mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 12:30:00 +03:00
BIT-1408: Delete cipher (#691)
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 510 additions and 102 deletions
@ -39,10 +39,18 @@ interface CiphersApi {
): Result<SyncResponseJson.Cipher>
* Deletes a cipher.
* Hard deletes a cipher.
suspend fun deleteCipher(
suspend fun hardDeleteCipher(
@Path("cipherId") cipherId: String,
): Result<Unit>
* Soft deletes a cipher.
suspend fun softDeleteCipher(
@Path("cipherId") cipherId: String,
): Result<Unit>
@ -31,7 +31,12 @@ interface CiphersService {
): Result<SyncResponseJson.Cipher>
* Attempt to delete a cipher.
* Attempt to hard delete a cipher.
suspend fun deleteCipher(cipherId: String): Result<Unit>
suspend fun hardDeleteCipher(cipherId: String): Result<Unit>
* Attempt to soft delete a cipher.
suspend fun softDeleteCipher(cipherId: String): Result<Unit>
@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ class CiphersServiceImpl constructor(
body = body,
override suspend fun deleteCipher(cipherId: String): Result<Unit> =
ciphersApi.deleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
override suspend fun hardDeleteCipher(cipherId: String): Result<Unit> =
ciphersApi.hardDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
override suspend fun softDeleteCipher(cipherId: String): Result<Unit> =
ciphersApi.softDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
@ -162,7 +162,15 @@ interface VaultRepository : VaultLockManager {
* Attempt to delete a cipher.
suspend fun deleteCipher(cipherId: String): DeleteCipherResult
suspend fun hardDeleteCipher(cipherId: String): DeleteCipherResult
* Attempt to soft delete a cipher.
suspend fun softDeleteCipher(
cipherId: String,
cipherView: CipherView,
): DeleteCipherResult
* Attempt to update a cipher.
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.UpdateSendResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.VaultData
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.VaultUnlockResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedNetworkCipher
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedNetworkSend
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedSdkCipherList
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedSdkCollectionList
@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.stateIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import java.time.Instant
* A "stop timeout delay" in milliseconds used to let a shared coroutine continue to run for the
@ -383,10 +385,10 @@ class VaultRepositoryImpl(
override suspend fun deleteCipher(cipherId: String): DeleteCipherResult {
override suspend fun hardDeleteCipher(cipherId: String): DeleteCipherResult {
val userId = requireNotNull(activeUserId)
return ciphersService
.onSuccess { vaultDiskSource.deleteCipher(userId, cipherId) }
onSuccess = { DeleteCipherResult.Success },
@ -394,6 +396,34 @@ class VaultRepositoryImpl(
override suspend fun softDeleteCipher(
cipherId: String,
cipherView: CipherView,
): DeleteCipherResult {
val userId = requireNotNull(activeUserId)
return ciphersService
onSuccess = {
userId = userId,
cipherView = cipherView.copy(
deletedDate = Instant.now(),
.onSuccess { cipher ->
userId = userId,
cipher = cipher.toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse(),
onFailure = { DeleteCipherResult.Error },
override suspend fun updateCipher(
cipherId: String,
cipherView: CipherView,
@ -49,6 +49,37 @@ fun Cipher.toEncryptedNetworkCipher(): CipherJsonRequest =
card = card?.toEncryptedNetworkCard(),
* Converts a Bitwarden SDK [Cipher] object to a corresponding
* [SyncResponseJson.Cipher] object.
fun Cipher.toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse(): SyncResponseJson.Cipher =
notes = notes,
reprompt = reprompt.toNetworkRepromptType(),
passwordHistory = passwordHistory?.toEncryptedNetworkPasswordHistoryList(),
type = type.toNetworkCipherType(),
login = login?.toEncryptedNetworkLogin(),
secureNote = secureNote?.toEncryptedNetworkSecureNote(),
folderId = folderId,
organizationId = organizationId,
identity = identity?.toEncryptedNetworkIdentity(),
name = name,
fields = fields?.toEncryptedNetworkFieldList(),
isFavorite = favorite,
card = card?.toEncryptedNetworkCard(),
attachments = attachments?.toNetworkAttachmentList(),
shouldOrganizationUseTotp = organizationUseTotp,
shouldEdit = edit,
revisionDate = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(revisionDate, ZoneOffset.UTC),
creationDate = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(creationDate, ZoneOffset.UTC),
deletedDate = deletedDate?.let { ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(it, ZoneOffset.UTC) },
collectionIds = collectionIds,
id = id.orEmpty(),
shouldViewPassword = viewPassword,
key = key,
* Converts a Bitwarden SDK [Card] object to a corresponding
* [SyncResponseJson.Cipher.Card] object.
@ -161,6 +192,27 @@ private fun UriMatchType.toNetworkMatchType(): UriMatchTypeJson =
UriMatchType.NEVER -> UriMatchTypeJson.NEVER
* Converts a list of Bitwarden SDK [Attachment] objects to a corresponding
* [SyncResponseJson.Cipher.Attachment] list.
private fun List<Attachment>.toNetworkAttachmentList(): List<SyncResponseJson.Cipher.Attachment> =
map { it.toNetworkAttachment() }
* Converts a Bitwarden SDK [Attachment] object to a corresponding
* [SyncResponseJson.Cipher.Attachment] object.
private fun Attachment.toNetworkAttachment(): SyncResponseJson.Cipher.Attachment =
fileName = fileName,
size = size?.toInt() ?: 0,
sizeName = sizeName,
id = id,
url = url,
key = key,
* Converts a Bitwarden SDK [Login] object to a corresponding
* [SyncResponseJson.Cipher.Login] object.
@ -15,7 +15,10 @@ import androidx.compose.material3.TopAppBarDefaults
import androidx.compose.material3.rememberTopAppBarState
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.input.nestedscroll.nestedScroll
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalContext
@ -27,7 +30,6 @@ import androidx.hilt.navigation.compose.hiltViewModel
import androidx.lifecycle.compose.collectAsStateWithLifecycle
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.R
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.EventsEffect
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.asText
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BasicDialogState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenBasicDialog
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenErrorContent
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenMasterPasswordDialog
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenOverflowActionItem
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenScaffold
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenTopAppBar
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.BitwardenTwoButtonDialog
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.LoadingDialogState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.components.OverflowMenuItemData
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.manager.intent.IntentManager
@ -62,6 +65,11 @@ fun VaultItemScreen(
val state by viewModel.stateFlow.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
val context = LocalContext.current
val resources = context.resources
val confirmDeleteClickAction = remember(viewModel) {
{ viewModel.trySendAction(VaultItemAction.Common.ConfirmDeleteClick) }
var pendingDeleteCipher by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
EventsEffect(viewModel = viewModel) { event ->
when (event) {
VaultItemEvent.NavigateBack -> onNavigateBack()
@ -103,6 +111,25 @@ fun VaultItemScreen(
if (pendingDeleteCipher) {
title = stringResource(id = R.string.delete),
message = stringResource(id = R.string.do_you_really_want_to_soft_delete_cipher),
confirmButtonText = stringResource(id = R.string.ok),
dismissButtonText = stringResource(id = R.string.cancel),
onConfirmClick = {
pendingDeleteCipher = false
onDismissClick = {
pendingDeleteCipher = false
onDismissRequest = {
pendingDeleteCipher = false
val scrollBehavior = TopAppBarDefaults.pinnedScrollBehavior(rememberTopAppBarState())
modifier = Modifier
@ -123,9 +150,7 @@ fun VaultItemScreen(
menuItemDataList = persistentListOf(
text = stringResource(id = R.string.delete),
onClick = remember(viewModel) {
{ viewModel.trySendAction(VaultItemAction.Common.DeleteClick) }
onClick = { pendingDeleteCipher = true },
text = stringResource(id = R.string.attachments),
@ -213,8 +238,8 @@ private fun VaultItemDialogs(
onDismissRequest = onDismissRequest,
VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading -> BitwardenLoadingDialog(
visibilityState = LoadingDialogState.Shown(text = R.string.loading.asText()),
is VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading -> BitwardenLoadingDialog(
visibilityState = LoadingDialogState.Shown(text = dialog.message),
VaultItemState.DialogState.MasterPasswordDialog -> {
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.vault.feature.item
import android.os.Parcelable
import android.util.Log
import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import com.bitwarden.core.CipherView
@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.UserState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.manager.clipboard.BitwardenClipboardManager
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.model.DataState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.VaultRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.DeleteCipherResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.VerifyPasswordResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.BaseViewModel
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.Text
@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.parcelize.IgnoredOnParcel
import kotlinx.parcelize.Parcelize
import javax.inject.Inject
@ -67,7 +68,6 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
override fun handleAction(action: VaultItemAction) {
Log.d("ramsey", "handleAction: action $action")
when (action) {
is VaultItemAction.ItemType.Login -> handleLoginTypeActions(action)
is VaultItemAction.ItemType.Card -> handleCardTypeActions(action)
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
is VaultItemAction.Common.AttachmentsClick -> handleAttachmentsClick()
is VaultItemAction.Common.CloneClick -> handleCloneClick()
is VaultItemAction.Common.DeleteClick -> handleDeleteClick()
is VaultItemAction.Common.MoveToOrganizationClick -> handleMoveToOrganizationClick()
is VaultItemAction.Common.ConfirmDeleteClick -> handleConfirmDeleteClick()
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
private fun handleMasterPasswordSubmit(action: VaultItemAction.Common.MasterPasswordSubmit) {
mutableStateFlow.update {
it.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading)
it.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(R.string.loading.asText()))
viewModelScope.launch {
@ -215,15 +215,37 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
private fun handleDeleteClick() {
// TODO Implement delete in BIT-1408
sendEvent(VaultItemEvent.ShowToast("Not yet implemented.".asText()))
private fun handleMoveToOrganizationClick() {
sendEvent(VaultItemEvent.NavigateToMoveToOrganization(itemId = state.vaultItemId))
private fun handleConfirmDeleteClick() {
mutableStateFlow.update {
dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(
onContent { content ->
?.let { cipher ->
viewModelScope.launch {
result = vaultRepository.softDeleteCipher(
cipherId = state.vaultItemId,
cipherView = cipher,
//endregion Common Handlers
//region Login Type Handlers
@ -264,7 +286,7 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
onLoginContent { _, login ->
val password = requireNotNull(login.passwordData?.password)
mutableStateFlow.update {
it.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading)
it.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(R.string.loading.asText()))
viewModelScope.launch {
val result = authRepository.getPasswordBreachCount(password = password)
@ -391,6 +413,7 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
is VaultItemAction.Internal.PasswordBreachReceive -> handlePasswordBreachReceive(action)
is VaultItemAction.Internal.VaultDataReceive -> handleVaultDataReceive(action)
is VaultItemAction.Internal.VerifyPasswordReceive -> handleVerifyPasswordReceive(action)
is VaultItemAction.Internal.DeleteCipherReceive -> handleDeleteCipherReceive(action)
@ -503,6 +526,25 @@ class VaultItemViewModel @Inject constructor(
private fun handleDeleteCipherReceive(action: VaultItemAction.Internal.DeleteCipherReceive) {
when (action.result) {
DeleteCipherResult.Error -> {
mutableStateFlow.update {
dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Generic(
message = R.string.generic_error_message.asText(),
DeleteCipherResult.Success -> {
mutableStateFlow.update { it.copy(dialog = null) }
sendEvent(VaultItemEvent.ShowToast(message = R.string.item_soft_deleted.asText()))
//endregion Internal Type Handlers
private inline fun onContent(
@ -589,6 +631,7 @@ data class VaultItemState(
* @property customFields A list of custom fields that user has added.
* @property requiresReprompt Indicates if a master password prompt is required to view
* secure fields.
* @property currentCipher The cipher that is currently being viewed (nullable).
data class Common(
@ -597,6 +640,8 @@ data class VaultItemState(
val notes: String?,
val customFields: List<Custom>,
val requiresReprompt: Boolean,
val currentCipher: CipherView? = null,
) : Parcelable {
@ -766,10 +811,12 @@ data class VaultItemState(
) : DialogState()
* Displays the loading dialog to the user.
* Displays the loading dialog to the user with a message.
data object Loading : DialogState()
data class Loading(
val message: Text,
) : DialogState()
* Displays the master password dialog to the user.
@ -848,6 +895,11 @@ sealed class VaultItemAction {
data object CloseClick : Common()
* The user has confirmed to deleted the cipher.
data object ConfirmDeleteClick : Common()
* The user has clicked to dismiss the dialog.
@ -892,11 +944,6 @@ sealed class VaultItemAction {
val isVisible: Boolean,
) : Common()
* The user has clicked the delete button.
data object DeleteClick : Common()
* The user has clicked the attachments button.
@ -1006,5 +1053,12 @@ sealed class VaultItemAction {
data class VerifyPasswordReceive(
val result: VerifyPasswordResult,
) : Internal()
* Indicates that the delete cipher result has been received.
data class DeleteCipherReceive(
val result: DeleteCipherResult,
) : Internal()
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ fun CipherView.toViewState(
): VaultItemState.ViewState =
common = VaultItemState.ViewState.Content.Common(
currentCipher = this,
name = name,
requiresReprompt = reprompt == CipherRepromptType.PASSWORD,
customFields = fields.orEmpty().map { it.toCustomField() },
@ -66,10 +66,18 @@ class CiphersServiceTest : BaseServiceTest() {
fun `deleteCipher should execute the delete cipher API`() = runTest {
fun `hardDeleteCipher should execute the hardDeleteCipher API`() = runTest {
val cipherId = "cipherId"
val result = ciphersService.deleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
val result = ciphersService.hardDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
assertEquals(Unit, result.getOrThrow())
fun `softDeleteCipher should execute the softDeleteCipher API`() = runTest {
val cipherId = "cipherId"
val result = ciphersService.softDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
assertEquals(Unit, result.getOrThrow())
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository
import android.net.Uri
import app.cash.turbine.test
import com.bitwarden.core.Cipher
import com.bitwarden.core.CipherView
import com.bitwarden.core.CollectionView
import com.bitwarden.core.DateTime
@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.UpdateSendResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.VaultData
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.VaultState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.VaultUnlockResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedSdkCipherList
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedSdkCollectionList
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.util.toEncryptedSdkFolderList
@ -90,6 +92,7 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import java.net.UnknownHostException
import java.time.Instant
class VaultRepositoryTest {
@ -1549,34 +1552,95 @@ class VaultRepositoryTest {
fun `deleteCipher with ciphersService deleteCipher failure should return DeleteCipherResult Error`() =
fun `hardDeleteCipher with ciphersService hardDeleteCipher failure should return DeleteCipherResult Error`() =
runTest {
fakeAuthDiskSource.userState = MOCK_USER_STATE
val cipherId = "mockId-1"
coEvery {
ciphersService.deleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
ciphersService.hardDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
} returns Throwable("Fail").asFailure()
val result = vaultRepository.deleteCipher(cipherId)
val result = vaultRepository.hardDeleteCipher(cipherId)
assertEquals(DeleteCipherResult.Error, result)
fun `deleteCipher with ciphersService deleteCipher success should return DeleteCipherResult success`() =
fun `hardDeleteCipher with ciphersService hardDeleteCipher success should return DeleteCipherResult success`() =
runTest {
fakeAuthDiskSource.userState = MOCK_USER_STATE
val userId = "mockId-1"
val cipherId = "mockId-1"
coEvery { ciphersService.deleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId) } returns Unit.asSuccess()
coEvery { ciphersService.hardDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId) } returns Unit.asSuccess()
coEvery { vaultDiskSource.deleteCipher(userId, cipherId) } just runs
val result = vaultRepository.deleteCipher(cipherId)
val result = vaultRepository.hardDeleteCipher(cipherId)
assertEquals(DeleteCipherResult.Success, result)
fun `softDeleteCipher with ciphersService softDeleteCipher failure should return DeleteCipherResult Error`() =
runTest {
fakeAuthDiskSource.userState = MOCK_USER_STATE
val cipherId = "mockId-1"
coEvery {
ciphersService.softDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId)
} returns Throwable("Fail").asFailure()
val result = vaultRepository.softDeleteCipher(
cipherId = cipherId,
cipherView = createMockCipherView(number = 1),
assertEquals(DeleteCipherResult.Error, result)
fun `softDeleteCipher with ciphersService softDeleteCipher success should return DeleteCipherResult success`() =
runTest {
every {
createMockSdkCipher(number = 1).toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse()
} returns createMockCipher(number = 1)
val fixedInstant = Instant.parse("2021-01-01T00:00:00Z")
val userId = "mockId-1"
val cipherId = "mockId-1"
coEvery {
userId = userId,
cipherView = createMockCipherView(number = 1)
deletedDate = fixedInstant,
} returns createMockSdkCipher(number = 1).asSuccess()
fakeAuthDiskSource.userState = MOCK_USER_STATE
coEvery { ciphersService.softDeleteCipher(cipherId = cipherId) } returns Unit.asSuccess()
coEvery { vaultDiskSource.deleteCipher(userId, cipherId) } just runs
coEvery {
userId = userId,
cipher = createMockCipher(number = 1),
} returns Unit
val cipherView = createMockCipherView(number = 1)
every { Instant.now() } returns fixedInstant
val result = vaultRepository.softDeleteCipher(
cipherId = cipherId,
cipherView = cipherView,
assertEquals(DeleteCipherResult.Success, result)
fun `createSend with encryptSend failure should return CreateSendResult failure`() =
runTest {
@ -2297,6 +2361,12 @@ class VaultRepositoryTest {
return mockUri
private fun setupMockInstant(): Instant {
val mockInstant = mockk<Instant>()
every { Instant.now() } returns Instant.MIN
return mockInstant
//endregion Helper functions
@ -32,6 +32,18 @@ import org.junit.Test
class VaultSdkCipherExtensionsTest {
fun `toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse should convert an Sdk Cipher to a cipher`() {
val sdkCipher = createMockSdkCipher(number = 1)
val result = sdkCipher.toEncryptedNetworkCipherResponse()
createMockCipher(number = 1),
fun `toEncryptedNetworkCipher should convert an Sdk Cipher to a Network Cipher`() {
val sdkCipher = createMockSdkCipher(number = 1)
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.test.assert
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertCountEquals
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertIsDisplayed
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertIsEnabled
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertIsNotDisplayed
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertIsNotEnabled
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertTextContains
import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertTextEquals
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.test.onSiblings
import androidx.compose.ui.test.performClick
import androidx.compose.ui.test.performTextInput
import androidx.core.net.toUri
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.R
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.util.bufferedMutableSharedFlow
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.BaseComposeTest
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.asText
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ class VaultItemScreenTest : BaseComposeTest() {
mutableStateFlow.update {
it.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading)
it.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(R.string.loading.asText()))
@ -558,21 +560,74 @@ class VaultItemScreenTest : BaseComposeTest() {
fun `Delete option menu click should send DeleteClick action`() {
fun `menu Delete option click should send show deletion confirmation dialog`() {
// Confirm dropdown version of item is absent
// Open the overflow menu
// Click on the delete item in the dropdown
.onNodeWithText("Do you really want to send to the trash?")
fun `Delete dialog cancel click should hide deletion confirmation menu`() {
// Open the overflow menu
// Click on the delete item in the dropdown
.onNodeWithText("Do you really want to send to the trash?")
.onNodeWithText("Do you really want to send to the trash?")
fun `Delete dialog ok click should send ConfirmDeleteClick`() {
// Open the overflow menu
// Click on the delete item in the dropdown
.onNodeWithText("Do you really want to send to the trash?")
verify {
@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.UserState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.manager.clipboard.BitwardenClipboardManager
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.model.DataState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.model.Environment
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.datasource.sdk.model.createMockCipherView
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.VaultRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.vault.repository.model.DeleteCipherResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.BaseViewModelTest
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.asText
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.vault.feature.item.util.createCommonContent
@ -97,7 +99,11 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on DismissDialogClick should clear the dialog state`() = runTest {
val initialState = DEFAULT_STATE.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading)
val initialState = DEFAULT_STATE.copy(
dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(
message = R.string.loading.asText(),
val viewModel = createViewModel(state = initialState)
assertEquals(initialState, viewModel.stateFlow.value)
@ -105,6 +111,65 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
assertEquals(initialState.copy(dialog = null), viewModel.stateFlow.value)
fun `ConfirmDeleteClick with DeleteCipherResult Success should should ShowToast and NavigateBack`() =
runTest {
val mockCipherView = mockk<CipherView> {
every { toViewState(isPremiumUser = true) } returns DEFAULT_VIEW_STATE
mutableVaultItemFlow.value = DataState.Loaded(data = mockCipherView)
val viewModel = createViewModel(state = DEFAULT_STATE)
coEvery {
cipherId = VAULT_ITEM_ID,
cipherView = createMockCipherView(number = 1),
} returns DeleteCipherResult.Success
viewModel.eventFlow.test {
fun `ConfirmDeleteClick with DeleteCipherResult Failure should should Show generic error`() =
runTest {
val mockCipherView = mockk<CipherView> {
every { toViewState(isPremiumUser = true) } returns DEFAULT_VIEW_STATE
mutableVaultItemFlow.value = DataState.Loaded(data = mockCipherView)
val viewModel = createViewModel(state = DEFAULT_STATE)
coEvery {
cipherId = VAULT_ITEM_ID,
cipherView = createMockCipherView(number = 1),
} returns DeleteCipherResult.Error
dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Generic(
message = R.string.generic_error_message.asText(),
fun `on EditClick should do nothing when ViewState is not Content`() = runTest {
val initialState = DEFAULT_STATE
@ -175,7 +240,11 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
assertEquals(loginState, awaitItem())
loginState.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading),
dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(
message = R.string.loading.asText(),
@ -298,7 +367,9 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
isVisible = false,
val loginViewState = VaultItemState.ViewState.Content(
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true).copy(
common = createCommonContent(
isEmpty = true,
requiresReprompt = false,
customFields = listOf(hiddenField),
@ -334,18 +405,6 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on DeleteClick should emit ShowToast`() = runTest {
val viewModel = createViewModel(state = DEFAULT_STATE)
viewModel.eventFlow.test {
VaultItemEvent.ShowToast("Not yet implemented.".asText()),
fun `on AttachmentsClick should emit NavigateToAttachments`() = runTest {
val viewModel = createViewModel(state = DEFAULT_STATE)
@ -413,7 +472,11 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
assertEquals(loginState, awaitItem())
loginState.copy(dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading),
dialog = VaultItemState.DialogState.Loading(
message = R.string.loading.asText(),
@ -864,6 +927,7 @@ class VaultItemViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
requiresReprompt = true,
currentCipher = createMockCipherView(number = 1),
private val DEFAULT_VIEW_STATE: VaultItemState.ViewState.Content =
@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform full CipherView into ViewState Login Content with premium`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.LOGIN, isEmpty = false)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.LOGIN, isEmpty = false)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = createLoginContent(isEmpty = false),
@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform full CipherView into ViewState Login Content without premium`() {
val isPremiumUser = false
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.LOGIN, isEmpty = false)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = isPremiumUser)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.LOGIN, isEmpty = false)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = isPremiumUser)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = createLoginContent(isEmpty = false).copy(isPremiumUser = isPremiumUser),
@ -54,12 +54,14 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform empty CipherView into ViewState Login Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.LOGIN, isEmpty = true)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.LOGIN, isEmpty = true)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true).copy(
currentCipher = cipherView,
type = createLoginContent(isEmpty = true),
@ -68,12 +70,12 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform full CipherView into ViewState Identity Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = false)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = false)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = createIdentityContent(isEmpty = false),
@ -82,12 +84,12 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform empty CipherView into ViewState Identity Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = true)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = true)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = createIdentityContent(isEmpty = true),
@ -97,37 +99,36 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform CipherView with odd naming into ViewState Identity Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = false)
val result = viewState
val initialCipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = false)
val cipherView = initialCipherView
identity = viewState.identity?.copy(
identity = initialCipherView.identity?.copy(
title = "MX",
firstName = null,
middleName = "middleName",
lastName = null,
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = createIdentityContent(
isEmpty = false,
identityName = "Mx middleName",
fun `toViewState should transform CipherView with odd address into ViewState Identity Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = false)
val result = viewState
identity = viewState.identity?.copy(
val initialCipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.IDENTITY, isEmpty = false)
val cipherView = initialCipherView.copy(
identity = initialCipherView.identity?.copy(
address1 = null,
address2 = null,
address3 = "address3",
@ -137,11 +138,23 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
country = null,
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val result = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false).copy(
currentCipher = cipherView.copy(
identity = cipherView.identity?.copy(
address1 = null,
address2 = null,
address3 = "address3",
city = null,
state = "state",
postalCode = null,
country = null,
type = createIdentityContent(
isEmpty = false,
address = """
@ -156,12 +169,12 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform full CipherView into ViewState Secure Note Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.SECURE_NOTE, isEmpty = false)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.SECURE_NOTE, isEmpty = false)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = false).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = VaultItemState.ViewState.Content.ItemType.SecureNote,
@ -171,11 +184,11 @@ class CipherViewExtensionsTest {
fun `toViewState should transform empty Secure Note CipherView into ViewState Secure Note Content`() {
val viewState = createCipherView(type = CipherType.SECURE_NOTE, isEmpty = true)
.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val cipherView = createCipherView(type = CipherType.SECURE_NOTE, isEmpty = true)
val viewState = cipherView.toViewState(isPremiumUser = true)
val expectedState = VaultItemState.ViewState.Content(
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true),
common = createCommonContent(isEmpty = true).copy(currentCipher = cipherView),
type = VaultItemState.ViewState.Content.ItemType.SecureNote,
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