- removed "Settings" main menu item because I said so
- made `VoiceoverRow` component;
added dynamic voiceovers loading
Now you can download new voiceovers, but can't delete them (WIP)
From previous commits:
- probably fixed startup gtk errors
- added "Settings" option for main window menu
- added working default paths selection in first run window
From previous commits:
- added subfolders support for blueprint compiler;
moved first_run and preferences pages to subfolders
- added 2 first run pages:
+ when you don't have some required components
+ to select default folders paths
- added subfolders support for blueprint compiler;
moved first_run and preferences pages to subfolders
- added 2 first run pages:
+ when you don't have some required components
+ to select default folders paths
- added automatic downloading if you already clicked "download" button
so e.g. you don't need to press "download" button two times to download the game
and then download its voiceover
- reduced amount of action calls
- added "WIP" tooltips for progress pause buttons
- updated core library to 0.1.3
- added soda wine version
- added default patch servers for config file
- with core modifications now first run window
finally works
- added new wine versions
- added automatic default folder creation
- added `latest` methods for DXVK/Wine versions
- added `wine_prefix` mod with `WinePrefix` struct to manage what do you think what
- spent lots of time trying to make the launcher
download default wine version,
create prefix and apply DXVK
but it just pauses actions flow after
~400 KB of downloaded wine version progress
- added `add_action` function to add actions to widgets
- added `MainApp::toast_error` method to show toast with some error
- added `lib::game` mod with `run` function to run the game
- added `lib::consts` mod with constant values like config file path
- added `lib::config` mod to control config file
- added warning subtitle to `Proton-GE` wine version selector