Observer KRypt0n_ 4c5a38dfc2
- added "Settings" option for main window menu
- added working default paths selection in first run window

From previous commits:
- added subfolders support for blueprint compiler;
  moved first_run and preferences pages to subfolders
- added 2 first run pages:
  + when you don't have some required components
  + to select default folders paths
2022-07-29 22:20:06 +02:00

130 lines
3.9 KiB

using Gtk 4.0;
using Adw 1;
Adw.ApplicationWindow window {
default-width: 900;
default-height: 600;
icon-name: "resource:///org/app/assets/icons/64x64";
content: Adw.ToastOverlay toast_overlay {
Adw.Leaflet leaflet {
can-navigate-back: true;
can-unfold: false;
Gtk.Box {
orientation: vertical;
hexpand: true;
Adw.HeaderBar {
title-widget: Adw.WindowTitle {
title: "An Anime Game Launcher";
Gtk.MenuButton menu {
menu-model: app_menu;
icon-name: "open-menu-symbolic";
halign: end;
valign: center;
margin-start: 12;
Adw.StatusPage status_page {
icon-name: "image-loading-symbolic";
title: "Loading data";
vexpand: true;
Adw.PreferencesPage launcher_content {
visible: false;
Adw.PreferencesGroup {
Gtk.Image {
resource: "/org/app/assets/images/icon.png";
vexpand: true;
margin-top: 48;
Gtk.Label {
label: "An Anime Game Launcher";
margin-top: 32;
styles ["title-1"]
Adw.PreferencesGroup launch_game_group {
vexpand: true;
valign: center;
Gtk.Box {
halign: center;
margin-top: 64;
spacing: 8;
Gtk.Button launch_game {
label: "Launch";
hexpand: false;
width-request: 200;
styles ["suggested-action"]
Gtk.Button open_preferences {
icon-name: "preferences-system-symbolic";
Adw.PreferencesGroup progress_bar_group {
vexpand: true;
valign: center;
visible: false;
Gtk.Box {
halign: center;
margin-top: 64;
spacing: 20;
Gtk.ProgressBar progress_bar {
text: "Downloading: 37% (3.7 of 10 GB)";
show-text: true;
width-request: 360;
fraction: 0.37;
valign: center;
Gtk.Button {
label: "Pause";
sensitive: false;
tooltip-text: "Work in progress";
Gtk.AboutDialog about {
program-name: "An Anime Game Launcher";
logo: "resource:///org/app/assets/images/icon.png";
website: "";
modal: true;
transient-for: window;
menu app_menu {
item ("Check for updates")
item ("Settings", "")
item ("About", "")