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synced 2025-02-16 11:59:57 +03:00
BIT-765: Parse user information from JWT token (#127)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 165 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
* Contains data that can be parsed from a valid JWT token.
* @property userId The ID of the user.
* @property email The user's email address.
* @property isEmailVerified Whether or not the user's email is verified.
* @property name The user's name.
* @property expirationAsEpochTime The expiration time measured as an epoch time in seconds.
* @property hasPremium True if the user has a premium account.
* @property authenticationMethodsReference A list of the authentication methods used during
* authentication.
data class JwtTokenDataJson(
val userId: String,
val email: String,
val isEmailVerified: Boolean,
val name: String?,
val expirationAsEpochTime: Int,
val hasPremium: Boolean,
val authenticationMethodsReference: List<String>,
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.util
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.JwtTokenDataJson
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.datasource.network.util.base64UrlDecodeOrNull
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
* Internal, generally basic [Json] instance for JWT parsing purposes.
private val json by lazy { Json { ignoreUnknownKeys = true } }
* Parses a [JwtTokenDataJson] from the given [jwtToken], or `null` if this parsing is not possible.
@Suppress("MagicNumber", "ReturnCount")
fun parseJwtTokenDataOrNull(jwtToken: String): JwtTokenDataJson? {
val parts = jwtToken.split(".")
if (parts.size != 3) return null
val dataJson = parts[1]
val decodedDataJson = dataJson.base64UrlDecodeOrNull() ?: return null
return try {
} catch (_: Throwable) {
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.datasource.network.util
import okio.ByteString.Companion.decodeBase64
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.Base64
@ -15,3 +17,18 @@ fun String.base64UrlEncode(): String =
.replace("+", "-")
.replace("/", "_")
.replace("=", "")
* Base 64 decode the given string after making the following replacements:
* - replace all "-" with "+"
* - replace all "_" with "/"
* A value of `null` will be returned if the decoding fails.
fun String.base64UrlDecodeOrNull(): String? =
.replace("-", "+")
.replace("_", "/")
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.util
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.JwtTokenDataJson
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class JwtTokenUtilsTest {
fun `parseJwtTokenDataOrNull for a valid token input should return a JwtTokenData`() {
val testJwtToken =
"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE2OTc0OTIxMTQsImV4cCI6MTY5NzQ5NTcxN" +
"CwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pZGVudGl0eS5iaXR3YXJkZW4uY29tIiwiY2xpZW50X2lkIjoibW9iaWxl" +
"Iiwic3ViIjoiMmExMzViMjMtZTFmYi00MmM5LWJlYzMtNTczODU3YmM4MTgxIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjo" +
"JpdHdhcmRlbi5jb20iLCJlbWFpbF92ZXJpZmllZCI6dHJ1ZSwic3N0YW1wIjoiSkRIUzRSTUxFNEtGV" +
"EI0TFRIMjVTNkVLRktGTlhOQ0IiLCJuYW1lIjoiQml0d2FyZGVuIFRlc3RlciIsImRldmljZSI6IjNk" +
"FjY2VzcyJdLCJhbXIiOlsiQXBwbGljYXRpb24iXX0.RP2-wABK63Osu-tJY6KJjqVRSJ3-JR_OOdc3N" +
userId = "2a135b23-e1fb-42c9-bec3-573857bc8181",
email = "test@bitwarden.com",
isEmailVerified = true,
name = "Bitwarden Tester",
expirationAsEpochTime = 1697495714,
hasPremium = false,
authenticationMethodsReference = listOf("Application"),
parseJwtTokenDataOrNull(jwtToken = testJwtToken),
fun `parseJwtTokenDataOrNull for an invalid token input should return null`() {
parseJwtTokenDataOrNull(jwtToken = "invalid JWT token"),
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.datasource.network.util
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class NetworkUtilsTest {
fun `base64UrlEncode should Base64 encode the string and make the relevant replacements`() {
// Checks replacement of + to - and removal of =
// Checks replacement of \ to _
fun `base64UrlDecodeOrNull should Base64 decode the string and make the relevant replacements`() {
// Checks replacement of - to +
// Checks replacement of _ to \
fun `base64UrlDecodeOrNull should return null value a non-encoded String`() {
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