Merge branch 'main' of Maroxy/an-ordinary-launcher into main

This commit is contained in:
Observer KRypt0n_ 2021-10-29 06:46:34 +00:00 committed by Gogs
commit de1bd45a14
16 changed files with 75 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ npm start
### To 2.0.0 release
* Set default wine version to download so the wine install requirement is no longer needed.
* Add outdated files deletion when new game's update releases
* Add voice packs support
* Add Patch category in settings menu with

View file

@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
"PatchRequiredHint": "Diese Spielversion hat noch kein anti-cheat patch, Bitte warten sie ein paar Tage bevor sie es erneut versuchen",
"TestPatch": "Test Patch anwenden",
"TestPatchHint": "Diese Spielversion hat ein anti-cheat patch aber es befindet sich noch in der Testphase. Sie können noch ein paar Tage warten bis es Stabil ist oder auf eigenen Risiko den Testpatch anwenden",
"AnalyticsTitle": "Yanfei's commission...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Participate in anonymous data collection",
"AnalyticsText1": "To count the active user base for Linux, Yanfei would like to collect your IP address everytime the game updates",
"AnalyticsText2": "The IP address will be hashed for security purpose",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"AnalyticsTitle": "Yanfei's Kommission...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Nehmen Sie an der anonymen Datenerhebung teil",
"AnalyticsText1": "Um die aktive Nutzerbasis für Linux zu zählen, möchte Yanfei bei jedem Update des Spiels Ihre IP-Adresse erfassen,",
"AnalyticsText2": "Die IP Adresse wird aus Sicherheitsgründen gehasht.",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Land teilen",
"Participate": "Teilnehmen",
"Skip": "Überspringen",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Überspingen und nicht noch mal fragen",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update verfügbar: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "Sie können eine neue Version des Launchers aus dem Repository des Projekts unter herunterladen."

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
"PatchRequiredHint": "このゲームバージョンにはアンチチートパッチがありません。数日待ってから再度お試しください",
"TestPatch": "テストパッチの適用",
"TestPatchHint": "このゲームバージョンにはアンチチートパッチがありますが、テスト段階にあります。安定するまで数日お待ちいただくか、ご自身の責任で適用してください",
"AnalyticsTitle": "Yanfei's commission...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Participate in anonymous data collection",
"AnalyticsText1": "To count the active user base for Linux, Yanfei would like to collect your IP address everytime the game updates",
"AnalyticsText2": "The IP address will be hashed for security purpose",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"AnalyticsTitle": "ヤンフェイのコミッション...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "匿名でのデータ収集に参加",
"AnalyticsText1": "Linuxのアクティブユーザー数をカウントするために、YanfeiはゲームがアップデートされるたびにあなたのIPアドレスを収集したいと思います。",
"AnalyticsText2": "IPアドレスはセキュリティのためにハッシュ化されます。",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "シェアカントリー",
"Participate": "匿名でのデータ収集に参加",
"Skip": "スキップ",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "スキップして二度と聞かない",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "ランチャーのアップデートが可能 ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "ランチャーの新バージョンは、プロジェクトのリポジトリからダウンロードできます。"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Поделиться названием страны",
"Participate": "Участвовать",
"Skip": "Пропустить",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Пропустить и не спрашивать"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Пропустить и не спрашивать",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -23,5 +23,7 @@
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "Launcher update available: ",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "You can download a new version of the launcher from the project's repository at"

View file

@ -16,12 +16,14 @@
"PatchRequiredHint": "此游戏版本没有防作弊补丁。请等待几天,然后重试",
"TestPatch": "应用测试补丁",
"TestPatchHint": "此游戏版本有防作弊补丁,但处于测试阶段。您可以等待几天直到它稳定或自担风险应用它",
"AnalyticsTitle": "Yanfei's commission...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Participate in anonymous data collection",
"AnalyticsText1": "To count the active user base for Linux, Yanfei would like to collect your IP address everytime the game updates",
"AnalyticsText2": "The IP address will be hashed for security purpose",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"AnalyticsTitle": "燕飞的委托...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "参与匿名数据收集",
"AnalyticsText1": "为了统计Linux的活跃用户群燕飞想在每次游戏更新时收集你的IP地址。",
"AnalyticsText2": "为安全起见该IP地址将被加密。",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "分享国家",
"Participate": "参与",
"Skip": "省略",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "跳过,不要再问",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "启动器更新可用:",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "你可以从项目的资源库中下载新版本的启动器网址是"

View file

@ -9,19 +9,21 @@
"GeneralSettings": "一般的",
"Downloading": "下載",
"WineVersion": "葡萄酒版",
"Unpack": "Unpacking",
"Unpack": "开箱",
"GameDownloaded": "遊戲安裝成功",
"ApplyPatch": "Applying patch...",
"ApplyPatch": "应用补丁...",
"PatchRequired": "需要補丁",
"PatchRequiredHint": "此遊戲版本沒有防作弊補丁。請等待幾天,然後重試",
"TestPatch": "應用測試補丁",
"TestPatchHint": "該遊戲版本有一個反作弊補丁,但處於測試階段。您可以等待幾天直到它穩定或自擔風險應用它",
"AnalyticsTitle": "Yanfei's commission...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "Participate in anonymous data collection",
"AnalyticsText1": "To count the active user base for Linux, Yanfei would like to collect your IP address everytime the game updates",
"AnalyticsText2": "The IP address will be hashed for security purpose",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "Share country",
"Participate": "Participate",
"Skip": "Skip",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "Skip and don't ask again"
"AnalyticsTitle": "燕飛的委託...",
"ParticipateInAnalytics": "參與匿名數據收集",
"AnalyticsText1": "為了統計Linux的活躍用戶群燕飛想在每次遊戲更新時收集你的IP地址。",
"AnalyticsText2": "為安全起見該IP地址將被加密。",
"AnalyticsShareCountry": "分享國家",
"Participate": "參與",
"Skip": "省略",
"SkipAndDontAsk": "跳過,不要再問",
"LUpdateNotiTitle": "啟動器更新可用:",
"LUpdateNotiBody": "你可以從項目的資源庫中下載新版本的啟動器網址是 "

View file

@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ $(() => {
if (tags.filter(entry => entry.tag > launcher_version).length > 0)
ipcRenderer.send('notification', {
title: `Launcher update available (${launcher_version} -> ${tags[tags.length - 1].tag})`,
body: 'You can download new version of the launcher from the project\'s repository at',
title: `${LauncherUI.i18n.translate('LaunchLUpdateNotiTitle')} (${launcher_version} -> ${tags[tags.length - 1].tag})`,
body: LauncherUI.i18n.translate('LUpdateNotiBody'),
timeoutType: 'never',
icon: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'images', 'baal64-transparent.png')