Add Japanese (Translated via DeepL)

This commit is contained in:
Maroxy 2021-10-23 16:32:36 +02:00
parent 4a3b857d5a
commit 567625155a

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
"Install": "Install",
"Launch": "Launch",
"Install": "インストール",
"Launch": "打ち上げ",
"Runners": "Runners",
"Langs": "Languages",
"Voice": "Voice Pack",
"SettingsTitle": "Settings",
"GeneralSettings": "General",
"Downloading": "Downloading",
"Unpack": "Unpacking",
"GameDownloaded": "Game was successfully installed",
"ApplyPatch": "Applying patch...",
"PatchRequired": "Patch required",
"PatchRequiredHint": "This game version doesn't have an anti-cheat patch. Please, wait a few days and try again.",
"TestPatch": "Apply test patch",
"TestPatchHint": "This game version has an anti-cheat patch, but it is in the testing phase. You can wait a few days until it is stable or apply it at your own risk."
"Langs": "言語",
"Voice": "ボイスパック",
"SettingsTitle": "設定",
"GeneralSettings": "一般",
"Downloading": "ダウンロード中",
"Unpack": "開梱",
"GameDownloaded": "ゲームのインストールに成功しました",
"ApplyPatch": "パッチの適用...",
"PatchRequired": "要パッチ",
"PatchRequiredHint": "このゲームバージョンにはアンチチートパッチがありません。数日待ってから再度お試しください。",
"TestPatch": "テストパッチの適用",
"TestPatchHint": "このゲームバージョンにはアンチチートパッチがありますが、テスト段階にあります。安定するまで数日お待ちいただくか、ご自身の責任で適用してください。"