- added Lutris 6.21-5 runner
- added `recommendable` field to the runners (for future feature)
- removed PrefixSelector class which functionality now partially moved
as an anonymous class in the `constants.prefixDir` property
- fixed temp winetricks and winecfg buttons disabling
- made `LauncherLib.getGameVersion` method to gather game version from its files
- added dark theme (add themes system at all)
From 1.6.1 preparations:
- fixed default runner installation
- disabled dxvk cache auto-deletion
- added wineserver env to winetricks
- added cabextract requirement
- added roadmap goal (issue #35)
- fixed issue with incorrect wine version unpacking
- added temp unpacking notification to progress bar
because for some reasons it lags a bit
- removed excess locales
- added voicepacks support
- added LauncherUI.updateLauncherState method
to automatically update launcher state
it possibly can break clear game installation because I changed the way
launcher identifies its state after some actions
- changed way the main button identifies what should it do
- now settings button hides when the launcher downloading something
- updated settings button icon
- updated background picture caching algorithm
- fixed main window flickering at start
- added environmental variables manager
- moved common styles to the basic.sass file
- added excess files deletion when game's update comes
- updated project logo
- fixed integrated AppImage's icons
- fixed launcher updates notification
- config.js now saves in the launcher's local directory
- removed excess installation step in the installPrefix function
- fixed and improved game patching process
- added analytics window
- added Proton 6.20 GE 1 to the runners list
- all common components moved to the separate files
- changed Launch button's shadow
- made settings window
- added runners management. Now you can download some runner like proton-ge
and run the game with it
- updated README pictures
- removed usused path files
- a lot of small changes and bug fixes
- added Marie Piontek as a project contributor
- added launcher icon
- made background picture caching
- made automatical patch downloading
- added social media buttons from the official launcher
Thanks Maroxy for all these enhancements
+ pull request #6
- added a notification when the game has been installed
- removed windows compilation because we will never use it
- added background picture parsing using the game's API
Thanks Maroxy for all these enhancements
+ issue #1
+ pull request #2
- added link to the BrowserWindow documentation
- added default icon
- added commented lines for production BrowserWindow state
- added typescript and sass support
- updated default page. Now the "Hello World" sign placed in the center