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synced 2025-03-14 12:10:18 +03:00
feat: Add support for "autorun on torrent added" option (#580) @Larsluph
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 66 additions and 34 deletions
@ -33,10 +33,16 @@
<v-text-field v-model="settings.temp_path" class="mb-2" outlined dense hide-details />
<v-checkbox v-model="settings.autorun_enabled" hide-details class="ma-0 pa-0" :label="$t('modals.settings.pageDownloads.saveManagement.autoEnabled')" />
<v-checkbox v-model="settings.autorun_on_torrent_added_enabled" hide-details class="ma-0 pa-0" :label="$t('modals.settings.pageDownloads.saveManagement.autoEnabled_onAdded')" />
<v-list-item v-if="settings.autorun_on_torrent_added_enabled">
<v-text-field v-model="settings.autorun_on_torrent_added_program" class="mb-2" outlined dense :label="$t('modals.settings.pageDownloads.saveManagement.autoLabel_onAdded')" hide-details />
<v-checkbox v-model="settings.autorun_enabled" hide-details class="ma-0 pa-0" :label="$t('modals.settings.pageDownloads.saveManagement.autoEnabled_onFinished')" />
<v-list-item v-if="settings.autorun_enabled">
<v-text-field v-model="settings.autorun_program" class="mb-2" outlined dense :label="$t('modals.settings.pageDownloads.saveManagement.autorunProgram')" hide-details />
<v-text-field v-model="settings.autorun_program" class="mb-2" outlined dense :label="$t('modals.settings.pageDownloads.saveManagement.autoLabel_onFinished')" hide-details />
<v-list-item v-if="settings.autorun_enabled" class="mb-4">
<v-card flat color="grey--text selected">
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
<v-btn v-if="item.editing" fab x-small class="accent white--text elevation-0 px-4 ml-2" @click="renameFolder(item)">
<v-icon>{{ mdiContentSave }}</v-icon>
<v-btn v-if="item.editing" fab x-small class="error white--text elevation-0 px-4 ml-2" @click="togleEditing(item)">
<v-btn v-if="item.editing" fab x-small class="error white--text elevation-0 px-4 ml-2" @click="toggleEditing(item)">
<v-icon>{{ mdiClose }}</v-icon>
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<v-btn v-if="item.editing" fab x-small class="accent white--text elevation-0 px-4 ml-2" @click="renameFile(item)">
<v-icon>{{ mdiContentSave }}</v-icon>
<v-btn v-if="item.editing" fab x-small class="error white--text elevation-0 px-4 ml-2" @click="togleEditing(item)">
<v-btn v-if="item.editing" fab x-small class="error white--text elevation-0 px-4 ml-2" @click="toggleEditing(item)">
<v-icon>{{ mdiClose }}</v-icon>
@ -168,22 +168,22 @@ export default {
await this.getTorrentFiles()
togleEditing(item) {
toggleEditing(item) {
item.editing = !item.editing
edit(item) {
item.newName = item.name
renameFile(item) {
qbit.renameFile(this.hash, item.name, item.newName)
item.name = item.newName
renameFolder(item) {
qbit.renameFolder(this.hash, item.name, item.newName)
item.name = item.newName
setFilePrio(fileId, priority) {
qbit.setTorrentFilePriority(this.hash, [fileId], priority).then(() => this.initFiles())
@ -217,8 +217,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
autoEnabled: 'Autorun enabled:',
autorunProgram: 'Autorun program',
autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Run external program on torrent finished:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Command',
supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
supportParamL: '%L: Category',
@ -215,8 +215,10 @@ const locale = {
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autorunProgram: 'Autorun program',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: 'Déplacer le torrent lorsque la catégorie change',
defaultSavePath: 'Chemin de sauvegarde par défaut',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Garder les torrents incomplets',
autoEnabled: 'Autorun activé:',
autorunProgram: "Programme de l'autorun",
autoEnabled_onAdded: "Execute un programme externe lorsqu'un torrent est ajouté :",
autoLabel_onAdded: 'Commande',
autoEnabled_onFinished: "Execute un programme externe lorsqu'un torrent est terminé :",
autoLabel_onFinished: "Commande",
supportParamTitle: 'Paramètres pris en charge (sensibles à la casse) :',
supportParamN: '%N: Nom du torrent ',
supportParamL: '%L: Catégorie',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: 'Relokasi Torrent saat kategori berubah',
defaultSavePath: 'Path Simpan Default',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Simpan yang torrent belum selesai di:',
autoEnabled: 'Nyalakan Autorun:',
autorunProgram: 'Program Autorun',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Nyalakan Autorun:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Program Autorun',
supportParamTitle: 'Parameter yang didukung (case sensitive):',
supportParamN: '%N: Nama Torrent ',
supportParamL: '%L: Kategori',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autorunProgram: 'Autorun program',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
@ -213,8 +213,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: 'カテゴリが変更されたときにTorrentを移動させる',
defaultSavePath: 'デフォルトの保存パス',
keepIncompleteIn: '未完了のTorrentの保存先:',
autoEnabled: '自動プログラム実行:',
autorunProgram: 'プログラム自動実行',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: '自動プログラム実行:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'プログラム自動実行',
supportParamTitle: 'サポートしているパラメーター (大文字小文字を区別):',
supportParamN: '%N: Torrentの名前',
supportParamL: '%L: カテゴリ',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autorunProgram: 'Autorun program',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autorunProgram: 'Autorun program',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: 'Перемещение торрента при изменении категории',
defaultSavePath: 'Путь сохранения по умолчанию',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Хранить не завершенные торренты в:',
autoEnabled: 'Автозапуск включен:',
autorunProgram: 'Программа автозапуска',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Автозапуск включен:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Программа автозапуска',
supportParamTitle: 'Поддерживаемые параметры (с учетом регистра):',
supportParamN: '%N: Имя торрента',
supportParamL: '%L: Категория',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: 'Переміщення торенту при зміні категорії',
defaultSavePath: 'Шлях збереження за замовчуванням',
keepIncompleteIn: 'Зберігати неповні торренти в:',
autoEnabled: 'Автозапуск увімкнено:',
autorunProgram: 'Програма автозапуску',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Автозапуск увімкнено:',
autoLabel_onFinished: 'Програма автозапуску',
supportParamTitle: 'Підтримувані параметри (з урахуванням регістру):',
supportParamN: '%N: назва торрента',
supportParamL: '%L: Категорія',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
// relocate: 'Relocate torrent when category changes',
// defaultSavePath: 'Default Save Path',
// keepIncompleteIn: 'Keep incomplete torrents in:',
// autoEnabled: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autorunProgram: 'Autorun program',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun enabled:',
// autoEnabled_onFinished: 'Autorun program',
// supportParamTitle: 'Supported parameters (case sensitive):',
// supportParamN: '%N: Torrent name ',
// supportParamL: '%L: Category',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: '当分类变化时更改种子保存的路径',
defaultSavePath: '默认保存路径',
keepIncompleteIn: '将未完成的种子保存在:',
autoEnabled: '启用自动运行:',
autorunProgram: '自动运行的程序',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: '启用自动运行:',
autoLabel_onFinished: '自动运行的程序',
supportParamTitle: '支持的参数(大小写敏感):',
supportParamN: '%N: 种子名称',
supportParamL: '%L: 分类',
@ -214,8 +214,10 @@ const locale = {
relocate: '當分類變更時重新定位種子',
defaultSavePath: '預設儲存路徑',
keepIncompleteIn: '保留未完成的種子於:',
autoEnabled: '啟用自動執行:',
autorunProgram: '自動執行的程式',
// autoEnabled_onAdded: 'Run external program on torrent added:',
// autoLabel_onAdded: 'Command',
autoEnabled_onFinished: '啟用自動執行:',
autoLabel_onFinished: '自動執行的程式',
supportParamTitle: '支援的參數 (區分大小寫)',
supportParamN: '%N: 種子名稱',
supportParamL: '%L: 分類',
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