null; } return new Cipher(ciphers[id], false, localData?.ContainsKey(id) ?? false ? localData[id] : null); } public async Task> GetAllAsync() { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var localData = await _storageService.GetAsync>>( Keys_LocalData); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>( string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId)); var response = ciphers?.Select(c => new Cipher(c.Value, false, localData?.ContainsKey(c.Key) ?? false ? localData[c.Key] : null)); return response?.ToList() ?? new List(); } public async Task> GetAllDecryptedAsync() { if (_clearCipherCacheKey != null) { var clearCache = await _storageService.GetAsync(_clearCipherCacheKey); if (clearCache.GetValueOrDefault()) { DecryptedCipherCache = null; await _storageService.RemoveAsync(_clearCipherCacheKey); } } if (DecryptedCipherCache != null) { return DecryptedCipherCache; } if (_getAllDecryptedTask != null && !_getAllDecryptedTask.IsCompleted && !_getAllDecryptedTask.IsFaulted) { return await _getAllDecryptedTask; } async Task> doTask() { try { var hashKey = await _cryptoService.HasKeyAsync(); if (!hashKey) { throw new Exception("No key."); } var decCiphers = new List(); async Task decryptAndAddCipherAsync(Cipher cipher) { var c = await cipher.DecryptAsync(); decCiphers.Add(c); } var tasks = new List(); var ciphers = await GetAllAsync(); foreach (var cipher in ciphers) { tasks.Add(decryptAndAddCipherAsync(cipher)); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); decCiphers = decCiphers.OrderBy(c => c, new CipherLocaleComparer(_i18nService)).ToList(); DecryptedCipherCache = decCiphers; return DecryptedCipherCache; } finally { } } _getAllDecryptedTask = doTask(); return await _getAllDecryptedTask; } public async Task> GetAllDecryptedForGroupingAsync(string groupingId, bool folder = true) { var ciphers = await GetAllDecryptedAsync(); return ciphers.Where(cipher => { if (cipher.IsDeleted) { return false; } if (folder && cipher.FolderId == groupingId) { return true; } if (!folder && cipher.CollectionIds != null && cipher.CollectionIds.Contains(groupingId)) { return true; } return false; }).ToList(); } public async Task> GetAllDecryptedForUrlAsync(string url) { var all = await GetAllDecryptedByUrlAsync(url); return all.Item1; } public async Task, List, List>> GetAllDecryptedByUrlAsync( string url, List includeOtherTypes = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) && includeOtherTypes == null) { return new Tuple, List, List>( new List(), new List(), new List()); } var domain = CoreHelpers.GetDomain(url); var mobileApp = UrlIsMobileApp(url); var mobileAppInfo = InfoFromMobileAppUrl(url); var mobileAppWebUriString = mobileAppInfo?.Item1; var mobileAppSearchTerms = mobileAppInfo?.Item2; var matchingDomainsTask = GetMatchingDomainsAsync(url, domain, mobileApp, mobileAppWebUriString); var ciphersTask = GetAllDecryptedAsync(); await Task.WhenAll(new List { matchingDomainsTask, ciphersTask }); var matchingDomains = await matchingDomainsTask; var matchingDomainsSet = matchingDomains.Item1; var matchingFuzzyDomainsSet = matchingDomains.Item2; var matchingLogins = new List(); var matchingFuzzyLogins = new List(); var others = new List(); var ciphers = await ciphersTask; var defaultMatch = (UriMatchType?)(await _storageService.GetAsync(Constants.DefaultUriMatch)); if (defaultMatch == null) { defaultMatch = UriMatchType.Domain; } foreach (var cipher in ciphers) { if (cipher.IsDeleted) { continue; } if (cipher.Type != CipherType.Login && (includeOtherTypes?.Any(t => t == cipher.Type) ?? false)) { others.Add(cipher); continue; } if (cipher.Type != CipherType.Login || cipher.Login?.Uris == null || !cipher.Login.Uris.Any()) { continue; } foreach (var u in cipher.Login.Uris) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.Uri)) { continue; } var match = false; var toMatch = defaultMatch; if (u.Match != null) { toMatch = u.Match; } switch (toMatch) { case null: case UriMatchType.Domain: match = CheckDefaultUriMatch(cipher, u, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins, matchingDomainsSet, matchingFuzzyDomainsSet, mobileApp, mobileAppSearchTerms); if (match && u.Domain != null) { if (_domainMatchBlacklist.ContainsKey(u.Domain)) { var domainUrlHost = CoreHelpers.GetHost(url); if (_domainMatchBlacklist[u.Domain].Contains(domainUrlHost)) { match = false; } } } break; case UriMatchType.Host: var urlHost = CoreHelpers.GetHost(url); match = urlHost != null && urlHost == CoreHelpers.GetHost(u.Uri); if (match) { AddMatchingLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); } break; case UriMatchType.Exact: match = url == u.Uri; if (match) { AddMatchingLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); } break; case UriMatchType.StartsWith: match = url.StartsWith(u.Uri); if (match) { AddMatchingLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); } break; case UriMatchType.RegularExpression: try { var regex = new Regex(u.Uri, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); match = regex.IsMatch(url); if (match) { AddMatchingLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); } } catch (ArgumentException) { } break; case UriMatchType.Never: default: break; } if (match) { break; } } } return new Tuple, List, List>( matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins, others); } public async Task GetLastUsedForUrlAsync(string url) { var ciphers = await GetAllDecryptedForUrlAsync(url); return ciphers.OrderBy(c => c, new CipherLastUsedComparer()).FirstOrDefault(); } public async Task UpdateLastUsedDateAsync(string id) { var ciphersLocalData = await _storageService.GetAsync>>( Keys_LocalData); if (ciphersLocalData == null) { ciphersLocalData = new Dictionary>(); } if (!ciphersLocalData.ContainsKey(id)) { ciphersLocalData.Add(id, new Dictionary()); } if (ciphersLocalData[id].ContainsKey("lastUsedDate")) { ciphersLocalData[id]["lastUsedDate"] = DateTime.UtcNow; } else { ciphersLocalData[id].Add("lastUsedDate", DateTime.UtcNow); } await _storageService.SaveAsync(Keys_LocalData, ciphersLocalData); // Update cache if (DecryptedCipherCache == null) { return; } var cached = DecryptedCipherCache.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == id); if (cached != null) { cached.LocalData = ciphersLocalData[id]; } } public async Task SaveNeverDomainAsync(string domain) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(domain)) { return; } var domains = await _storageService.GetAsync>(Keys_NeverDomains); if (domains == null) { domains = new HashSet(); } domains.Add(domain); await _storageService.SaveAsync(Keys_NeverDomains, domains); } public async Task SaveWithServerAsync(Cipher cipher) { CipherResponse response; if (cipher.Id == null) { if (cipher.CollectionIds != null) { var request = new CipherCreateRequest(cipher); response = await _apiService.PostCipherCreateAsync(request); } else { var request = new CipherRequest(cipher); response = await _apiService.PostCipherAsync(request); } cipher.Id = response.Id; } else { var request = new CipherRequest(cipher); response = await _apiService.PutCipherAsync(cipher.Id, request); } var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var data = new CipherData(response, userId, cipher.CollectionIds); await UpsertAsync(data); } public async Task ShareWithServerAsync(CipherView cipher, string organizationId, HashSet collectionIds) { var attachmentTasks = new List(); if (cipher.Attachments != null) { foreach (var attachment in cipher.Attachments) { if (attachment.Key == null) { attachmentTasks.Add(ShareAttachmentWithServerAsync(attachment, cipher.Id, organizationId)); } } } await Task.WhenAll(attachmentTasks); cipher.OrganizationId = organizationId; cipher.CollectionIds = collectionIds; var encCipher = await EncryptAsync(cipher); var request = new CipherShareRequest(encCipher); var response = await _apiService.PutShareCipherAsync(cipher.Id, request); var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var data = new CipherData(response, userId, collectionIds); await UpsertAsync(data); } public async Task SaveAttachmentRawWithServerAsync(Cipher cipher, string filename, byte[] data) { var orgKey = await _cryptoService.GetOrgKeyAsync(cipher.OrganizationId); var encFileName = await _cryptoService.EncryptAsync(filename, orgKey); var (attachmentKey, orgEncAttachmentKey) = await _cryptoService.MakeEncKeyAsync(orgKey); var encFileData = await _cryptoService.EncryptToBytesAsync(data, attachmentKey); CipherResponse response; try { var request = new AttachmentRequest { Key = orgEncAttachmentKey.EncryptedString, FileName = encFileName.EncryptedString, FileSize = encFileData.Buffer.Length, }; var uploadDataResponse = await _apiService.PostCipherAttachmentAsync(cipher.Id, request); response = uploadDataResponse.CipherResponse; await _fileUploadService.UploadCipherAttachmentFileAsync(uploadDataResponse, encFileName.EncryptedString, encFileData); } catch (ApiException e) when (e.Error.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound || e.Error.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.MethodNotAllowed) { response = await LegacyServerAttachmentFileUploadAsync(cipher.Id, encFileName, encFileData, orgEncAttachmentKey); } var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var cData = new CipherData(response, userId, cipher.CollectionIds); await UpsertAsync(cData); return new Cipher(cData); } [Obsolete("Mar 25 2021: This method has been deprecated in favor of direct uploads. This method still exists for backward compatibility with old server versions.")] private async Task LegacyServerAttachmentFileUploadAsync(string cipherId, EncString encFileName, EncByteArray encFileData, EncString key) { var boundary = string.Concat("--BWMobileFormBoundary", DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); var fd = new MultipartFormDataContent(boundary); fd.Add(new StringContent(key.EncryptedString), "key"); fd.Add(new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(encFileData.Buffer)), "data", encFileName.EncryptedString); return await _apiService.PostCipherAttachmentLegacyAsync(cipherId, fd); } public async Task SaveCollectionsWithServerAsync(Cipher cipher) { var request = new CipherCollectionsRequest(cipher.CollectionIds?.ToList()); await _apiService.PutCipherCollectionsAsync(cipher.Id, request); var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var data = cipher.ToCipherData(userId); await UpsertAsync(data); } public async Task UpsertAsync(CipherData cipher) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var storageKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(storageKey); if (ciphers == null) { ciphers = new Dictionary(); } if (!ciphers.ContainsKey(cipher.Id)) { ciphers.Add(cipher.Id, null); } ciphers[cipher.Id] = cipher; await _storageService.SaveAsync(storageKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task UpsertAsync(List cipher) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var storageKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(storageKey); if (ciphers == null) { ciphers = new Dictionary(); } foreach (var c in cipher) { if (!ciphers.ContainsKey(c.Id)) { ciphers.Add(c.Id, null); } ciphers[c.Id] = c; } await _storageService.SaveAsync(storageKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task ReplaceAsync(Dictionary ciphers) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); await _storageService.SaveAsync(string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId), ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task ClearAsync(string userId) { await _storageService.RemoveAsync(string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId)); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task DeleteAsync(string id) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var cipherKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(cipherKey); if (ciphers == null) { return; } if (!ciphers.ContainsKey(id)) { return; } ciphers.Remove(id); await _storageService.SaveAsync(cipherKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task DeleteAsync(List ids) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var cipherKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(cipherKey); if (ciphers == null) { return; } foreach (var id in ids) { if (!ciphers.ContainsKey(id)) { return; } ciphers.Remove(id); } await _storageService.SaveAsync(cipherKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task DeleteWithServerAsync(string id) { await _apiService.DeleteCipherAsync(id); await DeleteAsync(id); } public async Task DeleteAttachmentAsync(string id, string attachmentId) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var cipherKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(cipherKey); if (ciphers == null || !ciphers.ContainsKey(id) || ciphers[id].Attachments == null) { return; } var attachment = ciphers[id].Attachments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id == attachmentId); if (attachment != null) { ciphers[id].Attachments.Remove(attachment); } await _storageService.SaveAsync(cipherKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task DeleteAttachmentWithServerAsync(string id, string attachmentId) { try { await _apiService.DeleteCipherAttachmentAsync(id, attachmentId); await DeleteAttachmentAsync(id, attachmentId); } catch (ApiException e) { await DeleteAttachmentAsync(id, attachmentId); throw e; } } public async Task DownloadAndDecryptAttachmentAsync(string cipherId, AttachmentView attachment, string organizationId) { string url; try { var attachmentDownloadResponse = await _apiService.GetAttachmentData(cipherId, attachment.Id); url = attachmentDownloadResponse.Url; } // TODO: Delete this catch when all Servers are updated to respond to the above method catch (ApiException e) when (e.Error.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { url = attachment.Url; } try { var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(new Uri(url)); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return null; } var data = await response.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); if (data == null) { return null; } var key = attachment.Key ?? await _cryptoService.GetOrgKeyAsync(organizationId); return await _cryptoService.DecryptFromBytesAsync(data, key); } catch { } return null; } public async Task SoftDeleteWithServerAsync(string id) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var cipherKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(cipherKey); if (ciphers == null) { return; } if (!ciphers.ContainsKey(id)) { return; } await _apiService.PutDeleteCipherAsync(id); ciphers[id].DeletedDate = DateTime.UtcNow; await _storageService.SaveAsync(cipherKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } public async Task RestoreWithServerAsync(string id) { var userId = await _userService.GetUserIdAsync(); var cipherKey = string.Format(Keys_CiphersFormat, userId); var ciphers = await _storageService.GetAsync>(cipherKey); if (ciphers == null) { return; } if (!ciphers.ContainsKey(id)) { return; } var response = await _apiService.PutRestoreCipherAsync(id); ciphers[id].DeletedDate = null; ciphers[id].RevisionDate = response.RevisionDate; await _storageService.SaveAsync(cipherKey, ciphers); await ClearCacheAsync(); } // Helpers private async Task ShareAttachmentWithServerAsync(AttachmentView attachmentView, string cipherId, string organizationId) { var attachmentResponse = await _httpClient.GetAsync(attachmentView.Url); if (!attachmentResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new Exception("Failed to download attachment: " + attachmentResponse.StatusCode); } var bytes = await attachmentResponse.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync(); var decBytes = await _cryptoService.DecryptFromBytesAsync(bytes, null); var key = await _cryptoService.GetOrgKeyAsync(organizationId); var encFileName = await _cryptoService.EncryptAsync(attachmentView.FileName, key); var dataEncKey = await _cryptoService.MakeEncKeyAsync(key); var encData = await _cryptoService.EncryptToBytesAsync(decBytes, dataEncKey.Item1); var boundary = string.Concat("--BWMobileFormBoundary", DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks); var fd = new MultipartFormDataContent(boundary); fd.Add(new StringContent(dataEncKey.Item2.EncryptedString), "key"); fd.Add(new StreamContent(new MemoryStream(encData.Buffer)), "data", encFileName.EncryptedString); await _apiService.PostShareCipherAttachmentAsync(cipherId, attachmentView.Id, fd, organizationId); } private bool CheckDefaultUriMatch(CipherView cipher, LoginUriView loginUri, List matchingLogins, List matchingFuzzyLogins, HashSet matchingDomainsSet, HashSet matchingFuzzyDomainsSet, bool mobileApp, string[] mobileAppSearchTerms) { var loginUriString = loginUri.Uri; var loginUriDomain = loginUri.Domain; if (matchingDomainsSet.Contains(loginUriString)) { AddMatchingLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); return true; } else if (mobileApp && matchingFuzzyDomainsSet.Contains(loginUriString)) { AddMatchingFuzzyLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); return false; } else if (!mobileApp) { var info = InfoFromMobileAppUrl(loginUriString); if (info?.Item1 != null && matchingDomainsSet.Contains(info.Item1)) { AddMatchingFuzzyLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); return false; } } if (!loginUri.Uri.Contains("://") && loginUriString.Contains(".")) { loginUriString = "http://" + loginUriString; } if (loginUriDomain != null) { loginUriDomain = loginUriDomain.ToLowerInvariant(); if (matchingDomainsSet.Contains(loginUriDomain)) { AddMatchingLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); return true; } else if (mobileApp && matchingFuzzyDomainsSet.Contains(loginUriDomain)) { AddMatchingFuzzyLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); return false; } } if (mobileApp && (mobileAppSearchTerms?.Any() ?? false)) { var addedFromSearchTerm = false; var loginName = cipher.Name?.ToLowerInvariant(); foreach (var term in mobileAppSearchTerms) { addedFromSearchTerm = (loginUriDomain != null && loginUriDomain.Contains(term)) || (loginName != null && loginName.Contains(term)); if (!addedFromSearchTerm) { var domainTerm = loginUriDomain?.Split('.')[0]; addedFromSearchTerm = (domainTerm != null && domainTerm.Length > 2 && term.Contains(domainTerm)) || (loginName != null && term.Contains(loginName)); } if (addedFromSearchTerm) { AddMatchingFuzzyLogin(cipher, matchingLogins, matchingFuzzyLogins); return false; } } } return false; } private void AddMatchingLogin(CipherView cipher, List matchingLogins, List matchingFuzzyLogins) { if (matchingFuzzyLogins.Contains(cipher)) { matchingFuzzyLogins.Remove(cipher); } matchingLogins.Add(cipher); } private void AddMatchingFuzzyLogin(CipherView cipher, List matchingLogins, List matchingFuzzyLogins) { if (!matchingFuzzyLogins.Contains(cipher) && !matchingLogins.Contains(cipher)) { matchingFuzzyLogins.Add(cipher); } } private async Task, HashSet>> GetMatchingDomainsAsync(string url, string domain, bool mobileApp, string mobileAppWebUriString) { var matchingDomains = new HashSet(); var matchingFuzzyDomains = new HashSet(); var eqDomains = await _settingsService.GetEquivalentDomainsAsync(); foreach (var eqDomain in eqDomains) { var eqDomainSet = new HashSet(eqDomain); if (mobileApp) { if (eqDomainSet.Contains(url)) { foreach (var d in eqDomain) { matchingDomains.Add(d); } } else if (mobileAppWebUriString != null && eqDomainSet.Contains(mobileAppWebUriString)) { foreach (var d in eqDomain) { matchingFuzzyDomains.Add(d); } } } else if (eqDomainSet.Contains(domain)) { foreach (var d in eqDomain) { matchingDomains.Add(d); } } } if (!matchingDomains.Any()) { matchingDomains.Add(mobileApp ? url : domain); } if (mobileApp && mobileAppWebUriString != null && !matchingFuzzyDomains.Any() && !matchingDomains.Contains(mobileAppWebUriString)) { matchingFuzzyDomains.Add(mobileAppWebUriString); } return new Tuple, HashSet>(matchingDomains, matchingFuzzyDomains); } private Tuple InfoFromMobileAppUrl(string mobileAppUrlString) { if (UrlIsAndroidApp(mobileAppUrlString)) { return InfoFromAndroidAppUri(mobileAppUrlString); } else if (UrlIsiOSApp(mobileAppUrlString)) { return InfoFromiOSAppUrl(mobileAppUrlString); } return null; } private Tuple InfoFromAndroidAppUri(string androidAppUrlString) { if (!UrlIsAndroidApp(androidAppUrlString)) { return null; } var androidUrlParts = androidAppUrlString.Replace(Constants.AndroidAppProtocol, string.Empty).Split('.'); if (androidUrlParts.Length >= 2) { var webUri = string.Join(".", androidUrlParts[1], androidUrlParts[0]); var searchTerms = androidUrlParts.Where(p => !_ignoredSearchTerms.Contains(p)) .Select(p => p.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray(); return new Tuple(webUri, searchTerms); } return null; } private Tuple InfoFromiOSAppUrl(string iosAppUrlString) { if (!UrlIsiOSApp(iosAppUrlString)) { return null; } var webUri = iosAppUrlString.Replace(Constants.iOSAppProtocol, string.Empty); return new Tuple(webUri, null); } private bool UrlIsMobileApp(string url) { return UrlIsAndroidApp(url) || UrlIsiOSApp(url); } private bool UrlIsAndroidApp(string url) { return url.StartsWith(Constants.AndroidAppProtocol); } private bool UrlIsiOSApp(string url) { return url.StartsWith(Constants.iOSAppProtocol); } private Task EncryptObjPropertyAsync(V model, D obj, HashSet map, SymmetricCryptoKey key) where V : View where D : Domain { var modelType = model.GetType(); var objType = obj.GetType(); async Task makeAndSetCs(string propName) { var modelPropInfo = modelType.GetProperty(propName); var modelProp = modelPropInfo.GetValue(model) as string; EncString val = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modelProp)) { val = await _cryptoService.EncryptAsync(modelProp, key); } var objPropInfo = objType.GetProperty(propName); objPropInfo.SetValue(obj, val, null); }; var tasks = new List(); foreach (var prop in map) { tasks.Add(makeAndSetCs(prop)); } return Task.WhenAll(tasks); } private async Task EncryptAttachmentsAsync(List attachmentsModel, SymmetricCryptoKey key, Cipher cipher) { if (!attachmentsModel?.Any() ?? true) { cipher.Attachments = null; return; } var tasks = new List(); var encAttachments = new List(); async Task encryptAndAddAttachmentAsync(AttachmentView model, Attachment attachment) { await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model, attachment, new HashSet { "FileName" }, key); if (model.Key != null) { attachment.Key = await _cryptoService.EncryptAsync(model.Key.Key, key); } encAttachments.Add(attachment); } foreach (var model in attachmentsModel) { tasks.Add(encryptAndAddAttachmentAsync(model, new Attachment { Id = model.Id, Size = model.Size, SizeName = model.SizeName, Url = model.Url })); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); cipher.Attachments = encAttachments; } private async Task EncryptCipherDataAsync(Cipher cipher, CipherView model, SymmetricCryptoKey key) { switch (cipher.Type) { case CipherType.Login: cipher.Login = new Login { PasswordRevisionDate = model.Login.PasswordRevisionDate }; await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model.Login, cipher.Login, new HashSet { "Username", "Password", "Totp" }, key); if (model.Login.Uris != null) { cipher.Login.Uris = new List(); foreach (var uri in model.Login.Uris) { var loginUri = new LoginUri { Match = uri.Match }; await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(uri, loginUri, new HashSet { "Uri" }, key); cipher.Login.Uris.Add(loginUri); } } break; case CipherType.SecureNote: cipher.SecureNote = new SecureNote { Type = model.SecureNote.Type }; break; case CipherType.Card: cipher.Card = new Card(); await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model.Card, cipher.Card, new HashSet { "CardholderName", "Brand", "Number", "ExpMonth", "ExpYear", "Code" }, key); break; case CipherType.Identity: cipher.Identity = new Identity(); await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model.Identity, cipher.Identity, new HashSet { "Title", "FirstName", "MiddleName", "LastName", "Address1", "Address2", "Address3", "City", "State", "PostalCode", "Country", "Company", "Email", "Phone", "SSN", "Username", "PassportNumber", "LicenseNumber" }, key); break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown cipher type."); } } private async Task EncryptFieldsAsync(List fieldsModel, SymmetricCryptoKey key, Cipher cipher) { if (!fieldsModel?.Any() ?? true) { cipher.Fields = null; return; } var tasks = new List(); var encFields = new List(); async Task encryptAndAddFieldAsync(FieldView model, Field field) { await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model, field, new HashSet { "Name", "Value" }, key); encFields.Add(field); } foreach (var model in fieldsModel) { var field = new Field { Type = model.Type }; // normalize boolean type field values if (model.Type == FieldType.Boolean && model.Value != "true") { model.Value = "false"; } tasks.Add(encryptAndAddFieldAsync(model, field)); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); cipher.Fields = encFields; } private async Task EncryptPasswordHistoriesAsync(List phModels, SymmetricCryptoKey key, Cipher cipher) { if (!phModels?.Any() ?? true) { cipher.PasswordHistory = null; return; } var tasks = new List(); var encPhs = new List(); async Task encryptAndAddHistoryAsync(PasswordHistoryView model, PasswordHistory ph) { await EncryptObjPropertyAsync(model, ph, new HashSet { "Password" }, key); encPhs.Add(ph); } foreach (var model in phModels) { tasks.Add(encryptAndAddHistoryAsync(model, new PasswordHistory { LastUsedDate = model.LastUsedDate })); } await Task.WhenAll(tasks); cipher.PasswordHistory = encPhs; } private class CipherLocaleComparer : IComparer { private readonly II18nService _i18nService; public CipherLocaleComparer(II18nService i18nService) { _i18nService = i18nService; } public int Compare(CipherView a, CipherView b) { var aName = a?.Name; var bName = b?.Name; if (aName == null && bName != null) { return -1; } if (aName != null && bName == null) { return 1; } if (aName == null && bName == null) { return 0; } var result = _i18nService.StringComparer.Compare(aName, bName); if (result != 0 || a.Type != CipherType.Login || b.Type != CipherType.Login) { return result; } if (a.Login.Username != null) { aName += a.Login.Username; } if (b.Login.Username != null) { bName += b.Login.Username; } return _i18nService.StringComparer.Compare(aName, bName); } } private class CipherLastUsedComparer : IComparer { public int Compare(CipherView a, CipherView b) { var aLastUsed = a.LocalData != null && a.LocalData.ContainsKey("lastUsedDate") ? a.LocalData["lastUsedDate"] as DateTime? : null; var bLastUsed = b.LocalData != null && b.LocalData.ContainsKey("lastUsedDate") ? b.LocalData["lastUsedDate"] as DateTime? : null; var bothNotNull = aLastUsed != null && bLastUsed != null; if (bothNotNull && aLastUsed.Value < bLastUsed.Value) { return 1; } if (aLastUsed != null && bLastUsed == null) { return -1; } if (bothNotNull && aLastUsed.Value > bLastUsed.Value) { return -1; } if (bLastUsed != null && aLastUsed == null) { return 1; } return 0; } } private class CipherLastUsedThenNameComparer : IComparer { private CipherLastUsedComparer _cipherLastUsedComparer; private CipherLocaleComparer _cipherLocaleComparer; public CipherLastUsedThenNameComparer(II18nService i18nService) { _cipherLastUsedComparer = new CipherLastUsedComparer(); _cipherLocaleComparer = new CipherLocaleComparer(i18nService); } public int Compare(CipherView a, CipherView b) { var result = _cipherLastUsedComparer.Compare(a, b); if (result != 0) { return result; } return _cipherLocaleComparer.Compare(a, b); } } } }