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mirror of https://github.com/VueTorrent/VueTorrent.git synced 2025-03-23 18:10:53 +03:00

chore: update chinese translate ()

This commit is contained in:
Möbius 2023-04-13 13:01:22 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent fe64400c35
commit 56711c7b02
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
2 changed files with 379 additions and 321 deletions

View file

@ -101,13 +101,8 @@
"uploaded": "全局上传量",
"uploaded_session": "本次会话上传量"
"directory": "储存路径",
"size": "总大小",
"timeActive": "活跃时间",
"downloaded": "下载",
"uploaded": "上传",
"added": "添加于",
"availability": "可用性"
"uploaded": "上传"
"navbar": {
"currentSpeed": "当前速度",
@ -413,14 +408,23 @@
"seeds": "做种数",
"status": "状态",
"trackers": "Trackers",
"comments": "注释",
"createdBy": "创建者",
"seededFor": "Seeded For $0",
"firstLastPiecePriority": "首末块优先",
"sequentialDownload": "顺序下载",
"autoTMM": "自动种子管理",
"shareRatioLimit": "分享率限制",
"shareTimeLimit": "时间限制(分钟)",
"downloadLimit": "下载限制",
"uploadLimit": "上传限制"
"uploadLimit": "上传限制",
"creation_date": "创建日期",
"dl_speed_average": "平均下载速度",
"up_speed_average": "平均上传速度",
"is_private": "种子私有性",
"piece_owned": "已接收区块",
"piece_size": "区块大小",
"wasted_size": "已丢弃"
"pagePeers": {
"ip": "IP",
@ -446,7 +450,7 @@
"seeds": "做种",
"leeches": "下载",
"downloaded": "下载次数",
"message": "消息"
"message": "报错消息"
"add": {
@ -560,7 +564,7 @@
"advanced": "高级",
"changeLocation": "修改保存位置",
"rename": "重命名",
"forceRecheck": "强制重新检查",
"forceRecheck": "强制重新校验",
"forceReannounce": "强制重新汇报",
"sequentialDownload": "顺序下载",
"firstLastPriority": "首尾优先",

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
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@ -18,502 +18,556 @@
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"tip": "這些設置適用於 Vuetorrent 本身",
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"pageDownloads": {
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "當新增種子時",
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "當添加種子時",
"whenAddTorrent": {
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"autoDeleteMode": "事後移除 .torrent 檔案"
"donotAutoStart": "不要開始自動下載",
"autoDeleteMode": "隨後刪除 .torrent 文件"
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "公共設定",
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "共有設置",
"publicSettings": {
"preAllocateDisk": "為所有檔案事先分配硬碟空間",
"appendQBExtension": "在未完成檔案加上 .!qB 副檔名"
"preAllocateDisk": "為所有文件預分配磁盤空間",
"appendQBExtension": "為未完成的文件添加 .!qB 後綴"
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "存檔管理",
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "存儲管理器",
"saveManagement": {
"autoManagement": "自動管理種子",
"relocate": "當分類變更時重新定位種子",
"defaultSavePath": "預設儲存路徑",
"keepIncompleteIn": "保留未完成的種子於",
"autoEnabled_onAdded": "當新增種子時執行外部程式:",
"autoLabel_onAdded": "命令",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "當種子下載結束時執行外部程式",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "命令",
"supportParamTitle": "支援的參數 (區分大小寫)",
"relocate": "當分類變化時更改種子保存的路徑",
"defaultSavePath": "默認保存路徑",
"keepIncompleteIn": "將未完成的種子保存在:",
"autoEnabled_onAdded": "當添加種子後運行外部程序",
"autoLabel_onAdded": "執行命令",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "當種子完成後運行外部程序:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "執行命令",
"supportParamTitle": "支持的參數 (大小寫敏感)",
"supportParamN": "%N: 種子名稱",
"supportParamL": "%L: 分類",
"supportParamG": "%G: 標籤 (以逗號分隔)",
"supportParamF": "%F: 內容路徑 (與多檔案種子的根路徑相同)",
"supportParamR": "%R: 根路徑 (第一個種子的子目錄路徑)",
"supportParamD": "%D: 存路徑",
"supportParamC": "%C: 檔案數",
"supportParamZ": "%Z: 種子大小 (位元組 byte)",
"supportParamT": "%T: 當前的追蹤者",
"supportParamI": "%I: 資訊雜湊值 v1",
"supportParamJ": "%J: 資訊雜湊值 v2",
"supportParamG": "%G: 標簽 (用逗號分隔)",
"supportParamF": "%F: 內容路徑 (多文件種子同根路徑)",
"supportParamR": "%R: 根路徑 (首個種子子目錄的路徑)",
"supportParamD": "%D: 存路徑",
"supportParamC": "%C: 文件數量",
"supportParamZ": "%Z: 種子大小 (單位為字節 byte)",
"supportParamT": "%T: 當前 tracker",
"supportParamI": "%I: 信息哈希值 v1",
"supportParamJ": "%J: 信息哈希值 v2",
"supportParamK": "%K: 種子 ID"
"pageConnection": {
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"useUPnP": "使用從路由器轉送的 UPnP / NAT-PMP 連接埠",
"incomingConnectionPort": "連入連線時使用的埠",
"subHeader": "連線限制 (-1 以禁用)",
"globalMaxConnection": "全域最大連線數",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "單個種子的最大連線數",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "全域上傳通道最大數",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "單個種子的上傳通道最大數",
"proxySubHeader": "代理服器",
"proxyPeerConnections": "使用代理伺服器來連線下載者",
"proxyTorrentOnly": "只對種子使用代理伺服器",
"proxyAuth": "證"
"protocol": "對等連接協議",
"listeningSubHeader": "監聽端口",
"useUPnP": "使用路由器的 UPnP/NAT-PMP 端口轉發",
"incomingConnectionPort": "用於傳入連接的端口",
"subHeader": "連接限製",
"globalMaxConnection": "全局最大連接數",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "單個種子最大連接數",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "全局最大上傳數",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "單個種子最大上傳數",
"proxySubHeader": "代理器",
"proxyPeerConnections": "使用代理服務器進行用戶連接",
"proxyTorrentOnly": "只對 torrents 使用代理",
"proxyAuth": "證"
"pageBittorrent": {
"subHeaderPrivacy": "隱私",
"enableDHT": "啟用 DHT (分散式網絡) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enablePeX": "啟用節點交換 (PeX) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enableLPD": "啟用本地下載者搜尋以尋找更多下載者",
"enableDHT": "啟用 DHT (分散網絡) 尋找更多終端",
"enablePeX": "啟用 PeX (對等交換) 尋找更多終端",
"enableLPD": "啟用 LPD (本地終端發現) 尋找更多終端",
"enableAnonymous": "啟用匿名模式",
"torrentQueue": "種子列",
"torrentQueue": "種子列",
"maxActiveDownload": "最大活躍下載數",
"maxActiveUpload": "最大活躍上傳數",
"maxActiveTorrent": "最大活躍種子數",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "不要在這些限制範圍內計算速率慢的種子",
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"subHeaderSeedLimits": "做種限",
"whenRatioReaches": "分享率達到",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "做種時間達到 (分鐘)",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "不要在這些限製範圍內計算慢速種子",
"downloadRateLimit": "下載速度限製為 KiB/s",
"uploadRateLimit": "上傳速度限製為 KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "不活躍種子計數器",
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"content": "你確認想要結束 qBittorrent 嗎?"
"title": "關閉qBittorrent",
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