import type { PatchState, PatchInfo } from './types/Patch'; import md5 from 'js-md5'; import constants from './Constants'; import Game from './Game'; import fetch from './core/Fetch'; export default class Patch { public static fetchTimeout: number = 3000; /** * Get information about latest available patch * * @returns rejects Error object if the patch's repositories are unreachable or they responded with an error */ public static get latest(): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const getLatestPatchInfo = (versions: string[], source: 'origin' | 'additional'): Promise => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const version = versions[0]; this.getPatchInfo(version, source) .then(async (patchInfo) => { // Patch with version e.g. [2.4.0] doesn't exist // so we're looking for [2.3.0] instead if (patchInfo === null) resolve(await getLatestPatchInfo(versions.slice(1), 'origin')); // Otherwise - return found info else resolve(patchInfo); }) .catch(async (error) => { // If we couldn't connect to the origin repo // then we can try to connect to the additional one if (source === 'origin') resolve(await getLatestPatchInfo(versions, 'additional')); // Otherwise both of origin and additional repos // are unreachable and we should notice about that else reject(error); }); }); }; resolve(await getLatestPatchInfo(await Game.versions, 'origin')); }); } /** * Get information about the patch with specified version * * Be aware that `applied = true` field may mean that the game version * is more modern that the one that this patch was made for because * this field actually compares some files hashes * * @returns null if patch with given version doesn't exist in given source * @returns rejects Error object if the source is unreachable or it responded with an error */ public static getPatchInfo(version: string, source: 'origin' | 'additional' = 'origin'): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const patchUri = constants.uri.patch[source]; fetch(`${patchUri}/raw/master/${version.replaceAll('.', '')}/`, this.fetchTimeout) .then((patcherResponse) => { // Return an error if patch's server is unavailable if (patcherResponse.status === null) reject(new Error(`${source} patch repository is unreachable`)); // If [version]/ file doesn't exist - it means // that patch repo has no [version] else if (patcherResponse.status === 404) resolve(null); // Otherwise it should be [preparation], [testing] or [stable] else { fetch(`${patchUri}/raw/master/${version.replaceAll('.', '')}/patch_files/unityplayer_patch.vcdiff`, this.fetchTimeout) .then((response) => { // Return an error if patch's server is unavailable if (response.status === null) reject(new Error(`${source} patch repository is unreachable`)); // If [version]/patch_files/unityplayer_patch.vcdiff file doesn't exist // then it's [preparation] state and Krock just moved file to the [version] folder else if (response.status === 404) { resolve({ version: version, state: 'preparation', applied: false }); } // Otherwise it's [testing] or [stable] else { patcherResponse.body(this.fetchTimeout) .then((response) => { // Return an error if patch's server is unavailable if (response === '') reject(new Error(`${source} patch repository is unreachable`)); // Otherwise - let's prepare [testing] or [stable] output else { // If this line is commented - then it's [stable] version // Otherwise it's [testing] const stableMark = '#echo "If you would like to test this patch, modify this script and remove the line below this one."'; let patchInfo: PatchInfo = { version: version, state: response.includes(stableMark) ? 'stable' : 'testing', applied: false }; const originalPlayer = /if \[ "\${sum}" != "([a-z0-9]{32})" \]; then/mg.exec(response); // If we could get original UnityPlayer.dll hash - then we can // compare it with actual UnityPlayer.dll hash and say whether the patch // was applied or not if (originalPlayer !== null) patchInfo.applied = md5(`${constants.paths.gameDir}/UnityPlayer.dll`) != originalPlayer[1]; resolve(patchInfo); } }); } }); } }); }); } }