diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx
index 0641ed044..738b42b79 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.cs.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
Create an organization to securely share your logins with other users.
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx
index 156d62f81..9123868e6 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.es.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
Create an organization to securely share your logins with other users.
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fi.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fi.resx
index 3aa30f7c0..2e37cdd05 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fi.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fi.resx
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Luo organisaatio jakaaksesi kirjautumistiedot turvallisesti muiden käyttäjien kanssa.
- Käytämme Analyticsiä saadaksemme tietoa siitä, kuinka lisäosaa käytetään. Näin voimme kehittää sitä paremmaksi. Kaikki tiedonkeruu on täysin nimetöntä.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx
index 8366dd543..0f9357574 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.fr.resx
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Créez une organisation pour partager de manière sécurisée vos identifiants avec d\'autres utilisateurs.
- Nous utilisons des statistiques pour mieux comprendre comment l'application est utilisée et ainsi l'améliorer. Toutes les données collectées sont entièrement anonymes.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hi.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hi.resx
index 0641ed044..738b42b79 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hi.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hi.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
Create an organization to securely share your logins with other users.
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hr.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hr.resx
index 57837005b..91e60cefd 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hr.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.hr.resx
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
Prijava u dva koraka
- Two-step login makes your account more secure by requiring you to verify your login with another device such as a security key, authenticator app, SMS, phone call, or email. Two-step login can be enabled on the bitwarden.com web vault. Do you want to visit the website now?
+ Prijava u dva koraka čini vaš račun sigurnijim tako što će zahtijevati da potvrdite prijavu putem drugog uređaja pomoću sigurnosnog koda, aplikacije autentifikatora, SMS porukom, pozivom ili adresom e-pošte. Prijava u dva koraka može se omogućiti na internetskom trezoru bitwarden.com. Želite li sada posjetiti web stranicu?
Otključaj s {0}
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
Otključaj PIN kodom
- Validating
+ Potvrđivanje
Message shown when interacting with the server
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Izradite organizaciju kako biste sigurno dijelili svoje prijave s drugim korisnicima.
- Koristimo Google analytics kako bismo saznali na koji način se aplikacija upotrebljava, kako bi istu mogli poboljšati. Svako prikupljanje podataka potpuno je anonimno.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -851,97 +851,151 @@
Message shown when trying to launch an app that does not exist on the user's device.
- Authenticator App
+ Aplikacija autentifikatora
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code from your authenticator app.
+ Unesite 6-znamenkasti kontrolni kôd iz aplikacije autentifikatora.
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code that was emailed to {0}.
+ Unesite 6-znamenkasti kontrolni kôd koji je poslan e-poštom na {0}.
For 2FA
- Login Unavailable
+ Prijava nije dostupna
For 2FA whenever there are no available providers on this device.
- This account has two-step login enabled, however, none of the configured two-step providers are supported on this device. Please use a supported device and/or add additional providers that are better supported across devices (such as an authenticator app).
+ Ovaj račun ima omogućenu prijavu u dva koraka, međutim, nijedan konfigurirani pružatelj u dva koraka nije podržan na ovom uređaju. Koristite podržani uređaj i/ili dodajte dodatne davatelje koji su bolje podržani u svim uređajima (kao što je aplikacija autentifikatora).
- Recovery Code
+ Kôd za oporavak
For 2FA
- Remember me
+ Zapamti me
Remember my two-step login
- Send verification code email again
+ Ponovno pošaljite kontrolni kod na adresu e-pošte
For 2FA
- Two-step Login Options
+ Mogućnosti prijave u dva koraka
- Use another two-step login method
+ Koristite još jednu metodu prijave u dva koraka
- Could not send verification email. Try again.
+ Nije moguće poslati verifikacijski e-mail. Molim pokušajte ponovno.
For 2FA
- Verification email sent.
+ Verifikacijski e-mail je poslan.
For 2FA
- Hold your YubiKey NEO against the back of the device to continue.
+ Prislonite YubiKey NEO na stražnju stranu uređaja i nastavite.
- YubiKey NEO Security Key
+ YubiKey NEO sigurnosni ključ
"YubiKey NEO" is the product name and should not be translated.
- Add New Attachment
+ Dodavanje novog privitka
- Attachments
+ Privitci
- Unable to download file.
+ Nije moguće preuzeti datoteku.
- Your device cannot open this type of file.
+ Uređaj ne može otvoriti ovu vrstu datoteke.
- Downloading...
+ Preuzimanje...
Message shown when downloading a file
- This attachment is {0} in size. Are you sure you want to download it onto your device?
+ Ovaj prilog je velik {0}. Jeste li sigurni da ga želite preuzeti na uređaj?
The placeholder will show the file size of the attachment. Ex "25 MB"
- Authenticator Key (TOTP)
+ Ključ autentifikatora (TOTP)
- Verification Code (TOTP)
+ Kod za provjeru (TOTP)
Totp code label
- Authenticator key added.
+ Ključ autentifikatora je dodan.
- Cannot read authenticator key.
+ Nije moguće pročitati ključ za provjeru autentičnosti.
- Scanning will happen automatically.
+ Skeniranje će se dogoditi automatski.
- Point your camera at the QR code.
+ Usmjerite kameru na QR kod.
- Scan QR Code
+ Skeniraj QR kôd
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.id.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.id.resx
index db10e1abc..b5c9d6bc4 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.id.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.id.resx
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
Buka dengan kode PIN
- Validating
+ Memvalidasi
Message shown when interacting with the server
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Buat organisasi untuk berbagi info masuk Anda dengan aman dengan pengguna lain.
- Kami menggunakan analitik untuk mempelajari lebih baik bagaimana aplikasi sedang digunakan sehingga kami dapat membuatnya lebih baik. Semua pengumpulan data benar-benar anonim.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx
index 0b88b8cbb..97ef507e9 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.it.resx
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Crea un'organizzazione per condividere in sicurezza i tuoi login con gli altri utenti.
- Usiamo analytics per capire meglio come l'estensione viene usata in modo da migliorarla. Tutti i dati collezionati sono completamente anonimi.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx
index 0641ed044..738b42b79 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ja.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
Create an organization to securely share your logins with other users.
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx
index 03a278eca..6d00f5376 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-BR.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
Crie uma organização para compartilhar com segurança seus logins com outros usuários.
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-PT.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-PT.resx
index 6029441bd..9528551c9 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-PT.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.pt-PT.resx
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
Destrancar com código PIN
- Validating
+ A validar
Message shown when interacting with the server
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Crie uma organização para partilhar as suas credenciais em segurança com outros utilizadores.
- Utilizamos analítica para aprender melhor como a aplicação está a ser utilizada para que possamos torná-la melhor. Toda a recolha de dados é completamente anónima.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -851,97 +851,151 @@
Message shown when trying to launch an app that does not exist on the user's device.
- Authenticator App
+ Aplicação de autenticador
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code from your authenticator app.
+ Digite o código de verificação de 6 dígitos da sua aplicação de autenticador {0}.
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code that was emailed to {0}.
+ Digite o código de verificação de 6 dígitos que foi enviado por email para {0}.
For 2FA
- Login Unavailable
+ Início de sessão indisponível
For 2FA whenever there are no available providers on this device.
- This account has two-step login enabled, however, none of the configured two-step providers are supported on this device. Please use a supported device and/or add additional providers that are better supported across devices (such as an authenticator app).
+ Esta conta tem início de sessão de dois passos ativado, no entanto, nenhum dos fornecedores de dois passos configurados são suportados neste dispositivo. Por favor utilize um dispositivo suportado e/ou adiciono fornecedores adicionais que são melhor suportados entre dispositivos (como uma aplicação de autenticador).
- Recovery Code
+ Código de recuperação
For 2FA
- Remember me
+ Memorizar-me
Remember my two-step login
- Send verification code email again
+ Enviar código de verificação novamente
For 2FA
- Two-step Login Options
+ Opções de início de sessão de dois passos
- Use another two-step login method
+ Utilizar outro método de início de sessão de dois passos
- Could not send verification email. Try again.
+ Não foi possível enviar o email de verificação. Tente novamente.
For 2FA
- Verification email sent.
+ Email de verificação enviado.
For 2FA
- Hold your YubiKey NEO against the back of the device to continue.
+ Segure a sua YubiKey NEO contra a parte de trás do seu dispositivo para continuar.
- YubiKey NEO Security Key
+ Chave de segurança YubiKey NEO
"YubiKey NEO" is the product name and should not be translated.
- Add New Attachment
+ Adicionar novo anexo
- Attachments
+ Anexos
- Unable to download file.
+ Não foi possível descarregar o ficheiro.
- Your device cannot open this type of file.
+ O seu dispositivo não consegue abrir este tipo de ficheiro.
- Downloading...
+ A descarregar...
Message shown when downloading a file
- This attachment is {0} in size. Are you sure you want to download it onto your device?
+ O anexo tem {0} de tamanho. Tem a certeza que deseja descarregá-lo para o seu dispositivo?
The placeholder will show the file size of the attachment. Ex "25 MB"
- Authenticator Key (TOTP)
+ Chave de autenticador (TOTP)
- Verification Code (TOTP)
+ Código de verificação (TOTP)
Totp code label
- Authenticator key added.
+ Chave de autenticador adicionada.
- Cannot read authenticator key.
+ Não é possível ler a chave de autenticador.
- Scanning will happen automatically.
+ A digitalização irá acontecer automaticamente.
- Point your camera at the QR code.
+ Aponte a sua câmara ao código QR.
- Scan QR Code
+ Digitalizar código QR
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ro.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ro.resx
index 966b29ef7..346dec527 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ro.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ro.resx
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Creați o organizație pentru a partaja în siguranță accesul la datele de conectare cu alţi utilizatori.
- Utilizăm datele analitice pentru a afla mai bine modul în care este folosită aplicația, astfel încât s-o putem face mai bună. Toate colectările de date sunt complet anonime.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ru.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ru.resx
index 20d61c1fc..463343d31 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ru.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.ru.resx
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
Двухфакторная аутентификация
- Двухфакторная аутентификация делает ваш аккаунт более защищенным, требуя ввода кода безопасности из приложения-аутентификатора при каждом входе в систему. Двухфакторная аутентификация включается на сайте bitwarden.com. Хотите перейти на этот сайт сейчас?
+ Двухфакторная аутентификация делает ваш аккаунт более защищенным, требуя ввода кода безопасности из приложения-аутентификатора при каждом входе в систему. Двухфакторная аутентификация включается на сайте bitwarden.com. Хотите перейти на сайт сейчас?
Разблокировать с {0}
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
Разблокировать с помощью PIN
- Validating
+ Проверка
Message shown when interacting with the server
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Создайте организацию, чтобы безопасно делиться своими логинами с другими пользователями.
- Мы используем аналитику для понимания как используется приложение, чтобы сделать его лучше. Все собранные данные полностью анонимны.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -851,97 +851,151 @@
Message shown when trying to launch an app that does not exist on the user's device.
- Authenticator App
+ Приложение-аутентификатор
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code from your authenticator app.
+ Введите 6-значный код подтверждения из вашего приложения-аутентификатора.
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code that was emailed to {0}.
+ Введите 6-значный код подтверждения, который был отправлен на {0}.
For 2FA
- Login Unavailable
+ Вход недоступен
For 2FA whenever there are no available providers on this device.
- This account has two-step login enabled, however, none of the configured two-step providers are supported on this device. Please use a supported device and/or add additional providers that are better supported across devices (such as an authenticator app).
+ Для этой учетной записи включена двухфакторная аутентификация, однако ни один из настроенных вариантов аутентификации не поддерживается на этом устройстве. Используйте поддерживаемое устройство и/или добавьте другие варианты, которые поддерживаются на большинстве устройств (например, приложение-аутентификатор).
- Recovery Code
+ Код восстановления
For 2FA
- Remember me
+ Запомнить меня
Remember my two-step login
- Send verification code email again
+ Отправить код подтверждения еще раз
For 2FA
- Two-step Login Options
+ Параметры двухфакторной аутентификации
- Use another two-step login method
+ Использовать другой метод двухфакторной аутентификации
- Could not send verification email. Try again.
+ Не удалось отправить письмо подтверждения. Повторить.
For 2FA
- Verification email sent.
+ Отправлено письмо подтверждения.
For 2FA
- Hold your YubiKey NEO against the back of the device to continue.
+ Для продолжения приложите ваш YubiKey NEO к задней панели устройства.
- YubiKey NEO Security Key
+ Ключ безопасности YubiKey NEO
"YubiKey NEO" is the product name and should not be translated.
- Add New Attachment
+ Добавить новое вложение
- Attachments
+ Вложения
- Unable to download file.
+ Не удается загрузить файл.
- Your device cannot open this type of file.
+ Устройство не может открыть этот тип файла.
- Downloading...
+ Загрузка...
Message shown when downloading a file
- This attachment is {0} in size. Are you sure you want to download it onto your device?
+ Это вложение имеет размер {0}. Вы действительно хотите загрузить его на устройство?
The placeholder will show the file size of the attachment. Ex "25 MB"
- Authenticator Key (TOTP)
+ Ключ проверки подлинности (TOTP)
- Verification Code (TOTP)
+ Код подтверждения (TOTP)
Totp code label
- Authenticator key added.
+ Ключ проверки подлинности добавлен.
- Cannot read authenticator key.
+ Не удается прочитать ключ проверки подлинности.
- Scanning will happen automatically.
+ Сканирование будет происходить автоматически.
- Point your camera at the QR code.
+ Наведите камеру на QR-код.
- Scan QR Code
+ Сканировать QR-код
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sk.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sk.resx
index 84ff846e1..44b3b60bb 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sk.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sk.resx
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Vytvorte organizáciu pre bezpečné zdieľanie vašich prihlasovacích údajov s inými používateľmi.
- Používame analytiku, aby sme zistili, ako je aplikácia používaná, aby sme ju mohli vylepšiť. Všetky zhromaždené údaje sú kompletne anonymné.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sv.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sv.resx
index a96377414..aea36835b 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sv.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.sv.resx
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
- Tvåstegsverifiering gör ditt konto säkrare genom att kräva en verifieringskod från en autentiseringsapp på din mobila enhet när du loggar in. Tvåstegsverifiering kan aktiveras på bitwarden.com webbvalv. Vill du besöka webbplatsen nu?
+ Tvåstegsverifiering gör ditt konto säkrare genom att kräva att du verifierar din inloggning med en annan enhet, till exempel genom en säkerhetsnyckel, autentiseringsapp, SMS, telefonsamtal eller mejl. Tvåstegsverifiering kan aktiveras på bitwardens webbvalv. Vill du besöka webbplatsen nu?
Lås upp med {0}
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
Lås upp med PIN-kod
- Validating
+ Validerar
Message shown when interacting with the server
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
Skapa en organisation för att på ett säkert sätt kunna dela dina inloggningar med andra användare.
- Vi använder analytics för att bättre förstå hur appen används så att vi kan göra förbättringar. All datainsamling är helt anonym.
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -851,97 +851,151 @@
Message shown when trying to launch an app that does not exist on the user's device.
- Authenticator App
+ Autentiseringsapp
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code from your authenticator app.
+ Ange den 6-siffriga verifieringskoden från din autentiseringsapp.
For 2FA
- Enter the 6 digit verification code that was emailed to {0}.
+ Ange den 6-siffriga verifieringskoden som skickades till {0}.
For 2FA
- Login Unavailable
+ Inloggning inte tillgänglig
For 2FA whenever there are no available providers on this device.
- This account has two-step login enabled, however, none of the configured two-step providers are supported on this device. Please use a supported device and/or add additional providers that are better supported across devices (such as an authenticator app).
+ Detta konto har tvåstegsverifiering aktiverat, men inget av alternativen som används stöds på den här enheten. Använd en enhet som stöds och/eller lägg till en metod för tvåstegsverifiering med bättre stöd för flera olika typer av enheter (t.ex. via en autentiseringsapp).
- Recovery Code
+ Återställningskod
For 2FA
- Remember me
+ Förbli inloggad
Remember my two-step login
- Send verification code email again
+ Skicka verifieringskod-mejlet igen
For 2FA
- Two-step Login Options
+ Inställningar för tvåstegsverifiering
- Use another two-step login method
+ Använd en annan inloggningsmetod för tvåstegsverifiering
- Could not send verification email. Try again.
+ Kunde inte skicka verifierings-mejl. Försök igen.
For 2FA
- Verification email sent.
+ Verifierings-mejl skickat.
For 2FA
- Hold your YubiKey NEO against the back of the device to continue.
+ Håll din YubiKey NEO mot baksidan av enheten för att fortsätta.
- YubiKey NEO Security Key
+ Säkerhetsnyckel för YubiKey NEO
"YubiKey NEO" is the product name and should not be translated.
- Add New Attachment
+ Bifoga fil
- Attachments
+ Bifogade filer
- Unable to download file.
+ Kunde ej hämta fil.
- Your device cannot open this type of file.
+ Enheten kan inte öppna denna typ av fil.
- Downloading...
+ Laddar ner...
Message shown when downloading a file
- This attachment is {0} in size. Are you sure you want to download it onto your device?
+ Denna bilaga är {0} i storlek. Är du säker på att du vill ladda ner den till din enhet?
The placeholder will show the file size of the attachment. Ex "25 MB"
- Authenticator Key (TOTP)
+ Autentiseringsnyckel (TOTP)
- Verification Code (TOTP)
+ Verifieringskod (TOTP)
Totp code label
- Authenticator key added.
+ Autentiseringsnyckel tillagd.
- Cannot read authenticator key.
+ Kan inte läsa autentiseringsnyckeln.
- Scanning will happen automatically.
+ Skanningen kommer att ske automatiskt.
- Point your camera at the QR code.
+ Rikta kameran mot en QR-kod.
- Scan QR Code
+ Skanna QR-kod
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.th.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.th.resx
index 0641ed044..738b42b79 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.th.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.th.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
Create an organization to securely share your logins with other users.
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx
index 841408a72..7abc4b498 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hans.resx
@@ -822,8 +822,8 @@
- 我们会分析扩展的使用情况,以便我们改进。所有的数据收集完全是匿名的。
+ We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx
index aa757961b..e7eecc61e 100644
--- a/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx
+++ b/src/App/Resources/AppResources.zh-Hant.resx
@@ -822,7 +822,7 @@
We use analytics to better learn how the app is being used so that we can make it better. All data collection is completely anonymous.
@@ -944,4 +944,58 @@
Scan QR Code
+ Camera
+ Photos
+ Copied TOTP!
+ Copy TOTP
+ If your login has an authenticator key attached to it, the TOTP verification code is automatically copied to your clipboard whenever you auto-fill the login.
+ Disable Automatic TOTP Copy
+ A premium membership is required to use this feature.
+ Attachment added
+ Attachment deleted
+ Choose File
+ File
+ No file chosen
+ There are no attachments.
+ File Source
+ Feature Unavailable
+ Maximum file size is 100 MB.
+ You cannot use this feature until you update your encryption key.
+ Learn More
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/store/google/es/copy.resx b/store/google/es/copy.resx
index bd66ba4ff..e6486b3e9 100644
--- a/store/google/es/copy.resx
+++ b/store/google/es/copy.resx
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
Max 30 characters
- bitwarden is a login and password manager that helps keep you safe while online.
+ bitwarden es un gestor de inicio de sesión y contraseña que te ayuda a mantenerte a salvo mientras estás en línea.
Max 80 characters