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synced 2025-02-18 13:00:01 +03:00
Update biometrics state in AccountSecurityScreen (#812)
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 130 additions and 112 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.R
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.AuthRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.UserFingerprintResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.UserState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.EnvironmentRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.SettingsRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.model.VaultTimeout
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.Text
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.ui.platform.base.util.asText
import dagger.hilt.android.lifecycle.HiltViewModel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.launchIn
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.update
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
@ -42,7 +44,11 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModel @Inject constructor(
dialog = null,
fingerprintPhrase = "".asText(), // This will be filled in dynamically
isApproveLoginRequestsEnabled = settingsRepository.isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled,
isUnlockWithBiometricsEnabled = false,
isUnlockWithBiometricsEnabled = authRepository
?.isBiometricsEnabled == true,
isUnlockWithPinEnabled = settingsRepository.isUnlockWithPinEnabled,
vaultTimeout = settingsRepository.vaultTimeout,
vaultTimeoutAction = settingsRepository.vaultTimeoutAction,
@ -69,6 +75,12 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModel @Inject constructor(
.map { AccountSecurityAction.Internal.UserStateReceive(it) }
override fun handleAction(action: AccountSecurityAction): Unit = when (action) {
@ -84,10 +96,7 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModel @Inject constructor(
AccountSecurityAction.PendingLoginRequestsClick -> handlePendingLoginRequestsClick()
is AccountSecurityAction.VaultTimeoutTypeSelect -> handleVaultTimeoutTypeSelect(action)
is AccountSecurityAction.CustomVaultTimeoutSelect -> handleCustomVaultTimeoutSelect(action)
is AccountSecurityAction.VaultTimeoutActionSelect -> {
is AccountSecurityAction.VaultTimeoutActionSelect -> handleVaultTimeoutActionSelect(action)
AccountSecurityAction.TwoStepLoginClick -> handleTwoStepLoginClick()
is AccountSecurityAction.UnlockWithBiometricToggle -> {
@ -99,13 +108,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModel @Inject constructor(
is AccountSecurityAction.PushNotificationConfirm -> {
is AccountSecurityAction.Internal.FingerprintResultReceive -> {
is AccountSecurityAction.PushNotificationConfirm -> handlePushNotificationConfirm()
is AccountSecurityAction.Internal -> handleInternalAction(action)
private fun handleAccountFingerprintPhraseClick() {
@ -254,6 +258,16 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModel @Inject constructor(
private fun handleInternalAction(action: AccountSecurityAction.Internal) {
when (action) {
is AccountSecurityAction.Internal.FingerprintResultReceive -> {
is AccountSecurityAction.Internal.UserStateReceive -> handleUserStateReceive(action)
private fun handleFingerprintResultReceived(
action: AccountSecurityAction.Internal.FingerprintResultReceive,
) {
@ -267,6 +281,17 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModel @Inject constructor(
private fun handleUserStateReceive(action: AccountSecurityAction.Internal.UserStateReceive) {
mutableStateFlow.update {
isUnlockWithBiometricsEnabled = action
?.isBiometricsEnabled == true,
@ -513,5 +538,12 @@ sealed class AccountSecurityAction {
data class FingerprintResultReceive(
val fingerprintResult: UserFingerprintResult,
) : Internal()
* The updated [userState] has been received.
data class UserStateReceive(
val userState: UserState?,
) : Internal()
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import androidx.lifecycle.SavedStateHandle
import app.cash.turbine.test
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.AuthRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.UserFingerprintResult
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.auth.repository.model.UserState
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.EnvironmentRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.SettingsRepository
import com.x8bit.bitwarden.data.platform.repository.model.Environment
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import io.mockk.just
import io.mockk.mockk
import io.mockk.runs
import io.mockk.verify
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse
@ -29,31 +31,30 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
private val fakeEnvironmentRepository = FakeEnvironmentRepository()
private val mutableUserStateFlow = MutableStateFlow<UserState?>(DEFAULT_USER_STATE)
private val authRepository: AuthRepository = mockk(relaxed = true) {
every { userStateFlow } returns mutableUserStateFlow
private val vaultRepository: VaultRepository = mockk(relaxed = true)
private val settingsRepository: SettingsRepository = mockk {
every { isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled } returns false
every { isUnlockWithPinEnabled } returns false
every { vaultTimeout } returns VaultTimeout.ThirtyMinutes
every { vaultTimeoutAction } returns VaultTimeoutAction.LOCK
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
fun `initial state should be correct when saved state is set`() {
val settingsRepository = getMockSettingsRepository()
val viewModel = createViewModel(
initialState = DEFAULT_STATE,
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
val viewModel = createViewModel(initialState = DEFAULT_STATE)
assertEquals(DEFAULT_STATE, viewModel.stateFlow.value)
coVerify { settingsRepository.getUserFingerprint() }
fun `initial state should be correct when saved state is not set`() {
val settingsRepository: SettingsRepository = mockk {
every { isUnlockWithPinEnabled } returns true
every { vaultTimeout } returns VaultTimeout.ThirtyMinutes
every { vaultTimeoutAction } returns VaultTimeoutAction.LOCK
every { isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled } returns false
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(
initialState = null,
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
every { settingsRepository.isUnlockWithPinEnabled } returns true
val viewModel = createViewModel(initialState = null)
DEFAULT_STATE.copy(isUnlockWithPinEnabled = true),
@ -61,10 +62,22 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
coVerify { settingsRepository.getUserFingerprint() }
fun `userState with biometrics should update state`() {
mutableUserStateFlow.value = DEFAULT_USER_STATE.copy(
accounts = listOf(DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT.copy(isBiometricsEnabled = true)),
val viewModel = createViewModel(initialState = null)
DEFAULT_STATE.copy(isUnlockWithBiometricsEnabled = true),
fun `on FingerprintResultReceive should update the fingerprint phrase`() = runTest {
val fingerprint = "fingerprint"
val viewModel = createViewModel()
val viewModel = createViewModel(initialState = DEFAULT_STATE)
// Set fingerprint phrase to value received
@ -163,10 +176,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on LockNowClick should call lockVaultForCurrentUser`() {
val vaultRepository = mockk<VaultRepository>(relaxed = true) {
every { lockVaultForCurrentUser() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel(vaultRepository = vaultRepository)
every { vaultRepository.lockVaultForCurrentUser() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
verify { vaultRepository.lockVaultForCurrentUser() }
@ -185,11 +196,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on VaultTimeoutTypeSelect should update the selection()`() = runTest {
val settingsRepository = mockk<SettingsRepository>() {
every { vaultTimeout = any() } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(settingsRepository = settingsRepository)
every { settingsRepository.vaultTimeout = any() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
@ -204,11 +212,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on CustomVaultTimeoutSelect should update the selection()`() = runTest {
val settingsRepository = mockk<SettingsRepository>() {
every { vaultTimeout = any() } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(settingsRepository = settingsRepository)
every { settingsRepository.vaultTimeout = any() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
customVaultTimeout = VaultTimeout.Custom(vaultTimeoutInMinutes = 360),
@ -227,11 +232,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on VaultTimeoutActionSelect should update vault timeout action`() = runTest {
val settingsRepository = mockk<SettingsRepository>() {
every { vaultTimeoutAction = any() } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(settingsRepository = settingsRepository)
every { settingsRepository.vaultTimeoutAction = any() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
@ -294,14 +296,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
val initialState = DEFAULT_STATE.copy(
isUnlockWithPinEnabled = true,
val settingsRepository: SettingsRepository = mockk() {
every { clearUnlockPin() } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(
initialState = initialState,
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
every { settingsRepository.clearUnlockPin() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel(initialState = initialState)
@ -334,14 +330,9 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
val initialState = DEFAULT_STATE.copy(
isUnlockWithPinEnabled = false,
val settingsRepository: SettingsRepository = mockk() {
every { storeUnlockPin(any(), any()) } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(
initialState = initialState,
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
every { settingsRepository.storeUnlockPin(any(), any()) } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel(initialState = initialState)
pin = "1234",
@ -372,10 +363,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on ConfirmLogoutClick should call logout and hide confirm dialog`() = runTest {
val authRepository: AuthRepository = mockk {
every { logout() } returns Unit
val viewModel = createViewModel(authRepository = authRepository)
every { authRepository.logout() } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
assertEquals(DEFAULT_STATE.copy(dialog = null), viewModel.stateFlow.value)
verify { authRepository.logout() }
@ -392,13 +381,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on ApprovePasswordlessLoginsToggle enabled should update settings and set isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled to true`() =
runTest {
val settingsRepository = mockk<SettingsRepository> {
every { isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled = true } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
every { settingsRepository.isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled = true } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
viewModel.eventFlow.test {
@ -427,13 +411,8 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
fun `on ApprovePasswordlessLoginsToggle disabled should update settings and set isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled to false`() =
runTest {
val settingsRepository = mockk<SettingsRepository> {
every { isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled = false } just runs
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
val viewModel = createViewModel(
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
every { settingsRepository.isApprovePasswordlessLoginsEnabled = false } just runs
val viewModel = createViewModel()
viewModel.eventFlow.test {
@ -459,42 +438,49 @@ class AccountSecurityViewModelTest : BaseViewModelTest() {
* Returns a [mockk] of the [SettingsRepository] with the call made on init already mocked.
private fun getMockSettingsRepository(): SettingsRepository =
mockk<SettingsRepository> {
coEvery { getUserFingerprint() } returns UserFingerprintResult.Success(FINGERPRINT)
private fun createViewModel(
initialState: AccountSecurityState? = DEFAULT_STATE,
authRepository: AuthRepository = mockk(relaxed = true),
vaultRepository: VaultRepository = mockk(relaxed = true),
environmentRepository: EnvironmentRepository = fakeEnvironmentRepository,
settingsRepository: SettingsRepository = getMockSettingsRepository(),
savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle = SavedStateHandle().apply {
set("state", initialState)
authRepository: AuthRepository = this.authRepository,
vaultRepository: VaultRepository = this.vaultRepository,
environmentRepository: EnvironmentRepository = this.fakeEnvironmentRepository,
settingsRepository: SettingsRepository = this.settingsRepository,
): AccountSecurityViewModel = AccountSecurityViewModel(
authRepository = authRepository,
vaultRepository = vaultRepository,
settingsRepository = settingsRepository,
environmentRepository = environmentRepository,
savedStateHandle = savedStateHandle,
savedStateHandle = SavedStateHandle().apply {
set("state", initialState)
companion object {
private const val FINGERPRINT = "fingerprint"
private val DEFAULT_STATE = AccountSecurityState(
dialog = null,
fingerprintPhrase = FINGERPRINT.asText(),
isApproveLoginRequestsEnabled = false,
isUnlockWithBiometricsEnabled = false,
isUnlockWithPinEnabled = false,
vaultTimeout = VaultTimeout.ThirtyMinutes,
vaultTimeoutAction = VaultTimeoutAction.LOCK,
private const val FINGERPRINT: String = "fingerprint"
private val DEFAULT_STATE: AccountSecurityState = AccountSecurityState(
dialog = null,
fingerprintPhrase = FINGERPRINT.asText(),
isApproveLoginRequestsEnabled = false,
isUnlockWithBiometricsEnabled = false,
isUnlockWithPinEnabled = false,
vaultTimeout = VaultTimeout.ThirtyMinutes,
vaultTimeoutAction = VaultTimeoutAction.LOCK,
private val DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT: UserState.Account = UserState.Account(
userId = "activeUserId",
name = "Active User",
email = "active@bitwarden.com",
avatarColorHex = "#aa00aa",
environment = Environment.Us,
isPremium = true,
isLoggedIn = true,
isVaultUnlocked = true,
isBiometricsEnabled = false,
organizations = emptyList(),
private val DEFAULT_USER_STATE: UserState = UserState(
activeUserId = "activeUserId",
accounts = listOf(DEFAULT_USER_ACCOUNT),
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