mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 20:29:10 +03:00
Remove data handler instance
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 4 additions and 509 deletions
@ -3,9 +3,6 @@ package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session
import com.zhuinden.monarchy.Monarchy
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.RoomService
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.auth.data.SessionParams
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.MXDataHandler
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.MXSession
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.data.store.MXFileStore
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.room.DefaultRoomService
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.room.RoomDisplayNameResolver
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.room.RoomMemberDisplayNameResolver
@ -51,14 +48,6 @@ class SessionModule(private val sessionParams: SessionParams) : Module {
DefaultRoomService(get()) as RoomService
scope(DefaultSession.SCOPE) {
val store = MXFileStore(sessionParams.credentials, false, get())
val dataHandler = MXDataHandler(store, sessionParams.credentials)
MXSession.Builder(sessionParams, dataHandler, get()).build()
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class RoomMemberDisplayNameResolver {
var displayName = currentMember?.displayName
// Get the user display name from the member list of the room
// Do not consider null display name
if (currentMember != null && !currentMember.displayName.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val hasNameCollision = members
.filterValues { it != currentMember && it.displayName == currentMember.displayName }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.sync
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.sync.job.SyncThread
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.DefaultSession
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.sync.job.SyncThread
import org.koin.dsl.context.ModuleDefinition
import org.koin.dsl.module.Module
import org.koin.dsl.module.module
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class SyncModule : Module {
scope(DefaultSession.SCOPE) {
SyncResponseHandler(get(), get())
scope(DefaultSession.SCOPE) {
@ -1,26 +1,9 @@
package im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.sync
import android.text.TextUtils
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.events.model.Event
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.session.sync.model.SyncResponse
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.MXDataHandler
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.data.Room
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.data.store.IMXStore
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.data.store.MXMemoryStore
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.rest.client.AccountDataRestClient
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.rest.model.bingrules.PushRulesResponse
import im.vector.matrix.android.internal.legacy.util.JsonUtils
import timber.log.Timber
class SyncResponseHandler(
private val roomSyncHandler: RoomSyncHandler,
private val dataHandler: MXDataHandler
) {
private val store = dataHandler.store
private val leftRoomsStore = MXMemoryStore()
private var isStartingCryptoWithInitialSync = false
private var areLeftRoomsSynced = false
class SyncResponseHandler(private val roomSyncHandler: RoomSyncHandler) {
fun handleResponse(syncResponse: SyncResponse?, fromToken: String?, isCatchingUp: Boolean) {
if (syncResponse == null) {
@ -35,483 +18,6 @@ class SyncResponseHandler(
val isInitialSync = null == fromToken
var isEmptyResponse = true
// Handle the to device events before the room ones
// to ensure to decrypt them properly
if (syncResponse.toDevice?.events != null) {
for (toDeviceEvent in syncResponse.toDevice.events) {
// Handle account data before the room events
// to be able to update direct chats dictionary during invites handling.
if (syncResponse.accountData != null) {
manageAccountData(syncResponse.accountData, isInitialSync)
if (syncResponse.rooms != null) {
// invited room management
if (syncResponse.rooms.invite.isNotEmpty()) {
val roomIds = syncResponse.rooms.invite.keys
var updatedDirectChatRoomsDict: MutableMap<String, List<String>>? = null
var hasChanged = false
for (roomId in roomIds) {
if (null != leftRoomsStore.getRoom(roomId)) {
val room = getRoom(roomId)
val invitedRoomSync = syncResponse.rooms.invite[roomId]
// TODO handle invited room
// Handle here the invites to a direct chat.
if (room.isDirectChatInvitation) {
// Retrieve the inviter user id.
var participantUserId: String? = null
for (event in invitedRoomSync?.inviteState?.events ?: emptyList()) {
if (event.sender != null) {
participantUserId = event.sender
if (participantUserId != null) {
// Prepare the updated dictionary.
if (updatedDirectChatRoomsDict == null) updatedDirectChatRoomsDict = if (null != store.directChatRoomsDict) {
// Consider the current dictionary.
} else {
val roomIdsList: MutableList<String> = if (updatedDirectChatRoomsDict.containsKey(participantUserId)) {
} else {
// Check whether the room was not yet seen as direct chat
if (roomIdsList.indexOf(roomId) < 0) {
roomIdsList.add(roomId) // update room list with the new room
updatedDirectChatRoomsDict[participantUserId] = roomIdsList
hasChanged = true
isEmptyResponse = false
if (hasChanged) {
// Update account data to add new direct chat room(s)
/* mAccountDataRestClient.setAccountData(mCredentials.userId, AccountDataRestClient.ACCOUNT_DATA_TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGES,
updatedDirectChatRoomsDict, object : ApiCallback<Void> {
override fun onSuccess(info: Void) {
override fun onNetworkError(e: Exception) {
// TODO: we should try again.
override fun onMatrixError(e: MatrixError) {
override fun onUnexpectedError(e: Exception) {
// left room management
// it should be done at the end but it seems there is a server issue
// when inviting after leaving a room, the room is defined in the both leave & invite rooms list.
if (syncResponse.rooms.leave.isNotEmpty()) {
val roomIds = syncResponse.rooms.leave.keys
for (roomId in roomIds) {
// RoomSync leftRoomSync = syncResponse.rooms.leave.get(roomId);
// Presently we remove the existing room from the rooms list.
// FIXME SYNC V2 Archive/Display the left rooms!
// For that create 'handleArchivedRoomSync' method
var membership = RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_LEAVE
val room = getRoom(roomId)
// Retrieve existing room
// The room will then be able to notify its listeners.
// TODO handle
// room.handleJoinedRoomSync(syncResponse.rooms.leave[roomId], isInitialSync)
val member = room.getMember(dataHandler.userId)
if (null != member) {
membership = member.membership
if (!TextUtils.equals(membership, RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_KICK) && !TextUtils.equals(membership, RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_BAN)) {
// ensure that the room data are properly deleted
} else {
// don't add to the left rooms if the user has been kicked / banned
if (areLeftRoomsSynced && TextUtils.equals(membership, RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_LEAVE)) {
val leftRoom = getRoom(leftRoomsStore, roomId, true)
//Todo handle
//leftRoom.handleJoinedRoomSync(syncResponse.rooms.leave[roomId], isInitialSync)
isEmptyResponse = false
// groups
if (null != syncResponse.groups)
// Handle invited groups
if (null != syncResponse.groups.invite && !syncResponse.groups.invite.isEmpty()) {
// Handle invited groups
for (groupId in syncResponse.groups.invite.keys) {
val invitedGroupSync = syncResponse.groups.invite[groupId]
dataHandler.groupsManager.onNewGroupInvitation(groupId, invitedGroupSync?.profile, invitedGroupSync?.inviter, !isInitialSync)
// Handle joined groups
if (null != syncResponse.groups.join && !syncResponse.groups.join.isEmpty()) {
for (groupId in syncResponse.groups.join.keys) {
dataHandler.groupsManager.onJoinGroup(groupId, !isInitialSync)
// Handle left groups
if (null != syncResponse.groups.leave && !syncResponse.groups.leave.isEmpty()) {
// Handle joined groups
for (groupId in syncResponse.groups.leave.keys) {
dataHandler.groupsManager.onLeaveGroup(groupId, !isInitialSync)
// Handle presence of other users
if (syncResponse.presence?.events != null)
for (presenceEvent in syncResponse.presence.events) {
dataHandler.crypto?.onSyncCompleted(syncResponse, fromToken, isCatchingUp)
if (!isEmptyResponse)
store.eventStreamToken = syncResponse.nextBatch
if (isInitialSync)
if (!isCatchingUp) {
} else {
// the events thread sends a dummy initial sync event
// when the application is restarted.
isStartingCryptoWithInitialSync = !isEmptyResponse
} else
if (!isCatchingUp) {
dataHandler.onLiveEventsChunkProcessed(fromToken, syncResponse.nextBatch)
private fun manageAccountData(accountData: Map<String, Any>, isInitialSync: Boolean) {
if (accountData.containsKey("events")) {
val events = accountData["events"] as List<Map<String, Any>>
if (!events.isEmpty()) {
// ignored users list
manageIgnoredUsers(events, isInitialSync)
// push rules
// direct messages rooms
manageDirectChatRooms(events, isInitialSync)
// URL preview
// User widgets
* Refresh the push rules from the account data events list
* @param events the account data events.
private fun managePushRulesUpdate(events: List<Map<String, Any>>) {
for (event in events) {
val type = event["type"] as String
if (TextUtils.equals(type, "m.push_rules")) {
if (event.containsKey("content")) {
val gson = JsonUtils.getGson(false)
// convert the data to PushRulesResponse
// because BingRulesManager supports only PushRulesResponse
val element = gson.toJsonTree(event["content"])
dataHandler.bingRulesManager?.buildRules(gson.fromJson(element, PushRulesResponse::class.java))
// warn the client that the push rules have been updated
* Check if the ignored users list is updated
* @param events the account data events list
private fun manageIgnoredUsers(events: List<Map<String, Any>>, isInitialSync: Boolean) {
val newIgnoredUsers = dataHandler.ignoredUsers(events)
if (null != newIgnoredUsers) {
val curIgnoredUsers = dataHandler.ignoredUserIds
// the both lists are not empty
if (0 != newIgnoredUsers.size || 0 != curIgnoredUsers.size) {
// check if the ignored users list has been updated
if (newIgnoredUsers.size != curIgnoredUsers.size || !newIgnoredUsers.containsAll(curIgnoredUsers)) {
// update the store
if (!isInitialSync) {
// warn there is an update
* Extract the direct chat rooms list from the dedicated events.
* @param events the account data events list.
private fun manageDirectChatRooms(events: List<Map<String, Any>>, isInitialSync: Boolean) {
if (events.isNotEmpty()) {
for (event in events) {
val type = event["type"] as String
if (TextUtils.equals(type, AccountDataRestClient.ACCOUNT_DATA_TYPE_DIRECT_MESSAGES)) {
if (event.containsKey("content")) {
val contentDict = event["content"] as Map<String, List<String>>
store.directChatRoomsDict = contentDict
// reset the current list of the direct chat roomIDs
// to update it
if (!isInitialSync) {
// warn there is an update
* Manage the URL preview flag
* @param events the events list
private fun manageUrlPreview(events: List<Map<String, Any>>) {
if (0 != events.size) {
for (event in events) {
val type = event["type"] as String
if (TextUtils.equals(type, AccountDataRestClient.ACCOUNT_DATA_TYPE_PREVIEW_URLS)) {
if (event.containsKey("content")) {
val contentDict = event["content"] as Map<String, Any>
var enable = true
if (contentDict.containsKey(AccountDataRestClient.ACCOUNT_DATA_KEY_URL_PREVIEW_DISABLE)) {
enable = !(contentDict[AccountDataRestClient.ACCOUNT_DATA_KEY_URL_PREVIEW_DISABLE] as Boolean)
* Manage the user widgets
* @param events the events list
private fun manageUserWidgets(events: List<Map<String, Any>>) {
if (0 != events.size) {
for (event in events) {
val type = event["type"] as String
if (TextUtils.equals(type, AccountDataRestClient.ACCOUNT_DATA_TYPE_WIDGETS)) {
if (event.containsKey("content")) {
val contentDict = event["content"] as Map<String, Any>
* Handle a presence event.
* @param presenceEvent the presence event.
private fun handlePresenceEvent(presenceEvent: Event) {
/* // Presence event
if (EventType.PRESENCE == presenceEvent.type) {
val userPresence = JsonUtils.toUser(presenceEvent.getContent())
// use the sender by default
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(presenceEvent.getSender())) {
userPresence.user_id = presenceEvent.getSender()
var user: User? = store.getUser(userPresence.user_id)
if (user == null) {
user = userPresence
} else {
user.currently_active = userPresence.currently_active
user.presence = userPresence.presence
user.lastActiveAgo = userPresence.lastActiveAgo
user.latestPresenceTs = System.currentTimeMillis()
// check if the current user has been updated
if (mCredentials.userId == user.user_id) {
// always use the up-to-date information
getMyUser().displayname = user.displayname
getMyUser().avatar_url = user.avatarUrl
store.setAvatarURL(user.avatarUrl, presenceEvent.getOriginServerTs())
store.setDisplayName(user.displayname, presenceEvent.getOriginServerTs())
onPresenceUpdate(presenceEvent, user)
private fun handleToDeviceEvent(event: Event) {
// Decrypt event if necessary
decryptEvent(event, null)
if (TextUtils.equals(event.getType(), Event.EVENT_TYPE_MESSAGE)
&& null != event.getContent()
&& TextUtils.equals(JsonUtils.getMessageMsgType(event.getContent()), "m.bad.encrypted")) {
Timber.e("## handleToDeviceEvent() : Warning: Unable to decrypt to-device event : %s", event.getContent())
} else {
* Decrypt an encrypted event
* @param event the event to decrypt
* @param timelineId the timeline identifier
* @return true if the event has been decrypted
fun decryptEvent(event: Event?, timelineId: String?): Boolean {
if (null != event && TextUtils.equals(event.getType(), Event.EVENT_TYPE_MESSAGE_ENCRYPTED)) {
if (null != getCrypto()) {
var result: MXEventDecryptionResult? = null
try {
result = getCrypto().decryptEvent(event, timelineId)
} catch (exception: MXDecryptionException) {
event.cryptoError = exception.cryptoError
if (null != result) {
return true
} else {
return false
* Get the room object for the corresponding room id. Creates and initializes the object if there is none.
* @param roomId the room id
* @return the corresponding room
fun getRoom(roomId: String): Room {
return getRoom(roomId, true)
* Get the room object for the corresponding room id.
* The left rooms are not included.
* @param roomId the room id
* @param create create the room it does not exist.
* @return the corresponding room
fun getRoom(roomId: String, create: Boolean): Room {
return getRoom(store, roomId, create)
* Get the room object for the corresponding room id.
* By default, the left rooms are not included.
* @param roomId the room id
* @param testLeftRooms true to test if the room is a left room
* @param create create the room it does not exist.
* @return the corresponding room
fun getRoom(roomId: String, testLeftRooms: Boolean, create: Boolean): Room {
var room = store.getRoom(roomId)
if (room == null && testLeftRooms) {
room = leftRoomsStore.getRoom(roomId)
if (room == null && create) {
room = getRoom(store, roomId, create)
return room
fun getRoom(store: IMXStore, roomId: String, create: Boolean): Room {
var room = store.getRoom(roomId)
if (room == null && create) {
room = Room(dataHandler, store, roomId)
return room
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