Rework edition of event management

This commit is contained in:
Benoit Marty 2021-03-01 15:03:47 +01:00 committed by Benoit Marty
parent c7e7bf4d2c
commit bdec23f740
2 changed files with 31 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -50,5 +50,5 @@ internal fun EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.Companion.create(realm: Realm, roomId
internal fun EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.Companion.getOrCreate(realm: Realm, roomId: String, eventId: String): EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity {
return EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.where(realm, eventId).findFirst()
?: EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.create(realm, roomId, eventId).apply { this.roomId = roomId }
?: EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.create(realm, roomId, eventId)

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@ -191,29 +191,45 @@ internal class EventRelationsAggregationProcessor @Inject constructor(@UserId pr
// OPT OUT serer aggregation until API mature enough
private fun handleReplace(realm: Realm, event: Event, content: MessageContent, roomId: String, isLocalEcho: Boolean, relatedEventId: String? = null) {
private fun handleReplace(realm: Realm,
event: Event,
content: MessageContent,
roomId: String,
isLocalEcho: Boolean,
relatedEventId: String? = null) {
val eventId = event.eventId ?: return
val targetEventId = relatedEventId ?: content.relatesTo?.eventId ?: return
val newContent = content.newContent ?: return
// Check that the sender is the same
val editedEvent = EventEntity.where(realm, targetEventId).findFirst()
if (editedEvent == null) {
// We do not know yet about the edited event
} else if (editedEvent.sender != event.senderId) {
// Edited by someone else, ignore
Timber.w("Ignore edition by someone else")
// ok, this is a replace
val existing = EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.getOrCreate(realm, roomId, targetEventId)
val eventAnnotationsSummaryEntity = EventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.getOrCreate(realm, roomId, targetEventId)
// we have it
val existingSummary = existing.editSummary
val existingSummary = eventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.editSummary
if (existingSummary == null) {
Timber.v("###REPLACE new edit summary for $targetEventId, creating one (localEcho:$isLocalEcho)")
// create the edit summary
val editSummary = realm.createObject(
editSummary.aggregatedContent =
if (isLocalEcho) {
editSummary.lastEditTs = 0
} else {
editSummary.lastEditTs = event.originServerTs ?: 0
existing.editSummary = editSummary
eventAnnotationsSummaryEntity.editSummary = realm.createObject(
.also { editSummary ->
editSummary.aggregatedContent =
if (isLocalEcho) {
editSummary.lastEditTs = 0
} else {
editSummary.lastEditTs = event.originServerTs ?: 0
} else {
if (existingSummary.sourceEvents.contains(eventId)) {
// ignore this event, we already know it (??)