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synced 2025-02-18 00:02:02 +03:00
perf: update Traditional Chinese translations (#422)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 313 additions and 18 deletions
@ -1,51 +1,341 @@
const locale = {
const locale = {
/** General */
/** General */
category: '分類',
category: '分類',
settings: '設置',
settings: '設定',
pause: '暫停',
pause: '暫停',
delete: '刪除',
delete: '刪除',
save: '儲存',
save: '儲存',
cancel: '取消',
cancel: '取消',
confirm: '確認',
confirm: '確認',
edit: '編輯',
createNew: '新增',
path: '路徑',
create: '新增',
url: '連結',
directory: '目錄',
unknown: '未知',
status: '狀態',
all: '所有',
downloading: '下載中',
seeding: '做種中',
completed: '已完成',
resumed: '繼續',
paused: '暫停',
active: '活躍',
inactive: '不活躍',
stalled: '停止',
errored: '錯誤',
login: '登入',
logout: '登出',
downloaded: '已下載',
uploaded: '已上傳',
download: '下載',
ETA: '預估剩餘時間',
peers: '下載者',
ratio: '分享率',
seeds: '種子',
tags: '標籤',
upload: '上傳',
share: '分享',
name: '名稱',
hash: '雜湊值',
magnet: '磁力連結',
/** Torrent */
/** Torrent */
torrent: {
torrent: {
title: '標題',
title: '標題',
added: '添加時間',
added: '新增於',
availability: '可用性',
availability: '可用性',
size: '大小',
size: '大小',
progress: '進度',
progress: '進度',
directory: '目錄',
directory: '目錄',
downloaded: '下載量',
downloaded: '已下載',
uploaded: '上載量',
uploaded: '已上載',
created: '製作程式',
created: '製作程式',
comments: '注釋'
comments: '註解'
uploadedSession: '上傳會話',
torrentTitle: '種子標題'
/** Navbar */
/** Navbar */
navbar: {
navbar: {
currentSpeed: '當前速率',
currentSpeed: '當前速率',
freeSpace: '剩餘磁碟空間',
freeSpace: '剩餘硬碟空間',
topActions: {
topActions: {
addTorrent: '打開種子',
addTorrent: '新增種子',
resumeSelected: '繼續選中種子',
resumeSelected: '繼續已選中種子',
pauseSelected: '暫停選中種子',
pauseSelected: '暫停已選中種子',
removeSelected: '刪除選中種子',
removeSelected: '刪除已選中種子',
openSettings: '打開設置',
openSettings: '打開設定',
searchNew: '搜尋新種子'
searchNew: '搜尋新種子'
sessionStats: {
sessionStats: {
tooltip: '自 qBittorrent 上次重新啟動以來'
tooltip: '自 qBittorrent 上次重新啟動以來'
filters: {
stalled_uploading: '停止上傳',
stalled_downloading: '停止下載'
action: {
altSpeed: '替補速率限制',
dark: '暗色介面',
light: '亮色介面'
/** Modals */
/** Modals */
modals: {
modals: {
pluginManager: {
title: '外掛管理器'
search: {
title: '搜尋',
btnStartSearch: '搜尋',
btnStopSearch: '停止',
columnTitle: {
name: '名稱',
size: '大小',
seeds: '種子',
peers: '下載者',
search_engine: '搜尋引擎',
action: '操作'
settings: {
tabName: {
VueTorrent: 'VueTorrent',
downloads: '下載',
connection: '連線',
bittorrent: 'bittorrent',
webUI: '網頁介面',
tagsAndCategories: '標籤和分類'
pageVueTorrent: {
tabName: {
general: '一般',
dashboard: 'Dashboard'
pageGeneral: {
tip: '這些設定適用於自訂WebUI',
currentSpeed: '顯示當前速率',
speedGraph: '顯示速率圖表',
sessionStats: '顯示會話狀態',
allTimeStats: '顯示歷史狀態',
freeSpace: '顯示剩餘空間',
trackerFilter: '顯示追蹤者過濾',
rightDrawer: '側邊欄居右顯示',
language: '語言',
paginationSize: '每頁展示數量',
vueTorrentTitle: 'VueTorrent 標題',
currentVersion: '當前版本',
qbittorrentVersion: 'QBittorrent 版本'
pageDashboard: {
busyTorrentTip: '未完成種子所顯示的屬性',
completedTorrentTip: '已完成種子所顯示的屬性'
pageDownloads: {
subHeaderWhenAddTorrent: '當新增種子時',
whenAddTorrent: {
createSubFolder: '為包含多個檔案的種子建立子資料夾',
donotAutoStart: '不要自動開始下載'
subHeaderPublicSettings: '公共設定',
publicSettings: {
preAllocateDisk: '為所有檔案事先分配硬碟空間',
appendQBExtension: '在未完成檔案加上 .!qB 副檔名'
subHeaderSaveManagement: '存檔管理',
saveManagement: {
autoManagement: '自動管理種子',
relocate: '當分類變更時重新定位種子',
defaultSavePath: '預設儲存路徑',
keepIncompleteIn: '保留未完成的種子於:',
autoEnabled: '啟用自動執行:',
autorunProgram: '自動執行的程式',
supportParamTitle: '支援的參數 (區分大小寫)',
supportParamN: '%N: 種子名稱',
supportParamL: '%L: 分類',
supportParamG: '%G: 標籤 (以逗號分隔)',
supportParamF: '%F: 內容路徑 (與多檔案種子的根路徑相同)',
supportParamR: '%R: 根路徑 (第一個種子的子目錄路徑)',
supportParamD: '%D: 儲存路徑',
supportParamC: '%C: 檔案數',
supportParamZ: '%Z: 種子大小 (位元組 byte)',
supportParamT: '%T: 當前的追蹤者',
supportParamI: '%I: 資訊雜湊值'
pageConnection: {
subHeader: '連線限制',
globalMaxConnection: '全域最大連線數',
perTorrentMaxConnection: '單個種子的最大連線數',
globalMaxUploadSlots: '全域上傳通道最大數',
perTorrentMaxUploadSlots: '單個種子的上傳通道最大數'
pageBittorrent: {
subHeaderPrivacy: '隱私',
enableDHT: '啟用 DHT (分散式網絡) 以尋找更多下載者',
enablePeX: '啟用節點交換 (PeX) 以尋找更多下載者',
enableLPD: '啟用本地下載者搜尋以尋找更多下載者',
enableAnonymous: '啟用匿名模式',
torrentQueue: '種子佇列',
maxActiveDownload: '最大活躍下載數',
maxActiveUpload: '最大活躍上傳數',
maxActiveTorrent: '最大活躍種子數',
excludeSlowTorrent: '不要在這些限制範圍內計算速率慢的種子',
downloadRateLimit: '下載速率閾值 KiB/s',
uploadRateLimit: '上傳速率閾值 KiB/s',
torrentInactivityTimer: '種子不活躍計時器',
subHeaderSeedLimits: '做種限制',
whenRatioReaches: '當分享率達到',
whenSeedingTimeReaches: '當做種時間達到 (分鐘)'
pageWebUI: {
useAlternativeWebUI: '使用替補 WebUI',
filesLocation: '檔案路徑',
webUserInterface: '網頁介面 (遠端控制)',
ipAddress: 'IP 位置',
port: '埠',
authentication: '驗證',
username: '使用者名稱',
password: '密碼',
maxAttempts: '最大嘗試次數',
banDuration: '封鎖時長 (秒)',
sessionTimeout: '會話逾時 (秒)',
bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost: '跳過本機客戶端的驗證',
bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted: '跳過白名單內 IP 子網中客戶端的驗證',
whiteListExample: '範例:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
btnCreateNew: '新增',
subHeaderTags: '可用標籤:',
subHeaderCategories: '可用分類:'
shareLimit: {
input: {
globalLimit: '使用全域限制',
unlimited: '無限制'
limitRatio: '做種限制',
titleDuration: '時長',
titleRatio: '分享率'
newCategory: {
categoryName: '分類名稱',
path: '路徑',
tipOnNoName: '必須填寫分類名稱',
tipOnNameTooLong: '分類名稱必須少於 15 個字符',
tipOnNoPath: '必須填寫路徑',
TipOnPathTooLong: '路徑必須少於 40 個字符'
newTag: {
createNewTag: '新增標籤',
tagName: '標籤名稱'
detail: {
title: '種子詳情',
tabTitleInfo: '資訊',
tabTitleTrackers: '追蹤者',
tabTitlePeers: '下載者',
tabTitleContent: '內容',
tabTitleTagsCategories: '標籤和分類',
pageInfo: {
torrentTitle: '種子標題',
hash: '雜湊值',
ratio: '分享率',
downloadSpeed: '下載速率',
uploadSpeed: '上傳速率',
eta: '預估剩餘時間',
peers: '下載者',
seeds: '種子',
status: '狀態',
trackers: '追蹤者',
createdBy: '製作器',
firstLastPiecePriority: '優先下載首末塊',
sequentialDownload: '順序下載',
autoTMM: '自動種子管理',
shareRatioLimit: '分享率限制',
shareTimeLimit: '分享時間限制 (分鐘)',
downloadLimit: '下載限制',
uploadLimit: '上傳限制'
pagePeers: {
ip: 'IP',
connection: '連線',
flags: '旗',
client: '客戶端',
progress: '進度',
downloadSpeed: '下載速率',
downloaded: '已下載',
upSpeed: '上傳速率',
uploaded: '已上傳',
relevance: '關聯',
files: '檔案'
pageTagsAndCategories: {
subHeaderTag: '可用標竹:',
subHeaderCategories: '可用分類:'
pageTrackers: {
url: 'URL',
status: '狀態',
peers: '下載者',
seeds: '種子',
leeches: '蝗族',
downloaded: '已下載',
message: '訊息'
add: {
add: {
title: '添加新的種子',
title: '新增種子',
selectFiles: '選擇檔案'
selectFiles: '選擇檔案'
urlHint: '每行一個連結',
downloadDirectory: '下載目錄',
starttorrent: '新增後開始',
skipHashCheck: '跳過雜湊值檢',
createSubfolder: '建立子資料夾',
automaticTorrentManagement: '自動種子管理 (ATM)',
dropHereForAdd: '拖拽至此處新增',
oneOrMoreFilesInvalidTorrent: '存在無效的種子檔案'
changeLocation: {
title: '更改位置',
torrentName: '種子名稱'
rename: {
title: '重新命名',
torrentName: '種子名稱'
sort: {
title: '種子排序',
reverse: '倒序',
sortBy: {
availability: '可得性',
category: '分類',
completed: '已完成',
downloaded: '已下載',
ETA: '預估剩餘時間',
name: '名稱',
peers: '下載者',
priority: '優先級',
progress: '進度',
ratio: '分享率',
size: '大小',
state: '狀態',
uploaded: '已上傳',
addedOn: '新增於',
downloadSpeed: '下載速率',
timeActive: '經過時間',
uploadSpeed: '上傳速率'
speedLimit: {
speedLimit: '速率限制'
delete: {
delete: {
check: '同時從記憶體上刪除'
check: '同時從儲存空間中刪除'
@ -53,7 +343,7 @@ const locale = {
toast: {
toast: {
loginSuccess: '登入成功!🎉',
loginSuccess: '登入成功!🎉',
loginFailed: '登入失敗…😕',
loginFailed: '登入失敗…😕',
settingsSaved: '設置儲存成功!',
settingsSaved: '設定儲存成功!',
categorySaved: '分類編輯成功!'
categorySaved: '分類編輯成功!'
@ -65,6 +355,11 @@ const locale = {
advanced: '進階',
advanced: '進階',
changeLocation: '修改儲存位置',
changeLocation: '修改儲存位置',
rename: '重新命名'
rename: '重新命名'
forceRecheck: '強制重新檢查',
forceReannounce: '強制重新發佈',
sequentialDownload: '順序下載',
firstLastPriority: '首末優先',
automaticTorrentManagement: '自動種子管理 (ATM)'
prio: {
prio: {
prio: '設置優先級',
prio: '設置優先級',
@ -73,9 +368,9 @@ const locale = {
increase: '提升',
increase: '提升',
decrease: '降低'
decrease: '降低'
category: '設置分類',
category: '設定分類',
limit: '設置限制',
limit: '設定限制',
copy: '複製…',
copy: '複製',
info: '顯示詳情'
info: '顯示詳情'
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