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synced 2025-03-30 13:31:14 +03:00
Added Environment settings page where you can specify command which will be used to run the game, and manage its environment variables
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169 lines
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use relm4::prelude::*;
use anime_launcher_sdk::config;
use anime_launcher_sdk::anime_game_core::prelude::*;
use anime_launcher_sdk::anime_game_core::genshin::prelude::*;
use anime_launcher_sdk::consts::launcher_dir;
use tracing_subscriber::prelude::*;
use tracing_subscriber::filter::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub mod i18n;
pub mod ui;
pub mod background;
mod prettify_bytes;
pub use prettify_bytes::prettify_bytes;
pub const APP_ID: &str = "moe.launcher.an-anime-game-launcher-gtk";
pub const APP_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
pub const APP_DEBUG: bool = cfg!(debug_assertions);
/// Sets to `true` when the `App` component is ready (fully initialized)
pub static mut READY: bool = false;
// TODO: get rid of using this function in all the components' events
// e.g. by converting preferences pages into Relm4 Components
pub fn is_ready() -> bool {
unsafe { READY }
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
/// Config loaded on the app's start. Use `config::get()` to get up to date config instead.
/// This one is used to prepare some launcher UI components on start
pub static ref CONFIG: config::Config = config::get().expect("Failed to load config");
pub static ref GAME: Game = Game::new(&CONFIG.game.path);
/// Path to launcher folder. Standard is `$HOME/.local/share/anime-game-launcher`
pub static ref LAUNCHER_FOLDER: PathBuf = launcher_dir().unwrap_or_default();
/// Path to `debug.log` file. Standard is `$HOME/.local/share/anime-game-launcher/debug.log`
pub static ref DEBUG_FILE: PathBuf = LAUNCHER_FOLDER.join("debug.log");
/// Path to `background` file. Standard is `$HOME/.local/share/anime-game-launcher/background`
pub static ref BACKGROUND_FILE: PathBuf = LAUNCHER_FOLDER.join("background");
/// Path to `.keep-background` file. Used to mark launcher that it shouldn't update background picture
/// Standard is `$HOME/.local/share/anime-game-launcher/.keep-background`
pub static ref KEEP_BACKGROUND_FILE: PathBuf = LAUNCHER_FOLDER.join(".keep-background");
/// Path to `.first-run` file. Used to mark launcher that it should run FirstRun window
/// Standard is `$HOME/.local/share/anime-game-launcher/.first-run`
pub static ref FIRST_RUN_FILE: PathBuf = LAUNCHER_FOLDER.join(".first-run");
fn main() {
// Create launcher folder if it isn't
if !LAUNCHER_FOLDER.exists() {
std::fs::create_dir_all(LAUNCHER_FOLDER.as_path()).expect("Failed to create launcher folder");
// This one is kinda critical buy well, I can't do something with it
std::fs::write(FIRST_RUN_FILE.as_path(), "").expect("Failed to create .first-run file");
// Set initial launcher language based on system language
let mut config = config::get().expect("Failed to get config");
config.launcher.language = i18n::format_lang(&i18n::get_default_lang());
config::update_raw(config).expect("Failed to update config");
// Force debug output
let force_debug = std::env::args().any(|arg| &arg == "--debug");
// Prepare stdout logger
let stdout = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
if APP_DEBUG || force_debug {
} else {
.with_filter(filter_fn(|metadata| {
// Prepare debug file logger
let file = match std::fs::File::create(DEBUG_FILE.as_path()) {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(error) => panic!("Failed to create debug.log file: {:?}", error)
let debug_log = tracing_subscriber::fmt::layer()
.with_filter(filter_fn(|metadata| {
tracing::info!("Starting application ({APP_VERSION})");
adw::init().expect("Libadwaita initialization failed");
// Register and include resources
.expect("Failed to register resources");
// Set application's title
gtk::glib::set_application_name("An Anime Game Launcher");
gtk::glib::set_program_name(Some("An Anime Game Launcher"));
// Create the app
let app = RelmApp::new(APP_ID);
// Set global css
progressbar > text {{
margin-bottom: 4px;
window.classic-style {{
background: url(\"file://{}\");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
window.classic-style progressbar {{
background-color: #00000040;
border-radius: 16px;
padding: 8px 16px;
window.classic-style progressbar:hover {{
background-color: #00000090;
transition-duration: 0.5s;
transition-timing-function: linear;
", BACKGROUND_FILE.to_string_lossy()));
// Set UI language
let lang = CONFIG.launcher.language.parse().expect("Wrong language format used in config");
i18n::set_lang(lang).expect("Failed to set launcher language");
tracing::info!("Set UI language to {}", i18n::get_lang());
// Run FirstRun window if .first-run file persist
if FIRST_RUN_FILE.exists() {
// Run the app if everything's ready
else {