mirror of
synced 2025-03-31 05:43:33 +03:00
chore: Update Traditional Chinese translation (#804)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 363 additions and 80 deletions
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"settings": "設定",
"pause": "暫停",
"delete": "移除",
"ok": "確認",
"save": "儲存",
"cancel": "取消",
"confirm": "確認",
@ -46,7 +47,6 @@
"feed": "訂閱源",
"rule": "規則",
"then": "然後",
"of": "中的",
"yes": "是",
"no": "否",
"filter": "過濾器",
@ -61,7 +61,9 @@
"selectAllCaption": "選擇 / 取消選擇全部 (Ctrl + A)"
"emptyTorrentList": "這裡沒東西可看!",
"not_complete": "未完成"
"not_complete": "未完成",
"torrentsCount": "無種子 | {n} 個種子 | {n} 個種子",
"selectedTorrentsCount": "無種子 | {n} 個種子中的 $0 個 ($1) | {n} 個種子中的 $0 個 ($1)"
"torrent": {
"properties": {
@ -134,8 +136,7 @@
"altSpeed": "替補速率限制",
"dark": "暗色介面",
"light": "亮色介面"
"torrentsCount": "無種子 | {n} 個種子 | {n} 個種子"
"modals": {
"newFeed": {
@ -190,6 +191,7 @@
"rss": {
"title": "RSS 文章",
"filterRead": "僅限未讀文章",
"markAllAsRead": "標記全部項目為已讀",
"columnTitle": {
"feedName": "訂閱源名稱",
"author": "作者",
@ -205,13 +207,15 @@
"settings": {
"tabName": {
"VueTorrent": "VueTorrent",
"vueTorrent": "VueTorrent",
"downloads": "下載",
"connection": "連線",
"speed": "速率",
"bittorrent": "Bittorrent",
"rss": "RSS",
"webUI": "網頁介面",
"tagsAndCategories": "標籤和分類"
"tagsAndCategories": "標籤和分類",
"advanced": "進階"
"vueTorrent": {
"tabName": {
@ -237,6 +241,7 @@
"showShutdownButton": "顯示結束按鈕",
"currentVersion": "當前版本",
"qbittorrentVersion": "QBittorrent 版本",
"registerMagnet": "註冊磁力連結",
"importSettings": "匯入設定",
"exportSettings": "匯出設定",
"resetSettings": "重置設定"
@ -247,31 +252,70 @@
"mobileCard": {
"busyTorrentTip": "行動版上未完成種子所顯示的屬性",
"completedTorrentTip": "行動版上未完成種子所顯示的屬性"
"completedTorrentTip": "行動版上已完成種子所顯示的屬性"
"downloads": {
"subHeaderWhenAddTorrent": "當新增種子時",
"whenAddTorrent": {
"donotAutoStart": "不要自動開始下載",
"subheader": "當新增種子時",
"doNotAutoStart": "不要自動開始下載",
"autoDeleteMode": "事後移除 .torrent 檔案"
"subHeaderPublicSettings": "公共設定",
"publicSettings": {
"preAllocateDisk": "為所有檔案事先分配硬碟空間",
"appendQBExtension": "在未完成檔案加上 .!qB 副檔名"
"subHeaderSaveManagement": "存檔管理",
"saveManagement": {
"autoManagement": "自動管理種子",
"relocate": "當分類變更時重新定位種子",
"subheader": "存檔管理",
"autoTMMEnabled": "預設種子管理模式",
"defaultTMMOptions": {
"manual": "手動",
"automatic": "自動"
"torrentChangedTMM": "當種子分類變更時",
"savePathChangedTMM": "當預設儲存路徑變更時",
"categoryChangedTMM": "當分類儲存路徑變更時",
"paramChangedTMMOptions": {
"relocateTorrent": "重新定位種子",
"switchToManual": "切換種子至手動模式"
"defaultSavePath": "預設儲存路徑",
"keepIncompleteIn": "保留未完成的種子於:",
"autoEnabled_onAdded": "當新增種子時執行外部程式:",
"autoLabel_onAdded": "命令",
"autoEnabled_onFinished": "當種子下載結束時執行外部程式:",
"autoLabel_onFinished": "命令",
"supportParamTitle": "支援的參數 (區分大小寫)",
"exportDir": "複製 .torrent 檔案到",
"exportDirFinished": "複製已完成的 .torrent 檔案到"
"monitoredFolders": {
"subheader": "已監視的資料夾",
"newItem": "新項目",
"editItem": "編輯項目",
"monitoredFolderPath": "已監視的資料夾",
"saveType": "覆寫儲存位置",
"otherPath": "其他路徑",
"actions": "動作",
"confirmDelete": "你確認想要移除此項目?",
"noData": "沒有已監視的資料夾"
"excludedFileNames": {
"label": "排除的檔案名稱",
"hint": "每行一個檔案名稱"
"mailNotification": {
"enabled": "下載完成時使用電子郵件通知",
"from": "從",
"to": "到",
"smtpServer": "SMTP 伺服器",
"sslEnabled": "這個伺服器需要加密連線 (SSL)",
"authEnabled": "驗證",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼"
"runExternalProgram": {
"subheader": "執行外部程式",
"onAddedEnabled": "當新增種子時執行外部程式:",
"onAddedLabel": "命令",
"onFinishedEnabled": "當種子下載結束時執行外部程式:",
"onFinishedLabel": "命令",
"supportParamTitle": "支援的參數 (區分大小寫):",
"supportParamN": "%N: 種子名稱",
"supportParamL": "%L: 分類",
"supportParamG": "%G: 標籤 (以逗號分隔)",
@ -283,45 +327,98 @@
"supportParamT": "%T: 當前的追蹤者",
"supportParamI": "%I: 資訊雜湊值 v1",
"supportParamJ": "%J: 資訊雜湊值 v2",
"supportParamK": "%K: 種子 ID"
"supportParamK": "%K: 種子 ID",
"tip": "提示:把參數以引號包起來以避免被空格切斷 (例如:\"%N\")"
"connection": {
"protocol": "下載者連線協定",
"listeningSubHeader": "監聽埠",
"useUPnP": "使用從路由器轉送的 UPnP / NAT-PMP 連接埠",
"incomingConnectionPort": "連入連線時使用的埠",
"subHeader": "連線限制",
"globalMaxConnection": "全域最大連線數",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "單個種子的最大連線數",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "全域上傳通道最大數",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "單個種子的上傳通道最大數",
"proxySubHeader": "代理伺服器",
"proxyPeerConnections": "使用代理伺服器來連線下載者",
"proxyTorrentOnly": "只對種子使用代理伺服器",
"proxyAuth": "驗證"
"listeningPort": {
"subheader": "監聽埠",
"incomingConnectionPort": "連入連線時使用的埠",
"randomPort": "隨機連接埠",
"useUPnP": "使用從路由器轉送的 UPnP / NAT-PMP 連接埠"
"connectionLimits": {
"subheader": "連線限制",
"globalMaxConnection": "全域最大連線數",
"perTorrentMaxConnection": "單個種子的最大連線數",
"globalMaxUploadSlots": "全域上傳通道最大數",
"perTorrentMaxUploadSlots": "單個種子的上傳通道最大數"
"proxy": {
"subheader": "代理伺服器",
"host": "主機",
"port": "埠",
"peerConnections": "使用代理來連線下載者",
"torrentOnly": "只對種子使用代理",
"hostNameLookup": "為主機名稱查詢使用代理",
"auth": {
"subtitle": "驗證",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼",
"tip": "資訊:密碼以未加密的形式儲存"
"ipFiltering": {
"subheader": "IP 過濾",
"filterPath": "過濾器路徑 (.dat, .p2p, .p2b)",
"applyToTrackers": "套用到追蹤者",
"bannedIps": "手動封鎖的 IP 位置",
"bannedIpsHint": "每行一個"
"speed": {
"subheader": {
"global": "全域速率限制",
"alternative": "替補速率限制",
"settings": "速率限制設定"
"upload": "上傳 (B/s)",
"download": "下載 (B/s)",
"tip": "0 代表無限制",
"scheduler": {
"subheader": "預約使用替補速率限制",
"from": "從",
"to": "到",
"selectButtonLabel": "選擇時間",
"when": "何時"
"settings": {
"applyToUtp": "套用速率限制至 µTP 協定",
"applyToTransportOverhead": "套用速率限制至傳輸負載",
"applyToPeersOnLan": "套用速率限制至 LAN 上的下載者"
"bittorrent": {
"subHeaderPrivacy": "隱私",
"enableDHT": "啟用 DHT (分散式網絡) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enablePeX": "啟用節點交換 (PeX) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enableLPD": "啟用本地下載者搜尋以尋找更多下載者",
"enableAnonymous": "啟用匿名模式",
"torrentQueue": "種子佇列",
"maxActiveDownload": "最大活躍下載數",
"maxActiveUpload": "最大活躍上傳數",
"maxActiveTorrent": "最大活躍種子數",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "不要在這些限制範圍內計算速率慢的種子",
"downloadRateLimit": "下載速率閾值 KiB/s",
"uploadRateLimit": "上傳速率閾值 KiB/s",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "種子不活躍計時器",
"subHeaderSeedLimits": "做種限制",
"whenRatioReaches": "當分享率達到",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "當做種時間達到 (分鐘)",
"maxRatioPauseTorrent": "暫停種子",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrent": "移除種子",
"maxRatioRemoveTorrentAndFiles": "移除種子與其檔案",
"maxRatioTorrentSuperseeding": "為種子啟用超級做種"
"privacy": {
"subheader": "隱私",
"enableDHT": "啟用 DHT (分散式網絡) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enablePeX": "啟用節點交換 (PeX) 以尋找更多下載者",
"enableLPD": "啟用本地下載者搜尋以尋找更多下載者",
"encryptionMode": "加密模式",
"enableAnonymous": "啟用匿名模式",
"moreInfo": "更多資訊"
"maxActiveCheckingTorrents": "最大活躍的正在檢查種子數",
"torrentQueueing": {
"subheader": "種子佇列",
"maxActiveDownload": "最大活躍下載數",
"maxActiveUpload": "最大活躍上傳數",
"maxActiveTorrent": "最大活躍種子數",
"excludeSlowTorrent": "不要在這些限制範圍內計算速率慢的種子",
"downloadRateLimit": "下載速率閾值 (KiB/s)",
"uploadRateLimit": "上傳速率閾值 (KiB/s)",
"torrentInactivityTimer": "種子不活躍計時器"
"seedLimits": {
"subheader": "做種限制",
"whenRatioReaches": "當分享率達到",
"whenSeedingTimeReaches": "當做種時間達到",
"then": "然後"
"autoAddTrackers": "自動新增這些追蹤者至新的下載中",
"autoAddTrackersHint": "每行一個追蹤者"
"rss": {
"tabName": {
@ -329,45 +426,174 @@
"feeds": "訂閱源",
"rules": "規則"
"rules": {
"rules": "規則",
"btnCreateNew": "新增規則"
"general": {
"reader": {
"subheader": "RSS 閱讀器",
"enableProcessing": "啟用抓取 RSS 訂閱",
"feedsRefreshInterval": "訂閱源更新區間",
"feedsRefreshIntervalHint": "分鐘",
"maximumArticlesPerFeed": "每個訂閱源的最大文章數"
"autoDownloader": {
"subheader": "RSS 種子自動下載器",
"enable": "啟用 RSS 種子自動下載器"
"smartEpisodeFilter": {
"subheader": "RSS 智慧型章節過濾器",
"downloadEpisodes": "下載 REPACK/PROPER 章節",
"filters": "過濾器",
"filtersHint": "每個一行"
"feeds": {
"feeds": "訂閱源",
"btnCreateNew": "新增訂閱"
"btnCreateNew": "新增訂閱",
"refreshAll": "重新整理全部"
"general": {
"rssAutoProcessing": "RSS 閱讀器",
"rssAutoDownloader": "RSS 種子自動下載器",
"input": {
"enableRssAutoDownload": "啟用自動 RSS 種子下載",
"enableRssProcessing": "啟用抓取 RSS 訂閱",
"feedsRefreshInterval": "訂閱源更新區間 (分鐘)",
"feedsMaxArticles": "每個訂閱源的最大文章數"
"rules": {
"rules": "規則",
"btnCreateNew": "新增規則"
"webUI": {
"useAlternativeWebUI": "使用替補 WebUI",
"filesLocation": "檔案路徑",
"webUserInterface": "網頁介面 (遠端控制)",
"ipAddress": "IP 位置",
"port": "埠",
"authentication": "驗證",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼",
"maxAttempts": "最大嘗試次數",
"banDuration": "封鎖時長 (秒)",
"sessionTimeout": "會話逾時 (秒)",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsOnLocalhost": "跳過本機客戶端的驗證",
"bypassAuthenticationForClientsInWhitelisted": "跳過白名單內 IP 子網中客戶端的驗證",
"whiteListExample": "範例:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40"
"interface": {
"subheader": "網頁介面 (遠端控制)",
"ipAddress": "IP 位置",
"port": "埠",
"useAlternativeWebUI": "使用替補 WebUI",
"filesLocation": "檔案路徑"
"authentication": {
"subheader": "驗證",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼",
"passwordPlaceholder": "(不變更)",
"bypassLocalhost": "跳過本機客戶端的驗證",
"bypassWhitelist": "跳過白名單內 IP 子網中客戶端的驗證",
"whitelistExamples": "範例:, fdff:ffff:c8::/40",
"maxAttempts": "最大嘗試次數",
"banDuration": "封鎖時長",
"banDurationHint": "秒",
"sessionTimeout": "會話逾時",
"sessionTimeoutHint": "秒"
"https": {
"subheader": "使用 HTTPS",
"certificate": "憑證",
"key": "鍵值",
"tip": "關於憑證的資訊"
"security": {
"subheader": "安全",
"clickjacking": "啟用點選劫持保護",
"csrf": "啟用跨站請求偽造 (CSRF) 保護",
"secureCookie": "啟用 cookie 安全旗標(需要 HTTPS)",
"hostHeaderValidation": "啟用主機標頭驗證",
"hostHeaderValidationHint": "使用分號分隔 ( ; )",
"serverDomains": "伺服器網域"
"customHeaders": "新增自訂 HTTP 標頭",
"customHeadersPlaceholder": "標頭1: 鍵值1\n標頭2: 鍵值2\n...",
"customHeadersHint": "每行一個",
"reverseProxySupport": "啟用反向代理支援",
"proxiesList": "受信任的代理伺服器清單",
"proxiesListHint": "使用分號分隔 IP ( ; )",
"dynDns": {
"subheader": "更新我的動態網域名稱",
"providers": {
"dynDns": "DynDNS",
"noIp": "NO-IP"
"registerBtn": "註冊",
"domainName": "網域名稱",
"username": "使用者名稱",
"password": "密碼"
"tagsAndCategories": {
"btnCreateNew": "新增",
"subHeaderTags": "可用標籤:",
"subHeaderCategories": "可用分類:"
"advanced": {
"openDoc": "開啟文檔",
"qbittorrent": {
"subheader": "qBittorrent 部分",
"allocatedRam": "實體記憶體 (RAM) 使用限制 (libtorrent >= 2.0)",
"allocatedRamHint": "MiB",
"networkInterfaces": {
"label": "網路介面",
"any": "任何介面"
"ipAddress": {
"label": "可選擇綁定的 IP 位置",
"all": "所有地址",
"allIPv4": "所有 IPv4 位置",
"allIPv6": "所有 IPv6 位置"
"saveInterval": "儲存復原資料區間",
"saveIntervalHint": "分鐘",
"recheckOnCompletion": "完成後重新檢查種子",
"refreshInterval": "重新整理區間",
"refreshIntervalHint": "亳秒",
"resolveCountries": "解析下載者國家",
"reannounceOnIpPortChanged": "當 IP 或連接埠變更時通知所有追蹤者",
"enableEmbeddedTracker": "啟用嵌入追蹤者",
"embeddedTrackerPort": "嵌入追蹤者埠",
"embeddedTrackerPortForwarding": "為嵌入追蹤者啟用連接埠轉發"
"libtorrent": {
"subheader": "libtorrent 部分",
"asyncIoThreads": "異步 I/O 執行緒",
"hashingThreads": "雜湊執行緒 (libtorrent >= 2.0)",
"filePoolSize": "檔案叢集大小",
"outstandingMemory": "檢查種子時的未完成記憶體",
"outstandingMemoryHint": "MiB",
"diskCache": "硬碟快取 (libtorrent < 2.0)",
"diskCacheHint": "MiB",
"diskCacheExpiry": "硬碟快取過期區間 (libtorrent < 2.0)",
"diskCacheExpiryHint": "秒",
"diskQueueSize": "硬碟佇列大小",
"diskQueueSizeHint": "KiB",
"diskIoType": "硬碟 IO 類型 (libtorrent >= 2.0; 需要重新啟動)",
"diskIoReadMode": "硬碟 IO 讀取模式",
"diskIoWriteMode": "硬碟 IO 寫入模式",
"coalesceReadsWrites": "合併讀寫 (libtorrent < 2.0)",
"pieceExtentAffinity": "使用分塊範圍關聯",
"sendUploadPieceSuggestions": "傳送上傳分塊建議",
"sendBufferWatermark": "傳送緩衝浮水印",
"sendBufferWatermarkHint": "KiB",
"sendBufferLowWatermark": "傳送緩衝低浮水印",
"sendBufferLowWatermarkHint": "KiB",
"sendBufferWatermarkFactor": "傳送緩衝浮水印因子",
"sendBufferWatermarkFactorHint": "%",
"outgoingConnectionsPerSecond": "每秒對外連線數",
"socketBacklogSize": "Socket 紀錄檔大小",
"outgoingPortsMin": "連出埠(最小)[0:停用]",
"outgoingPortsMax": "連出埠(最大)[0:停用]",
"upnpLeaseDuration": "UPnP 租約期限 [0:永久租約]",
"peerTos": "連接到下載者的 DSCP 值",
"utpTcpMixedModeAlgorithm": "μTP-TCP 混合模式演算法",
"idnSupport": "啟用國際化域名 (IDN)支援",
"allowMultipleConnectionsFromTheSameIPAddress": "允許從同一個 IP 位置而來的多重連線",
"validateHTTPSTrackerCertificate": "驗證 HTTPS 追蹤器憑證",
"mitigateSSRF": "伺服器端請求偽造 (SSRF) 緩解",
"blockPeersOnPrivilegedPorts": "不允許連線到在特權連接埠上的下載者",
"uploadSlotsBehavior": "上傳通道行為",
"uploadChokingAlgorithm": "上傳演算法",
"announceAllTrackers": "總是發佈到同一追蹤者群組內的所有追蹤者",
"announceAllTiers": "總是發佈到所有追蹤者群組",
"announceIP": "向追蹤器回報的 IP 位置(需要重新啟動)",
"maxConcurrentHTTPAnnounces": "最大並行 HTTP 發佈",
"stopTrackerTimeout": "停止追蹤器逾時",
"peerTurnover": "下載者流動斷線百分比",
"peerTurnoverHint": "%",
"peerTurnoverCutoff": "下載者流動閾值百分比",
"peerTurnoverCutoffHint": "%",
"peerTurnoverInterval": "下載者流動斷線區間",
"peerTurnoverIntervalHint": "秒",
"requestQueueSize": "對單個下載者的最多未完成請求"
"shareLimit": {
@ -542,7 +768,7 @@
"toast": {
"loginSuccess": "登入成功!🎉",
"loginFailed": "登入失敗…😕",
"loginFailed": "登入失敗 😕",
"settingsSaved": "設定儲存成功!",
"categorySaved": "分類編輯成功!",
"feedSaved": "訂閱源儲存成功!",
@ -555,7 +781,8 @@
"pasteNotSupported": "無法貼上,非安全環境",
"shutdownSuccess": "已成功結束 qBittorrent!",
"shutdownError": "無法結束應用,請確認 qBittorrent 正在運行!",
"invalidJson": "無效的 JSON!"
"invalidJson": "無效的 JSON! 檢查終端以了解詳情",
"magnetHandlerNotSupported": "無法註冊處理器,非安全環境"
"rightClick": {
"resume": "繼續",
@ -598,6 +825,62 @@
"none": "無",
"metadataReceived": "收到元資料後",
"filesChecked": "檢查檔案後"
"bittorrentProtocols": {
"tcp_utp": "TCP 與 μTP",
"tcp": "TCP",
"utp": "μTP"
"encryption": {
"preferEncryption": "允許加密",
"forceOn": "要求加密",
"forceOff": "停用加密"
"maxRatioAction": {
"pauseTorrent": "暫停種子",
"removeTorrent": "移除種子",
"removeTorrentAndFiles": "移除種子與其檔案",
"torrentSuperseeding": "為種子啟用超級做種"
"scheduler": {
"everyDay": "每天",
"everyWeekday": "平日",
"everyWeekend": "週末",
"everyMonday": "星期一",
"everyTuesday": "星期二",
"everyWednesday": "星期三",
"everyThursday": "星期四",
"everyFriday": "星期五",
"everySaturday": "星期六",
"everySunday": "星期天"
"diskIoType": {
"default": "預設",
"memoryMappedFiles": "記憶體對映檔案",
"posixCompliant": "遵循 POSIX"
"diskIoMode": {
"disableOsCache": "停用作業系統快取",
"enableOsCache": "啟用作業系統快取",
"writeThrough": "連續寫入 (libtorrent >= 2.0.6)"
"utpTcpMixedMode": {
"preferTcp": "偏好 TCP",
"peerProportional": "下載者比例 (TCP 節流)"
"uploadSlotsBehavior": {
"fixedSlots": "固定通道",
"uploadRateBased": "基於上傳速率"
"uploadChokingAlgorithm": {
"roundRobin": "循環",
"fastestUpload": "上傳最快",
"antiLeech": "反蝗族"
"monitoredFolderSaveLocation": {
"monitoredFolder": "已監視的資料夾",
"defaultSavePath": "預設儲存路徑",
"other": "其他"
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