* EC-519 Refactored IDeviceActionService to be split into IFileService and IAutofillManager also some cleanups were made
* EC-519 Fix format
* EC-519 Fix merge to use the new AutofillHandler
* [SG-702] Tap notification now switches accounts if it is a passwordless notification.
* [SG-702] Fix compilation errors
* [SG-702] Fixed iOS notification tap fix
* [SG-702] Notification data model
* [SG-702] Change method signature with object containing properties. PR fixes.
* SG-666 SG-667 - Email is now prefilled for plus addressed email username type
* Username is auto generated upon navigation
* SG-666 - Fixed PR comments
* Added missing property initialization
* [SG-690] Add timeout of 15 for android notifications. Add condition to not prompt login requests if 15mins have passed. Add constant for timeout time.
* [SG-690] Added dialog on click confirm/deny if the request is expired.
* [SG-690] PR fixes
* [SG-690] PR fixes
* [SG-471] Passwordless device login screen (#2017)
* [SSG-471] Added UI for the device login request response.
* [SG-471] Added text resources and arguments to Page.
* [SG-471] Added properties to speed up page bindings
* [SG-471] Added mock services. Added Accept/reject command binding, navigation and toast messages.
* [SG-471] fixed code styling with dotnet-format
* [SG-471] Fixed back button placement. PR fixes.
* [SG-471] Added new Origin parameter to the page.
* [SG-471] PR Fixes
* [SG-471] PR fixes
* [SG-471] PR Fix: added FireAndForget.
* [SG-471] Moved fire and forget to run on ui thread task.
* [SG-381] Passwordless - Add setting to Mobile (#2037)
* [SG-381] Added settings option to approve passwordless login request. If user has notifications disabled, prompt to go to settings and enable them.
* [SG-381] Update settings pop up texts.
* [SG-381] Added new method to get notifications state on device settings. Added userId to property saved on device to differentiate value between users.
* [SG-381] Added text for the popup on selection.
* [SG-381] PR Fixes
* [SG-408] Implement passwordless api methods (#2055)
* [SG-408] Update notification model.
* [SG-408] removed duplicated resource
* [SG-408] Added implementation to Api Service of new passwordless methods.
* removed qa endpoints
* [SG-408] Changed auth methods implementation, added method call to viewmodel.
* [SG-408] ran code format
* [SG-408] PR fixes
* [SG-472] Add configuration for new notification type (#2056)
* [SG-472] Added methods to present local notification to the user. Configured new notification type for passwordless logins
* [SG-472] Updated code to new api service changes.
* [SG-472] ran dotnet format
* [SG-472] PR Fixes.
* [SG-472] PR Fixes
* [SG-169] End-to-end testing refactor. (#2073)
* [SG-169] Passwordless demo change requests (#2079)
* [SG-169] End-to-end testing refactor.
* [SG-169] Fixed labels. Changed color of Fingerprint phrase. Waited for app to be in foreground to launch passwordless modal to fix Android issues.
* [SG-169] Anchored buttons to the bottom of the screen.
* [SG-169] Changed device type from enum to string.
* [SG-169] PR fixes
* [SG-169] PR fixes
* [SG-169] Added comment on static variable
* [SG-671] removed unnecessary calc of otpauth period. protected cal of otpauth from crashing the app if url has a wrong format.
* [SG-671] changed logger
* [SG-671] Refactored GetQueryParams code to used HttpUtility.ParseQueryString.
* [SG-671] refactor and null protection.
* [SG-671] code format
* [SG-671] fixed bug where totp circle countdown was fixed to 30.
* [SG-167] added fallback for uri check. Changed all default totp timers to constant.
* [SG-671] missed unsaved file
* [SG-671] simplified code
* [PS-1312] Updated Android Target and Framework to Android12 and updated new SplashScreen for Android12
* PS-1312 Changed PendingIntents mutability
* PS-1312 Removed unused imports
* PS-1312 Added method to helper to add mutability option according to Android version
* PS-1312 Renamed helper method AddPendingIntentMutability and fixed validation
* PS-1312 Improved PendingIntentMutability method from helper readability and naming
* Refactored CustomFields to stop using RepeaterView and use BindableLayout and divided the different types on different files and added a factory to create them
* Fix formatting
* SG-223 - Changed page title and password title
* SG-223 - Refactored generated field
* Changed position of generated field
* Replaced buttons generate and copy for icons
* SG-223 - Refactor type to passwordType
* SG-223 - Added password or username selector
* Added string for label type selection
* SG-223 - Added logic for different types of username
* Added strings of new types
* [SG-223] - Added UI components for different username types
* Added static strings for new labels
* Added viewmodel properties to support username generation and their respective options
* [SG-223] Added control over type picker visibility
* [SG-223] Refactored username entry on add edit page and added generate icon
* Added GenerateUsername command
* [SG-223] - Implemented service for username generation
* [SG-223] - Added support for username generation for item creation flow
* Implemented cache for username options
* Added exception handling for api calls
* [SG-223] - Remove unused code
* [SG-223] - Added a new display field for username generated and respective command
* Added description label for each type of username
* Changed defautl value of username from string.Empty to -
* [SG-223] - Removed some StackLayouts and refactored some controls
* [SG-223] - Refactored properties name
* [SG-223] - Added visibility toggle icon for api keys of forwarded email username types
* [SG-223] - Refactored nested StackLayouts into grids.
* [SG-223] - Refactor and pr fixing
* [SG-223] - Removed string keys from Resolve
- Added static string to resources
* [SG-223] - Refactored Copy_Clicked as AsyncCommand
- Improved exception handling
- Refactored TypeSelected as GeneratorTypeSelected
* [SG-223] - Renamed PasswordFormatter
* [SG-223] - Refactored VM properties to use UsernameGenerationOptions
* Removed LoadUsernameOptions
* [SG-223] - Refactored added pickers to use SelectedItem instead SelectedIndex
* Deleted PickerIndexToBoolConverter as it isn't needed anymore
* [SG-223] - Refactored and simplified Grid row and column definitions
* [SG-223] - Refactored Command into async command
* Added exception handling and feedback to the user
* [SG-223] - Refactored GeneratorType picker to use Enum GeneratorType instead of string
* [SG-223] - Changed some resource keys
* [SG-223] - Refactor method name
* [SG-223] - Refactored code and added logs for switch default cases
* [SG-223] - Added flag to control visibility when in edit mode
* [SG-223] - Added suffix Parenthesis to keys to prevent future conflicts
* [SG-223] - Refactored multiple methods into one, GetUsernameFromAsync
* Removed unused Extensions from enums
* [SG-223] - Added exception message
* [SG-223] - Added localizable enum values through LocalizableEnumConverter
* [SG-223] - Fixed space between controls
* [SG-223] - Removed unused code and refactored some variables and methods names
* [SG-223] - Removed unused code and refactored constant name to be more elucidative
* [SG-223] - Removed unused variable