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synced 2025-03-20 07:00:00 +03:00
feat(i18n): updated locales
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 55 additions and 235 deletions
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Titel
description = Beschreibung
fps-unlocker = FPS Freischalter
enabled = Aktiviert
fps-unlocker-description = Aufhebung der Frames-Rendering-Beschränkung durch Modifizierung des Spielspeichers. Kann von der Anti-Cheat-Funktion erkannt werden
power-saving = Energiesparen
power-saving-description = Automatisches Setzen des FPS-Limits auf 10 und niedrige Prozesspriorität, wenn der Fokus auf das Spiel verloren geht (z. B. beim Verlassen des Spiels)
enabled = Aktiviert
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Nummer des Monitors, auf dem das Spiel laufen soll
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Fenster Modus
borderless = Randlos
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Vollbild
priority = Priorität
priority-description = Priorität des Spielprozesses
realtime = Echtzeit
high = Hoch
above-normal = Über Normal
normal = Normal
below-normal = Unter Normal
low = Niedrig
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ title = Title
description = Description
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Enabled
fps-unlocker-description = Remove frames rendering limitation by modifying the game's memory. Can be detected by the anti-cheat
unlock-interval = Overwrite interval
unlock-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
enabled = Enabled
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Window Mode
borderless = Borderless
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Título
description = Descripción
fps-unlocker = Liberar FPS
enabled = Activado
fps-unlocker-description = Elimina la restricción de frames por segundo modificando la memoria del juego. Puede ser detectado por el anti-cheat
power-saving = Ahorro de energía
power-saving-description = Automáticamente establece el límite de FPS en 10 y baja la prioridad del juego cuando queda en segundo plano (por ejemplo cuando usás Alt+Tab)
enabled = Activado
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Número del monitor en el que quieres correr el juego
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Modo de ventana
borderless = Sin bordes
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Pantalla completa
priority = Prioridad
priority-description = Prioridad de proceso del juego
realtime = En tiempo real
high = Alta
above-normal = Más de lo normal
normal = Normal
below-normal = Menos de lo normal
low = Baja
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Titre
description = Description
fps-unlocker = Déblocage des FPS
enabled = Activer
fps-unlocker-description = Enlève les limitations de FPS en modifiant la mémoire du jeu. Peut être détecté par l'anticheat
power-saving = Économie d'énergie
power-saving-description = Limite automatiquement les FPS à 10 et baisse la priorité du processus quand le jeu n'est plus focus (lors d'un alt+tab par exemple)
enabled = Activer
monitor = Écran
monitor-description = Écran sur lequel le jeu se lancera
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Type de fenêtre
borderless = Sans bordure
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Plein écran
priority = Priorité
priority-description = Priorité du processus du jeu
realtime = Temps réel
high = Haut
above-normal = Au dessus de la normale
normal = Normale
below-normal = En dessous de la normal
low = Bas
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Title
description = Description
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Bekapcsolva
fps-unlocker-description = Eltávolítja az fps limitet. Az anti-cheat észreveheti
power-saving = Energiatakarékos
power-saving-description = Fókuszvesztésnél(pl. alt-tab) az FPS limitet 10-re állítja
enabled = Bekapcsolva
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Ahány monitoron szeretnéd futtatni a játékot
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Ablak mód
borderless = Keretmentes
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Teljesképernyő
priority = Prioritás
priority-description = Játékfolyamat prioritás
realtime = Legmagasabb
high = Magas
above-normal = Normál felett
normal = Normál
below-normal = Normál alatt
low = Alacsony
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Judul
description = Deskripsi
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Aktifkan
fps-unlocker-description = Meniadakan batas maksimum frame yang dapat dirender oleh game dengan memodifikasi memori game. Dapat terdeteksi oleh anti-cheat
power-saving = Menghemat daya
power-saving-description = Secara otomatis membatasi FPS ke 10 dan menurunkan prioritas proses ketika game sedang tidak dalam fokus (contoh ketika alt-tab)
enabled = Aktifkan
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Pada monitor mana kau ingin game dijalankan
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Window Mode
borderless = Tanpa border
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Penuhi layar
priority = Prioritas
priority-description = Prioritas proses game
realtime = realtime
high = Tinggi
above-normal = Di atas Normal
normal = Normal
below-normal = Di bawah Normal
low = Rendah
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Titolo
description = Descrizione
fps-unlocker = Sblocco FPS
enabled = Abilitato
fps-unlocker-description = Rimuovi la limitazione del rendering dei frame modificando la memoria del gioco. Può essere rilevato dall'anti-cheat
power-saving = Risparmio energetico
power-saving-description = Imposta il limite degli FPS automaticamente a 10 e abbassa la priorità del processo quando si perde il focus sul gioco (es. cambiando finestra)
enabled = Abilitato
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Numero del monitor su cui vuoi venga eseguito il gioco
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Modalità della finestra
borderless = Senza bordi
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Schermo intero
priority = Priorità
priority-description = Priorità del processo del gioco
realtime = In tempo reale
high = Alta
above-normal = Sopra la norma
normal = Normale
below-normal = Sotto la norma
low = Bassa
@ -43,26 +43,14 @@ title = タイトル
description = 説明
fps-unlocker = FPS上限解除
enabled = 機能を有効にする
fps-unlocker-description = ゲーム内のメモリを書き換えてFPSの上限を解除します。アンチチートによって検知されることはありません。
power-saving = 省電力
power-saving-description = タブアウトなどをしたときに、自動的にFPS制限をかけることで省電力化します。
enabled = 機能を有効にする
monitor = モニター
monitor-description = このゲームを動かしたいモニターの番号
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = ウィンドウモード
borderless = ボーダーレス
popup = ポップアップ
fullscreen = フルスクリーン
priority = 優先度
priority-description = ゲームプロセスの優先度
realtime = リアルタイム
high = 高い
above-normal = 少し高い
normal = 普通
below-normal = 少し低い
low = 低い
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = 타이틀
description = 설명
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Enabled
fps-unlocker-description = 게임 메모리를 수정하여 프레임 렌더링 제한을 제거합니다. 안티 치트에 의해 감지 될 수 있습니다
power-saving = 절전
power-saving-description = 게임에 집중하지 않을 때(예: 탭아웃) 자동으로 FPS 제한을 10으로 설정하고 프로세스 우선순위를 낮춥니다
enabled = Enabled
monitor = 모니터
monitor-description = 게임을 실행하고자 하는 모니터의 수
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = 창 모드
borderless = 테두리 없는 창 모드
popup = 팝업
fullscreen = 전체 화면
priority = 우선 순위
priority-description = 게임 프로세스 우선 순위
realtime = 실시간
high = 높음
above-normal = 보통 이상
normal = 보통
below-normal = 보통 이하
low = 낮음
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Titel
description = Omschrijving
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Ingeschakeld
fps-unlocker-description = Haalt het FPS limit weg van het spel door het geheugen aan te passen. Kan gedetecteerd worden door ant-cheat
power-saving = Energiebesparing
power-saving-description = Zet het FPS limit automatisch op 10 en een lage process prioriteit waneer het spel focus verliest (bijvoorbeeld als je niet op het spel gefocust bent)
enabled = Ingeschakeld
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Nummer van de monitor waar je het spel op wilt starten
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Venster Mode
borderless = Randloos
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Volledig scherm
priority = Prioriteit
priority-description = Spel process prioriteit
realtime = Realtime
high = Hoog
above-normal = Boven Normaal
normal = Normall
below-normal = Onder Normal
low = Laag
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Tytuł
description = Opis
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Włączony
fps-unlocker-description = Usuwa ograniczenie renderowania klatek poprzez modyfikację pamięci gry. Może być wykrywany przez system antycheatowy
power-saving = Oszczędzanie energii
power-saving-description = Automatyczne ustawienie limitu klatek na 10 oraz niskiego priorytetu procesu po utraceniu skupienia na grze (np. przejście w tło, np. przejście do innego okna)
enabled = Włączony
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Numer monitora, na którym chcesz uruchomić grę
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Tryb okna
borderless = Okno bezramkowe
popup = Wyskakujące okno
fullscreen = Pełny ekran
priority = Priorytet
priority-description = Priorytet procesu gry
realtime = Czas rzeczywisty
high = Wysoki
above-normal = Ponad normę
normal = Normalny
below-normal = Poniżej normy
low = Niski
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Título
description = Descrição
fps-unlocker = Desbloqueador de FPS
enabled = Habilitado
fps-unlocker-description = Remove a limitação de renderização de frames modificando a memória do jogo. Pode ser detectado pelo anti-cheat
power-saving = Economia de energia
power-saving-description = Automaticamente seta o FPS limite para 10 e diminui prioridade do processo ao perder o foco do jogo (e.g. trocando janelas)
enabled = Habilitado
monitor = Monitor
monitor-description = Número do monitor que tu quer rodar o jogo
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Modo janela
borderless = Sem borda
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Tela cheia
priority = Prioridade
priority-description = Prioridade do processo do jogo
realtime = Tempo real
high = Alta
above-normal = Acima do normal
normal = Normal
below-normal = Abaixo do normal
low = Baixa
@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ title = Заголовок
description = Описание
fps-unlocker = FPS Unlocker
enabled = Включен
fps-unlocker-description = Изменить ограничение частоты кадров путём модификации памяти игры. Может быть обнаружено античитом
unlock-interval = Задержка между перезаписями
unlock-interval-description = Задержка между перезаписями в миллисекундах. Периодическая перезапись значения ограничения необходима для предотвращения его сброса
enabled = Включен
fps-unlocker-interval = Задержка между перезаписями
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Задержка между перезаписями в миллисекундах. Периодическая перезапись значения ограничения необходима для предотвращения его сброса
window-mode = Режим окна
borderless = Безрамочный
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Titel
description = Beskrivning
fps-unlocker = FPS-upplåsare
enabled = Aktiverad
fps-unlocker-description = Ta bort begränsningen för rendering av bildrutor genom att modifiera spelets minne. Kan upptäckas av anti-cheat
power-saving = Spara ström
power-saving-description = Ställ automatiskt in FPS-gränsen till 10 och sätt låg processprioritet när du tappar fokus på spelet (t.ex. tabbar ut)
enabled = Aktiverad
monitor = Bildskärm
monitor-description = Antal bildskärmar som du vill köra spelet på
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Fönsterläge
borderless = Kantlöst
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Fullskärm
priority = Prioritet
priority-description = Prioritet för spelprocess
realtime = Realtid
high = Hög
above-normal = Över Normal
normal = Normal
below-normal = Under Normal
low = Låg
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = Başlık
description = Açıklama
fps-unlocker = FPS kilidi kırıcı
enabled = Etkin
fps-unlocker-description = Kare işleme sınırlamasını kaldırır, fakat oyunun anti-hile sistemi tarafından tespit edilebilir
power-saving = Güç tasarrufu
power-saving-description = Pencere değiştirdiğinizde oyunun kare sınırını 10'a indirir ve oyuna verilen işlem önceliğini azaltır
enabled = Etkin
monitor = Monitör
monitor-description = Oyunu çalıştırmak istediğiniz monitör sayısı
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Pencereli
borderless = Köşesiz
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Tam ekran
priority = Öncelik
priority-description = Oyun işlem önceliği
realtime = Gerçek zamanlı
high = Yüksek
above-normal = Ortalama Üstü
normal = Ortalama
below-normal = Ortalama altı
low = Düşük
@ -43,26 +43,14 @@ title = Tiêu đề
description = Mô tả
fps-unlocker = Mở khóa FPS
enabled = Đã bật
fps-unlocker-description = Xóa giới hạn FPS bằng cách sửa đổi trò chơi. Có thể bị phát hiện bởi hệ thống chống gian lận
power-saving = Tiết kiệm điện
power-saving-description = Tự động đặt giới hạn FPS thành 10 và mức độ ưu tiên xử lý thấp khi không chơi (ví dụ: ẩn tab)
enabled = Đã bật
monitor = Màn hình
monitor-description = Số lượng màn hình muốn chạy trò chơi trên đó
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = Chế độ cửa sổ
borderless = Cửa sổ không viền
popup = Popup
fullscreen = Toàn màn hình
priority = Ưu tiên
priority-description = Mức độ ưu tiên của tiến trình trò chơi
realtime = Thời gian thực
high = Cao
above-normal = Trên mức bình thường
normal = Bình thường
below-normal = Dưới mức bình thường
low = Thấp
@ -44,26 +44,14 @@ title = 标题
description = 描述
fps-unlocker = 解除帧率限制
enabled = 开启
fps-unlocker-description = 修改游戏内存,解除渲染帧率限制。可能会触发反作弊检查
power-saving = 省电模式
power-saving-description = 当游戏失去焦点时 (例如切出游戏) 自动当帧率设为 10, 并降低进程优先级
enabled = 开启
monitor = 显示器
monitor-description = 运行游戏的显示器编号
fps-unlocker-interval = Overwrite interval
fps-unlocker-interval-description = Delay in milliseconds between overwriting the FPS limit value. Periodic overwrites are necessary to prevent it from resetting
window-mode = 窗口模式
borderless = 无边框
popup = 弹出窗口
fullscreen = 全屏
priority = 优先级
priority-description = 游戏进程的优先级
realtime = 实时
high = 高
above-normal = 较高
normal = 正常
below-normal = 较低
low = 低
@ -603,8 +603,8 @@ impl SimpleAsyncComponent for EnhancementsApp {
adw::ActionRow {
set_title: &tr!("unlock-interval"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("unlock-interval-description"),
set_title: &tr!("fps-unlocker-interval"),
set_subtitle: &tr!("fps-unlocker-interval-description"),
add_suffix = >k::SpinButton {
set_valign: gtk::Align::Center,
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