package com.x8bit.bitwarden import android.content.Intent import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle import import import import import import import import import import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.BaseViewModelTest import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.feature.settings.appearance.model.AppTheme import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.manager.intent.IntentManager import io.mockk.every import io.mockk.mockk import io.mockk.verify import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test class MainViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() { private val mutableAppThemeFlow = MutableStateFlow(AppTheme.DEFAULT) private val mutableUserStateFlow = MutableStateFlow(DEFAULT_USER_STATE) private val mutableScreenCaptureAllowedFlow = MutableStateFlow(true) val authRepository = mockk { every { userStateFlow } returns mutableUserStateFlow every { activeUserId } returns USER_ID } private val settingsRepository = mockk { every { appTheme } returns AppTheme.DEFAULT every { appThemeStateFlow } returns mutableAppThemeFlow every { isScreenCaptureAllowedStateFlow } returns mutableScreenCaptureAllowedFlow } private val specialCircumstanceManager = SpecialCircumstanceManagerImpl() private val intentManager: IntentManager = mockk { every { getShareDataFromIntent(any()) } returns null } private val savedStateHandle = SavedStateHandle() @Suppress("MaxLineLength") @Test fun `initialization should set a saved SpecialCircumstance to the SpecialCircumstanceManager if present`() { assertNull(specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance) val specialCircumstance = mockk() createViewModel( initialSpecialCircumstance = specialCircumstance, ) assertEquals( specialCircumstance, specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance, ) } @Test fun `SpecialCircumstance updates should update the SavedStateHandle`() { createViewModel() assertNull(savedStateHandle[SPECIAL_CIRCUMSTANCE_KEY]) val specialCircumstance = mockk() specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance = specialCircumstance assertEquals( specialCircumstance, savedStateHandle[SPECIAL_CIRCUMSTANCE_KEY], ) } @Test fun `on AppThemeChanged should update state`() { val viewModel = createViewModel() assertEquals( MainState( theme = AppTheme.DEFAULT, ), viewModel.stateFlow.value, ) viewModel.trySendAction( MainAction.Internal.ThemeUpdate( theme = AppTheme.DARK, ), ) assertEquals( MainState( theme = AppTheme.DARK, ), viewModel.stateFlow.value, ) verify { settingsRepository.appTheme settingsRepository.appThemeStateFlow } } @Suppress("MaxLineLength") @Test fun `on ReceiveFirstIntent with share data should set the special circumstance to ShareNewSend`() { val viewModel = createViewModel() val mockIntent = mockk() val shareData = mockk() every { mockIntent.getAutofillSelectionDataOrNull() } returns null every { intentManager.getShareDataFromIntent(mockIntent) } returns shareData viewModel.trySendAction( MainAction.ReceiveFirstIntent( intent = mockIntent, ), ) assertEquals( SpecialCircumstance.ShareNewSend( data = shareData, shouldFinishWhenComplete = true, ), specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance, ) } @Suppress("MaxLineLength") @Test fun `on ReceiveFirstIntent with autofill data should set the special circumstance to AutofillSelection`() { val viewModel = createViewModel() val mockIntent = mockk() val autofillSelectionData = mockk() every { mockIntent.getAutofillSelectionDataOrNull() } returns autofillSelectionData every { intentManager.getShareDataFromIntent(mockIntent) } returns null viewModel.trySendAction( MainAction.ReceiveFirstIntent( intent = mockIntent, ), ) assertEquals( SpecialCircumstance.AutofillSelection( autofillSelectionData = autofillSelectionData, shouldFinishWhenComplete = true, ), specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance, ) } @Suppress("MaxLineLength") @Test fun `on ReceiveNewIntent with share data should set the special circumstance to ShareNewSend`() { val viewModel = createViewModel() val mockIntent = mockk() val shareData = mockk() every { mockIntent.getAutofillSelectionDataOrNull() } returns null every { intentManager.getShareDataFromIntent(mockIntent) } returns shareData viewModel.trySendAction( MainAction.ReceiveNewIntent( intent = mockIntent, ), ) assertEquals( SpecialCircumstance.ShareNewSend( data = shareData, shouldFinishWhenComplete = false, ), specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance, ) } @Suppress("MaxLineLength") @Test fun `on ReceiveNewIntent with autofill data should set the special circumstance to AutofillSelection`() { val viewModel = createViewModel() val mockIntent = mockk() val autofillSelectionData = mockk() every { mockIntent.getAutofillSelectionDataOrNull() } returns autofillSelectionData every { intentManager.getShareDataFromIntent(mockIntent) } returns null viewModel.trySendAction( MainAction.ReceiveNewIntent( intent = mockIntent, ), ) assertEquals( SpecialCircumstance.AutofillSelection( autofillSelectionData = autofillSelectionData, shouldFinishWhenComplete = false, ), specialCircumstanceManager.specialCircumstance, ) } @Suppress("MaxLineLength") @Test fun `changes in the allowed screen capture value should result in emissions of ScreenCaptureSettingChange `() = runTest { val viewModel = createViewModel() viewModel.eventFlow.test { assertEquals( MainEvent.ScreenCaptureSettingChange(isAllowed = true), awaitItem(), ) mutableScreenCaptureAllowedFlow.value = false assertEquals( MainEvent.ScreenCaptureSettingChange(isAllowed = false), awaitItem(), ) } } private fun createViewModel( initialSpecialCircumstance: SpecialCircumstance? = null, ) = MainViewModel( specialCircumstanceManager = specialCircumstanceManager, settingsRepository = settingsRepository, intentManager = intentManager, savedStateHandle = savedStateHandle.apply { set(SPECIAL_CIRCUMSTANCE_KEY, initialSpecialCircumstance) }, ) companion object { private const val SPECIAL_CIRCUMSTANCE_KEY = "special-circumstance" private const val USER_ID = "userID" private val DEFAULT_USER_STATE = UserState( activeUserId = USER_ID, accounts = listOf( UserState.Account( userId = USER_ID, name = "Active User", email = "", environment = Environment.Us, avatarColorHex = "#aa00aa", isPremium = true, isLoggedIn = true, isVaultUnlocked = true, isBiometricsEnabled = false, organizations = emptyList(), ), ), ) } }