Release: update versions

This commit is contained in:
ganfra 2022-02-09 11:18:03 +01:00
parent a75e2d5fa8
commit a6bf921d64

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@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ kapt {
// Note: 2 digits max for each value
ext.versionMajor = 1
ext.versionMinor = 3
ext.versionMinor = 4
// Note: even values are reserved for regular release, odd values for hotfix release.
// When creating a hotfix, you should decrease the value, since the current value
// is the value for the next regular release.
ext.versionPatch = 19
ext.versionPatch = 0
static def getGitTimestamp() {
def cmd = 'git show -s --format=%ct'