- added `tooltip` property for the `Checkbox` and `SelectionBox` components
- changed text selection cursor to default
- added tooltips for some options in the settings menu
- made selection list component
- generalized selection box component;
added `LanguageSelection` component
- `DXVK.get()` method was renamed to `DXVK.get()`
- added `DXVK.get()` method to get a DXVK with a specified version
- added `vue-i18n`
- made `Locales` class to get launcher locales
- added checking that settings window is not already open in `Launcher.showSettings()`
- improved `promisify()`; now it can work with `Promise` objects
- improved `Process` class;
added `Process.kill()` and `Process.running()` methods
- improved `Window` class, fixed its output
- added template settings html file
- removed excess code from the entry file
- fixed windows loading
- added proper main window title
- added settings button events
- also `index.ts` now works through `promisify()`
- added `Launcher.showSettings()` method
- fixed `promisify()` issues related to `callAtOnce` property