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synced 2025-03-14 20:20:09 +03:00
Updated Indonesian Translation
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 44 additions and 44 deletions
@ -1,47 +1,47 @@
"Install": "Install",
"Update": "Update",
"Launch": "Launch",
"Install": "Pasang",
"Update": "Perbarui",
"Launch": "Luncurkan",
"Runners": "Runners",
"Language": "Language",
"Voice": "Voice Pack",
"VoiceNotification": "This feature requires you to manually select the new voice pack in the game",
"PreInstallationRequired": "pre-installation required",
"ToggleShadersText": "Use Home button to toggle shaders in the game",
"Shaders": "Shaders",
"ReshadeNotInstalled": "You haven't installed vkBasalt and reshade-shaders library",
"Author": "Author",
"NoImages": "No images added",
"SettingsTitle": "Settings",
"GeneralSettings": "General",
"WineVersion": "Wine version",
"Environment": "Environment",
"EnvironmentalVariables": "Environmental variables",
"Name": "Name",
"Value": "Value",
"Add": "Add",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Statistics": "Statistics",
"YouPlayedFor": "You've played for",
"hours": "hours",
"minutes": "minutes",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Unpack": "Unpacking",
"GameDownloaded": "Game was successfully installed",
"ApplyPatch": "Applying patch...",
"PatchRequired": "Patch required",
"PatchRequiredHint": "This game version doesn't have an anti-cheat patch. Please, wait a few days and try again",
"TestPatch": "Apply test patch",
"TestPatchHint": "This game version has an anti-cheat patch, but it is in the testing phase. You can wait a few days until it is stable or apply it at your own risk",
"AnalyticsTitle": "Yanfei's commission...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Participate in anonymous data collection",
"AnalyticsText1": "To count the active user base for Linux, Yanfei would like to collect your IP address everytime the game updates",
"AnalyticsText2": "The IP address will be hashed for security purpose",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LauncherUpdateTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LauncherUpdateBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at {uri.launcher}",
"TelemetryNotDisabled": "{placeholders.uppercase.company}'s telemetry servers don't disabled!"
"Language": "Bahasa",
"Voice": "Paket Suara",
"VoiceNotification": "Fitur ini memerlukan kamu untuk memilih paket suara baru di dalam Game",
"PreInstallationRequired": "pra-pemasangan dibutuhkan",
"ToggleShadersText": "Gunakan tombol Home untuk menyalakan/mematikan shader di dalam Game",
"Shaders": "Shader",
"ReshadeNotInstalled": "Kamu belum memasang vkBasalt dan library reshade-shaders",
"Author": "Pembuat",
"NoImages": "Tidak ada gambar ditambahkan",
"SettingsTitle": "Pengaturan",
"GeneralSettings": "Umum",
"WineVersion": "Versi Wine",
"Environment": "Lingkungan",
"EnvironmentalVariables": "Variabel Lingkungan",
"Name": "Nama",
"Value": "Nilai",
"Add": "Tambah",
"Delete": "Hapus",
"Statistics": "Statistik",
"YouPlayedFor": "Kamu sudah bermain selama",
"hours": "jam",
"minutes": "menit",
"Downloading": "Mengunduh",
"Unpack": "Membuka paket",
"GameDownloaded": "Game berhasil dipasang",
"ApplyPatch": "Memasang patch...",
"PatchRequired": "Patch dibutuhkan",
"PatchRequiredHint": "Versi Game ini tidak memiliki patch anti-cheat. Mohon tunggu beberapa hari dan coba lagi",
"TestPatch": "Pasang patch uji coba",
"TestPatchHint": "Versi Game ini memiliki patch anti-cheat, tetapi masih dalam tahap uji coba. Kamu dapat menunggu beberapa hari hingga patch stabil atau memasangnya dengan resiko kamu sendiri",
"AnalyticsTitle": "Komisi Yanfei...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Berpartisipasi dalam pengambilan data anonim",
"AnalyticsText1": "Untuk menghitung pengguna aktif di Linux, Yanfei ingin mengumpulkan alamat IP tiap kali Game diperbarui",
"AnalyticsText2": "Alamat IP akan diacak(hashed) untuk tujuan keamanan",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Bagikan negara",
"Participate": "Berpartisipasi",
"Skip": "Lewati",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Lewati dan jangan tanya lagi",
"LauncherUpdateTitle": "Pembaruan Launcher tersedia: ",
"LauncherUpdateBody": "Kamu dapat mengunduh versi baru launcher dari repositori di {uri.launcher}",
"TelemetryNotDisabled": "Server telemetri {placeholders.uppercase.company} tidak dimatikan!"
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