Observer KRypt0n_ 1dfafd3da4
- updated dependencies

From previous commits:
- added Futex2 option for Wine synchronization settings
- fixed 100% CPU Usage lock on Discord RPC (!36)
- added borderless windows option (!35)
- reworked `enhancements` locales structure;
  added separate "Wine", "Game" and "Launcher" sections
  to the "Enhancements" settings
- added "Use terminal" option to run the wine command in a separate terminal window
- fixed `DXVK.apply()` compatibility with Wine-GE 7.* (b1c96039)
- updated Hungarian and Norwegian
- updated notahuman's shaders to v5 (!37)
- disabled terminal usage in flatpaks
2022-02-06 22:00:36 +02:00
bundle-appimage.cjs 2.1.3 2022-02-06 22:00:36 +02:00