Improve logic

This commit is contained in:
ariskotsomitopoulos 2022-01-17 13:00:34 +02:00
parent 01ade64f3b
commit 879c4ffef6

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@ -129,8 +129,6 @@ internal class RoomSyncHandler @Inject constructor(private val readReceiptHandle
} else {, InitSyncStep.ImportingAccountJoinedRooms, 0.6f) {
handleJoinedRoom(realm, it.key, it.value, insertType, syncLocalTimeStampMillis, aggregator)
}.also {
@ -428,6 +426,10 @@ internal class RoomSyncHandler @Inject constructor(private val readReceiptHandle
// Handle deletion of [stuck] local echos if needed
deleteLocalEchosIfNeeded(insertType, roomEntity, eventList)
// posting new events to timeline if any is registered
timelineInput.onNewTimelineEvents(roomId = roomId, eventIds = eventIds)
return chunkEntity
@ -513,11 +515,11 @@ internal class RoomSyncHandler @Inject constructor(private val readReceiptHandle
* While we cannot know when a specific event arrived from the pagination (no transactionId included), after each room /sync
* we clear all SENT events, and we are sure that we will receive it from /sync or pagination
private fun fixStuckLocalEcho(rooms: List<RoomEntity>) {
// when there are not room events, there is no need to delete SENT messages
// this might be useful for events like typing etc
if (rooms.isNullOrEmpty()) return
rooms.forEach { roomEntity ->
private fun deleteLocalEchosIfNeeded(insertType: EventInsertType, roomEntity: RoomEntity, eventList: List<Event>) {
// Skip deletion if we are on initial sync
if(insertType == EventInsertType.INITIAL_SYNC) return
// Skip deletion if there are no timeline events or there is no event received from the current user
if(eventList.firstOrNull { it.senderId == userId } == null) return
roomEntity.sendingTimelineEvents.filter { timelineEvent ->
timelineEvent.root?.sendState == SendState.SENT
}.forEach {
@ -526,4 +528,3 @@ internal class RoomSyncHandler @Inject constructor(private val readReceiptHandle