Unit test for live location sending

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Maxime NATUREL 2022-06-13 17:11:47 +02:00
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@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import org.matrix.android.sdk.test.fakes.givenIsNotEmpty
import org.matrix.android.sdk.test.fakes.givenIsNotNull
private const val A_ROOM_ID = "room_id"
private const val AN_EVENT_ID = "event_id"
private const val A_LATITUDE = 1.4
private const val A_LONGITUDE = 40.0
private const val AN_UNCERTAINTY = 5.0
@ -91,7 +92,26 @@ internal class DefaultLocationSharingServiceTest {
fun `live location can be sent`() {
fun `live location can be sent`() = runTest {
val cancelable = mockk<Cancelable>()
coEvery { sendLiveLocationTask.execute(any()) } returns cancelable
val result = defaultLocationSharingService.sendLiveLocation(
beaconInfoEventId = AN_EVENT_ID,
latitude = A_LATITUDE,
longitude = A_LONGITUDE,
uncertainty = AN_UNCERTAINTY
result shouldBeEqualTo cancelable
val expectedParams = SendLiveLocationTask.Params(
roomId = A_ROOM_ID,
beaconInfoEventId = AN_EVENT_ID,
latitude = A_LATITUDE,
longitude = A_LONGITUDE,
uncertainty = AN_UNCERTAINTY
coVerify { sendLiveLocationTask.execute(expectedParams) }