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shutdown app. Make sure qBittorrent is running!", + "invalidJson": "Invalid JSON! Check console for details", + "magnetHandlerNotSupported": "Unable to register handler, context isn't secured!", + "resetSettingsNeeded": "Old version of settings detected, reset them for the best experience!" + }, + "rightClick": { + "resume": "resume", + "forceResume": "force resume", + "advanced": { + "advanced": "advanced", + "changeLocation": "change location", + "rename": "rename", + "forceRecheck": "Force recheck", + "forceReannounce": "Force reannounce", + "sequentialDownload": "Sequential download", + "firstLastPriority": "First/Last priority", + "automaticTorrentManagement": "Automatic Torrent Management" + }, + "prio": { + "prio": "Set Priority", + "top": "Top", + "bottom": "Bottom", + "increase": "Increase", + "decrease": "Decrease" + }, + "category": "Set Category", + "nocategory": "No Category", + "tags": "Set Tags", + "notags": "No Tag", + "limit": "Set Limit", + "copy": "Copy", + "export": "Export Torrent | Export Torrents", + "info": "Show Info" + }, + "enums": { + "contentLayout": { + "title": "Torrent content layout", + "original": "Original", + "subfolder": "Create Subfolder", + "nosubfolder": "Remove Subfolder" + }, + "stopCondition": { + "title": "Torrent stop condition", + "none": "None", + "metadataReceived": "Metadata Received", + "filesChecked": "Files Checked" + }, + "bittorrentProtocols": { + "tcp_utp": "TCP and μTP", + "tcp": "TCP", + "utp": "μTP" + }, + "encryption": { + "preferEncryption": "Allow Encryption", + "forceOn": "Require Encryption", + "forceOff": "Disable Encryption" + }, + "maxRatioAction": { + "pauseTorrent": "Pause torrent", + "removeTorrent": "Remove torrent", + "removeTorrentAndFiles": "Remove torrent and its files", + "torrentSuperseeding": "Enable super seeding for torrent" + }, + "scheduler": { + "everyDay": "Every day", + "everyWeekday": "Weekdays", + "everyWeekend": "Weekends", + "everyMonday": "Monday", + "everyTuesday": "Tuesday", + "everyWednesday": "Wednesday", + "everyThursday": "Thursday", + "everyFriday": "Friday", + "everySaturday": "Saturday", + "everySunday": "Sunday" + }, + "diskIoType": { + "default": "Default", + "memoryMappedFiles": "Memory mapped files", + "posixCompliant": "POSIX-compliant" + }, + "diskIoMode": { + "disableOsCache": "Disable OS cache", + "enableOsCache": "Enable OS cache", + "writeThrough": "Write-through (libtorrent >= 2.0.6)" + }, + "utpTcpMixedMode": { + "preferTcp": "Prefer TCP", + "peerProportional": "Peer proportional (throttles TCP)" + }, + "uploadSlotsBehavior": { + "fixedSlots": "Fixed slots", + "uploadRateBased": "Upload rate based" + }, + "uploadChokingAlgorithm": { + "roundRobin": "Round-robin", + "fastestUpload": "Fastest upload", + "antiLeech": "Anti-leech" + }, + "monitoredFolderSaveLocation": { + "monitoredFolder": "Monitored Folder Location", + "defaultSavePath": "Default Save Path", + "other": "Other" + } + } +} diff --git a/src/lang/index.ts b/src/lang/index.ts index d210d328..274fdece 100644 --- a/src/lang/index.ts +++ b/src/lang/index.ts @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { Locales } from './locales' import en from './en.json' import es from './es.json' import fr from './fr.json' +import hu from './hu.json' import id from './id.json' import it from './it.json' import ja from './ja.json' @@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ export const messages: Record = { [Locales.EN]: en, [Locales.ES]: es, [Locales.FR]: fr, + [Locales.HU]: hu, [Locales.ID]: id, [Locales.IT]: it, [Locales.JA]: ja, diff --git a/src/lang/locales.ts b/src/lang/locales.ts index 8fdd6413..1e23e745 100644 --- a/src/lang/locales.ts +++ b/src/lang/locales.ts @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ export enum Locales { EN = 'en', ES = 'es', FR = 'fr', + HU = 'hu', ID = 'id', IT = 'it', JA = 'ja', @@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ export const LOCALES: LocaleDef[] = [ { text: 'English', value: Locales.EN }, { text: 'Español', value: Locales.ES }, { text: 'Français', value: Locales.FR }, + { text: 'Magyar', value: Locales.HU }, { text: 'Bahasa Indonesia', value: Locales.ID }, { text: 'Italiano', value: Locales.IT }, { text: '日本語', value: Locales.JA },