Fixes remote echo of end poll not processing correctly

This commit is contained in:
ericdecanini 2022-03-17 13:47:57 +01:00
parent d11fc060ee
commit fbb6f117d0

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@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ internal class EventRelationsAggregationProcessor @Inject constructor(
val closedTime = existingPollSummary?.closedTime
if (closedTime != null) {
if (closedTime != null && eventTimestamp > closedTime) {
Timber.v("## POLL is closed ignore event poll:$targetEventId, event :${event.eventId}")
@ -482,46 +482,39 @@ internal class EventRelationsAggregationProcessor @Inject constructor(
roomId: String,
isLocalEcho: Boolean) {
val pollEventId = content.relatesTo?.eventId ?: return
val pollOwnerId = getPollEvent(roomId, pollEventId)?.root?.senderId
val isPollOwner = pollOwnerId == event.senderId
val powerLevelsHelper = stateEventDataSource.getStateEvent(roomId, EventType.STATE_ROOM_POWER_LEVELS, QueryStringValue.NoCondition)
?.let { PowerLevelsHelper(it) }
if (!isPollOwner && !powerLevelsHelper?.isUserAbleToRedact(event.senderId ?: "").orFalse()) {
Timber.v("## Received poll.end event $pollEventId but user ${event.senderId} doesn't have enough power level in room $roomId")
var existing = EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.where(realm, roomId, pollEventId).findFirst()
if (existing == null) {
var existingPoll = EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.where(realm, roomId, pollEventId).findFirst()
if (existingPoll == null) {
Timber.v("## POLL creating new relation summary for $pollEventId")
existing = EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.create(realm, roomId, pollEventId)
existingPoll = EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.create(realm, roomId, pollEventId)
// we have it
val existingPollSummary = existing.pollResponseSummary
val existingPollSummary = existingPoll.pollResponseSummary
?: realm.createObject( {
existing.pollResponseSummary = it
existingPoll.pollResponseSummary = it
if (existingPollSummary.closedTime != null) {
Timber.v("## Received poll.end event for already ended poll $pollEventId")
val txId = event.unsignedData?.transactionId
existingPollSummary.closedTime = event.originServerTs
// is it a remote echo?
if (!isLocalEcho && existingPollSummary.sourceLocalEchoEvents.contains(txId)) {
// ok it has already been managed
Timber.v("## POLL Receiving remote echo of response eventId:$pollEventId")
existingPollSummary.closedTime = event.originServerTs
private fun getPollEvent(roomId: String, eventId: String): TimelineEvent? {