# Element Android design ## Introduction Design at element.io is done using Figma - https://www.figma.com ## How to import from Figma to the Element Android project Integration should be done using the Android development best practice, and should follow the existing convention in the code. ### Colors Element Android already contains all the colors which can be used by the designer, in the module `ui-style`. Some of them depend on the theme, so ensure to use theme attributes and not colors directly. ### Text - click on a text on Figma - on the right panel, information about the style and colors are displayed - in Element Android, text style are already defined, generally you should not create new style - apply the style and the color to the layout ### Dimension, position and margin - click on an item on Figma - dimensions of the item will be displayed. - move the mouse to other items to get relative positioning, margin, etc. ### Icons #### Export drawable from Figma - click on the element to export - ensure that the correct layer is selected. Sometimes the parent layer has to be selected on the left panel - on the right panel, click on "export" - select SVG - you cqn check the preview of what will be exported - click on "export" and save the file locally - unzip the file if necessary It's also possible for any icon to go to the main component by right-clicking on the icon. #### Import in Android Studio - right click on the drawable folder where the drawable will be created - click on "New"/"Vector Asset" - select the exported file - update the filename if necessary - click on "Next" and click on "Finish" - open the created vector drawable - optionally update the color(s) to "#FF0000" (red) to ensure that the drawable is correctly tinted at runtime. ## Figma links Figma links can be included in the layout, for future reference, but it is also OK to add a paragraph below here, to centralize the information Main entry point: https://www.figma.com/files/project/5612863/Element?fuid=779371459522484071 Note: all the Figma links are not publicly available. ### Coumpound Coumpound contains the theme of the application, with all the components, in Light and Dark theme: palette (colors), typography, iconography, etc. https://www.figma.com/file/X4XTH9iS2KGJ2wFKDqkyed/Compound ### Login TBD #### Login v2 https://www.figma.com/file/xdV4PuI3DlzA1EiBvbrggz/Login-Flow-v2 ### Room list TBD ### Timeline https://www.figma.com/file/x1HYYLYMmbYnhfoz2c2nGD/%5BRiotX%5D-Misc?node-id=0%3A1 ### Voice message https://www.figma.com/file/uaWc62Ux2DkZC4OGtAGcNc/Voice-Messages?node-id=473%3A12 ### Room settings TBD ### VoIP https://www.figma.com/file/V6m2z0oAtUV1l8MdyIrAep/VoIP?node-id=4254%3A25767 ### Presence https://www.figma.com/file/qmvEskET5JWva8jZJ4jX8o/Presence---User-Status?node-id=114%3A9174 (Option B is chosen) ### Spaces https://www.figma.com/file/m7L63aGPW7iHnIYStfdxCe/Spaces?node-id=192%3A30161 ### List to be continued...