@echo off REM Notice: This file is overwritten for each patch for safety reasons. REM Hence, any manual changes will be overwritten by the next patch. REM ============ AVOID CHANGES HERE ============ SET perr=0 REM Verify that the important hosts are blocked ping -n 1 -w 1 log-upload-os.mihoyo.com | find "[]" >nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 SET perr=1 ping -n 1 -w 1 overseauspider.yuanshen.com | find "[]" >nul IF %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 SET perr=1 IF %perr% NEQ 0 ( REM Show the message to the user echo ERROR: Crucial domains are not blocked. Please re-run the patch script. >_error.txt notepad _error.txt del _error.txt exit ) REM Emulate the games behaviour copy mhyprot2.sys "%TEMP%\" regedit mhyprot2_running.reg REM Disable crash reporting IF EXIST GenshinImpact_Data\upload_crash.exe ( move "GenshinImpact_Data\upload_crash.exe" "GenshinImpact_Data\upload_crash.exe.bak" ) REM ============= Launch the game ============= REM https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CommandLineArguments.html REM Append the arguments to the command: launcher.bat arg1 arg2 ... start GenshinImpact.exe %*