{ "Install": "Installieren", "Launch": "Starten", "Runners": "Runners", "Langs": "Sprachen", "Voice": "Sprachpaket", "SettingsTitle": "Einstellungen", "GeneralSettings": "Generell", "Downloading": "wird Heruntergeladen...", "GameDownloaded": "Spiel würde erfolgreich heruntergeladen", "ApplyPatch": "Patch wird angewendet", "PatchRequired": "Patch required", "PatchRequiredHint": "This game version doesn't have an anti-cheat patch. Please, wait a few days and try again.", "TestPatch": "Apply test patch", "TestPatchHint": "This game version has an anti-cheat patch, but it is in the testing phase. You can wait a few days until it is stable or apply it at your own risk." }