Fixing wrong notification status when no registered pusher for the session

This commit is contained in:
Maxime NATUREL 2022-12-02 10:03:37 +01:00
parent b78de15228
commit e09b9a2ce0
2 changed files with 21 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,13 @@ class GetNotificationsStatusUseCase @Inject constructor(
.map { it.filter { pusher -> pusher.deviceId == deviceId } }
.map { it.takeIf { it.isNotEmpty() }?.any { pusher -> pusher.enabled } }
.map { if (it == true) NotificationsStatus.ENABLED else NotificationsStatus.DISABLED }
.map {
when (it) {
true -> NotificationsStatus.ENABLED
false -> NotificationsStatus.DISABLED
else -> NotificationsStatus.NOT_SUPPORTED
} else {

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@ -105,6 +105,20 @@ class GetNotificationsStatusUseCaseTest {
result.firstOrNull() shouldBeEqualTo NotificationsStatus.ENABLED
fun `given toggle via pusher is supported and no registered pusher when execute then resulting flow contains NOT_SUPPORTED value`() = runTest {
// Given
every { fakeCheckIfCanToggleNotificationsViaAccountDataUseCase.execute(fakeSession, A_DEVICE_ID) } returns false
every { fakeCanToggleNotificationsViaPusherUseCase.execute(fakeSession) } returns flowOf(true)
// When
val result = getNotificationsStatusUseCase.execute(fakeSession, A_DEVICE_ID)
// Then
result.firstOrNull() shouldBeEqualTo NotificationsStatus.NOT_SUPPORTED
fun `given current session and toggle via account data is supported when execute then resulting flow contains status based on settings value`() = runTest {
// Given