mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 13:54:34 +03:00
perf: Convert locale data to json (#616) @Larsluph
This commit is contained in:
32 changed files with 4391 additions and 6462 deletions
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
<v-col cols="4" sm="4" md="2">
<v-col cols="4" sm="4" md="2">
<v-select v-model="webuiSettings.lang" flat solo dense hide-details background-color="background" class="rounded-xl" :items="languages" />
<v-select v-model="webuiSettings.lang" flat solo dense hide-details background-color="background" class="rounded-xl" :items="languages" item-text="caption" />
@ -216,13 +216,13 @@
import { mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { mapState, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import { Qbit } from '@/services/qbit'
import { Qbit } from '@/services/qbit'
import { i18n } from '@/plugins/i18n'
import { LOCALES } from '@/lang/locales'
export default {
export default {
name: 'VueTorrent-General',
name: 'VueTorrent-General',
data() {
data() {
return {
return {
languages: i18n.availableLocales,
languages: LOCALES,
paginationSizes: [5, 15, 30, 50],
paginationSizes: [5, 15, 30, 50],
titleOptions: ['Default', 'Global Speed', 'First Torrent Status'],
titleOptions: ['Default', 'Global Speed', 'First Torrent Status'],
Qbitversion: 0
Qbitversion: 0
@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'Category',
settings: 'Settings',
pause: 'Pause',
delete: 'Delete',
save: 'Save',
cancel: 'Cancel',
confirm: 'Confirm',
edit: 'Edit',
createNew: 'Create New',
path: 'Path',
create: 'Create',
url: 'URL',
directory: 'Directory',
unknown: 'Unknown',
status: 'Status',
all: 'All',
downloading: 'Downloading',
seeding: 'Seeding',
completed: 'Completed',
resumed: 'Resumed',
paused: 'Paused',
active: 'Active',
inactive: 'Inactive',
stalled: 'Stalled',
errored: 'Errored',
login: 'Login in',
logout: 'Log out',
download: 'Download',
downloaded: 'Downloaded',
upload: 'Upload',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
globalVolume: 'Global Volume',
peers: 'Peers',
ratio: 'Ratio',
seeds: 'Seeds',
tags: 'Tags',
tracker: 'Tracker',
share: 'Share',
name: 'Name',
hash: 'Hash',
magnet: 'Magnet',
feed: 'Feed',
rule: 'Rule',
then: 'Then',
of: 'of',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
selectAll: 'Select All',
selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'Title',
added: 'Added On',
availability: 'Availability',
size: 'Size',
progress: 'Progress',
directory: 'Directory',
downloaded: 'Downloaded',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
created: 'Created By',
comments: 'Comments',
uploadedSession: 'Uploaded Session',
timeActive: 'Time Active',
seededFor: 'Seeded For',
last_activity: 'Last Activity',
completed_on: 'Completed On',
globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'Current Speed',
alltimeTitle: 'All-Time Stats',
sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: 'Free Space',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'Add torrent',
resumeSelected: 'Resume selected torrents',
pauseSelected: 'Pause selected torrents',
removeSelected: 'Remove selected torrents',
openSettings: 'Open settings',
searchNew: 'Search new torrent'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'Since the last time qBittorrent was restarted'
filters: {
stalled_uploading: 'Stalled Uploading',
stalled_downloading: 'Stalled Downloading',
uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
untagged: 'Untagged',
not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
altSpeed: 'Alt Speeds',
dark: 'Dark',
light: 'Light'
torrentsCount: 'No torrents | {n} torrent | {n} torrents'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
feedName: 'Name',
url: 'URL'
newRule: {
titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
name: 'Name',
def: {
mustContain: 'Must Contain',
affectedFeeds: 'Apply Rule to Feeds'
pluginManager: {
title: 'Plugin manager'
search: {
title: 'Search',
btnStartSearch: 'Search',
btnStopSearch: 'Stop',
columnTitle: {
name: 'Name',
size: 'Size',
seeds: 'Seeds',
peers: 'Peers',
search_engine: 'Site',
action: ''
settings: {
tabName: {
VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
downloads: 'Downloads',
connection: 'Connection',
bittorrent: 'BitTorrent',
rss: 'RSS',
webUI: 'WebUI',
tagsAndCategories: 'Tags & Categories'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
general: 'General',
dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
tip: 'These settings are for the custom WebUI itself',
currentSpeed: 'Show Current Speed',
speedGraph: 'Show Speed Graph',
sessionStats: 'Show Session Stats',
allTimeStats: 'Show All-Time Stats',
freeSpace: 'Show Free Space',
trackerFilter: 'Show Tracker Filter',
rightDrawer: 'Right Drawer',
topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
language: 'Language:',
paginationSize: 'Pagination size:',
vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent title:',
dateFormat: 'Date Format',
openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
currentVersion: 'Current Version:',
qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent Version:',
resetSettings: 'Reset Settings'
pageDashboard: {
busyTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for busy torrents',
completedTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for completed torrents',
properties: {
availability: 'Availability',
category: 'Category',
tags: 'Tags',
completed: 'Completed',
completion_on: 'Completed On',
downloaded: 'Downloaded',
name: 'Name',
default: 'Default',
last_activity: 'Last Activity',
peers: 'Peers',
seeds: 'Seeds',
priority: 'Priority',
progress: 'Progress',
ratio: 'Ratio',
save_path: 'Directory',
size: 'Size',
state: 'State',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
addedOn: 'Added On',
downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
timeActive: 'Time Active',
uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
pageDownloads: {
subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'When adding a torrent',
whenAddTorrent: {
createSubFolder: 'Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files',
donotAutoStart: 'Do not start the download automatically'
subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Public Settings',
publicSettings: {
preAllocateDisk: 'Pre-allocate disk space for all files',
appendQBExtension: 'Append .!qB extension to incomplete files'
subHeaderSaveManagement: 'Saving Management',
saveManagement: {
autoManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Run external program on torrent finished:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Command',
supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name',
supportParamL: '%L: Category',
supportParamG: '%G: Tags (separated by comma)',
supportParamF: '%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)',
supportParamR: '%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)',
supportParamD: '%D: Save path',
supportParamC: '%C: Number of files',
supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrent size (bytes)',
supportParamT: '%T: Current tracker',
supportParamI: '%I: Info hash v1',
supportParamJ: '%J: Info hash v2',
supportParamK: '%K: Torrent ID'
pageConnection: {
protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
subHeader: 'Connection Limits (-1 to disable)',
globalMaxConnection: 'Global maximum number of connections',
perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Maximum number of connections per torrent',
globalMaxUploadSlots: 'Global maximum number of upload slots',
perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Maximum number of upload slots per torrent',
proxySubHeader: 'Proxy Server',
proxyPeerConnections: 'Use proxy for peer connections',
proxyTorrentOnly: 'Use proxy only for torrents',
proxyAuth: 'Authentication'
pageBittorrent: {
subHeaderPrivacy: 'Privacy',
enableDHT: 'Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers',
enablePeX: 'Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers',
enableLPD: 'Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers',
enableAnonymous: 'Enable anonymous mode',
torrentQueue: 'Torrent Queueing',
maxActiveDownload: 'Maximum active downloads',
maxActiveUpload: 'Maximum active uploads',
maxActiveTorrent: 'Maximum active torrents',
excludeSlowTorrent: 'Do not count slow torrents in these limits',
downloadRateLimit: 'Download rate threshold KiB/s',
uploadRateLimit: 'Upload rate threshold KiB/s',
torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent inactivity timer',
subHeaderSeedLimits: 'Seed Limits',
whenRatioReaches: 'When ratio reaches',
whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'When seeding time reaches',
maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
pageRss: {
tabName: {
general: 'General',
feeds: 'Feeds',
rules: 'Rules'
pageRules: {
rules: 'Rules',
btnCreateNew: 'Create Rule'
pageFeeds: {
feeds: 'Feeds',
btnCreateNew: 'Add feed'
pageGeneral: {
rssAutoProcessing: 'RSS Reader',
rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent Auto Downloader',
input: {
enableRssAutoDownload: 'Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents',
enableRssProcessing: 'Enable fetching RSS feeds',
feedsRefreshInterval: 'Feeds refresh interval (in minutes)',
feedsMaxArticles: 'Maximum number of articles per feed'
pageWebUI: {
useAlternativeWebUI: 'Use Alternative WebUI',
filesLocation: 'Files location',
webUserInterface: 'Web User Interface (Remote Control)',
ipAddress: 'IP Address:',
port: 'Port',
authentication: 'Authentication',
username: 'Username',
password: 'Password',
maxAttempts: 'Max attempts',
banDuration: 'Ban Duration (seconds)',
sessionTimeout: 'Session timeout (seconds)',
bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'Bypass authentication for clients on localhost',
bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets',
whiteListExample: 'Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
btnCreateNew: 'Create new',
subHeaderTags: 'Available Tags:',
subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
shareLimit: {
input: {
globalLimit: 'Use global limit',
unlimited: 'Unlimited'
limitRatio: 'Limit Ratio',
titleDuration: 'Duration',
titleRatio: 'Ratio'
newCategory: {
categoryName: 'Category name',
Path: 'Path',
tipOnNoName: 'Category name is required',
tipOnNoPath: 'Path is required'
newTag: {
createNewTag: 'Create New Tag',
tagName: 'Tag name'
detail: {
title: 'Torrent Detail',
tabTitleInfo: 'Info',
tabTitleTrackers: 'Trackers',
tabTitlePeers: 'Peers',
tabTitleContent: 'Content',
tabTitleTagsCategories: 'Tags & Categories',
pageInfo: {
pieceStates: 'Progress',
torrentTitle: 'Torrent title',
hash: 'Hash',
ratio: 'Ratio',
downloadSpeed: 'DL Speed',
uploadSpeed: 'UP Speed',
eta: 'ETA',
peers: 'Peers',
seeds: 'Seeds',
status: 'Status',
trackers: 'Trackers',
createdBy: 'Created By',
firstLastPiecePriority: 'First/Last Piece Priority',
sequentialDownload: 'Sequential Download',
autoTMM: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
shareRatioLimit: 'Share Ratio Limit',
shareTimeLimit: 'Share Time Limit (minutes)',
downloadLimit: 'Download Limit',
uploadLimit: 'Upload Limit'
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ip: 'IP',
connection: 'Connection',
flags: 'Flags',
client: 'Client',
progress: 'Progress',
downloadSpeed: 'DL Speed',
downloaded: 'Downloaded',
upSpeed: 'UP Speed',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
relevance: 'Relevance',
files: 'Files'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
subHeaderTag: 'Available Tags:',
subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
pageTrackers: {
url: 'URL',
status: 'Status',
peers: 'Peers',
seeds: 'Seeds',
leeches: 'Leeches',
downloaded: 'Downloaded',
message: 'Message'
add: {
title: 'Add a new Torrent',
selectFiles: 'Select your files',
urlHint: 'One link per line',
downloadDirectory: 'Download Directory',
starttorrent: 'Start torrent',
skipHashCheck: 'Skip hash check',
createSubfolder: 'Create subfolder',
automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
dropHereForAdd: 'Drop here for add',
oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: 'One or more files are not valid torrents'
changeLocation: {
title: 'Change Location'
rename: {
title: 'Rename',
torrentName: 'Torrent Name'
sort: {
title: 'Sort Torrents',
reverse: 'Reverse',
sortBy: {
availability: 'Availability',
category: 'Category',
completed: 'Completed',
completion_on: 'Completed On',
downloaded: 'Downloaded',
name: 'Name',
default: 'Default',
last_activity: 'Last Activity',
peers: 'Peers',
priority: 'Priority',
progress: 'Progress',
ratio: 'Ratio',
save_path: 'Directory',
size: 'Size',
state: 'State',
uploaded: 'Uploaded',
addedOn: 'Added On',
downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
timeActive: 'Time Active',
uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
speedLimit: 'Speed Limit'
delete: {
check: 'Also delete files from storage'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: 'Successfully logged in! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'Login failed 😕',
settingsSaved: 'Settings saved successfully!',
categorySaved: 'Category edited successfully!',
feedSaved: 'Feed saved successfully!',
ruleSaved: 'Rule saved!',
renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
resume: 'resume',
forceResume: 'force resume',
advanced: {
advanced: 'advanced',
changeLocation: 'change location',
rename: 'rename',
forceRecheck: 'Force recheck',
forceReannounce: 'Force reannounce',
sequentialDownload: 'Sequential download',
firstLastPriority: 'First/Last priority',
automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management'
prio: {
prio: 'Set Priority',
top: 'Top',
bottom: 'Bottom',
increase: 'Increase',
decrease: 'Decrease'
category: 'Set Category',
tags: 'Set Tags',
notags: 'No Tags',
limit: 'Set Limit',
copy: 'Copy',
info: 'Show Info'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
"category": "Category",
"settings": "Settings",
"pause": "Pause",
"delete": "Delete",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"edit": "Edit",
"createNew": "Create New",
"path": "Path",
"create": "Create",
"url": "URL",
"directory": "Directory",
"unknown": "Unknown",
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"seeding": "Seeding",
"completed": "Completed",
"resumed": "Resumed",
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"inactive": "Inactive",
"stalled": "Stalled",
"errored": "Errored",
"login": "Login in",
"logout": "Log out",
"download": "Download",
"downloaded": "Downloaded",
"upload": "Upload",
"uploaded": "Uploaded",
"globalSpeed": "Global Speed",
"globalVolume": "Global Volume",
"ETA": "ETA",
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"ratio": "Ratio",
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"tracker": "Tracker",
"share": "Share",
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"hash": "Hash",
"magnet": "Magnet",
"feed": "Feed",
"rule": "Rule",
"then": "Then",
"of": "of",
"dashboard": {
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"toggleSearch": "Toggle Search Filter",
"toggleSelect": "Toggle Select Mode",
"toggleSort": "Sort Torrents",
"selectAll": "Select All",
"selectAllCaption": "Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)"
"emptyTorrentList": "Nothing to see here!"
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"downloaded": "Downloaded",
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"uploadedSession": "Uploaded Session",
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"last_activity": "Last Activity",
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"globalVolume": "Global Volume"
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"alltimeTitle": "All-Time Stats",
"sessionTitle": "Session Stats",
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"addTorrent": "Add torrent",
"resumeSelected": "Resume selected torrents",
"pauseSelected": "Pause selected torrents",
"removeSelected": "Remove selected torrents",
"openSettings": "Open settings",
"searchNew": "Search new torrent"
"sessionStats": {
"tooltip": "Since the last time qBittorrent was restarted"
"filters": {
"stalled_uploading": "Stalled Uploading",
"stalled_downloading": "Stalled Downloading",
"uncategorized": "Uncategorized",
"untagged": "Untagged",
"not_working": "Not Working"
"action": {
"altSpeed": "Alt Speeds",
"dark": "Dark",
"light": "Light"
"torrentsCount": "No torrents | {n} torrent | {n} torrents"
"modals": {
"newFeed": {
"feedName": "Name",
"url": "URL"
"newRule": {
"titleCreate": "Create new rule",
"titleEdit": "Edit rule",
"name": "Name",
"def": {
"mustContain": "Must Contain",
"mustNotContain": "Must Not Contain",
"useRegex": "Use Regular Expressions",
"affectedFeeds": "Apply Rule to Feeds"
"pluginManager": {
"title": "Plugin manager"
"search": {
"title": "Search",
"btnStartSearch": "Search",
"btnStopSearch": "Stop",
"columnTitle": {
"name": "Name",
"size": "Size",
"seeds": "Seeds",
"peers": "Peers",
"search_engine": "Site",
"action": ""
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"VueTorrent": "VueTorrent",
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"connection": "Connection",
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"pageVueTorrent": {
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"speedGraph": "Show Speed Graph",
"sessionStats": "Show Session Stats",
"allTimeStats": "Show All-Time Stats",
"freeSpace": "Show Free Space",
"trackerFilter": "Show Tracker Filter",
"rightDrawer": "Right Drawer",
"topPagination": "Top Pagination",
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"paginationSize": "Pagination size:",
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"pageDashboard": {
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"completedTorrentTip": "Properties to display for completed torrents",
"properties": {
"availability": "Availability",
"category": "Category",
"tags": "Tags",
"completed": "Completed",
"completion_on": "Completed On",
"downloaded": "Downloaded",
"ETA": "ETA",
"name": "Name",
"default": "Default",
"last_activity": "Last Activity",
"peers": "Peers",
"seeds": "Seeds",
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"size": "Size",
"state": "State",
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"uploadSpeed": "Upload Speed",
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"globalVolume": "Global Volume"
"pageDownloads": {
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "When adding a torrent",
"whenAddTorrent": {
"createSubFolder": "Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files",
"donotAutoStart": "Do not start the download automatically"
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "Public Settings",
"publicSettings": {
"preAllocateDisk": "Pre-allocate disk space for all files",
"appendQBExtension": "Append .!qB extension to incomplete files"
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "Saving Management",
"saveManagement": {
"autoManagement": "Automatic Torrent Management",
"relocate": "Relocate torrent when category changes",
"defaultSavePath": "Default Save Path",
"keepIncompleteIn": "Keep incomplete torrents in:",
"autoEnabled_onAdded": "Run external program on torrent added:",
"autoLabel_onAdded": "Command",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "Run external program on torrent finished:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "Command",
"supportParamTitle": "Supported parameters (case sensitive):",
"supportParamN": "%N: Torrent name",
"supportParamL": "%L: Category",
"supportParamG": "%G: Tags (separated by comma)",
"supportParamF": "%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)",
"supportParamR": "%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)",
"supportParamD": "%D: Save path",
"supportParamC": "%C: Number of files",
"supportParamZ": "%Z: Torrent size (bytes)",
"supportParamT": "%T: Current tracker",
"supportParamI": "%I: Info hash v1",
"supportParamJ": "%J: Info hash v2",
"supportParamK": "%K: Torrent ID"
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"incomingConnectionPort": "Port used for incoming connections",
"subHeader": "Connection Limits (-1 to disable)",
"globalMaxConnection": "Global maximum number of connections",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "Maximum number of connections per torrent",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "Global maximum number of upload slots",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "Maximum number of upload slots per torrent",
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"pageBittorrent": {
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"enableAnonymous": "Enable anonymous mode",
"torrentQueue": "Torrent Queueing",
"maxActiveDownload": "Maximum active downloads",
"maxActiveUpload": "Maximum active uploads",
"maxActiveTorrent": "Maximum active torrents",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "Do not count slow torrents in these limits",
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"uploadRateLimit": "Upload rate threshold KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "Torrent inactivity timer",
"subHeaderSeedLimits": "Seed Limits",
"whenRatioReaches": "When ratio reaches",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "When seeding time reaches",
"maxRatioPauseTorrent": "Pause torrent",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrent": "Remove torrent",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles": "Remove torrent and files",
"maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding": "Enable torrent super seeding"
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"tabName": {
"general": "General",
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"rules": "Rules",
"btnCreateNew": "Create Rule"
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"feeds": "Feeds",
"btnCreateNew": "Add feed"
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"sessionTimeout": "Session timeout (seconds)",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost": "Bypass authentication for clients on localhost",
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"whiteListExample": "Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40"
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"btnCreateNew": "Create new",
"subHeaderTags": "Available Tags:",
"subHeaderCategories": "Available Categories:"
"shareLimit": {
"input": {
"globalLimit": "Use global limit",
"unlimited": "Unlimited"
"limitRatio": "Limit Ratio",
"titleDuration": "Duration",
"titleRatio": "Ratio"
"newCategory": {
"categoryName": "Category name",
"Path": "Path",
"tipOnNoName": "Category name is required",
"tipOnNoPath": "Path is required"
"newTag": {
"createNewTag": "Create New Tag",
"tagName": "Tag name"
"detail": {
"title": "Torrent Detail",
"tabTitleInfo": "Info",
"tabTitleTrackers": "Trackers",
"tabTitlePeers": "Peers",
"tabTitleContent": "Content",
"tabTitleTagsCategories": "Tags & Categories",
"pageInfo": {
"pieceStates": "Progress",
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"uploadSpeed": "UP Speed",
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"peers": "Peers",
"seeds": "Seeds",
"status": "Status",
"trackers": "Trackers",
"createdBy": "Created By",
"firstLastPiecePriority": "First/Last Piece Priority",
"sequentialDownload": "Sequential Download",
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"pageTagsAndCategories": {
"subHeaderTag": "Available Tags:",
"subHeaderCategories": "Available Categories:"
"pageTrackers": {
"url": "URL",
"status": "Status",
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"seeds": "Seeds",
"leeches": "Leeches",
"downloaded": "Downloaded",
"message": "Message"
"add": {
"title": "Add a new Torrent",
"selectFiles": "Select your files",
"urlHint": "One link per line",
"downloadDirectory": "Download Directory",
"starttorrent": "Start torrent",
"skipHashCheck": "Skip hash check",
"createSubfolder": "Create subfolder",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "Automatic Torrent Management",
"dropHereForAdd": "Drop here for add",
"oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent": "One or more files are not valid torrents"
"changeLocation": {
"title": "Change Location"
"rename": {
"title": "Rename",
"torrentName": "Torrent Name"
"sort": {
"title": "Sort Torrents",
"reverse": "Reverse",
"sortBy": {
"availability": "Availability",
"category": "Category",
"completed": "Completed",
"completion_on": "Completed On",
"downloaded": "Downloaded",
"ETA": "ETA",
"name": "Name",
"default": "Default",
"last_activity": "Last Activity",
"peers": "Peers",
"priority": "Priority",
"progress": "Progress",
"ratio": "Ratio",
"save_path": "Directory",
"size": "Size",
"state": "State",
"uploaded": "Uploaded",
"addedOn": "Added On",
"downloadSpeed": "Download Speed",
"timeActive": "Time Active",
"uploadSpeed": "Upload Speed",
"globalSpeed": "Global Speed",
"globalVolume": "Global Volume"
"speedLimit": {
"speedLimit": "Speed Limit"
"delete": {
"check": "Also delete files from storage"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "Successfully logged in! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Login failed 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully!",
"categorySaved": "Category edited successfully!",
"feedSaved": "Feed saved successfully!",
"ruleSaved": "Rule saved!",
"renameFileFailed": "Unable to rename file",
"renameFolderFailed": "Unable to rename file",
"copyNotSupported": "Unable to copy, clipboard API unavailable on this browser",
"pasteNotSupported": "Unable to paste, clipboard API unavailable on this browser"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "resume",
"forceResume": "force resume",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "advanced",
"changeLocation": "change location",
"rename": "rename",
"forceRecheck": "Force recheck",
"forceReannounce": "Force reannounce",
"sequentialDownload": "Sequential download",
"firstLastPriority": "First/Last priority",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "Automatic Torrent Management"
"prio": {
"prio": "Set Priority",
"top": "Top",
"bottom": "Bottom",
"increase": "Increase",
"decrease": "Decrease"
"category": "Set Category",
"tags": "Set Tags",
"notags": "No Tags",
"limit": "Set Limit",
"copy": "Copy",
"info": "Show Info"
@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'categoría',
settings: 'ajustes',
pause: 'pausar',
delete: 'borrar',
save: 'guardar',
cancel: 'cancelar',
confirm: 'confirmar',
// edit: 'Edit',
// createNew: 'Create New',
// path: 'Path',
// create: 'Create',
// url: 'URL',
// directory: 'Directory',
// unknown: 'Unknown',
// status: 'Status',
// all: 'All',
// downloading: 'Downloading',
// seeding: 'Seeding',
// completed: 'Completed',
// resumed: 'Resumed',
// paused: 'Paused',
// active: 'Active',
// inactive: 'Inactive',
// stalled: 'Stalled',
// errored: 'Errored',
// login: 'Login in',
// logout: 'Log out',
// download: 'Download',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upload: 'Upload',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// tags: 'Tags',
// tracker: 'Tracker',
// share: 'Share',
// name: 'Name',
// hash: 'Hash',
// magnet: 'Magnet',
// feed: 'Feed',
// rule: 'Rule',
// then: 'Then',
// /** Dashboard */
// dashboard: {
// tooltips: {
// toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
// toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
// toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
// selectAll: 'Select All',
// selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
// },
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
// },
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'título',
added: 'agregado el',
availability: 'disponibilidad',
size: 'tamaño',
progress: 'progreso',
directory: 'directorio',
downloaded: 'descargado',
uploaded: 'subido',
created: 'creado por',
comments: 'comentarios'
// uploadedSession: 'Uploaded Session',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'velocidad actual',
// alltimeTitle: 'All-Time Stats',
// sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: 'espacio libre',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'agregar torrrent',
resumeSelected: 'resumir torrents seleccionados',
pauseSelected: 'pausar torrents seleccionados',
removeSelected: 'quitar torrents seleccionados',
openSettings: 'abrir ajustes',
searchNew: 'buscar nuevo torrent'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'Desde la última vez que se reinició qBittorrent'
// filters: {
// stalled_uploading: 'Stalled Uploading',
// stalled_downloading: 'Stalled Downloading',
// uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
// untagged: 'Untagged',
// not_working: 'Not Working'
// },
// action: {
// altSpeed: 'Alt Speeds',
// dark: 'Dark',
// light: 'Light'
// }
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
// feedName: 'Name',
// url: 'URL'
newRule: {
// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
// name: 'Name',
def: {
// mustContain: 'Must Contain',
// affectedFeeds: 'Apply Rule to Feeds'
pluginManager: {
// title: 'Plugin manager'
search: {
// title: 'Search',
// btnStartSearch: 'Search',
// btnStopSearch: 'Stop',
columnTitle: {
// name: 'Name',
// size: 'Size',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// peers: 'Peers',
// search_engine: 'Site',
// action: ''
settings: {
tabName: {
// VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
// downloads: 'Downloads',
// connection: 'Connection',
// bittorrent: 'BitTorrent',
// rss: 'RSS',
// webUI: 'WebUI',
// tagsAndCategories: 'Tags & Categories'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
// tip: 'These settings are for the custom WebUI itself',
// currentSpeed: 'Show Current Speed',
// speedGraph: 'Show Speed Graph',
// sessionStats: 'Show Session Stats',
// allTimeStats: 'Show All-Time Stats',
// freeSpace: 'Show Free Space',
// trackerFilter: 'Show Tracker Filter',
// rightDrawer: 'Right Drawer',
// topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
// language: 'Language:',
// paginationSize: 'Pagination size:',
// vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent title:',
// dateFormat: 'Date Format',
// openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
// currentVersion: 'Current Version:',
// qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent Version:'
pageDashboard: {
// busyTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for busy torrents',
// completedTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for completed torrents',
properties: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// tags: 'Tags',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
pageDownloads: {
// subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'When adding a torrent',
whenAddTorrent: {
// createSubFolder: 'Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files',
// donotAutoStart: 'Do not start the download automatically'
// subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Public Settings',
publicSettings: {
// preAllocateDisk: 'Pre-allocate disk space for all files',
// appendQBExtension: 'Append .!qB extension to incomplete files'
// subHeaderSaveManagement: 'Saving Management',
saveManagement: {
// autoManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
// supportParamG: '%G: Tags (separated by comma)',
// supportParamF: '%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)',
// supportParamR: '%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)',
// supportParamD: '%D: Save path',
// supportParamC: '%C: Number of files',
// supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrent size (bytes)',
// supportParamT: '%T: Current tracker',
// supportParamI: '%I: Info hash'
pageConnection: {
// protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
// listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
// useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
// incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
// subHeader: 'Connection Limits (-1 to disable)',
// globalMaxConnection: 'Global maximum number of connections',
// perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Maximum number of connections per torrent',
// globalMaxUploadSlots: 'Global maximum number of upload slots',
// perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Maximum number of upload slots per torrent',
// proxySubHeader: 'Proxy Server',
// proxyPeerConnections: 'Use proxy for peer connections',
// proxyTorrentOnly: 'Use proxy only for torrents',
// proxyAuth: 'Authentication'
pageBittorrent: {
// subHeaderPrivacy: 'Privacy',
// enableDHT: 'Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers',
// enablePeX: 'Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers',
// enableLPD: 'Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers',
// enableAnonymous: 'Enable anonymous mode',
// torrentQueue: 'Torrent Queueing',
// maxActiveDownload: 'Maximum active downloads',
// maxActiveUpload: 'Maximum active uploads',
// maxActiveTorrent: 'Maximum active torrents',
// excludeSlowTorrent: 'Do not count slow torrents in these limits',
// downloadRateLimit: 'Download rate threshold KiB/s',
// uploadRateLimit: 'Upload rate threshold KiB/s',
// torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent inactivity timer',
// subHeaderSeedLimits: 'Seed Limits',
// whenRatioReaches: 'When ratio reaches',
// whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'When seeding time reaches',
// maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
// maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
pageRss: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// rules: 'Rules'
pageRules: {
// rules: 'Rules',
// btnCreateNew: 'Create Rule'
pageFeeds: {
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// btnCreateNew: 'Add feed'
pageGeneral: {
// rssAutoProcessing: 'RSS Reader',
// rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent Auto Downloader',
input: {
// enableRssAutoDownload: 'Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents',
// enableRssProcessing: 'Enable fetching RSS feeds',
// feedsRefreshInterval: 'Feeds refresh interval (in minutes)',
// feedsMaxArticles: 'Maximum number of articles per feed'
pageWebUI: {
// useAlternativeWebUI: 'Use Alternative WebUI',
// filesLocation: 'Files location',
// webUserInterface: 'Web User Interface (Remote Control)',
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// port: 'Port',
// authentication: 'Authentication',
// username: 'Username',
// password: 'Password',
// maxAttempts: 'Max attempts',
// banDuration: 'Ban Duration (seconds)',
// sessionTimeout: 'Session timeout (seconds)',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'Bypass authentication for clients on localhost',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets',
// whiteListExample: 'Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
// btnCreateNew: 'Create new',
// subHeaderTags: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
shareLimit: {
input: {
// globalLimit: 'Use global limit',
// unlimited: 'Unlimited'
// limitRatio: 'Limit Ratio',
// titleDuration: 'Duration',
// titleRatio: 'Ratio'
newCategory: {
// categoryName: 'Category name',
// Path: 'Path',
// tipOnNoName: 'Category name is required',
// tipOnNoPath: 'Path is required'
newTag: {
// createNewTag: 'Create New Tag',
// tagName: 'Tag name'
detail: {
// title: 'Torrent Detail',
// tabTitleInfo: 'Info',
// tabTitleTrackers: 'Trackers',
// tabTitlePeers: 'Peers',
// tabTitleContent: 'Content',
// tabTitleTagsCategories: 'Tags & Categories',
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// pieceStates: 'Progress',
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// uploadSpeed: 'UP Speed',
// eta: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// status: 'Status',
// trackers: 'Trackers',
// createdBy: 'Created By',
// firstLastPiecePriority: 'First/Last Piece Priority',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential Download',
// autoTMM: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
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// files: 'Files'
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// subHeaderTag: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
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// url: 'URL',
// status: 'Status',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// leeches: 'Leeches',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// message: 'Message'
add: {
title: 'Agregar nuevo torrent',
selectFiles: 'Selecciona tus archivos'
// urlHint: 'One link per line',
// downloadDirectory: 'Download Directory',
// starttorrent: 'Start torrent',
// skipHashCheck: 'Skip hash check',
// createSubfolder: 'Create subfolder',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// dropHereForAdd: 'Drop here for add',
// oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: 'One or more files are not valid torrents'
changeLocation: {
// title: 'Change Location'
rename: {
// title: 'Rename',
// torrentName: 'Torrent Name'
sort: {
// title: 'Sort Torrents',
// reverse: 'Reverse',
sortBy: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
// speedLimit: 'Speed Limit'
delete: {
check: 'También borrar archivos del disco'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: '¡Inicio de sesión correcto! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'Inicio de sesión fallido 😕',
settingsSaved: '¡Los ajustes se guardaron correctamente!',
categorySaved: '¡Categoría guardada correctamente!'
// feedSaved: 'Feed saved successfully!',
// ruleSaved: 'Rule saved!',
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
resume: 'reanudar',
forceResume: 'forzar reanudado',
advanced: {
advanced: 'avanzado',
changeLocation: 'cambiar directorio',
rename: 'renombrar'
// forceRecheck: 'Force recheck',
// forceReannounce: 'Force reannounce',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential download',
// firstLastPriority: 'First/Last priority',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management'
prio: {
prio: 'prioridad',
top: 'arriba',
bottom: 'abajo',
increase: 'incrementar',
decrease: 'reducir'
category: 'categoría',
// tags: 'Set Tags',
// notags: 'No Tags',
limit: 'poner límite',
copy: 'copiar',
info: 'mostrar información'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
"category": "categoría",
"settings": "ajustes",
"pause": "pausar",
"delete": "borrar",
"save": "guardar",
"cancel": "cancelar",
"confirm": "confirmar",
"torrent": {
"title": "título",
"added": "agregado el",
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"size": "tamaño",
"progress": "progreso",
"directory": "directorio",
"downloaded": "descargado",
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"comments": "comentarios"
"navbar": {
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"freeSpace": "espacio libre",
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"addTorrent": "agregar torrrent",
"resumeSelected": "resumir torrents seleccionados",
"pauseSelected": "pausar torrents seleccionados",
"removeSelected": "quitar torrents seleccionados",
"openSettings": "abrir ajustes",
"searchNew": "buscar nuevo torrent"
"sessionStats": {
"tooltip": "Desde la última vez que se reinició qBittorrent"
"modals": {
"newFeed": {},
"newRule": {
"def": {}
"pluginManager": {},
"search": {
"columnTitle": {}
"settings": {
"tabName": {},
"pageVueTorrent": {
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"pageGeneral": {},
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"properties": {}
"pageDownloads": {
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"publicSettings": {},
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"pageConnection": {},
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"input": {}
"newCategory": {},
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"detail": {
"pageInfo": {},
"pagePeers": {},
"pageTagsAndCategories": {},
"pageTrackers": {}
"add": {
"title": "Agregar nuevo torrent",
"selectFiles": "Selecciona tus archivos"
"changeLocation": {},
"rename": {},
"sort": {
"sortBy": {}
"speedLimit": {},
"delete": {
"check": "También borrar archivos del disco"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "¡Inicio de sesión correcto! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Inicio de sesión fallido 😕",
"settingsSaved": "¡Los ajustes se guardaron correctamente!",
"categorySaved": "¡Categoría guardada correctamente!"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "reanudar",
"forceResume": "forzar reanudado",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "avanzado",
"changeLocation": "cambiar directorio",
"rename": "renombrar"
"prio": {
"prio": "prioridad",
"top": "arriba",
"bottom": "abajo",
"increase": "incrementar",
"decrease": "reducir"
"category": "categoría",
"limit": "poner límite",
"copy": "copiar",
"info": "mostrar información"
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'Catégorie',
settings: 'Paramètres',
pause: 'Pause',
delete: 'Supprimer',
save: 'Sauvegarder',
cancel: 'Annuler',
confirm: 'Confirmer',
edit: 'Editer',
createNew: 'Créer un nouveau',
path: 'Chemin',
create: 'Créer',
url: 'URL',
directory: 'Répertoire',
unknown: 'Inconnu',
status: 'Statut',
all: 'Tout',
downloading: 'Téléchargement',
seeding: 'Seeding',
completed: 'Complété',
resumed: 'A Repris',
paused: 'En Pause',
active: 'Actif',
inactive: 'Inactif',
stalled: 'Bloqué',
errored: 'Erreur',
login: 'Se Connecter',
logout: 'Se Déconnecter',
download: 'Téléchargement',
downloaded: 'Téléchargé',
upload: 'Téléversement',
uploaded: 'Téléversé',
peers: 'Pairs',
ratio: 'Ratio',
seeds: 'Seeds',
tags: 'Tags',
tracker: 'Traqueur',
share: 'Partager',
name: 'Nom',
hash: 'Hash',
magnet: 'Magnet',
feed: 'Flux',
rule: 'Règles',
then: 'Alors',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
toggleSearch: 'Rechercher un torrent',
toggleSelect: 'Activer / Désactiver la selection multiple',
toggleSort: 'Trier les torrents',
selectAll: 'Tout sélectionner',
selectAllCaption: '(Dé)Selectionne Tout (Ctrl + A)'
emptyTorrentList: 'Aucun torrent enregistré!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'Titre',
added: 'Ajouté Le',
availability: 'Disponibilité',
size: 'Taille',
progress: 'Progression',
directory: 'Dossier',
downloaded: 'Téléchargé',
uploaded: 'Uploadé',
created: 'Créé Par',
comments: 'Commentaires',
uploadedSession: 'Session de téléversement',
timeActive: "Temps d'Activité",
seededFor: 'Seed Depuis',
last_activity: 'Dernière Activité',
completed_on: 'Terminé Le',
globalSpeed: 'Vitesse Globale',
globalVolume: 'Volume Global'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'Vitesse Actuelle',
alltimeTitle: 'Stats Globales',
sessionTitle: 'Stats de la Session',
freeSpace: 'espace libre',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'Ajouter un torrent',
resumeSelected: 'Reprendre les torrents sélectionnés',
pauseSelected: 'Mettre en pause les torrents sélectionnés',
removeSelected: 'Supprimer les torrents sélectionnés',
openSettings: 'Ouvrir les paramètres',
searchNew: 'Rechercher un nouveau torrent'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'Depuis le dernier redémarrage de qBittorrent'
filters: {
stalled_uploading: 'Téléversement bloqué',
stalled_downloading: 'Téléchargement bloqué',
uncategorized: 'Non catégorisé',
untagged: 'Non taggé',
not_working: 'Non Fonctionnel'
action: {
altSpeed: 'Vitesse Alternative',
dark: 'Sombre',
light: 'Clair'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
feedName: 'Nom',
url: 'URL'
newRule: {
titleCreate: 'Créer une nouvelle règle',
titleEdit: 'Modifier une règle',
name: 'Nom',
def: {
mustContain: 'Doit contenir',
affectedFeeds: 'Appliquer la règle aux flux'
pluginManager: {
title: 'Gestionnaire de plugins'
search: {
title: 'Recherche',
btnStartSearch: 'Chercher',
btnStopSearch: 'Arrêter',
columnTitle: {
name: 'Nom',
size: 'Taille',
seeds: 'Seeds',
peers: 'Pairs',
search_engine: 'Moteur de recherche',
action: 'Action'
settings: {
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VueTorrent: 'vuetorrent',
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allTimeStats: 'Afficher les statistiques globales',
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createSubFolder: 'Créer un sous-dossier pour les torrents avec plusieurs fichiers',
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autoEnabled_onFinished: "Execute un programme externe lorsqu'un torrent est terminé :",
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/** Toast */
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loginFailed: 'Connexion échouée 😕',
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/** RightClick **/
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export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
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"check": "Supprimer également les fichiers du disque"
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"loginSuccess": "Connexion réussie! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Connexion échouée 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Paramètres enregistrés avec succès!",
"categorySaved": "Catégorie modifiée avec succès!",
"feedSaved": "Flux enregistré !",
"ruleSaved": "Règle enregistrée !",
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"renameFolderFailed": "Impossible de renommer le dossier",
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"pasteNotSupported": "Impossible de coller, clipboard API indisponible dans ce navigateur"
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@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
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// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
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/** Navbar */
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// not_working: 'Not Working'
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feedName: 'Nama',
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// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
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mustContain: 'Harus mengandung',
affectedFeeds: 'Terapkan Aturan ke Feeds'
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title: 'Manajer plugin'
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// ratio: 'Ratio',
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whenAddTorrent: {
createSubFolder: 'Buat subfolder untuk torrent dengan banyak file',
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preAllocateDisk: 'Pra-alokasi disk untuk semua file',
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autoManagement: 'Manajemen Penyimpanan Otomatis',
relocate: 'Relokasi Torrent saat kategori berubah',
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keepIncompleteIn: 'Simpan yang torrent belum selesai di:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Nyalakan Autorun:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Program Autorun',
supportParamTitle: 'Parameter yang didukung (case sensitive):',
supportParamN: '%N: Nama Torrent ',
supportParamL: '%L: Kategori',
supportParamG: '%G: Tag (dipisahkan dengan koma)',
supportParamF: '%F: Path konten (sama dengan path root untuk torrent dengan banyak file)',
supportParamR: '%R: Path root (path subdirektori torrent pertama)',
supportParamD: '%D: Path simpan',
supportParamC: '%C: Jumlah file',
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supportParamT: '%T: Tracker saat ini',
supportParamI: '%I: Info hash'
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perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Jumlah maksimum slot unggahan per torrent',
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maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Hapus torrent beserta file',
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speedLimit: 'Batas Kec.'
delete: {
check: 'Dan hapus berkas dari penyimpanan'
/** Toast */
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loginSuccess: 'Berhasil masuk! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'Gagal masuk 😕',
settingsSaved: 'Pengaturan sukses disimpan!',
categorySaved: 'Kategori sukses diubah!',
feedSaved: 'Feed berhasil disimpan!',
ruleSaved: 'Rule disimpan!'
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
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// notags: 'No Tags',
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copy: 'salin',
info: 'tampilkan info'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
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"relocate": "Relokasi Torrent saat kategori berubah",
"defaultSavePath": "Path Simpan Default",
"keepIncompleteIn": "Simpan yang torrent belum selesai di:",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "Nyalakan Autorun:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "Program Autorun",
"supportParamTitle": "Parameter yang didukung (case sensitive):",
"supportParamN": "%N: Nama Torrent ",
"supportParamL": "%L: Kategori",
"supportParamG": "%G: Tag (dipisahkan dengan koma)",
"supportParamF": "%F: Path konten (sama dengan path root untuk torrent dengan banyak file)",
"supportParamR": "%R: Path root (path subdirektori torrent pertama)",
"supportParamD": "%D: Path simpan",
"supportParamC": "%C: Jumlah file",
"supportParamZ": "%Z: Ukuran torrent (bytes)",
"supportParamT": "%T: Tracker saat ini",
"supportParamI": "%I: Info hash"
"pageConnection": {
"subHeader": "Batas Koneksi",
"globalMaxConnection": "Jumlah maksimum koneksi global",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "Jumlah maksimum koneksi per torrent",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "Jumlah maksimum slot unggahan global",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "Jumlah maksimum slot unggahan per torrent",
"proxySubHeader": "Server Proxy",
"proxyPeerConnections": "Gunakan proxy untuk koneksi peer",
"proxyTorrentOnly": "Gunakan proxy hanya untuk torrent",
"proxyAuth": "Autentikasi"
"pageBittorrent": {
"subHeaderPrivacy": "Privasi",
"enableDHT": "Aktifkan DHT (jaringan terdesentralisasi) untuk menemukan banyak peer",
"enablePeX": "Aktifkan Peer Exchange (PeX) untuk menemukan banyak peer",
"enableLPD": "Aktifkan Local Peer Discovery untuk menemukan banyak peer",
"enableAnonymous": "Aktifkan mode anonymous",
"torrentQueue": "Antrean Torrent",
"maxActiveDownload": "Maksimum unduhan aktif",
"maxActiveUpload": "Maksimum unggahan aktif",
"maxActiveTorrent": "Maksimum torrent aktif",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "Jangan tampilkan torrent lambat pada batas tersebut",
"downloadRateLimit": "Batas kecepatan unduh KiB/s",
"uploadRateLimit": "Batas kecepatan unggah KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "Pengatur waktu torrent tidak aktif",
"subHeaderSeedLimits": "Batas Seed",
"whenRatioReaches": "Saat rasio mencapai",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "Ketika waktu seeding mencapai",
"maxRatioPauseTorrent": "Jeda torrent",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrent": "Hapus torrent",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles": "Hapus torrent beserta file",
"maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding": "Aktifkan torrent super seeding"
"pageRss": {
"tabName": {
"general": "Umum",
"feeds": "Feed",
"rules": "Aturan"
"pageRules": {
"rules": "Aturan",
"btnCreateNew": "Buat Aturan"
"pageFeeds": {
"feeds": "Feed",
"btnCreateNew": "Tambah feed"
"pageGeneral": {
"rssAutoProcessing": "Pembaca RSS",
"rssAutoDownloader": "Pengunduh Otomatis RSS Torrent",
"input": {
"enableRssAutoDownload": "Aktifkan unduh otomatis RSS torrent",
"enableRssProcessing": "Aktifkan pengambilan feed RSS",
"feedsRefreshInterval": "Selang waktu refresh feed",
"feedsMaxArticles": "Jumlah maksimum artikel per feed"
"pageWebUI": {
"useAlternativeWebUI": "Gunakan WebUI Alternatif",
"filesLocation": "Lokasi file",
"webUserInterface": "Web User Interface (Remote Control)",
"ipAddress": "Alamat IP:",
"port": "Port",
"authentication": "Autentikasi",
"username": "Nama Pengguna",
"password": "Kata Sandi",
"maxAttempts": "Percobaan Maks.",
"banDuration": "Durasi Ban (detik)",
"sessionTimeout": "Waktu sesi (detik)",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost": "Lewati autentikasi untuk klien pada localhost",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted": "Lewati autentikasi untuk klien pada whitelist subnet IP",
"whiteListExample": "Contoh:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40"
"pageTagsAndCategories": {
"btnCreateNew": "Buat baru",
"subHeaderTags": "Tag Tersedia:",
"subHeaderCategories": "Kategori Tersedia:"
"shareLimit": {
"input": {
"globalLimit": "Gunakan batas global",
"unlimited": "Tidak terbatas"
"limitRatio": "Batas Rasio",
"titleDuration": "Durasi",
"titleRatio": "Rasio"
"newCategory": {
"categoryName": "Nama kategori",
"Path": "Path",
"tipOnNoName": "Nama kategori diperlukan",
"tipOnNoPath": "Path is required"
"newTag": {
"createNewTag": "Buat Tag Baru",
"tagName": "Nama tag"
"detail": {
"title": "Detail Torrent",
"tabTitleInfo": "Info",
"tabTitleTrackers": "Tracker",
"tabTitlePeers": "Peer",
"tabTitleContent": "Konten",
"tabTitleTagsCategories": "Tag & Kategori",
"pageInfo": {
"pieceStates": "Progres",
"torrentTitle": "Judul torrent",
"hash": "Hash",
"ratio": "Rasio",
"downloadSpeed": "Kec. Unduh",
"uploadSpeed": "Kec. Unggah",
"eta": "Estimasi",
"peers": "Peer",
"seeds": "Seed",
"status": "Status",
"trackers": "Tracker",
"createdBy": "Dibuat Oleh",
"firstLastPiecePriority": "Prio. Bag. Pertama/Akhir",
"sequentialDownload": "Unduhan Sekuensial",
"autoTMM": "TMM Oto.",
"shareRatioLimit": "Batas Rasio Berbagi",
"shareTimeLimit": "Batas Waktu Berbagi (menit)",
"downloadLimit": "Batas Unggah",
"uploadLimit": "Batas Unduh"
"pagePeers": {
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"client": "Klien",
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"downloadSpeed": "Kecepatan Unduh",
"downloaded": "Terunduh",
"upSpeed": "Kecepatan Unggah",
"uploaded": "Terunggah",
"relevance": "Relevansi",
"files": "File"
"pageTagsAndCategories": {
"subHeaderTag": "Tag Tersedia:",
"subHeaderCategories": "Kategori Tersedia:"
"pageTrackers": {
"url": "URL",
"status": "Status",
"peers": "Peer",
"seeds": "Seed",
"leeches": "Leeches",
"downloaded": "Terunduh",
"message": "Pesan"
"add": {
"title": "Tambah Torrent",
"selectFiles": "Pilih file",
"urlHint": "satu link per baris",
"downloadDirectory": "Direktori Unduhan",
"starttorrent": "Mulai torrent",
"skipHashCheck": "Lewati cek hash",
"createSubfolder": "Buat subfolder",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "Manajemen Torrent Otomatis",
"dropHereForAdd": "Jatuhkan di sini untuk menambah",
"oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent": "Satu atau lebih file bukan torrent yang valid"
"changeLocation": {
"title": "Ubah Lokasi"
"rename": {
"title": "Ubah Nama",
"torrentName": "Nama Torrent"
"sort": {
"title": "Sortir Torrent",
"reverse": "Terbalik",
"sortBy": {
"availability": "Ketersediaan",
"category": "Kategori",
"completed": "Selesai",
"downloaded": "Terunduh",
"ETA": "Estimasi",
"name": "Nama",
"peers": "Peer",
"priority": "Prioritas",
"progress": "Progres",
"ratio": "Rasio",
"size": "Ukuran",
"state": "Status",
"uploaded": "Terunggah",
"addedOn": "Ditambahkan Pada",
"downloadSpeed": "Kec. Unduh",
"timeActive": "Waktu aktif",
"uploadSpeed": "Kec. Unggah"
"speedLimit": {
"speedLimit": "Batas Kec."
"delete": {
"check": "Dan hapus berkas dari penyimpanan"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "Berhasil masuk! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Gagal masuk 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Pengaturan sukses disimpan!",
"categorySaved": "Kategori sukses diubah!",
"feedSaved": "Feed berhasil disimpan!",
"ruleSaved": "Rule disimpan!"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "lanjutkan",
"forceResume": "paksa lanjutkan",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "lebih lanjut",
"changeLocation": "ubah lokasi",
"rename": "ubah nama",
"forceRecheck": "Paksa periksa ulang",
"forceReannounce": "Paksa umumkan ulang",
"sequentialDownload": "Unduh Sekuensial",
"firstLastPriority": "Prioritas Pertama/Terakhir",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "Manajemen Torrent Otomatis"
"prio": {
"prio": "atur prioritas",
"top": "atas",
"bottom": "bawah",
"increase": "naikkan",
"decrease": "turunkan"
"category": "atur kategori",
"limit": "atur batas",
"copy": "salin",
"info": "tampilkan info"
@ -1,15 +1,33 @@
import en from './en'
import { Locales } from './locales'
import es from './es'
import fr from './fr'
import id from './id'
import it from './it'
import ja from './ja'
import nl from './nl'
import pt_br from './pt-br'
import ru from './ru'
import ua from './ua'
import vi from './vi'
import zh_hans from './zh-hans'
import zh_hant from './zh-hant'
export const messages = { en, es, fr, id, it, ja, nl, pt_br, ru, ua, vi, zh_hans, zh_hant }
import en from './en.json'
import es from './es.json'
import fr from './fr.json'
import id from './id.json'
import it from './it.json'
import ja from './ja.json'
import nl from './nl.json'
import pt_br from './pt-br.json'
import ru from './ru.json'
import uk from './uk.json'
import vi from './vi.json'
import zh_hans from './zh-hans.json'
import zh_hant from './zh-hant.json'
export const messages = {
[Locales.EN]: en,
[Locales.ES]: es,
[Locales.FR]: fr,
[Locales.ID]: id,
[Locales.IT]: it,
[Locales.JA]: ja,
[Locales.NL]: nl,
[Locales.PT_BR]: pt_br,
[Locales.RU]: ru,
[Locales.UK]: uk,
[Locales.VI]: vi,
[Locales.ZH_HANS]: zh_hans,
[Locales.ZH_HANT]: zh_hant
export const defaultLocale = Locales.EN
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'categoria',
settings: 'impostazioni',
// pause: 'Pause',
// delete: 'Delete',
// save: 'Save',
// cancel: 'Cancel',
// confirm: 'Confirm',
// edit: 'Edit',
// createNew: 'Create New',
// path: 'Path',
// create: 'Create',
// url: 'URL',
// directory: 'Directory',
// unknown: 'Unknown',
// status: 'Status',
// all: 'All',
// downloading: 'Downloading',
// seeding: 'Seeding',
// completed: 'Completed',
// resumed: 'Resumed',
// paused: 'Paused',
// active: 'Active',
// inactive: 'Inactive',
// stalled: 'Stalled',
// errored: 'Errored',
// login: 'Login in',
// logout: 'Log out',
// download: 'Download',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upload: 'Upload',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// tags: 'Tags',
// tracker: 'Tracker',
// share: 'Share',
// name: 'Name',
// hash: 'Hash',
// magnet: 'Magnet',
// feed: 'Feed',
// rule: 'Rule',
// then: 'Then',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
// toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
// toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
// toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
// selectAll: 'Select All',
// selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
// title: 'Title',
// added: 'Added On',
// availability: 'Availability',
// size: 'Size',
// progress: 'Progress',
// directory: 'Directory',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// created: 'Created By',
// comments: 'Comments',
// uploadedSession: 'Uploaded Session',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'velocità attuale',
// alltimeTitle: 'All-Time Stats',
// sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: 'spazio libero',
topActions: {
// addTorrent: 'Add torrent',
// resumeSelected: 'Resume selected torrents',
// pauseSelected: 'Pause selected torrents',
// removeSelected: 'Remove selected torrents',
openSettings: 'apri le impostazioni',
searchNew: 'cerca nuovi torrent'
sessionStats: {
// tooltip: 'Since the last time qBittorrent was restarted'
filters: {
// stalled_uploading: 'Stalled Uploading',
// stalled_downloading: 'Stalled Downloading',
// uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
// untagged: 'Untagged',
// not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
// altSpeed: 'Alt Speeds',
// dark: 'Dark',
// light: 'Light'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
// feedName: 'Name',
// url: 'URL'
newRule: {
// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
// name: 'Name',
def: {
// mustContain: 'Must Contain',
// affectedFeeds: 'Apply Rule to Feeds'
pluginManager: {
// title: 'Plugin manager'
search: {
// title: 'Search',
// btnStartSearch: 'Search',
// btnStopSearch: 'Stop',
columnTitle: {
// name: 'Name',
// size: 'Size',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// peers: 'Peers',
// search_engine: 'Site',
// action: ''
settings: {
tabName: {
// VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
// downloads: 'Downloads',
// connection: 'Connection',
// bittorrent: 'BitTorrent',
// rss: 'RSS',
// webUI: 'WebUI',
// tagsAndCategories: 'Tags & Categories'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
// tip: 'These settings are for the custom WebUI itself',
// currentSpeed: 'Show Current Speed',
// speedGraph: 'Show Speed Graph',
// sessionStats: 'Show Session Stats',
// allTimeStats: 'Show All-Time Stats',
// freeSpace: 'Show Free Space',
// trackerFilter: 'Show Tracker Filter',
// rightDrawer: 'Right Drawer',
// topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
// language: 'Language:',
// paginationSize: 'Pagination size:',
// vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent title:',
// dateFormat: 'Date Format',
// openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
// currentVersion: 'Current Version:',
// qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent Version:'
pageDashboard: {
// busyTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for busy torrents',
// completedTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for completed torrents',
properties: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// tags: 'Tags',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
pageDownloads: {
// subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'When adding a torrent',
whenAddTorrent: {
// createSubFolder: 'Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files',
// donotAutoStart: 'Do not start the download automatically'
// subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Public Settings',
publicSettings: {
// preAllocateDisk: 'Pre-allocate disk space for all files',
// appendQBExtension: 'Append .!qB extension to incomplete files'
// subHeaderSaveManagement: 'Saving Management',
saveManagement: {
// autoManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
// supportParamG: '%G: Tags (separated by comma)',
// supportParamF: '%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)',
// supportParamR: '%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)',
// supportParamD: '%D: Save path',
// supportParamC: '%C: Number of files',
// supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrent size (bytes)',
// supportParamT: '%T: Current tracker',
// supportParamI: '%I: Info hash'
pageConnection: {
// protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
// listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
// useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
// incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
// subHeader: 'Connection Limits (-1 to disable)',
// globalMaxConnection: 'Global maximum number of connections',
// perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Maximum number of connections per torrent',
// globalMaxUploadSlots: 'Global maximum number of upload slots',
// perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Maximum number of upload slots per torrent',
// proxySubHeader: 'Proxy Server',
// proxyPeerConnections: 'Use proxy for peer connections',
// proxyTorrentOnly: 'Use proxy only for torrents',
// proxyAuth: 'Authentication'
pageBittorrent: {
// subHeaderPrivacy: 'Privacy',
// enableDHT: 'Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers',
// enablePeX: 'Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers',
// enableLPD: 'Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers',
// enableAnonymous: 'Enable anonymous mode',
// torrentQueue: 'Torrent Queueing',
// maxActiveDownload: 'Maximum active downloads',
// maxActiveUpload: 'Maximum active uploads',
// maxActiveTorrent: 'Maximum active torrents',
// excludeSlowTorrent: 'Do not count slow torrents in these limits',
// downloadRateLimit: 'Download rate threshold KiB/s',
// uploadRateLimit: 'Upload rate threshold KiB/s',
// torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent inactivity timer',
// subHeaderSeedLimits: 'Seed Limits',
// whenRatioReaches: 'When ratio reaches',
// whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'When seeding time reaches',
// maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
// maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
pageRss: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// rules: 'Rules'
pageRules: {
// rules: 'Rules',
// btnCreateNew: 'Create Rule'
pageFeeds: {
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// btnCreateNew: 'Add feed'
pageGeneral: {
// rssAutoProcessing: 'RSS Reader',
// rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent Auto Downloader',
input: {
// enableRssAutoDownload: 'Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents',
// enableRssProcessing: 'Enable fetching RSS feeds',
// feedsRefreshInterval: 'Feeds refresh interval (in minutes)',
// feedsMaxArticles: 'Maximum number of articles per feed'
pageWebUI: {
// useAlternativeWebUI: 'Use Alternative WebUI',
// filesLocation: 'Files location',
// webUserInterface: 'Web User Interface (Remote Control)',
// ipAddress: 'IP Address:',
// port: 'Port',
// authentication: 'Authentication',
// username: 'Username',
// password: 'Password',
// maxAttempts: 'Max attempts',
// banDuration: 'Ban Duration (seconds)',
// sessionTimeout: 'Session timeout (seconds)',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'Bypass authentication for clients on localhost',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets',
// whiteListExample: 'Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
// btnCreateNew: 'Create new',
// subHeaderTags: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
shareLimit: {
input: {
// globalLimit: 'Use global limit',
// unlimited: 'Unlimited'
// limitRatio: 'Limit Ratio',
// titleDuration: 'Duration',
// titleRatio: 'Ratio'
newCategory: {
// categoryName: 'Category name',
// Path: 'Path',
// tipOnNoName: 'Category name is required',
// tipOnNoPath: 'Path is required'
newTag: {
// createNewTag: 'Create New Tag',
// tagName: 'Tag name'
detail: {
// title: 'Torrent Detail',
// tabTitleInfo: 'Info',
// tabTitleTrackers: 'Trackers',
// tabTitlePeers: 'Peers',
// tabTitleContent: 'Content',
// tabTitleTagsCategories: 'Tags & Categories',
pageInfo: {
// pieceStates: 'Progress',
// torrentTitle: 'Torrent title',
// hash: 'Hash',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// downloadSpeed: 'DL Speed',
// uploadSpeed: 'UP Speed',
// eta: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// status: 'Status',
// trackers: 'Trackers',
// createdBy: 'Created By',
// firstLastPiecePriority: 'First/Last Piece Priority',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential Download',
// autoTMM: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// shareRatioLimit: 'Share Ratio Limit',
// shareTimeLimit: 'Share Time Limit (minutes)',
// downloadLimit: 'Download Limit',
// uploadLimit: 'Upload Limit'
pagePeers: {
// ip: 'IP',
// connection: 'Connection',
// flags: 'Flags',
// client: 'Client',
// progress: 'Progress',
// downloadSpeed: 'DL Speed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upSpeed: 'UP Speed',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// relevance: 'Relevance',
// files: 'Files'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
// subHeaderTag: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
pageTrackers: {
// url: 'URL',
// status: 'Status',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// leeches: 'Leeches',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// message: 'Message'
add: {
title: 'Aggiungi un Torrent',
selectFiles: 'Seleziona i file'
// urlHint: 'One link per line',
// downloadDirectory: 'Download Directory',
// starttorrent: 'Start torrent',
// skipHashCheck: 'Skip hash check',
// createSubfolder: 'Create subfolder',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// dropHereForAdd: 'Drop here for add',
// oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: 'One or more files are not valid torrents'
changeLocation: {
// title: 'Change Location'
rename: {
// title: 'Rename',
// torrentName: 'Torrent Name'
sort: {
// title: 'Sort Torrents',
// reverse: 'Reverse',
sortBy: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
// speedLimit: 'Speed Limit'
delete: {
// check: 'Also delete files from storage'
/** Toast */
toast: {
// loginSuccess: 'Successfully logged in! 🎉',
// loginFailed: 'Login failed 😕',
// settingsSaved: 'Settings saved successfully!',
// categorySaved: 'Category edited successfully!',
// feedSaved: 'Feed saved successfully!',
// ruleSaved: 'Rule saved!',
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
// resume: 'resume',
// forceResume: 'force resume',
advanced: {
// advanced: 'advanced',
// changeLocation: 'change location',
// rename: 'rename',
// forceRecheck: 'Force recheck',
// forceReannounce: 'Force reannounce',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential download',
// firstLastPriority: 'First/Last priority',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management'
prio: {
// prio: 'Set Priority',
// top: 'Top',
// bottom: 'Bottom',
// increase: 'Increase',
// decrease: 'Decrease'
// category: 'Set Category',
// tags: 'Set Tags',
// notags: 'No Tags',
// limit: 'Set Limit',
// copy: 'Copy',
// info: 'Show Info'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
"category": "categoria",
"settings": "impostazioni",
"dashboard": {
"tooltips": {}
"torrent": {},
"navbar": {
"currentSpeed": "velocità attuale",
"freeSpace": "spazio libero",
"topActions": {
"openSettings": "apri le impostazioni",
"searchNew": "cerca nuovi torrent"
"sessionStats": {},
"filters": {},
"action": {}
"modals": {
"newFeed": {},
"newRule": {
"def": {}
"pluginManager": {},
"search": {
"columnTitle": {}
"settings": {
"tabName": {},
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"title": "Aggiungi un Torrent",
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"delete": {}
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"rightClick": {
"advanced": {},
"prio": {}
@ -1,491 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'カテゴリー',
settings: '設定',
pause: '停止',
delete: '削除',
save: '保存',
cancel: 'キャンセル',
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create: '作成',
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unknown: '不明',
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inactive: '非稼働中',
stalled: '停滞中',
errored: 'エラー',
login: 'ログイン',
logout: 'ログアウト',
downloaded: 'ダウンロード済み',
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download: 'ダウンロード',
ETA: '残り時間',
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ratio: '比率',
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// tracker: 'Tracker',
share: 'Share',
name: '名前',
hash: 'ハッシュ値',
magnet: 'Magnet',
feed: 'フィード',
rule: 'ルール',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
// toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
// toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
// toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
// selectAll: 'Select All',
// selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'タイトル',
added: '追加日時',
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directory: 'ディレクトリー',
downloaded: 'ダウン量',
uploaded: 'アップ量',
created: '作成',
comments: 'コメント',
uploadedSession: 'アップロードセッション'
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: '速度',
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// sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: '空き容量',
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addTorrent: 'Torrentを追加',
resumeSelected: 'Torrentの再開',
pauseSelected: 'Torrentの一時停止',
removeSelected: 'Torrentの削除',
openSettings: '設定',
searchNew: 'Torrentの検索エンジン'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: '最後の再起動からの時間'
filters: {
stalled_uploading: '停滞中アップロード',
stalled_downloading: '停滞中ダウンロード'
// uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
// untagged: 'Untagged',
// not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
altSpeed: '代替速度制限',
dark: 'ダークモード',
light: 'ライトモード'
/** Modals */
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newFeed: {
feedName: 'フィード名',
url: 'URL'
newRule: {
titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
name: 'ルール名',
def: {
mustContain: '必要',
affectedFeeds: 'フィードにルールを適用'
pluginManager: {
title: 'プラグインマネージャー'
search: {
title: '検索',
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btnStopSearch: '停止',
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name: '名前',
size: 'サイズ',
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VueTorrent: 'vueTorrent',
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tabName: {
general: '一般',
dashboard: 'ダッシュボード'
pageGeneral: {
tip: 'これらの設定は、このカスタム WebUI に対するものです',
currentSpeed: '現在の速度を表示する',
speedGraph: '速度グラフを表示する',
sessionStats: 'セッションの状態を表示する',
allTimeStats: '今までの統計を表示する',
freeSpace: '空き容量を表示する',
trackerFilter: 'トラッカーフィルターを表示する',
rightDrawer: 'メニューを右側に表示する',
// topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
language: '言語:',
paginationSize: '1ページの表示数:',
vueTorrentTitle: 'ページタイトル:',
// dateFormat: 'Date Format',
// openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
currentVersion: '現在のバージョン:',
qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrentのバージョン:'
pageDashboard: {
busyTorrentTip: '稼働中のTorrentに表示されるプロパティ',
completedTorrentTip: '完了したTorrentに表示されるプロパティ',
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// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// tags: 'Tags',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
pageDownloads: {
subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'Torrentを追加したとき',
whenAddTorrent: {
createSubFolder: '複数のファイルが有るときはサブフォルダーを作成する',
donotAutoStart: '自動でダウンロードを開始しない'
subHeaderPublicSettings: '全体の設定',
publicSettings: {
preAllocateDisk: 'すべてのファイルに対して事前にディスクスペースを割り当てる',
appendQBExtension: '未完了のファイル名に .!qB をつける'
subHeaderSaveManagement: '保存管理',
saveManagement: {
autoManagement: '自動Torrent管理',
relocate: 'カテゴリが変更されたときにTorrentを移動させる',
defaultSavePath: 'デフォルトの保存パス',
keepIncompleteIn: '未完了のTorrentの保存先:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: '自動プログラム実行:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'プログラム自動実行',
supportParamTitle: 'サポートしているパラメーター (大文字小文字を区別):',
supportParamN: '%N: Torrentの名前',
supportParamL: '%L: カテゴリ',
supportParamG: '%G: タグ (コンマ区切り)',
supportParamF: '%F: コンテンツのパス (Torrent内のファイルのルート)',
supportParamR: '%R: ルートパス (トレントの最初のサブフォルダのパス)',
supportParamD: '%D: 保存したパス',
supportParamC: '%C: ファイル数',
supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrentのサイズ (bytes)',
supportParamT: '%T: 現在のトラッカー',
supportParamI: '%I: info ハッシュ'
pageConnection: {
// protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
// listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
// useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
// incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
subHeader: '接続制限',
globalMaxConnection: '全体の最大接続数',
perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Torrentあたりの最大接続数',
globalMaxUploadSlots: '全体の最大アップロードスロット数',
perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Torrentあたりの最大アップロードスロット数',
proxySubHeader: 'プロキシサーバー',
proxyPeerConnections: 'ピアへの接続にプロキシを使う',
proxyTorrentOnly: 'Torrentに対してのみプロキシを使う',
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pageBittorrent: {
subHeaderPrivacy: 'プライバシー',
enableDHT: 'より多くのピアを見つけるために DHT (分散ネットワーク) を有効にする',
enablePeX: 'より多くのピアを見つけるために ピア交換 (PeX) を有効にする',
enableLPD: 'より多くのピアを見つけるために ローカルピア検出 (LSD) を有効にする',
enableAnonymous: '匿名モードを有効にする',
torrentQueue: 'Torrentキュー',
maxActiveDownload: '最大稼働ダウンロード数数',
maxActiveUpload: '最大稼働アップロード数',
maxActiveTorrent: '最大稼働Torrent数',
excludeSlowTorrent: '遅いTorrentをカウントしない',
downloadRateLimit: 'ダウンロード速度しきい値 KiB/s',
uploadRateLimit: 'アップロード速度しきい値 KiB/s',
torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent未稼働時間',
subHeaderSeedLimits: 'シードの制限',
whenRatioReaches: 'シード制限する共有比',
whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'シード制限するシード時間 (分)'
// maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
// maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
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tabName: {
general: '一般',
feeds: 'フィード',
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rules: 'ルール',
btnCreateNew: 'ルールを作成'
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feeds: 'フィード',
btnCreateNew: 'フィードを追加'
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rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent自動ダウンロード',
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enableRssAutoDownload: 'RSS Torrentの自動ダウンロードを有効にする',
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username: 'ユーザー名',
password: 'パスワード',
maxAttempts: '最大試行回数',
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sessionTimeout: 'セッションタイムアウト (秒)',
bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'ローカルホストではクライアントの認証を行わない',
bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'ホワイトリストに登録された IP サブネットのクライアントは認証を行わない',
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subHeaderCategories: '利用可能なカテゴリ:'
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unlimited: '無制限'
limitRatio: '比率制限',
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titleRatio: '比率'
newCategory: {
categoryName: 'カテゴリ名',
Path: 'パス',
tipOnNoName: 'カテゴリ名が必要です',
tipOnNoPath: 'パスが必要です'
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createNewTag: 'タグを作成',
tagName: 'タグの名前'
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subHeaderCategories: '利用可能タグ:'
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message: 'メッセージ'
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title: 'Torrentの追加',
selectFiles: 'ファイルの選択',
urlHint: 'リンクは一行に一つずつ',
downloadDirectory: 'ダウンロード先',
starttorrent: 'Torrentを開始',
skipHashCheck: 'ハッシュ値確認をしない',
createSubfolder: 'サブフォルダ作成',
automaticTorrentManagement: '自動Torrent管理',
dropHereForAdd: 'ドロップして追加',
oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: '一つまたは複数の無効なTorrentファイルが含まれています'
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title: '場所を変更'
rename: {
title: '名前を変更',
torrentName: 'Torrent名'
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title: '並び替え',
reverse: '反転',
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ETA: '残り時間',
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// default: 'Default',
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peers: 'ピア',
priority: '優先度',
progress: '進捗',
ratio: '比率',
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size: '大きさ',
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downloadSpeed: 'ダウンロード速度',
timeActive: '稼働時間',
uploadSpeed: 'アップロード速度'
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
speedLimit: '速度制限'
delete: {
check: 'ファイルを削除'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: 'ログインに成功しました! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'ログインに失敗しました 😕',
settingsSaved: '設定の保存に成功しました!',
categorySaved: 'カテゴリーの編集に成功しました!',
feedSaved: 'フィードの編集に成功しました!',
ruleSaved: 'ルールの編集に成功しました!'
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
resume: '再開',
forceResume: '強制再開',
advanced: {
advanced: '高度',
changeLocation: '場所を設定',
rename: '名前を変更',
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forceReannounce: '強制再アナウンス',
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prio: '優先度を設定',
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increase: '上へ',
decrease: '下へ'
category: 'カテゴリーを設定',
// tags: 'Set Tags',
// notags: 'No Tags',
limit: '制限を設定',
copy: 'コピー',
info: '情報'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
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"tooltip": "最後の再起動からの時間"
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"feedName": "フィード名",
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"titleCreate": "Create new rule",
"titleEdit": "Edit rule",
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"mustContain": "必要",
"affectedFeeds": "フィードにルールを適用"
"pluginManager": {
"title": "プラグインマネージャー"
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"name": "名前",
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"VueTorrent": "vueTorrent",
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"sessionStats": "セッションの状態を表示する",
"allTimeStats": "今までの統計を表示する",
"freeSpace": "空き容量を表示する",
"trackerFilter": "トラッカーフィルターを表示する",
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"completedTorrentTip": "完了したTorrentに表示されるプロパティ",
"properties": {}
"pageDownloads": {
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "Torrentを追加したとき",
"whenAddTorrent": {
"createSubFolder": "複数のファイルが有るときはサブフォルダーを作成する",
"donotAutoStart": "自動でダウンロードを開始しない"
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "全体の設定",
"publicSettings": {
"preAllocateDisk": "すべてのファイルに対して事前にディスクスペースを割り当てる",
"appendQBExtension": "未完了のファイル名に .!qB をつける"
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "保存管理",
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"autoManagement": "自動Torrent管理",
"relocate": "カテゴリが変更されたときにTorrentを移動させる",
"defaultSavePath": "デフォルトの保存パス",
"keepIncompleteIn": "未完了のTorrentの保存先:",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "自動プログラム実行:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "プログラム自動実行",
"supportParamTitle": "サポートしているパラメーター (大文字小文字を区別):",
"supportParamN": "%N: Torrentの名前",
"supportParamL": "%L: カテゴリ",
"supportParamG": "%G: タグ (コンマ区切り)",
"supportParamF": "%F: コンテンツのパス (Torrent内のファイルのルート)",
"supportParamR": "%R: ルートパス (トレントの最初のサブフォルダのパス)",
"supportParamD": "%D: 保存したパス",
"supportParamC": "%C: ファイル数",
"supportParamZ": "%Z: Torrentのサイズ (bytes)",
"supportParamT": "%T: 現在のトラッカー",
"supportParamI": "%I: info ハッシュ"
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"globalMaxConnection": "全体の最大接続数",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "Torrentあたりの最大接続数",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "全体の最大アップロードスロット数",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "Torrentあたりの最大アップロードスロット数",
"proxySubHeader": "プロキシサーバー",
"proxyPeerConnections": "ピアへの接続にプロキシを使う",
"proxyTorrentOnly": "Torrentに対してのみプロキシを使う",
"proxyAuth": "認証"
"pageBittorrent": {
"subHeaderPrivacy": "プライバシー",
"enableDHT": "より多くのピアを見つけるために DHT (分散ネットワーク) を有効にする",
"enablePeX": "より多くのピアを見つけるために ピア交換 (PeX) を有効にする",
"enableLPD": "より多くのピアを見つけるために ローカルピア検出 (LSD) を有効にする",
"enableAnonymous": "匿名モードを有効にする",
"torrentQueue": "Torrentキュー",
"maxActiveDownload": "最大稼働ダウンロード数数",
"maxActiveUpload": "最大稼働アップロード数",
"maxActiveTorrent": "最大稼働Torrent数",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "遅いTorrentをカウントしない",
"downloadRateLimit": "ダウンロード速度しきい値 KiB/s",
"uploadRateLimit": "アップロード速度しきい値 KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "Torrent未稼働時間",
"subHeaderSeedLimits": "シードの制限",
"whenRatioReaches": "シード制限する共有比",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "シード制限するシード時間 (分)"
"pageRss": {
"tabName": {
"general": "一般",
"feeds": "フィード",
"rules": "ルール"
"pageRules": {
"rules": "ルール",
"btnCreateNew": "ルールを作成"
"pageFeeds": {
"feeds": "フィード",
"btnCreateNew": "フィードを追加"
"pageGeneral": {
"rssAutoProcessing": "RSSリーダー",
"rssAutoDownloader": "RSS Torrent自動ダウンロード",
"input": {
"enableRssAutoDownload": "RSS Torrentの自動ダウンロードを有効にする",
"enableRssProcessing": "フィードの更新を有効にする",
"feedsRefreshInterval": "フィードの更新間隔",
"feedsMaxArticles": "フィードごとの記事数上限"
"pageWebUI": {
"useAlternativeWebUI": "カスタム WebUI を使用する",
"filesLocation": "ファイルの場所",
"webUserInterface": "ウェブユーザーインターフェース (遠隔操作)",
"ipAddress": "IP アドレス:",
"port": "ポート",
"authentication": "認証",
"username": "ユーザー名",
"password": "パスワード",
"maxAttempts": "最大試行回数",
"banDuration": "アクセス禁止期間 (秒)",
"sessionTimeout": "セッションタイムアウト (秒)",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost": "ローカルホストではクライアントの認証を行わない",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted": "ホワイトリストに登録された IP サブネットのクライアントは認証を行わない",
"whiteListExample": "例:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40"
"pageTagsAndCategories": {
"btnCreateNew": "作成",
"subHeaderTags": "利用可能なタグ:",
"subHeaderCategories": "利用可能なカテゴリ:"
"shareLimit": {
"input": {
"globalLimit": "全体制限を使う",
"unlimited": "無制限"
"limitRatio": "比率制限",
"titleDuration": "間隔",
"titleRatio": "比率"
"newCategory": {
"categoryName": "カテゴリ名",
"Path": "パス",
"tipOnNoName": "カテゴリ名が必要です",
"tipOnNoPath": "パスが必要です"
"newTag": {
"createNewTag": "タグを作成",
"tagName": "タグの名前"
"detail": {
"title": "Torrentの詳細",
"tabTitleInfo": "情報",
"tabTitleTrackers": "トラッカー",
"tabTitlePeers": "ピア",
"tabTitleContent": "コンテンツ",
"tabTitleTagsCategories": "タグ と カテゴリ",
"pageInfo": {
"pieceStates": "進捗",
"torrentTitle": "Torrentのタイトル",
"hash": "ハッシュ値",
"ratio": "比率",
"downloadSpeed": "ダウン速度",
"uploadSpeed": "アップ速度",
"eta": "残り時間",
"peers": "ピア",
"seeds": "シード",
"status": "ステータス",
"trackers": "トラッカー",
"createdBy": "作成者",
"firstLastPiecePriority": "最初と最後のデータを先に取得",
"sequentialDownload": "読み取り順にダウンロード",
"autoTMM": "自動Torrent管理",
"shareRatioLimit": "共有比率制限",
"shareTimeLimit": "共有時間制限 (分)",
"downloadLimit": "ダウンロード制限",
"uploadLimit": "アップロード制限"
"pagePeers": {
"ip": "IP",
"connection": "接続",
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"client": "クライアント",
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"downloadSpeed": "ダウンロード速度",
"downloaded": "ダウンロード済み",
"upSpeed": "アップロード速度",
"uploaded": "アップロード済み",
"relevance": "関連",
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"pageTagsAndCategories": {
"subHeaderTag": "利用可能タグ:",
"subHeaderCategories": "利用可能タグ:"
"pageTrackers": {
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"seeds": "シード",
"leeches": "リーチャー",
"downloaded": "ダウンロード済み",
"message": "メッセージ"
"add": {
"title": "Torrentの追加",
"selectFiles": "ファイルの選択",
"urlHint": "リンクは一行に一つずつ",
"downloadDirectory": "ダウンロード先",
"starttorrent": "Torrentを開始",
"skipHashCheck": "ハッシュ値確認をしない",
"createSubfolder": "サブフォルダ作成",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "自動Torrent管理",
"dropHereForAdd": "ドロップして追加",
"oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent": "一つまたは複数の無効なTorrentファイルが含まれています"
"changeLocation": {
"title": "場所を変更"
"rename": {
"title": "名前を変更",
"torrentName": "Torrent名"
"sort": {
"title": "並び替え",
"reverse": "反転",
"sortBy": {
"availability": "可用性",
"category": "カテゴリ",
"completed": "完了",
"downloaded": "ダウンロード済み",
"ETA": "残り時間",
"name": "名前",
"peers": "ピア",
"priority": "優先度",
"progress": "進捗",
"ratio": "比率",
"size": "大きさ",
"state": "状態",
"uploaded": "アップロード済み",
"addedOn": "追加順",
"downloadSpeed": "ダウンロード速度",
"timeActive": "稼働時間",
"uploadSpeed": "アップロード速度"
"speedLimit": {
"speedLimit": "速度制限"
"delete": {
"check": "ファイルを削除"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "ログインに成功しました! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "ログインに失敗しました 😕",
"settingsSaved": "設定の保存に成功しました!",
"categorySaved": "カテゴリーの編集に成功しました!",
"feedSaved": "フィードの編集に成功しました!",
"ruleSaved": "ルールの編集に成功しました!"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "再開",
"forceResume": "強制再開",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "高度",
"changeLocation": "場所を設定",
"rename": "名前を変更",
"forceRecheck": "強制再チェック",
"forceReannounce": "強制再アナウンス",
"sequentialDownload": "読み取り順にダウンロード",
"firstLastPriority": "最初と最後のデータを先に取得",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "自動Torrent管理"
"prio": {
"prio": "優先度を設定",
"top": "一番上へ",
"bottom": "一番下へ",
"increase": "上へ",
"decrease": "下へ"
"category": "カテゴリーを設定",
"limit": "制限を設定",
"copy": "コピー",
"info": "情報"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
export enum Locales {
EN = 'en',
ES = 'es',
FR = 'fr',
ID = 'id',
IT = 'it',
JA = 'ja',
NL = 'nl',
PT_BR = 'pt-br',
RU = 'ru',
UK = 'ua',
VI = 'vi',
ZH_HANS = 'zh-hans',
ZH_HANT = 'zh-hant'
type LocaleDef = {
value: Locales
caption: string
export const LOCALES: LocaleDef[] = [
{ value: Locales.EN, caption: 'English' },
{ value: Locales.ES, caption: 'Español' },
{ value: Locales.FR, caption: 'Français' },
{ value: Locales.ID, caption: 'Bahasa Indonesia' },
{ value: Locales.IT, caption: 'Italiano' },
{ value: Locales.JA, caption: '日本語' },
{ value: Locales.NL, caption: 'Dutch' },
{ value: Locales.PT_BR, caption: 'Português' },
{ value: Locales.RU, caption: 'Русский язык' },
{ value: Locales.UK, caption: 'українська мова' },
{ value: Locales.VI, caption: 'Tiếng Việt' },
{ value: Locales.ZH_HANS, caption: '汉语' },
{ value: Locales.ZH_HANT, caption: '漢語' }
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'categorie',
settings: 'instellingen',
pause: 'pauzeer',
delete: 'verwijder',
save: 'opslaan',
cancel: 'annuleren',
confirm: 'bevestig',
// edit: 'Edit',
// createNew: 'Create New',
// path: 'Path',
// create: 'Create',
// url: 'URL',
// directory: 'Directory',
// unknown: 'Unknown',
// status: 'Status',
// all: 'All',
// downloading: 'Downloading',
// seeding: 'Seeding',
// completed: 'Completed',
// resumed: 'Resumed',
// paused: 'Paused',
// active: 'Active',
// inactive: 'Inactive',
// stalled: 'Stalled',
// errored: 'Errored',
// login: 'Login in',
// logout: 'Log out',
// download: 'Download',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upload: 'Upload',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// tags: 'Tags',
// tracker: 'Tracker',
// share: 'Share',
// name: 'Name',
// hash: 'Hash',
// magnet: 'Magnet',
// feed: 'Feed',
// rule: 'Rule',
// then: 'Then',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
// toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
// toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
// toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
// selectAll: 'Select All',
// selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'titel',
added: 'toegevoegd op',
availability: 'beschikbaarheid',
size: 'grootte',
progress: 'vooruitgang',
directory: 'map',
downloaded: 'gedownload',
uploaded: 'geüpload',
created: 'gemaakt door',
comments: 'opmerkingen'
// uploadedSession: 'Uploaded Session',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'huidige snelheid',
// alltimeTitle: 'All-Time Stats',
// sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: 'vrije ruimte',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'voeg torrent toe',
resumeSelected: 'hervat geselecteerde torrents',
pauseSelected: 'pauzeer geselecteerde torrents',
removeSelected: 'verwijder geselecteerde torrents',
openSettings: 'open instellingen',
searchNew: 'zoek nieuwe torrent'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'Sinds qBitorrent is opgestart'
filters: {
// stalled_uploading: 'Stalled Uploading',
// stalled_downloading: 'Stalled Downloading',
// uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
// untagged: 'Untagged',
// not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
// altSpeed: 'Alt Speeds',
// dark: 'Dark',
// light: 'Light'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
// feedName: 'Name',
// url: 'URL'
newRule: {
// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
// name: 'Name',
def: {
// mustContain: 'Must Contain',
// affectedFeeds: 'Apply Rule to Feeds'
pluginManager: {
// title: 'Plugin manager'
search: {
// title: 'Search',
// btnStartSearch: 'Search',
// btnStopSearch: 'Stop',
columnTitle: {
// name: 'Name',
// size: 'Size',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// peers: 'Peers',
// search_engine: 'Site',
// action: ''
settings: {
tabName: {
// VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
// downloads: 'Downloads',
// connection: 'Connection',
// bittorrent: 'BitTorrent',
// rss: 'RSS',
// webUI: 'WebUI',
// tagsAndCategories: 'Tags & Categories'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
// tip: 'These settings are for the custom WebUI itself',
// currentSpeed: 'Show Current Speed',
// speedGraph: 'Show Speed Graph',
// sessionStats: 'Show Session Stats',
// allTimeStats: 'Show All-Time Stats',
// freeSpace: 'Show Free Space',
// trackerFilter: 'Show Tracker Filter',
// rightDrawer: 'Right Drawer',
// topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
// language: 'Language:',
// paginationSize: 'Pagination size:',
// vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent title:',
// dateFormat: 'Date Format',
// openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
// currentVersion: 'Current Version:',
// qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent Version:'
pageDashboard: {
// busyTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for busy torrents',
// completedTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for completed torrents',
properties: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// tags: 'Tags',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
pageDownloads: {
// subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'When adding a torrent',
whenAddTorrent: {
// createSubFolder: 'Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files',
// donotAutoStart: 'Do not start the download automatically'
// subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Public Settings',
publicSettings: {
// preAllocateDisk: 'Pre-allocate disk space for all files',
// appendQBExtension: 'Append .!qB extension to incomplete files'
// subHeaderSaveManagement: 'Saving Management',
saveManagement: {
// autoManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
// supportParamG: '%G: Tags (separated by comma)',
// supportParamF: '%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)',
// supportParamR: '%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)',
// supportParamD: '%D: Save path',
// supportParamC: '%C: Number of files',
// supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrent size (bytes)',
// supportParamT: '%T: Current tracker',
// supportParamI: '%I: Info hash'
pageConnection: {
// protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
// listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
// useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
// incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
// subHeader: 'Connection Limits (-1 to disable)',
// globalMaxConnection: 'Global maximum number of connections',
// perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Maximum number of connections per torrent',
// globalMaxUploadSlots: 'Global maximum number of upload slots',
// perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Maximum number of upload slots per torrent',
// proxySubHeader: 'Proxy Server',
// proxyPeerConnections: 'Use proxy for peer connections',
// proxyTorrentOnly: 'Use proxy only for torrents',
// proxyAuth: 'Authentication'
pageBittorrent: {
// subHeaderPrivacy: 'Privacy',
// enableDHT: 'Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers',
// enablePeX: 'Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers',
// enableLPD: 'Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers',
// enableAnonymous: 'Enable anonymous mode',
// torrentQueue: 'Torrent Queueing',
// maxActiveDownload: 'Maximum active downloads',
// maxActiveUpload: 'Maximum active uploads',
// maxActiveTorrent: 'Maximum active torrents',
// excludeSlowTorrent: 'Do not count slow torrents in these limits',
// downloadRateLimit: 'Download rate threshold KiB/s',
// uploadRateLimit: 'Upload rate threshold KiB/s',
// torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent inactivity timer',
// subHeaderSeedLimits: 'Seed Limits',
// whenRatioReaches: 'When ratio reaches',
// whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'When seeding time reaches',
// maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
// maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
pageRss: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// rules: 'Rules'
pageRules: {
// rules: 'Rules',
// btnCreateNew: 'Create Rule'
pageFeeds: {
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// btnCreateNew: 'Add feed'
pageGeneral: {
// rssAutoProcessing: 'RSS Reader',
// rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent Auto Downloader',
input: {
// enableRssAutoDownload: 'Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents',
// enableRssProcessing: 'Enable fetching RSS feeds',
// feedsRefreshInterval: 'Feeds refresh interval (in minutes)',
// feedsMaxArticles: 'Maximum number of articles per feed'
pageWebUI: {
// useAlternativeWebUI: 'Use Alternative WebUI',
// filesLocation: 'Files location',
// webUserInterface: 'Web User Interface (Remote Control)',
// ipAddress: 'IP Address:',
// port: 'Port',
// authentication: 'Authentication',
// username: 'Username',
// password: 'Password',
// maxAttempts: 'Max attempts',
// banDuration: 'Ban Duration (seconds)',
// sessionTimeout: 'Session timeout (seconds)',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'Bypass authentication for clients on localhost',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets',
// whiteListExample: 'Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
// btnCreateNew: 'Create new',
// subHeaderTags: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
shareLimit: {
input: {
// globalLimit: 'Use global limit',
// unlimited: 'Unlimited'
// limitRatio: 'Limit Ratio',
// titleDuration: 'Duration',
// titleRatio: 'Ratio'
newCategory: {
// categoryName: 'Category name',
// Path: 'Path',
// tipOnNoName: 'Category name is required',
// tipOnNoPath: 'Path is required'
newTag: {
// createNewTag: 'Create New Tag',
// tagName: 'Tag name'
detail: {
// title: 'Torrent Detail',
// tabTitleInfo: 'Info',
// tabTitleTrackers: 'Trackers',
// tabTitlePeers: 'Peers',
// tabTitleContent: 'Content',
// tabTitleTagsCategories: 'Tags & Categories',
pageInfo: {
// pieceStates: 'Progress',
// torrentTitle: 'Torrent title',
// hash: 'Hash',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// downloadSpeed: 'DL Speed',
// uploadSpeed: 'UP Speed',
// eta: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// status: 'Status',
// trackers: 'Trackers',
// createdBy: 'Created By',
// firstLastPiecePriority: 'First/Last Piece Priority',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential Download',
// autoTMM: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// shareRatioLimit: 'Share Ratio Limit',
// shareTimeLimit: 'Share Time Limit (minutes)',
// downloadLimit: 'Download Limit',
// uploadLimit: 'Upload Limit'
pagePeers: {
// ip: 'IP',
// connection: 'Connection',
// flags: 'Flags',
// client: 'Client',
// progress: 'Progress',
// downloadSpeed: 'DL Speed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upSpeed: 'UP Speed',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// relevance: 'Relevance',
// files: 'Files'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
// subHeaderTag: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
pageTrackers: {
// url: 'URL',
// status: 'Status',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// leeches: 'Leeches',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// message: 'Message'
add: {
title: 'Voeg torrent toe',
selectFiles: 'Selecteer bestanden'
// urlHint: 'One link per line',
// downloadDirectory: 'Download Directory',
// starttorrent: 'Start torrent',
// skipHashCheck: 'Skip hash check',
// createSubfolder: 'Create subfolder',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// dropHereForAdd: 'Drop here for add',
// oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: 'One or more files are not valid torrents'
changeLocation: {
// title: 'Change Location'
rename: {
// title: 'Rename',
// torrentName: 'Torrent Name'
sort: {
// title: 'Sort Torrents',
// reverse: 'Reverse',
sortBy: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
// speedLimit: 'Speed Limit'
delete: {
check: 'Ook bestanden verwijderen'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: 'Inloggen gelukt! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'Inloggen mislukt 😕',
settingsSaved: 'Instellingen successvol opgeslagen!',
categorySaved: 'Categorie successvol opgeslagen!'
// feedSaved: 'Feed saved successfully!',
// ruleSaved: 'Rule saved!',
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
resume: 'hervat',
forceResume: 'geforceerd hervatten',
advanced: {
advanced: 'geavanceerd',
changeLocation: 'verander locatie',
rename: 'hernoem'
// forceRecheck: 'Force recheck',
// forceReannounce: 'Force reannounce',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential download',
// firstLastPriority: 'First/Last priority',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management'
prio: {
prio: 'zet prioriteit',
top: 'top',
bottom: 'bottom',
increase: 'verhoog',
decrease: 'verlaag'
category: 'zet categorie',
// tags: 'Set Tags',
// notags: 'No Tags',
limit: 'zet limiet',
copy: 'kopieer',
info: 'toon info'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"category": "categorie",
"settings": "instellingen",
"pause": "pauzeer",
"delete": "verwijder",
"save": "opslaan",
"cancel": "annuleren",
"confirm": "bevestig",
"dashboard": {
"tooltips": {}
"torrent": {
"title": "titel",
"added": "toegevoegd op",
"availability": "beschikbaarheid",
"size": "grootte",
"progress": "vooruitgang",
"directory": "map",
"downloaded": "gedownload",
"uploaded": "geüpload",
"created": "gemaakt door",
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"topActions": {
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"pauseSelected": "pauzeer geselecteerde torrents",
"removeSelected": "verwijder geselecteerde torrents",
"openSettings": "open instellingen",
"searchNew": "zoek nieuwe torrent"
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"tooltip": "Sinds qBitorrent is opgestart"
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"action": {}
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"title": "Voeg torrent toe",
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"sortBy": {}
"speedLimit": {},
"delete": {
"check": "Ook bestanden verwijderen"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "Inloggen gelukt! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Inloggen mislukt 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Instellingen successvol opgeslagen!",
"categorySaved": "Categorie successvol opgeslagen!"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "hervat",
"forceResume": "geforceerd hervatten",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "geavanceerd",
"changeLocation": "verander locatie",
"rename": "hernoem"
"prio": {
"prio": "zet prioriteit",
"top": "top",
"bottom": "bottom",
"increase": "verhoog",
"decrease": "verlaag"
"category": "zet categorie",
"limit": "zet limiet",
"copy": "kopieer",
"info": "toon info"
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'categorias',
settings: 'configurações',
pause: 'pausar',
delete: 'deletar',
save: 'salvar',
cancel: 'cancelar',
confirm: 'confirmar',
// edit: 'Edit',
// createNew: 'Create New',
// path: 'Path',
// create: 'Create',
// url: 'URL',
// directory: 'Directory',
// unknown: 'Unknown',
// status: 'Status',
// all: 'All',
// downloading: 'Downloading',
// seeding: 'Seeding',
// completed: 'Completed',
// resumed: 'Resumed',
// paused: 'Paused',
// active: 'Active',
// inactive: 'Inactive',
// stalled: 'Stalled',
// errored: 'Errored',
// login: 'Login in',
// logout: 'Log out',
// download: 'Download',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upload: 'Upload',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// tags: 'Tags',
// tracker: 'Tracker',
// share: 'Share',
// name: 'Name',
// hash: 'Hash',
// magnet: 'Magnet',
// feed: 'Feed',
// rule: 'Rule',
// then: 'Then',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
// toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
// toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
// toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
// selectAll: 'Select All',
// selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'Titulo',
added: 'adicionado em ',
availability: 'disponibilidade',
size: 'tamanho',
progress: 'progresso',
directory: 'diretorio',
downloaded: 'downloaded',
uploaded: 'uploaded',
created: 'criado por',
comments: 'comentarios'
// uploadedSession: 'Uploaded Session',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'velocidade atual',
// alltimeTitle: 'All-Time Stats',
// sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: 'espaço livre',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'adicionar torrent',
resumeSelected: 'resumir torrents selecionados',
pauseSelected: 'pausar torrents selecionados',
removeSelected: 'remover torrents selecionados',
openSettings: 'abrir Configurações',
searchNew: 'procurar novo torrent'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'ultima vez que o qBittorrent foi reiniciado'
filters: {
// stalled_uploading: 'Stalled Uploading',
// stalled_downloading: 'Stalled Downloading',
// uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
// untagged: 'Untagged',
// not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
// altSpeed: 'Alt Speeds',
// dark: 'Dark',
// light: 'Light'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
// feedName: 'Name',
// url: 'URL'
newRule: {
// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
// name: 'Name',
def: {
// mustContain: 'Must Contain',
// affectedFeeds: 'Apply Rule to Feeds'
pluginManager: {
// title: 'Plugin manager'
search: {
// title: 'Search',
// btnStartSearch: 'Search',
// btnStopSearch: 'Stop',
columnTitle: {
// name: 'Name',
// size: 'Size',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// peers: 'Peers',
// search_engine: 'Site',
// action: ''
settings: {
tabName: {
// VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
// downloads: 'Downloads',
// connection: 'Connection',
// bittorrent: 'BitTorrent',
// rss: 'RSS',
// webUI: 'WebUI',
// tagsAndCategories: 'Tags & Categories'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
// tip: 'These settings are for the custom WebUI itself',
// currentSpeed: 'Show Current Speed',
// speedGraph: 'Show Speed Graph',
// sessionStats: 'Show Session Stats',
// allTimeStats: 'Show All-Time Stats',
// freeSpace: 'Show Free Space',
// trackerFilter: 'Show Tracker Filter',
// rightDrawer: 'Right Drawer',
// topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
// language: 'Language:',
// paginationSize: 'Pagination size:',
// vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent title:',
// dateFormat: 'Date Format',
// openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
// currentVersion: 'Current Version:',
// qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent Version:'
pageDashboard: {
// busyTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for busy torrents',
// completedTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for completed torrents',
properties: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// tags: 'Tags',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
pageDownloads: {
// subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'When adding a torrent',
whenAddTorrent: {
// createSubFolder: 'Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files',
// donotAutoStart: 'Do not start the download automatically'
// subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Public Settings',
publicSettings: {
// preAllocateDisk: 'Pre-allocate disk space for all files',
// appendQBExtension: 'Append .!qB extension to incomplete files'
// subHeaderSaveManagement: 'Saving Management',
saveManagement: {
// autoManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
// supportParamG: '%G: Tags (separated by comma)',
// supportParamF: '%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)',
// supportParamR: '%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)',
// supportParamD: '%D: Save path',
// supportParamC: '%C: Number of files',
// supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrent size (bytes)',
// supportParamT: '%T: Current tracker',
// supportParamI: '%I: Info hash'
pageConnection: {
// protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
// listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
// useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
// incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
// subHeader: 'Connection Limits (-1 to disable)',
// globalMaxConnection: 'Global maximum number of connections',
// perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Maximum number of connections per torrent',
// globalMaxUploadSlots: 'Global maximum number of upload slots',
// perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Maximum number of upload slots per torrent',
// proxySubHeader: 'Proxy Server',
// proxyPeerConnections: 'Use proxy for peer connections',
// proxyTorrentOnly: 'Use proxy only for torrents',
// proxyAuth: 'Authentication'
pageBittorrent: {
// subHeaderPrivacy: 'Privacy',
// enableDHT: 'Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers',
// enablePeX: 'Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers',
// enableLPD: 'Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers',
// enableAnonymous: 'Enable anonymous mode',
// torrentQueue: 'Torrent Queueing',
// maxActiveDownload: 'Maximum active downloads',
// maxActiveUpload: 'Maximum active uploads',
// maxActiveTorrent: 'Maximum active torrents',
// excludeSlowTorrent: 'Do not count slow torrents in these limits',
// downloadRateLimit: 'Download rate threshold KiB/s',
// uploadRateLimit: 'Upload rate threshold KiB/s',
// torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent inactivity timer',
// subHeaderSeedLimits: 'Seed Limits',
// whenRatioReaches: 'When ratio reaches',
// whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'When seeding time reaches',
// maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
// maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
pageRss: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// rules: 'Rules'
pageRules: {
// rules: 'Rules',
// btnCreateNew: 'Create Rule'
pageFeeds: {
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// btnCreateNew: 'Add feed'
pageGeneral: {
// rssAutoProcessing: 'RSS Reader',
// rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent Auto Downloader',
input: {
// enableRssAutoDownload: 'Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents',
// enableRssProcessing: 'Enable fetching RSS feeds',
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// feedsMaxArticles: 'Maximum number of articles per feed'
pageWebUI: {
// useAlternativeWebUI: 'Use Alternative WebUI',
// filesLocation: 'Files location',
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// authentication: 'Authentication',
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// password: 'Password',
// maxAttempts: 'Max attempts',
// banDuration: 'Ban Duration (seconds)',
// sessionTimeout: 'Session timeout (seconds)',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'Bypass authentication for clients on localhost',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets',
// whiteListExample: 'Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
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// btnCreateNew: 'Create new',
// subHeaderTags: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
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input: {
// globalLimit: 'Use global limit',
// unlimited: 'Unlimited'
// limitRatio: 'Limit Ratio',
// titleDuration: 'Duration',
// titleRatio: 'Ratio'
newCategory: {
// categoryName: 'Category name',
// Path: 'Path',
// tipOnNoName: 'Category name is required',
// tipOnNoPath: 'Path is required'
newTag: {
// createNewTag: 'Create New Tag',
// tagName: 'Tag name'
detail: {
// title: 'Torrent Detail',
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// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// status: 'Status',
// trackers: 'Trackers',
// createdBy: 'Created By',
// firstLastPiecePriority: 'First/Last Piece Priority',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential Download',
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// subHeaderTag: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
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// leeches: 'Leeches',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// message: 'Message'
add: {
title: 'Adicionar um Novo Torrent',
selectFiles: 'Selecionar seus Arquivos'
// urlHint: 'One link per line',
// downloadDirectory: 'Download Directory',
// starttorrent: 'Start torrent',
// skipHashCheck: 'Skip hash check',
// createSubfolder: 'Create subfolder',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// dropHereForAdd: 'Drop here for add',
// oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: 'One or more files are not valid torrents'
changeLocation: {
// title: 'Change Location'
rename: {
// title: 'Rename',
// torrentName: 'Torrent Name'
sort: {
// title: 'Sort Torrents',
// reverse: 'Reverse',
sortBy: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
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// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
// speedLimit: 'Speed Limit'
delete: {
check: 'Excluir Também Arquivos Armazenados?'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: 'Logou com Sucesso! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'Falha na Autenticação 😕',
settingsSaved: 'Configurações salvas com Sucesso!',
categorySaved: 'Categoria Editada com Sucesso!'
// feedSaved: 'Feed saved successfully!',
// ruleSaved: 'Rule saved!',
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
resume: 'resumir',
forceResume: 'forçar resumo',
advanced: {
advanced: 'avançado',
changeLocation: 'mudar localização',
rename: 'renomear'
// forceRecheck: 'Force recheck',
// forceReannounce: 'Force reannounce',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential download',
// firstLastPriority: 'First/Last priority',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management'
prio: {
prio: 'definir prioridade',
top: 'topo',
bottom: 'inferior',
increase: 'aumentar',
decrease: 'diminuir'
category: 'definir categoria',
// tags: 'Set Tags',
// notags: 'No Tags',
limit: 'definir limite',
copy: 'copiar',
info: 'mostrar informação'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"category": "categorias",
"settings": "configurações",
"pause": "pausar",
"delete": "deletar",
"save": "salvar",
"cancel": "cancelar",
"confirm": "confirmar",
"dashboard": {
"tooltips": {}
"torrent": {
"title": "Titulo",
"added": "adicionado em ",
"availability": "disponibilidade",
"size": "tamanho",
"progress": "progresso",
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"downloaded": "downloaded",
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"created": "criado por",
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"navbar": {
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"freeSpace": "espaço livre",
"topActions": {
"addTorrent": "adicionar torrent",
"resumeSelected": "resumir torrents selecionados",
"pauseSelected": "pausar torrents selecionados",
"removeSelected": "remover torrents selecionados",
"openSettings": "abrir Configurações",
"searchNew": "procurar novo torrent"
"sessionStats": {
"tooltip": "ultima vez que o qBittorrent foi reiniciado"
"filters": {},
"action": {}
"modals": {
"newFeed": {},
"newRule": {
"def": {}
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"pageTrackers": {}
"add": {
"title": "Adicionar um Novo Torrent",
"selectFiles": "Selecionar seus Arquivos"
"changeLocation": {},
"rename": {},
"sort": {
"sortBy": {}
"speedLimit": {},
"delete": {
"check": "Excluir Também Arquivos Armazenados?"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "Logou com Sucesso! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Falha na Autenticação 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Configurações salvas com Sucesso!",
"categorySaved": "Categoria Editada com Sucesso!"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "resumir",
"forceResume": "forçar resumo",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "avançado",
"changeLocation": "mudar localização",
"rename": "renomear"
"prio": {
"prio": "definir prioridade",
"top": "topo",
"bottom": "inferior",
"increase": "aumentar",
"decrease": "diminuir"
"category": "definir categoria",
"limit": "definir limite",
"copy": "copiar",
"info": "mostrar informação"
@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'Категория',
settings: 'Настройки',
pause: 'Пауза',
delete: 'Удалить',
save: 'Сохранить',
cancel: 'Отменить',
confirm: 'Подтвердить',
edit: 'Редактировать',
createNew: 'Создать новый',
path: 'Путь',
create: 'Создать',
url: 'URL',
directory: 'Каталог',
unknown: 'Неизвестный',
status: 'Статус',
all: 'Все',
downloading: 'Загружаются',
seeding: 'Раздаются',
completed: 'Завершены',
resumed: 'Возобновлены',
paused: 'Остановлены',
active: 'Активны',
inactive: 'Неактивны',
stalled: 'Простаивают',
errored: 'Ошибка',
login: 'Войти',
logout: 'Выйти',
download: 'Загрузка',
downloaded: 'Загружено',
upload: 'Раздача',
uploaded: 'Роздано',
peers: 'Пиры',
ratio: 'Рейтинг',
seeds: 'Сиды',
tags: 'Метки',
tracker: 'Трекер',
share: 'Поделиться',
name: 'Имя',
hash: 'Хэш',
magnet: 'Магнет-ссылка',
feed: 'Канал',
rule: 'Правило',
// then: 'Then',
of: 'из',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
toggleSearch: 'Переключить режим поиска',
toggleSelect: 'Переключить режим выбора',
toggleSort: 'Отсортировать торренты',
selectAll: 'Выбрать все',
selectAllCaption: 'Выбрать / снять все (Ctrl+A)'
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'Заголовок',
added: 'Добавлено',
availability: 'Доступность',
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progress: 'Прогресс',
directory: 'Каталог',
downloaded: 'Скачано',
uploaded: 'Роздано',
created: 'Создано',
comments: 'Комментарии',
uploadedSession: 'Роздано за сессию'
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'Текущая скорость',
alltimeTitle: 'Статистика за всё время',
sessionTitle: 'Статистика за сессию',
freeSpace: 'Свободно',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'Добавить торрент',
resumeSelected: 'Восстановить выбранные торренты',
pauseSelected: 'Приостановить выбранные торренты',
removeSelected: 'Удалить выбранные торрент',
openSettings: 'Открыть настройки',
searchNew: 'Искать новый торрент'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'С момента последнего перезапуска qBittorrent'
filters: {
stalled_uploading: 'Отдача стоит',
stalled_downloading: 'Загрузка стоит',
uncategorized: 'Без категории',
untagged: 'Без метки'
// not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
altSpeed: 'Альтернативные скорости',
dark: 'Тёмная тема',
light: 'Светлая тема'
torrentsCount: 'Нет торрентов | {n} торрент | {n} торрента | {n} торрентов'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
feedName: 'Имя',
url: 'URL'
newRule: {
// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
name: 'Имя',
def: {
mustContain: 'Должен содержать',
affectedFeeds: 'Применить правило к каналам'
pluginManager: {
title: 'Менеджер плагинов'
search: {
title: 'Поиск',
btnStartSearch: 'Найти',
btnStopSearch: 'Остановить',
columnTitle: {
name: 'Имя',
size: 'Размер',
seeds: 'Сиды',
peers: 'Пиры',
search_engine: 'Поисковый движок',
action: 'Действия'
settings: {
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VueTorrent: 'vuetorrent',
downloads: 'Загрузки',
connection: 'Соединение',
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tip: 'Общие настройки пользовательского веб-интерфейса',
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speedGraph: 'Показывать график скорости',
sessionStats: 'Показывать статистику сессии',
allTimeStats: 'Показывать всю статистику',
freeSpace: 'Показывать свободное место',
trackerFilter: 'Показывать фильтр трекеров',
rightDrawer: 'Расположить боковую панель справа',
topPagination: 'Расположить навигационную панель сверху',
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paginationSize: 'Количество торрентов на странице:',
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// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
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subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'При добавлении торрента',
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createSubFolder: 'Создать подкаталог для торрентов с несколькими файлами',
donotAutoStart: 'Не начинать загрузку автоматически'
subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Общие настройки',
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preAllocateDisk: 'Резервировать место на диске для всех файлов',
appendQBExtension: 'Добавлять расширение .!qB к незавершённым файлам'
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autoManagement: 'Автоматический режим управления торрентом по умолчанию',
relocate: 'Переместить торрент при изменении категории',
defaultSavePath: 'Путь сохранения по умолчанию:',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Хранить незавершённые торренты в:',
autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Запускать внешнюю программу по добавлении торрента:',
autoLabel_onAdded: 'Команда',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Запускать внешнюю программу по завершении торрента:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Команда',
supportParamTitle: 'Поддерживаемые параметры (с учетом регистра):',
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supportParamL: '%L: Категория',
supportParamG: '%G: Метки (разделяются запятыми)',
supportParamF: '%F: Папка содержимого (или корневая папка для торрентов с множеством файлов)',
supportParamR: '%R: Корневая папка (главный путь для подкаталога торрента)',
supportParamD: '%D: Путь сохранения',
supportParamC: '%C: Количество файлов',
supportParamZ: '%Z: Размер торрента (в байтах)',
supportParamT: '%T: Текущий трекер',
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supportParamJ: '%J: Инфо-хеш v2',
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export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
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@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
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Normal file
Normal file
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"downloaded": "Завантажено",
"message": "Повідомлення"
"add": {
"title": "Додати новий торрент",
"selectFiles": "Виберіть файли",
"urlHint": "Одне посилання на рядок",
"downloadDirectory": "Завантажити теку",
"starttorrent": "Запустити торрент",
"skipHashCheck": "Пропустити перевірку хешування",
"createSubfolder": "Створити підпапку",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "Автоматичне керування торрентами",
"dropHereForAdd": "Перетягнути для додавання",
"oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent": "Один або кілька файлів не є дійсним торрентом"
"changeLocation": {
"title": "Змінити місцезнаходження"
"rename": {
"title": "Перейменувати",
"torrentName": "Назва"
"sort": {
"title": "Сортувати торренти",
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"sortBy": {
"availability": "Доступність",
"category": "Категорія",
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"completion_on": "Завершено о",
"downloaded": "Завантажено",
"ETA": "ОЧЗ",
"name": "Ім'я",
"default": "Немає",
"last_activity": "Остання активність",
"peers": "Піри",
"priority": "Пріоритет",
"progress": "Прогрес",
"ratio": "Співвідношення",
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"size": "Розмір",
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"addOn": "Додано",
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"timeActive": "Час активний",
"uploadSpeed": "Швидкість вивантаження"
"speedLimit": {
"speedLimit": "Обмеження швидкості"
"delete": {
"check": "Також видалити файли зі сховища"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "Успішний вхід! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Помилка входу 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Налаштування успішно збережено!",
"categorySaved": "Категорія успішно відредагована!",
"feedSaved": "Стрічка збережена успішно!",
"ruleSaved": "Правило збережено!",
"renameFileFailed": "Не можу перейменувати файл",
"renameFolderFailed": "Не можу перейменувати теку"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "відновити",
"forceResume": "Примусове відновлення",
"advanced": {
"advanced": "Розширені",
"changeLocation": "Змінити розташування",
"rename": "Перейменувати",
"forceRecheck": "Примусова перевірка",
"forceReannounce": "Примусово анонсувати",
"sequentialDownload": "Послідовне завантаження",
"firstLastPriority": "Перший/останній пріоритет",
"automaticTorrentManagement": "Автоматичне керування торрентами"
"prio": {
"prio": "Встановити пріоритет",
"top": "Наверх",
"bottom": "Донизу",
"increase": "Збільшити",
"decrease": "Зменшити"
"category": "Встановити категорію",
"tags": "Встановити мітки",
"notags": "Без міток",
"limit": "Встановити ліміт",
"copy": "Копіювати",
"info": "Деталі"
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: 'thể loại',
settings: 'cài đặt',
pause: 'tạm dừng',
delete: 'xóa',
save: 'lưu',
cancel: 'dừng',
confirm: 'xác nhận',
// edit: 'Edit',
// createNew: 'Create New',
// path: 'Path',
// create: 'Create',
// url: 'URL',
// directory: 'Directory',
// unknown: 'Unknown',
// status: 'Status',
// all: 'All',
// downloading: 'Downloading',
// seeding: 'Seeding',
// completed: 'Completed',
// resumed: 'Resumed',
// paused: 'Paused',
// active: 'Active',
// inactive: 'Inactive',
// stalled: 'Stalled',
// errored: 'Errored',
// login: 'Login in',
// logout: 'Log out',
// download: 'Download',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// upload: 'Upload',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// tags: 'Tags',
// tracker: 'Tracker',
// share: 'Share',
// name: 'Name',
// hash: 'Hash',
// magnet: 'Magnet',
// feed: 'Feed',
// rule: 'Rule',
// then: 'Then',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
// toggleSearch: 'Toggle Search Filter',
// toggleSelect: 'Toggle Select Mode',
// toggleSort: 'Sort Torrents',
// selectAll: 'Select All',
// selectAllCaption: 'Select / Release All (Ctrl + A)'
// emptyTorrentList: 'Nothing to see here!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: 'tên',
added: 'added on',
availability: 'khả dụng',
size: 'kích thước',
progress: 'thực hiện',
directory: 'đường dẫn',
downloaded: 'tải xuống',
uploaded: 'tải lên',
created: 'tạo ra bởi',
comments: 'đánh giá'
// uploadedSession: 'Uploaded Session',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// seededFor: 'Seeded For',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// completed_on: 'Completed On',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: 'tốc độ hiện tại',
// alltimeTitle: 'All-Time Stats',
// sessionTitle: 'Session Stats',
freeSpace: 'bộ nhớ trống',
topActions: {
addTorrent: 'thêm torrent',
resumeSelected: 'tiếp tục các torrent đã chọn',
pauseSelected: 'dừng các torrent đã chọn',
removeSelected: 'gỡ các torrent đã chọn',
openSettings: 'mở cài đặt',
searchNew: 'tìm torrent mới'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: 'Kể từ lần cuối qBittorent được khởi động lại'
filters: {
// stalled_uploading: 'Stalled Uploading',
// stalled_downloading: 'Stalled Downloading',
// uncategorized: 'Uncategorized',
// untagged: 'Untagged',
// not_working: 'Not Working'
action: {
// altSpeed: 'Alt Speeds',
// dark: 'Dark',
// light: 'Light'
/** Modals */
modals: {
newFeed: {
// feedName: 'Name',
// url: 'URL'
newRule: {
// titleCreate: 'Create new rule',
// titleEdit: 'Edit rule',
// name: 'Name',
def: {
// mustContain: 'Must Contain',
// affectedFeeds: 'Apply Rule to Feeds'
pluginManager: {
// title: 'Plugin manager'
search: {
// title: 'Search',
// btnStartSearch: 'Search',
// btnStopSearch: 'Stop',
columnTitle: {
// name: 'Name',
// size: 'Size',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// peers: 'Peers',
// search_engine: 'Site',
// action: ''
settings: {
tabName: {
// VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
// downloads: 'Downloads',
// connection: 'Connection',
// bittorrent: 'BitTorrent',
// rss: 'RSS',
// webUI: 'WebUI',
// tagsAndCategories: 'Tags & Categories'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
// tip: 'These settings are for the custom WebUI itself',
// currentSpeed: 'Show Current Speed',
// speedGraph: 'Show Speed Graph',
// sessionStats: 'Show Session Stats',
// allTimeStats: 'Show All-Time Stats',
// freeSpace: 'Show Free Space',
// trackerFilter: 'Show Tracker Filter',
// rightDrawer: 'Right Drawer',
// topPagination: 'Top Pagination',
// language: 'Language:',
// paginationSize: 'Pagination size:',
// vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent title:',
// dateFormat: 'Date Format',
// openSideBarOnStart: 'Open Side Bar on launch',
// currentVersion: 'Current Version:',
// qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent Version:'
pageDashboard: {
// busyTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for busy torrents',
// completedTorrentTip: 'Properties to display for completed torrents',
properties: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// tags: 'Tags',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
// name: 'Name',
// default: 'Default',
// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed'
pageDownloads: {
// subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: 'When adding a torrent',
whenAddTorrent: {
// createSubFolder: 'Create subfolder for torrents with multiple files',
// donotAutoStart: 'Do not start the download automatically'
// subHeaderPublicSettings: 'Public Settings',
publicSettings: {
// preAllocateDisk: 'Pre-allocate disk space for all files',
// appendQBExtension: 'Append .!qB extension to incomplete files'
// subHeaderSaveManagement: 'Saving Management',
saveManagement: {
// autoManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
// supportParamG: '%G: Tags (separated by comma)',
// supportParamF: '%F: Content path (same as root path for multi-file torrent)',
// supportParamR: '%R: Root path (first torrent subdirectory path)',
// supportParamD: '%D: Save path',
// supportParamC: '%C: Number of files',
// supportParamZ: '%Z: Torrent size (bytes)',
// supportParamT: '%T: Current tracker',
// supportParamI: '%I: Info hash'
pageConnection: {
// protocol: 'Peer connection protocol',
// listeningSubHeader: 'Listening Port',
// useUPnP: 'Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router',
// incomingConnectionPort: 'Port used for incoming connections',
// subHeader: 'Connection Limits (-1 to disable)',
// globalMaxConnection: 'Global maximum number of connections',
// perTorrentMaxConnection: 'Maximum number of connections per torrent',
// globalMaxUploadSlots: 'Global maximum number of upload slots',
// perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: 'Maximum number of upload slots per torrent',
// proxySubHeader: 'Proxy Server',
// proxyPeerConnections: 'Use proxy for peer connections',
// proxyTorrentOnly: 'Use proxy only for torrents',
// proxyAuth: 'Authentication'
pageBittorrent: {
// subHeaderPrivacy: 'Privacy',
// enableDHT: 'Enable DHT (decentralized network) to find more peers',
// enablePeX: 'Enable Peer Exchange (PeX) to find more peers',
// enableLPD: 'Enable Local Peer Discovery to find more peers',
// enableAnonymous: 'Enable anonymous mode',
// torrentQueue: 'Torrent Queueing',
// maxActiveDownload: 'Maximum active downloads',
// maxActiveUpload: 'Maximum active uploads',
// maxActiveTorrent: 'Maximum active torrents',
// excludeSlowTorrent: 'Do not count slow torrents in these limits',
// downloadRateLimit: 'Download rate threshold KiB/s',
// uploadRateLimit: 'Upload rate threshold KiB/s',
// torrentInactivityTimer: 'Torrent inactivity timer',
// subHeaderSeedLimits: 'Seed Limits',
// whenRatioReaches: 'When ratio reaches',
// whenSeedingTimeReaches: 'When seeding time reaches',
// maxRatioPauseTorrent: 'Pause torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrent: 'Remove torrent',
// maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: 'Remove torrent and files',
// maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: 'Enable torrent super seeding'
pageRss: {
tabName: {
// general: 'General',
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// rules: 'Rules'
pageRules: {
// rules: 'Rules',
// btnCreateNew: 'Create Rule'
pageFeeds: {
// feeds: 'Feeds',
// btnCreateNew: 'Add feed'
pageGeneral: {
// rssAutoProcessing: 'RSS Reader',
// rssAutoDownloader: 'RSS Torrent Auto Downloader',
input: {
// enableRssAutoDownload: 'Enable auto downloading of RSS torrents',
// enableRssProcessing: 'Enable fetching RSS feeds',
// feedsRefreshInterval: 'Feeds refresh interval (in minutes)',
// feedsMaxArticles: 'Maximum number of articles per feed'
pageWebUI: {
// useAlternativeWebUI: 'Use Alternative WebUI',
// filesLocation: 'Files location',
// webUserInterface: 'Web User Interface (Remote Control)',
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// port: 'Port',
// authentication: 'Authentication',
// username: 'Username',
// password: 'Password',
// maxAttempts: 'Max attempts',
// banDuration: 'Ban Duration (seconds)',
// sessionTimeout: 'Session timeout (seconds)',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: 'Bypass authentication for clients on localhost',
// bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: 'Bypass authentication for clients in whitelisted IP subnets',
// whiteListExample: 'Example:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
// btnCreateNew: 'Create new',
// subHeaderTags: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
shareLimit: {
input: {
// globalLimit: 'Use global limit',
// unlimited: 'Unlimited'
// limitRatio: 'Limit Ratio',
// titleDuration: 'Duration',
// titleRatio: 'Ratio'
newCategory: {
// categoryName: 'Category name',
// Path: 'Path',
// tipOnNoName: 'Category name is required',
// tipOnNoPath: 'Path is required'
newTag: {
// createNewTag: 'Create New Tag',
// tagName: 'Tag name'
detail: {
// title: 'Torrent Detail',
// tabTitleInfo: 'Info',
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// eta: 'ETA',
// peers: 'Peers',
// seeds: 'Seeds',
// status: 'Status',
// trackers: 'Trackers',
// createdBy: 'Created By',
// firstLastPiecePriority: 'First/Last Piece Priority',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential Download',
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// files: 'Files'
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// subHeaderTag: 'Available Tags:',
// subHeaderCategories: 'Available Categories:'
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// url: 'URL',
// status: 'Status',
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// leeches: 'Leeches',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// message: 'Message'
add: {
title: 'Thêm một torrent mới',
selectFiles: 'Chọn tệp của bạn'
// urlHint: 'One link per line',
// downloadDirectory: 'Download Directory',
// starttorrent: 'Start torrent',
// skipHashCheck: 'Skip hash check',
// createSubfolder: 'Create subfolder',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management',
// dropHereForAdd: 'Drop here for add',
// oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: 'One or more files are not valid torrents'
changeLocation: {
// title: 'Change Location'
rename: {
// title: 'Rename',
// torrentName: 'Torrent Name'
sort: {
// title: 'Sort Torrents',
// reverse: 'Reverse',
sortBy: {
// availability: 'Availability',
// category: 'Category',
// completed: 'Completed',
// downloaded: 'Downloaded',
// ETA: 'ETA',
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// last_activity: 'Last Activity',
// peers: 'Peers',
// priority: 'Priority',
// progress: 'Progress',
// ratio: 'Ratio',
// save_path: 'Directory',
// size: 'Size',
// state: 'State',
// uploaded: 'Uploaded',
// addedOn: 'Added On',
// downloadSpeed: 'Download Speed',
// timeActive: 'Time Active',
// uploadSpeed: 'Upload Speed',
// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
// speedLimit: 'Speed Limit'
delete: {
check: 'Đồng thời xóa luôn tệp dưới bộ nhớ'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: 'Đăng nhập thành công! 🎉',
loginFailed: 'Đăng nhập thất bại 😕',
settingsSaved: 'Cài đặt đã lưu thành công!',
categorySaved: 'Thể loại đã chỉnh sửa thành công!'
// feedSaved: 'Feed saved successfully!',
// ruleSaved: 'Rule saved!',
// renameFileFailed: 'Unable to rename file',
// renameFolderFailed: 'Unable to rename file'
/** RightClick **/
rightClick: {
resume: 'tiếp tục',
forceResume: 'bắt tiếp tục',
advanced: {
advanced: 'nâng cao',
changeLocation: 'thay đổi vị trí',
rename: 'thay đổi tên'
// forceRecheck: 'Force recheck',
// forceReannounce: 'Force reannounce',
// sequentialDownload: 'Sequential download',
// firstLastPriority: 'First/Last priority',
// automaticTorrentManagement: 'Automatic Torrent Management'
prio: {
prio: 'xét sự ưu tiên',
top: 'trên cùng',
bottom: 'dưới cùng',
increase: 'tăng',
decrease: 'giảm'
category: 'thiết lập thể loại',
// tags: 'Set Tags',
// notags: 'No Tags',
limit: 'thiết lập giới hạn',
copy: 'sao chép',
info: 'xem thông tin'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"category": "thể loại",
"settings": "cài đặt",
"pause": "tạm dừng",
"delete": "xóa",
"save": "lưu",
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"dashboard": {
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"topActions": {
"addTorrent": "thêm torrent",
"resumeSelected": "tiếp tục các torrent đã chọn",
"pauseSelected": "dừng các torrent đã chọn",
"removeSelected": "gỡ các torrent đã chọn",
"openSettings": "mở cài đặt",
"searchNew": "tìm torrent mới"
"sessionStats": {
"tooltip": "Kể từ lần cuối qBittorent được khởi động lại"
"filters": {},
"action": {}
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"newFeed": {},
"newRule": {
"def": {}
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"title": "Thêm một torrent mới",
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"sort": {
"sortBy": {}
"speedLimit": {},
"delete": {
"check": "Đồng thời xóa luôn tệp dưới bộ nhớ"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "Đăng nhập thành công! 🎉",
"loginFailed": "Đăng nhập thất bại 😕",
"settingsSaved": "Cài đặt đã lưu thành công!",
"categorySaved": "Thể loại đã chỉnh sửa thành công!"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "tiếp tục",
"forceResume": "bắt tiếp tục",
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"advanced": "nâng cao",
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"rename": "thay đổi tên"
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"prio": "xét sự ưu tiên",
"top": "trên cùng",
"bottom": "dưới cùng",
"increase": "tăng",
"decrease": "giảm"
"category": "thiết lập thể loại",
"limit": "thiết lập giới hạn",
"copy": "sao chép",
"info": "xem thông tin"
@ -1,492 +0,0 @@
const locale = {
/** General */
category: '分类',
settings: '设置',
pause: '暂停',
delete: '删除',
save: '保存',
cancel: '取消',
confirm: '确认',
edit: '编辑',
createNew: '新增',
path: '路径',
create: '新增',
url: '链接',
directory: '目录',
unknown: '未知',
status: '状态',
all: '所有',
downloading: '下载中',
seeding: '做种中',
completed: '已完成',
resumed: '恢复',
paused: '暂停',
active: '活动',
inactive: '空闲',
stalled: '低速',
errored: '错误',
login: '登录',
logout: '退出',
downloaded: '已下载',
uploaded: '已上传',
upload: '上传',
download: '下载',
ETA: '剩余时间',
peers: '用户',
ratio: '比率',
seeds: '做种',
tags: '标签',
tracker: 'Tracker',
share: '分享',
name: '名称',
hash: '哈希值',
magnet: '磁力链接',
feed: '订阅源',
rule: '规则',
then: '则',
/** Dashboard */
dashboard: {
tooltips: {
toggleSearch: '切换搜索筛选器',
toggleSelect: '切换选择模式',
toggleSort: '排序种子',
selectAll: '全选',
selectAllCaption: '选中/释放所有 (Ctrl + A)'
emptyTorrentList: '什么都没有呢!'
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
title: '标题',
added: '添加时间',
availability: '可用性',
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directory: '目录',
downloaded: '下载量',
uploaded: '上传量',
created: '制作程序',
comments: '注释',
uploadedSession: '上传会话',
timeActive: '活跃时间',
seededFor: '做种',
last_activity: '上次活跃',
completed_on: '完成时间',
globalSpeed: '全局速率',
globalVolume: '全局传输量'
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
currentSpeed: '当前速率',
alltimeTitle: '所有时间统计',
sessionTitle: '会话统计',
freeSpace: '剩余磁盘空间',
topActions: {
addTorrent: '打开种子',
resumeSelected: '继续选中种子',
pauseSelected: '暂停选中种子',
removeSelected: '删除选中种子',
openSettings: '打开设置',
searchNew: '搜索新种子'
sessionStats: {
tooltip: '自 qBittorrent 上次重启以来'
filters: {
stalled_uploading: '低速上传',
stalled_downloading: '低速下载',
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not_working: '不工作'
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altSpeed: '备用速率限制',
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/** Modals */
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newFeed: {
feedName: '名称',
url: '地址'
newRule: {
titleCreate: '新建规则',
titleEdit: '编辑规则',
name: '名称',
def: {
mustContain: '必须包含',
affectedFeeds: '应用于以下订阅源'
pluginManager: {
title: '插件管理器'
search: {
title: '搜索',
btnStartSearch: '搜索',
btnStopSearch: '停止',
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name: '名称',
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VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
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general: '常规',
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pageGeneral: {
tip: '这些设置适用于自定义 WebUI 本身',
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sessionStats: '显示会话状态',
allTimeStats: '显示历史状态',
freeSpace: '显示剩余空间',
trackerFilter: '显示 Tracker 过滤',
rightDrawer: '侧边栏居右显示',
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busyTorrentTip: '未完成的种子要显示的属性',
completedTorrentTip: '已完成的种子要显示的属性',
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category: '分类',
tags: '标签',
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ETA: '剩余时间',
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default: '默认',
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peers: '下载者',
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addedOn: '添加于',
downloadSpeed: '下载速率',
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uploadSpeed: '上传速率'
pageDownloads: {
subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: '当添加种子时',
whenAddTorrent: {
createSubFolder: '为包含多个文件的种子创建子文件夹',
donotAutoStart: '不要自动开始下载'
subHeaderPublicSettings: '公共设置',
publicSettings: {
preAllocateDisk: '为所有文件预分配磁盘空间',
appendQBExtension: '为未完成的文件添加 .!qB 后缀'
subHeaderSaveManagement: '存储管理器',
saveManagement: {
autoManagement: '自动管理种子',
relocate: '当分类变化时更改种子保存的路径',
defaultSavePath: '默认保存路径',
keepIncompleteIn: '将未完成的种子保存在:',
autoEnabled_onAdded: '当添加种子后执行外部程序',
autoLabel_onAdded: '命令',
autoEnabled_onFinished: '启用自动运行:',
autoLabel_onFinished: '自动运行的程序',
supportParamTitle: '支持的参数 (大小写敏感):',
supportParamN: '%N: 种子名称',
supportParamL: '%L: 分类',
supportParamG: '%G: 标签 (用逗号分隔)',
supportParamF: '%F: 内容路径 (多文件种子同根路径)',
supportParamR: '%R: 根路径 (首个种子子目录的路径)',
supportParamD: '%D: 保存路径',
supportParamC: '%C: 文件数量',
supportParamZ: '%Z: 种子大小 (单位为字节 byte)',
supportParamT: '%T: 当前 tracker',
supportParamI: '%I: 信息哈希值'
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incomingConnectionPort: '用于传入连接的端口',
subHeader: '连接限制',
globalMaxConnection: '全局最大连接数',
perTorrentMaxConnection: '单个种子最大连接数',
globalMaxUploadSlots: '全局最大上传数',
perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: '单个种子最大上传数',
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subHeaderPrivacy: '隐私',
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enableLPD: '启用 LPD (本地终端发现) 寻找更多终端',
enableAnonymous: '启用匿名模式',
torrentQueue: '种子队列',
maxActiveDownload: '最大活跃下载数',
maxActiveUpload: '最大活跃上传数',
maxActiveTorrent: '最大活跃种子数',
excludeSlowTorrent: '不要在这些限制范围内计算慢速种子',
downloadRateLimit: '下载速率限制为 KiB/s',
uploadRateLimit: '上传速率限制为 KiB/s',
torrentInactivityTimer: '种子不活跃计数器',
subHeaderSeedLimits: '做种限制',
whenRatioReaches: '当比率达到时',
whenSeedingTimeReaches: '当做种时间达到时',
maxRatioPauseTorrent: '暂停种子',
maxRatioRemoveTorrent: '移除种子',
maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: '移除种子和文件',
maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: '启用超级做种'
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unlimited: '无限制'
limitRatio: '做种限制',
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categoryName: '分类名称',
Path: '路径',
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tipOnNoPath: '路径是必须的'
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createNewTag: '新建标签',
tagName: '标签名称'
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title: '添加新的种子',
selectFiles: '选择文件',
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downloadDirectory: '下载目录',
starttorrent: '添加后立即开始',
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createSubfolder: '建立子目录',
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dropHereForAdd: '拖拽到此处即可添加',
oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: '存在无效的种子文件'
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title: '更改位置'
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title: '重命名',
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speedLimit: {
speedLimit: '速率限制'
delete: {
check: '同时从存储中删除'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: '登录成功!🎉',
loginFailed: '登录失败…😕',
settingsSaved: '设置保存成功!',
categorySaved: '分类编辑成功!',
feedSaved: '订阅源保存成功!',
ruleSaved: '规则保存成功!',
renameFileFailed: '无法重命名文件',
renameFolderFailed: '无法重命名文件夹'
/** RightClick **/
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resume: '继续',
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prio: '设置优先级',
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tags: '设置标签',
notags: '无标签',
limit: '设置限制',
copy: '复制',
info: '显示详情'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
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"allTimeStats": "显示历史状态",
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"pageDownloads": {
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "当添加种子时",
"whenAddTorrent": {
"createSubFolder": "为包含多个文件的种子创建子文件夹",
"donotAutoStart": "不要自动开始下载"
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "公共设置",
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"preAllocateDisk": "为所有文件预分配磁盘空间",
"appendQBExtension": "为未完成的文件添加 .!qB 后缀"
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "存储管理器",
"saveManagement": {
"autoManagement": "自动管理种子",
"relocate": "当分类变化时更改种子保存的路径",
"defaultSavePath": "默认保存路径",
"keepIncompleteIn": "将未完成的种子保存在:",
"autoEnabled_onAdded": "当添加种子后执行外部程序",
"autoLabel_onAdded": "命令",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "启用自动运行:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "自动运行的程序",
"supportParamTitle": "支持的参数 (大小写敏感):",
"supportParamN": "%N: 种子名称",
"supportParamL": "%L: 分类",
"supportParamG": "%G: 标签 (用逗号分隔)",
"supportParamF": "%F: 内容路径 (多文件种子同根路径)",
"supportParamR": "%R: 根路径 (首个种子子目录的路径)",
"supportParamD": "%D: 保存路径",
"supportParamC": "%C: 文件数量",
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"supportParamT": "%T: 当前 tracker",
"supportParamI": "%I: 信息哈希值"
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"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "单个种子最大上传数",
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"enableLPD": "启用 LPD (本地终端发现) 寻找更多终端",
"enableAnonymous": "启用匿名模式",
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"uploadRateLimit": "上传速率限制为 KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "种子不活跃计数器",
"subHeaderSeedLimits": "做种限制",
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"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "当做种时间达到时",
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@ -1,499 +0,0 @@
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emptyTorrentList: '這裡沒東西可看!'
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// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
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torrentsCount: 'No torrents | {n} torrent | {n} torrents'
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mustContain: '必須包含',
affectedFeeds: '套用至以下訂閱源'
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subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: '當新增種子時',
whenAddTorrent: {
createSubFolder: '為包含多個檔案的種子建立子資料夾',
donotAutoStart: '不要自動開始下載'
subHeaderPublicSettings: '公共設定',
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preAllocateDisk: '為所有檔案事先分配硬碟空間',
appendQBExtension: '在未完成檔案加上 .!qB 副檔名'
subHeaderSaveManagement: '存檔管理',
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autoManagement: '自動管理種子',
relocate: '當分類變更時重新定位種子',
defaultSavePath: '預設儲存路徑',
keepIncompleteIn: '保留未完成的種子於:',
autoEnabled_onAdded: '當新增種子時執行外部程式:',
autoLabel_onAdded: '命令',
autoEnabled_onFinished: '當種子下載結束時執行外部程式:',
autoLabel_onFinished: '命令',
supportParamTitle: '支援的參數 (區分大小寫)',
supportParamN: '%N: 種子名稱',
supportParamL: '%L: 分類',
supportParamG: '%G: 標籤 (以逗號分隔)',
supportParamF: '%F: 內容路徑 (與多檔案種子的根路徑相同)',
supportParamR: '%R: 根路徑 (第一個種子的子目錄路徑)',
supportParamD: '%D: 儲存路徑',
supportParamC: '%C: 檔案數',
supportParamZ: '%Z: 種子大小 (位元組 byte)',
supportParamT: '%T: 當前的追蹤者',
supportParamI: '%I: 資訊雜湊值 v1',
supportParamJ: '%J: 資訊雜湊值 v2',
supportParamK: '%K: 種子 ID'
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incomingConnectionPort: '連入連線時使用的埠',
subHeader: '連線限制 (-1 以禁用)',
globalMaxConnection: '全域最大連線數',
perTorrentMaxConnection: '單個種子的最大連線數',
globalMaxUploadSlots: '全域上傳通道最大數',
perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: '單個種子的上傳通道最大數',
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enableLPD: '啟用本地下載者搜尋以尋找更多下載者',
enableAnonymous: '啟用匿名模式',
torrentQueue: '種子佇列',
maxActiveDownload: '最大活躍下載數',
maxActiveUpload: '最大活躍上傳數',
maxActiveTorrent: '最大活躍種子數',
excludeSlowTorrent: '不要在這些限制範圍內計算速率慢的種子',
downloadRateLimit: '下載速率閾值 KiB/s',
uploadRateLimit: '上傳速率閾值 KiB/s',
torrentInactivityTimer: '種子不活躍計時器',
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whenRatioReaches: '當分享率達到',
whenSeedingTimeReaches: '當做種時間達到 (分鐘)',
maxRatioPauseTorrent: '暫停種子',
maxRatioRemoveTorrent: '移除種子',
maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles: '移除種子與其檔案',
maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding: '為種子啟用超級做種'
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sessionTimeout: '會話逾時 (秒)',
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bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: '跳過白名單內 IP 子網中客戶端的驗證',
whiteListExample: '範例:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
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btnCreateNew: '新增',
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subHeaderCategories: '可用分類:'
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unlimited: '無限制'
limitRatio: '做種限制',
titleDuration: '時長',
titleRatio: '分享率'
newCategory: {
categoryName: '分類名稱',
Path: '路徑',
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createNewTag: '新增標籤',
tagName: '標籤名稱'
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title: '新增種子',
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oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: '存在無效的種子檔案'
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title: '更改位置'
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title: '重新命名',
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// globalSpeed: 'Global Speed',
// globalVolume: 'Global Volume'
speedLimit: {
speedLimit: '速率限制'
delete: {
check: '同時從儲存空間中刪除'
/** Toast */
toast: {
loginSuccess: '登入成功!🎉',
loginFailed: '登入失敗…😕',
settingsSaved: '設定儲存成功!',
categorySaved: '分類編輯成功!',
feedSaved: '訂閱源儲存成功!',
ruleSaved: '規則保存成功!',
renameFileFailed: '重新命名失敗',
renameFolderFailed: '重新命名失敗'
/** RightClick **/
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limit: '設定限制',
copy: '複製',
info: '顯示詳情'
export default locale
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
"category": "分類",
"settings": "設定",
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"inactive": "不活躍",
"stalled": "停止",
"errored": "錯誤",
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"logout": "登出",
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"name": "名稱",
"default": "預設",
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"pageDownloads": {
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "當新增種子時",
"whenAddTorrent": {
"createSubFolder": "為包含多個檔案的種子建立子資料夾",
"donotAutoStart": "不要自動開始下載"
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "公共設定",
"publicSettings": {
"preAllocateDisk": "為所有檔案事先分配硬碟空間",
"appendQBExtension": "在未完成檔案加上 .!qB 副檔名"
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "存檔管理",
"saveManagement": {
"autoManagement": "自動管理種子",
"relocate": "當分類變更時重新定位種子",
"defaultSavePath": "預設儲存路徑",
"keepIncompleteIn": "保留未完成的種子於:",
"autoEnabled_onAdded": "當新增種子時執行外部程式:",
"autoLabel_onAdded": "命令",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "當種子下載結束時執行外部程式:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "命令",
"supportParamTitle": "支援的參數 (區分大小寫)",
"supportParamN": "%N: 種子名稱",
"supportParamL": "%L: 分類",
"supportParamG": "%G: 標籤 (以逗號分隔)",
"supportParamF": "%F: 內容路徑 (與多檔案種子的根路徑相同)",
"supportParamR": "%R: 根路徑 (第一個種子的子目錄路徑)",
"supportParamD": "%D: 儲存路徑",
"supportParamC": "%C: 檔案數",
"supportParamZ": "%Z: 種子大小 (位元組 byte)",
"supportParamT": "%T: 當前的追蹤者",
"supportParamI": "%I: 資訊雜湊值 v1",
"supportParamJ": "%J: 資訊雜湊值 v2",
"supportParamK": "%K: 種子 ID"
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"incomingConnectionPort": "連入連線時使用的埠",
"subHeader": "連線限制 (-1 以禁用)",
"globalMaxConnection": "全域最大連線數",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "單個種子的最大連線數",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "全域上傳通道最大數",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "單個種子的上傳通道最大數",
"proxySubHeader": "代理伺服器",
"proxyPeerConnections": "使用代理伺服器來連線下載者",
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"pageBittorrent": {
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"enablePeX": "啟用節點交換 (PeX) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enableLPD": "啟用本地下載者搜尋以尋找更多下載者",
"enableAnonymous": "啟用匿名模式",
"torrentQueue": "種子佇列",
"maxActiveDownload": "最大活躍下載數",
"maxActiveUpload": "最大活躍上傳數",
"maxActiveTorrent": "最大活躍種子數",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "不要在這些限制範圍內計算速率慢的種子",
"downloadRateLimit": "下載速率閾值 KiB/s",
"uploadRateLimit": "上傳速率閾值 KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "種子不活躍計時器",
"subHeaderSeedLimits": "做種限制",
"whenRatioReaches": "當分享率達到",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "當做種時間達到 (分鐘)",
"maxRatioPauseTorrent": "暫停種子",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrent": "移除種子",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles": "移除種子與其檔案",
"maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding": "為種子啟用超級做種"
"pageRss": {
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"input": {
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"enableRssProcessing": "啟用抓取 RSS 訂閱",
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"pageWebUI": {
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"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼",
"maxAttempts": "最大嘗試次數",
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"sessionTimeout": "會話逾時 (秒)",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost": "跳過本機客戶端的驗證",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted": "跳過白名單內 IP 子網中客戶端的驗證",
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"unlimited": "無限制"
"limitRatio": "做種限制",
"titleDuration": "時長",
"titleRatio": "分享率"
"newCategory": {
"categoryName": "分類名稱",
"Path": "路徑",
"tipOnNoName": "必須填寫分類名稱",
"tipOnNoPath": "必須填寫路徑"
"newTag": {
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"tagName": "標籤名稱"
"detail": {
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"oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent": "存在無效的種子檔案"
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"title": "更改位置"
"rename": {
"title": "重新命名",
"torrentName": "種子名稱"
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"delete": {
"check": "同時從儲存空間中刪除"
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "登入成功!🎉",
"loginFailed": "登入失敗…😕",
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"categorySaved": "分類編輯成功!",
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"decrease": "降低"
"category": "設定分類",
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"info": "顯示詳情"
@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ import Vue from 'vue'
import axios from 'axios'
import axios from 'axios'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n'
import { messages } from '@/lang'
import {defaultLocale, messages} from '@/lang'
export const i18n = new VueI18n({
export const i18n = new VueI18n({
locale: 'en', // set locale
locale: defaultLocale, // set locale
fallbackLocale: 'en',
fallbackLocale: defaultLocale,
silentTranslationWarn: true,
silentTranslationWarn: true,
pluralizationRules: {
pluralizationRules: {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ exports[`General > render correctly 1`] = `
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@ -1,20 +1,34 @@
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Add table
Reference in a new issue