
1208 lines
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# Changelog
2023-04-28 07:05:24 +02:00
## [1.5.6]( (2023-04-27)
### Bug Fixes
* Remove unneeded classes to prevent unexpected color background in MobileCard ([#782]( ([6745c91](
2023-04-25 16:05:51 +02:00
## [1.5.5]( (2023-04-25)
### Bug Fixes
* Chinese word order problem ([#765]( ([f1bb9b7](
### Improvements
* Add Refresh All button for RSS feeds ([#775]( ([3e1d5fb](
* all-time ratio card ([#777]( ([f970564](
2023-04-12 08:12:59 +02:00
## [1.5.4]( (2023-04-02)
### Improvements
* Add missing torrent properties to TorrentDetail > Info ([#744]( ([ecd8a4e](
* Prevent storing dashboard items label in store ([#748]( ([237de79](
## [1.5.3]( (2023-03-27)
### Bug Fixes
* capitalization [#740]( ([54b4f57](
### Improvements
* complete RSS rule settings ([#731]( @Larsluph ([3690170](
* improve format when using timestamp 0 on SeenComplete ([#737]( ([3d5f6c8](
* Sort folders before files ([#730]( ([521c6e6](
## [1.5.2]( (2023-03-21)
### Bug Fixes
2023-03-27 10:01:33 +02:00
- Missing state filters ([#718]( ([74cfeca](
- state glitching [#724]( ([260c1c6](
- translation of properties ([3e95230](
### Improvements
2023-03-27 10:01:33 +02:00
- Progress component sizing on Desktop ([#720](
## [1.5.1]( (2023-03-19)
### Bug Fixes
2023-03-21 09:09:36 +01:00
- cmd select torrent ([#702]( ([97f7705](
- Ctrl key not being handled on Windows ([#715](
- Trackers view ([#700]( ([ee4cb7e](
### Improvements
2023-03-21 09:09:36 +01:00
- Add missing fields in dashboard / sortOptions ([#713]( @Larsluph
- add refresh icon to RSS feeds ([#709](
- Add seeds sort options ([#711]( ([2c3afa5](
- reset selected torrents when changing filters ([#712](
- Sort files alphabetically in Content tab ([#714](
2023-03-05 12:50:44 +01:00
## [1.5.0]( (2023-03-05)
### Features
- Add settings to Show/Hide fields in mobile torrent card ([#687]( @Larsluph
2023-03-05 12:50:44 +01:00
### Bug Fixes
- Duplicate intervals ([#689]( @Larsluph
- error from context menu when deleting torrent ([2dcf9d2](
- mobile page search layout [#635]( ([d1def31](
- redirect to login when auth expires [#607](
2023-03-05 12:50:44 +01:00
### Improvements
- Add 'Ctrl + F' shortcut to focus search filter ([#692]( @Larsluph
- Add switch to hide Shutdown button ([#685]( @Larsluph
- scroll to top if tab is changed ([#688](
- support command key for mac + unfocus on escape ([acb75a6](
2023-03-05 12:50:44 +01:00
## [1.4.0]( (2023-02-28)
### Features
- Add import / export settings button ([#659]( @Larsluph
- Add tracker host in Dashboard ([#679]( [@flashlab](
### Bug Fixes
- 400 when adding trackers ([#674]( @Larsluph
- Drag-and-Drop not working ([#669]( @Larsluph
- Fix JSON validation not working ([#682](
- Handle Windows path separators ([#675]( @Larsluph
- incorrect enum values for MaxRatioAction ([#673]( @Larsluph
### Improvements
- Rework toast msg for clipboard API ([#677](
- Sort tags alphabetically ([#683]( @Larsluph
2023-02-20 12:45:35 +01:00
### [1.3.2]( (2023-02-19)
### Bug Fixes
- dark theme color [#662]( ([2921cca](
- peers not showing up ([#660]( ([d8ca97d](
- phone check shutdown modal ([ff9f159](
- Replace root_folder param with contentLayout & stopCondition ([#665]( @Larsluph
- Unwanted torrent selection during search ([#664]( @MBR-0001
2023-02-20 12:45:35 +01:00
### Improvements
- Add RSS unread filter ([#657]( @Larsluph
2023-02-20 12:45:35 +01:00
## [2.0.0]( (2023-02-15)
- move to vite + typescript => BREAKS PWA, please re-install! (#352)
### Features
- 1st torrent progress in title [#166](
- Add Batch change location ([#574](
- add completed on [#571](
- add dialog missing options [#418](
- add directory to dashboard and sort [#538](
- Add globalSpeed and globalVolume computed values to torrent properties ([#599]( @Larsluph
- add max_ratio_act handling ([#523]( [@giacomocerquone](
- add pending pieces color to canvas ([#592]( @Larsluph
- Add shutdown button in TopActions ([#633]( @Larsluph
- Add support for "autorun on torrent added" option ([#580]( @Larsluph
- add support for setting global speed limits ([#406](
- Add tag support in Dashboard, TorrentDetail and Add Modal ([#570](
- add uploaded property ([#145](
- Add/Ban peers support ([#598]( @Larsluph
- additional connection settings [#317](
- auto install search plugins when none installed ([abc5457](
- auto refresh peers ([dfd10be](
- auto releasing ci ([#146](
- basic fake torrent generator [#518](
- basic limit share ratio [#308](
- basic multilang support ([#320](
- basic proxy support [#261](
- Basic rss interface ([#447](
- bypass authentication ([#310](
- checkbox + button with color feedback for TorrentDeleteModal ([a83ea14](
- copy name/hash/magnet [#277](
- create nightly build ([1cdbb95](
- custom date format support [#340](
- drawer on right side [#276](
- fullscreen toggle on torrent info modal (desktop) ([1de9e64](
- improved per-torrent speed limits modal ([#172](
- Last Activity support [#217](
- Links in torrent details view are now clickable ([#506](
- move to vite + typescript => BREAKS PWA, please re-install! ([#352](
- New Logo ([b2858a4](
- New select mode color ([8f8d3db](
- open addmodal when dragging a file into the dashboard ([5807db5](
- optional top pagination [#539](
- piece states progress bar ([#426](
- PWA splash & bar color ([dfbed5c](
- remember delete with files preference [#291](
- remove torrent files with checkbox [#199](
- render "active time" in torrent info tab ([#537]( [@invakid404](
- run external program on torrent completion [#258](
- Show connection status at the bottom of Navbar ([#255](
- show created by info [#279](
- sidebar on launch option [#182](
- Speed cards as pills with icon in first column and speed on top of the unit in second column ([#169](
- support for renaming folders ([#500](
- torrent detail infinity sign for unlimited speeds ([#173](
- use confirmation modal when deleting from context menu [#191](
### Bug Fixes
- "405 Method Not Allowed" when renaming torrent ([#551](
- "409 Conflict" on file/folder rename ([#597](
- 0 speed when no speed data returned ([a7b8ed9](
- Add caret color to dark theme ([#564](
- add progress border + percentage [#430](
- add tracker dialog bug [#187](
- allow native context menu in input elements ([#428](
- altspeed value ([aadb3f2](
- always fetch full data (more reliable) ([89cf6ba](
- anonymous mode [#362](
- application version getter ([#222](
- broken build [#453](
- category create validation ([#552](
- category download folder [#435](
- category download folder not showing correctly ([#448](
- change rss-unread color from white to #ccc ([#643]( [@hqwuzhaoyi](
- chart flickering ([#644]( @Hans1208
- connection password type [#456](
- connection status [#482](
- Context menu placement ([ed08c91](
- Cookies not sent with request for Web App manifest.json ([#504](
- copy to clipboard on non secure context (no SSL) [#521](
- dark theme glitch ([2b913d5](
- Dashboard items not using $store.state reference ([#601](
- Default change location not prefilling ([#583]( @Larsluph
- disabling plugins [#443](
- double click opens info [#287](
- Duplicate reference in dashboard settings ([#618]( @Larsluph
- Establish Service WalkerRules ([#227](
- favicon [#441]( ([745376c](
- favicon [#441]( ([b7e7de1](
- font-size difference in right click menu ([#505](
- Forced state not present in MobileCard ([#632]( @Larsluph
- free space toggle [#541](
- general fixes and README update ([#562](
- Global Speed Title (upload & download were switched) ([#218](
- interrupted divider in torrenfinfo [#151](
- Invalid deconstruct on qbit service ([#623](
- invisble close button on modal [#314]( [#297](
- issue where 'torrent details' modal does not work properly on iOS ([a83ea14](
- layout issues + remove vue-perfect-scrollbar + refactor context menu ([a83ea14](
- load default folder [#417](
- load missing filters at startup ([#567](
- login autocomplete render issue [#474](
- login console error on refresh ([254d7c8](
- login prompt being displayed when whitelisted ([#511](
- logout [#286]( ([9121230](
- low visibility text in dark theme ([#390](
- magnet text area max size [#413](
- margin when freespace card is disabled ([6be41e3](
- mention QBittorent [#356](
- mobile search [#156]( - maybe redesign in future
- mobile search [#156]( - maybe redesign in future
- no autocapitalize on login form [#489](
- non-capital words ([#432](
- Persistent add modal ([d517d9f](
- proper unit for up/dl speed in details ([#547](
- proper unit for up/dl speed in graph ([#548](
- push precompiled release in a public folder ([adfc6a0](
- PWA manifest [#405](
- Qbittorrent title on tab ([05bcc9e](
- refresh torrent detail data from store ([#509](
- release build ([7a74275](
- remove black box on iOS PWA [#180](
- remove device darkmode because its unreliable [#285](
- remove gesture feature on tabs (buggy anyway) ([0960962](
- remove search shortcut [#561](
- remove vue-context import ([edcd825](
- replace v-html with conditional rendering in torrent details view ([#513](
- Russian language ([#494](
- save path on category [#481](
- scrollbar ([c460e29](
- search results not loading until stopped ([#391](
- searchmodal pagination layout ([a9a9aff](
- selection list not cleared when closing deletemodal without button press ([80573f4](
- Settings>VueTorrent>Dashboard layout & UX ([d93e540](
- show torrent comment [#292](
- speed limit dialog incorrect text display and zh-hant fix ([#425](
- speedcard value cutoff [#141](
- spelling mistake in README and "qBittorrent" casing ([#368](
- temporarily disable render link feat for security ([#512](
- toggle in right-click menu not updating ([91fcfee](
- Torrent Detail modal with multiple tags shows only one tag selected [#167](
- torrent done color to similar to seeding [#162](
- torrent progress color [#410](
- torrent search ([#478]( @Anteus
- torrent search on enter [#149](
- tweak search treshold [#250](
- type errors Russian ([#495](
- Unable to delete / create tags and categories ([#628](
- Update Paramaters Sent to /torrents/renameFile ([#470](
- Update registerServiceWorker.js (delete all cache on when new version is released)
- viewport ([60ecfc5](
- white scrollbar [#433](
- wrong tempPathEnabled state [#284](
### Improvements
- 'Vue2-perfect-scrollbar' is no longer dependent ([a83ea14](
- Add "Completed On" to dashboard customization settings ([#578](
- add all-time stats [#351](
- Add Enter / Escape keybinds to modals and views ([#608]( @Larsluph
- Add export torrent to trc menu ([#625]( @Larsluph
- add French translations ([#337](
- add Indonesian ([#361](
- add Japanese language support ([#401](
- add mark as read behavior for rss articles ([#640]( @Larsluph
- add Portugese ([#350](
- add reset settings button [#326](
- Add RSS articles view ([#622]( @Larsluph
- add Russian translations ([#493]( [@reysonk](
- Add scroll support in TorrentRightClickMenu ([#589]( @Larsluph
- add sort none option [#128](
- add Spanish Language ([#385](
- Add toast when renameFile and renameFolder returns 409 Conflict ([#588]( @Larsluph
- Add toasts for copy/paste success/error ([#620](
- add ukranian ([e063168](
- add Vietnamese ([#392](
- better authenticated check ([#411](
- better share limit modal ([#316](
- Chinese translations ([#363](
- complete French translation ([#438](
- Content tab for mobile users ([#602]( @Larsluph
- Context (right click) menu refactor! Works way better on mobile ([a83ea14](
- Convert locale data to json ([#616]( @Larsluph
- debounce torrent search field ([#542](
- Disable hide condition on page scroll ([#603]( @Larsluph
- extra add button for mobile [#466](
- Fill data table width to whole page ([#626](
- full Typescript migration + restructure ([#612]( @Larsluph
- improve russian translations ([#593]( @Balya
- Improved Ukrainian translation ([#457](
- lazy load pages for smaller chunk sizes ([abe909e](
- more chinese translations ([65943ae](
- more translations ([4f8c697](
- move notification banner to botton [#389](
- only update changed data + code cleanup ([664e4db](
- paste button for magnet links [#307](
- persist searchfilter + page [#462](
- Remove redundant dialog code, use Modal Mixin ([33cf62f](
- reset pageNumber when changing filters to prevent value overflow ([#591]( @Larsluph
- Rework desktop cards ([#627]( @Larsluph
- softer red color [#155](
- sort dropdown in dashboard [#309](
- support more translations + add Simplified Chinese translations ([#415](
- topmenu tooltip delay [#399](
- translation fixes ([#419](
- Update and realign locales ([#573](
- Update Simplified Chinese translation. ([#454](
- update Traditional Chinese translations ([#422](
- updated japanese translate file ([#491](
- use pages instead of modals [#398]( ([#450](
- use quick-score instead of fuse.js [#306](
### [1.3.1]( (2023-02-08)
### Bug Fixes
- change rss-unread color from white to #ccc ([#643]( [@hqwuzhaoyi](
- chart flickering ([#644]( @Hans1208
## [1.3.0]( (2023-02-07)
### Features
- Add shutdown button in TopActions ([#633]( @Larsluph
### Bug Fixes
- Duplicate reference in dashboard settings ([#618]( @Larsluph
- Forced state not present in MobileCard ([#632]( @Larsluph
- Invalid deconstruct on qbit service ([#623](
- Unable to delete / create tags and categories ([#628](
### Improvements
- Add Enter / Escape keybinds to modals and views ([#608]( @Larsluph
- Add export torrent to trc menu ([#625]( @Larsluph
- add mark as read behavior for rss articles ([#640]( @Larsluph
- Add RSS articles view ([#622]( @Larsluph
- Add toasts for copy/paste success/error ([#620](
- Content tab for mobile users ([#602]( @Larsluph
- Convert locale data to json ([#616]( @Larsluph
- Disable hide condition on page scroll ([#603]( @Larsluph
- Fill data table width to whole page ([#626](
- full Typescript migration + restructure ([#612]( @Larsluph
- Rework desktop cards ([#627]( @Larsluph
## [1.2.0]( (2023-01-11)
### Features
- Add globalSpeed and globalVolume computed values to torrent properties ([#599]( @Larsluph
- add pending pieces color to canvas ([#592]( @Larsluph
- Add support for "autorun on torrent added" option ([#580]( @Larsluph
- Add/Ban peers support ([#598]( @Larsluph
### Bug Fixes
- "409 Conflict" on file/folder rename ([#597](
- Dashboard items not using $store.state reference ([#601](
- Default change location not prefilling ([#583]( @Larsluph
### Improvements
- Add "Completed On" to dashboard customization settings ([#578](
- Add scroll support in TorrentRightClickMenu ([#589]( @Larsluph
- Add toast when renameFile and renameFolder returns 409 Conflict ([#588]( @Larsluph
- improve russian translations ([#593]( @Balya
- reset pageNumber when changing filters to prevent value overflow ([#591]( @Larsluph
## [1.1.0]( (2022-12-30)
### Features
2023-01-09 09:12:16 +01:00
- Add Batch change location ([#574](
- add completed on [#571]( ([e242bad](
- Add tag support in Dashboard, TorrentDetail and Add Modal ([#570](
### Bug Fixes
2023-01-09 09:12:16 +01:00
- Add caret color to dark theme ([#564](
- general fixes and README update ([#562](
- load missing filters at startup ([#567](
- remove search shortcut [#561]( ([0c6562e](
- toggle in right-click menu not updating ([91fcfee](
### Improvements
2023-01-09 09:12:16 +01:00
- add reset settings button [#326]( ([0ada50b](
- Update and realign locales ([#573](
### [1.0.1]( (2022-11-25)
### Bug Fixes
2022-12-30 11:39:25 +01:00
- "405 Method Not Allowed" when renaming torrent ([#551](
- category create validation ([#552](
- free space toggle [#541]( ([f8c3b7d](
- proper unit for up/dl speed in details ([#547](
- proper unit for up/dl speed in graph ([#548](
### Improvements
2022-12-30 11:39:25 +01:00
- debounce torrent search field ([#542](
- paste button for magnet links [#307](
## [1.0.0]( (2022-11-16)
- move to vite + typescript => BREAKS PWA, please re-install! (#352)
### Features
- add directory to dashboard and sort [#538](
- add max_ratio_act handling ([#523]( [@giacomocerquone](
- additional connection settings [#317](
- basic fake torrent generator [#518](
- create nightly build ([1cdbb95](
- custom date format support [#340]( ([e08a445](
- Last Activity support [#217]( ([1d9279a](
- move to vite + typescript => BREAKS PWA, please re-install! ([#352](
- optional top pagination [#539]( ([8a59d10](
- render "active time" in torrent info tab ([#537]( [@invakid404](
- sidebar on launch option [#182]( ([fca51c5](
### Bug Fixes
- copy to clipboard on non secure context (no SSL) [#521](
- dark theme glitch ([2b913d5](
- disabling plugins [#443]( ([3b98949](
- login autocomplete render issue [#474](
- replace v-html with conditional rendering in torrent details view ([#513](
- save path on category [#481]( ([954560e](
- viewport ([60ecfc5](
### Improvements
- add sort none option [#128]( ([bf406e5](
- extra add button for mobile [#466](
- persist searchfilter + page [#462](
- sort dropdown in dashboard [#309]( ([b557db4](
- use quick-score instead of fuse.js [#306](
### [0.19.1]( (2022-10-11)
### Bug Fixes
- login console error on refresh ([254d7c8](
- login prompt being displayed when whitelisted ([#511](
- refresh torrent detail data from store ([#509](
- temporarily disable render link feat for security ([#512](
## [0.19.0]( (2022-10-10)
### Features
- Links in torrent details view are now clickable ([#506](
- support for renaming folders ([#500](
### Bug Fixes
- Cookies not sent with request for Web App manifest.json ([#504](
- font-size difference in right click menu ([#505](
### [0.18.2]( (2022-09-13)
### Bug Fixes
- anonymous mode [#362]( ([27a0717](
- connection password type [#456]( ([a8616cc](
- connection status [#482]( ([e047467](
- no autocapitalize on login form [#489](
- Russian language ([#494]( ([72548fa](
- torrent search ([#478]( @Anteus ([baba4ac](
- Update Paramaters Sent to /torrents/renameFile ([#470](
### Improvements
- add Russian translations ([#493]( [@reysonk](
- Improved Ukrainian translation ([#457](
- updated japanese translate file ([#491](
### [0.18.1]( (2022-07-05)
### Bug Fixes
- broken build [#453]( ([8f1a12d](
- release build ([7a74275](
### Improvements
- lazy load pages for smaller chunk sizes ([abe909e](
- Update Simplified Chinese translation. ([#454](
2022-07-04 11:14:49 +00:00
## [0.18.0]( (2022-07-04)
### Features
- basic proxy support [#261]( ([71a09fc](
- Basic rss interface ([#447]( ([732e519](
2022-07-04 11:14:49 +00:00
### Bug Fixes
- category download folder not showing correctly ([#448](
- favicon [#441]( ([745376c](
- favicon [#441]( ([b7e7de1](
2022-07-04 11:14:49 +00:00
### Improvements
- add ukranian ([e063168](
- use pages instead of modals [#398]( ([#450](
2022-07-04 11:14:49 +00:00
### [0.17.1]( (2022-06-11)
### Bug Fixes
- add progress border + percentage [#430](
- category download folder [#435]( ([5a0ec26](
- non-capital words ([#432]( ([ce1e7c3](
- white scrollbar [#433]( ([db86506](
### Improvements
- complete French translation ([#438](
## [0.17.0]( (2022-06-05)
### Features
- add dialog missing options [#418]( ([68223f5](
- piece states progress bar ([#426](
### Bug Fixes
- allow native context menu in input elements ([#428](
- load default folder [#417]( ([c63d0a4](
2022-05-19 15:51:48 +02:00
### [0.16.3]( (2022-05-14)
### Bug Fixes
- speed limit dialog incorrect text display and zh-hant fix ([#425](
2022-05-19 15:51:48 +02:00
### Improvements
- update Traditional Chinese translations ([#422](
2022-05-19 15:51:48 +02:00
### [0.16.2]( (2022-05-08)
### Bug Fixes
- magnet text area max size [#413]( ([4dd81f7](
### Improvements
- support more translations + add Simplified Chinese translations ([#415](
- translation fixes ([#419]( ([521ac58](
### [0.16.1]( (2022-04-17)
### Bug Fixes
- torrent progress color [#410](
### Improvements
- add all-time stats [#351]( ([a268e77](
- better authenticated check ([#411](
- move notification banner to botton [#389](
- topmenu tooltip delay [#399](
## [0.16.0]( (2022-04-16)
### Features
- add support for setting global speed limits ([#406](
### [0.15.4]( (2022-04-04)
### Bug Fixes
- low visibility text in dark theme ([#390](
- PWA manifest [#405]( ([94727a1](
- search results not loading until stopped ([#391](
### Improvements
- add Japanese language support ([#401](
- add Spanish Language ([#385](
- add Vietnamese ([#392]( ([6019759](
### [0.15.3]( (2022-02-28)
### Bug Fixes
- spelling mistake in README and "qBittorrent" casing ([#368](
### [0.15.2]( (2022-01-13)
### Bug Fixes
- Qbittorrent title on tab ([05bcc9e](
### Improvements
- Chinese translations ([#363](
### [0.15.1]( (2022-01-13)
### Bug Fixes
- mention QBittorent [#356]( ([bbc31fb](
### Improvements
- add French translations ([#337](
- add Indonesian ([#361]( ([908af5b](
- add Portugese ([#350]( ([abb4c5b](
- more translations ([4f8c697](
## [0.15.0]( (2021-11-27)
### Features
- 1st torrent progress in title [#166](
- add uploaded property ([#145](
- auto install search plugins when none installed ([abc5457](
- auto refresh peers ([dfd10be](
- auto releasing ci ([#146](
- basic limit share ratio [#308](
- basic multilang support ([#320](
- bypass authentication ([#310](
- checkbox + button with color feedback for TorrentDeleteModal ([a83ea14](
- copy name/hash/magnet [#277](
- drawer on right side [#276](
- fullscreen toggle on torrent info modal (desktop) ([1de9e64](
- improved per-torrent speed limits modal ([#172](
- New Logo ([b2858a4](
- New select mode color ([8f8d3db](
- open addmodal when dragging a file into the dashboard ([5807db5](
- PWA splash & bar color ([dfbed5c](
- remember delete with files preference [#291](
- remove torrent files with checkbox [#199](
- run external program on torrent completion [#258](
- Show connection status at the bottom of Navbar ([#255](
- show created by info [#279](
- Speed cards as pills with icon in first column and speed on top of the unit in second column ([#169](
- torrent detail infinity sign for unlimited speeds ([#173](
- use confirmation modal when deleting from context menu [#191](
### Bug Fixes
- 0 speed when no speed data returned ([a7b8ed9](
- add tracker dialog bug [#187](
- altspeed value ([aadb3f2](
- always fetch full data (more reliable) ([89cf6ba](
- application version getter ([#222](
- Context menu placement ([ed08c91](
- double click opens info [#287](
- Establish Service WalkerRules ([#227](
- Global Speed Title (upload & download were switched) ([#218](
- interrupted divider in torrenfinfo [#151](
- invisble close button on modal [#314]( [#297](
- issue where 'torrent details' modal does not work properly on iOS ([a83ea14](
- layout issues + remove vue-perfect-scrollbar + refactor context menu ([a83ea14](
- logout [#286]( ([9121230](
- margin when freespace card is disabled ([6be41e3](
- mobile search [#156]( - maybe redesign in future
- mobile search [#156]( - maybe redesign in future
- Persistent add modal ([d517d9f](
- push precompiled release in a public folder ([adfc6a0](
- remove black box on iOS PWA [#180](
- remove device darkmode because its unreliable [#285](
- remove gesture feature on tabs (buggy anyway) ([0960962](
- remove vue-context import ([edcd825](
- scrollbar ([c460e29](
- searchmodal pagination layout ([a9a9aff](
- selection list not cleared when closing deletemodal without button press ([80573f4](
- Settings>VueTorrent>Dashboard layout & UX ([d93e540](
- show torrent comment [#292](
- speedcard value cutoff [#141](
- Torrent Detail modal with multiple tags shows only one tag selected [#167](
- torrent done color to similar to seeding [#162](
- torrent search on enter [#149](
- tweak search treshold [#250](
- Update registerServiceWorker.js (delete all cache on when new version is released)
- wrong tempPathEnabled state [#284](
### Improvements
- 'Vue2-perfect-scrollbar' is no longer dependent ([a83ea14](
- better share limit modal ([#316](
- Context (right click) menu refactor! Works way better on mobile ([a83ea14](
- more chinese translations ([65943ae](
- only update changed data + code cleanup ([664e4db](
- Remove redundant dialog code, use Modal Mixin ([33cf62f](
- softer red color [#155]( ([cbf845a](
## [0.13.0]( (2021-11-01)
### Features
- basic limit share ratio [#308](
- bypass authentication ([#310](
## [0.12.0]( (2021-08-29)
### Features
- remember delete with files preference [#291](
### Bug Fixes
- double click opens info [#287](
- logout [#286]( ([9121230](
- remove device darkmode because its unreliable [#285](
- show torrent comment [#292](
- wrong tempPathEnabled state [#284](
## [0.11.0]( (2021-08-14)
### Features
- copy name/hash/magnet [#277](
- drawer on right side [#276](
- Show connection status at the bottom of Navbar ([#255](
- show created by info [#279](
### Bug Fixes
- Persistent add modal ([d517d9f](
## [0.10.0]( (2021-05-02)
### Features
- New select mode color ([8f8d3db](
- open addmodal when dragging a file into the dashboard ([5807db5](
### Bug Fixes
- application version getter ([#222](
- Context menu placement ([ed08c91](
- Establish Service WalkerRules ([#227](
- Global Speed Title (upload & download were switched) ([#218](
- remove vue-context import ([edcd825](
- scrollbar ([c460e29](
- tweak search treshold [#250](
### Performance Improvements
- Remove redundant dialog code, use Modal Mixin ([33cf62f](
## [0.9.0]( (2021-04-15)
### Features
- checkbox + button with color feedback for TorrentDeleteModal ([a83ea14](
- New Logo ([b2858a4](
- remove torrent files with checkbox [#199](
### Bug Fixes
- altspeed value ([aadb3f2](
- issue where 'torrent details' modal does not work properly on iOS ([a83ea14](
- layout issues + remove vue-perfect-scrollbar + refactor context menu ([a83ea14](
- selection list not cleared when closing deletemodal without button press ([80573f4](
### Performance Improvements
- 'Vue2-perfect-scrollbar' is no longer dependent ([a83ea14](
- Context (right click) menu refactor! Works way better on mobile ([a83ea14](
## [0.8.0]( (2021-04-06)
### Features
- auto install search plugins when none installed ([abc5457](
- auto refresh peers ([dfd10be](
- fullscreen toggle on torrent info modal (desktop) ([1de9e64](
- PWA splash & bar color ([dfbed5c](
- use confirmation modal when deleting from context menu [#191](
### Bug Fixes
- 0 speed when no speed data returned ([a7b8ed9](
- add tracker dialog bug [#187](
- always fetch full data (more reliable) ([89cf6ba](
- remove gesture feature on tabs (buggy anyway) ([0960962](
- Settings>VueTorrent>Dashboard layout & UX ([d93e540](
- Update registerServiceWorker.js (delete all cache on when new version is released)
### Performance Improvements
- only update changed data + code cleanup ([664e4db](
## [0.7.0]( (2021-03-25)
### Features
- 1st torrent progress in title [#166](
- global pause/resume [#158](
- improved per-torrent speed limits modal ([#172](
- select all toggle [#161]( ([d3a5ac8](
- Speed cards as pills with icon in first column and speed on top of the unit in second column ([#169](
- torrent detail infinity sign for unlimited speeds ([#173](
### Bug Fixes
- push precompiled release in a public folder ([adfc6a0](
- remove black box on iOS PWA [#180](
- searchmodal pagination layout ([a9a9aff](
- Torrent Detail modal with multiple tags shows only one tag selected [#167](
- torrent done color to similar to seeding [#162](
## [0.6.0]( (2021-02-17)
### Features
- add uploaded property ([#145](
- auto releasing ci ([#146](
### Bug Fixes
- interrupted divider in torrenfinfo [#151](
- margin when freespace card is disabled ([6be41e3](
- mobile search [#156]( - maybe redesign in future
- mobile search [#156]( - maybe redesign in future
- speedcard value cutoff [#141](
- torrent search on enter [#149](
### Performance Improvements
- softer red color [#155]( ([cbf845a](