diff --git a/fastlane/README.md b/fastlane/README.md
index dc33f422d6..7fea7afdd5 100644
--- a/fastlane/README.md
+++ b/fastlane/README.md
@@ -1,49 +1,64 @@
 fastlane documentation
 # Installation
 Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
 xcode-select --install
-Install _fastlane_ using
-[sudo] gem install fastlane -NV
-or alternatively using `brew install fastlane`
+For _fastlane_ installation instructions, see [Installing _fastlane_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/#installing-fastlane)
 # Available Actions
 ## Android
 ### android test
+[bundle exec] fastlane android test
-fastlane android test
 Runs all the tests
 ### android beta
+[bundle exec] fastlane android beta
-fastlane android beta
 Submit a new Beta Build to Crashlytics Beta
 ### android deploy
+[bundle exec] fastlane android deploy
-fastlane android deploy
 Deploy a new version to the Google Play
 ### android deployMeta
+[bundle exec] fastlane android deployMeta
-fastlane android deployMeta
 Deploy Google Play metadata
 ### android getVersionCode
+[bundle exec] fastlane android getVersionCode
-fastlane android getVersionCode
 Get version code
 This README.md is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time [_fastlane_](https://fastlane.tools) is run.
-More information about fastlane can be found on [fastlane.tools](https://fastlane.tools).
-The documentation of fastlane can be found on [docs.fastlane.tools](https://docs.fastlane.tools).
+More information about _fastlane_ can be found on [fastlane.tools](https://fastlane.tools).
+The documentation of _fastlane_ can be found on [docs.fastlane.tools](https://docs.fastlane.tools).