mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 19:58:57 +03:00
use mutex on suspend and not synchronized
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 69 additions and 65 deletions
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
package org.matrix.android.sdk.internal.crypto.actions
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.matrix.android.sdk.api.MatrixCoroutineDispatchers
import org.matrix.android.sdk.api.logger.LoggerTag
@ -39,82 +41,84 @@ internal class EnsureOlmSessionsForDevicesAction @Inject constructor(
private val coroutineDispatchers: MatrixCoroutineDispatchers,
private val oneTimeKeysForUsersDeviceTask: ClaimOneTimeKeysForUsersDeviceTask) {
private val ensureMutex = Mutex()
* We want to synchronize a bit here, because we are iterating to check existing olm session and
* also adding some
suspend fun handle(devicesByUser: Map<String, List<CryptoDeviceInfo>>, force: Boolean = false): MXUsersDevicesMap<MXOlmSessionResult> {
val deviceList = devicesByUser.flatMap { it.value }
.d("ensure olm forced:$force for ${deviceList.joinToString { it.shortDebugString() }}")
val results = MXUsersDevicesMap<MXOlmSessionResult>()
val devicesToCreateSessionWith = mutableListOf<CryptoDeviceInfo>()
if (force) {
// we take all devices and will query otk for them
} else {
// only peek devices without active session
deviceList.forEach { deviceInfo ->
val deviceId = deviceInfo.deviceId
val userId = deviceInfo.userId
val key = deviceInfo.identityKey() ?: return@forEach Unit.also {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).w("Ignoring device ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()} without identity key")
ensureMutex.withLock {
val results = MXUsersDevicesMap<MXOlmSessionResult>()
val deviceList = devicesByUser.flatMap { it.value }
.d("ensure olm forced:$force for ${deviceList.joinToString { it.shortDebugString() }}")
val devicesToCreateSessionWith = mutableListOf<CryptoDeviceInfo>()
if (force) {
// we take all devices and will query otk for them
} else {
// only peek devices without active session
deviceList.forEach { deviceInfo ->
val deviceId = deviceInfo.deviceId
val userId = deviceInfo.userId
val key = deviceInfo.identityKey() ?: return@forEach Unit.also {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).w("Ignoring device ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()} without identity key")
// is there a session that as been already used?
val sessionId = olmDevice.getSessionId(key)
if (sessionId.isNullOrEmpty()) {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("Found no existing olm session ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()} add to claim list")
} else {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("using olm session $sessionId for (${deviceInfo.userId}|$deviceId)")
val olmSessionResult = MXOlmSessionResult(deviceInfo, sessionId)
results.setObject(userId, deviceId, olmSessionResult)
// is there a session that as been already used?
val sessionId = olmDevice.getSessionId(key)
if (sessionId.isNullOrEmpty()) {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("Found no existing olm session ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()} add to claim list")
} else {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("using olm session $sessionId for (${deviceInfo.userId}|$deviceId)")
val olmSessionResult = MXOlmSessionResult(deviceInfo, sessionId)
results.setObject(userId, deviceId, olmSessionResult)
if (devicesToCreateSessionWith.isEmpty()) {
// no session to create
if (devicesToCreateSessionWith.isEmpty()) {
// no session to create
return results
val usersDevicesToClaim = MXUsersDevicesMap<String>().apply {
devicesToCreateSessionWith.forEach {
setObject(it.userId, it.deviceId, MXKey.KEY_SIGNED_CURVE_25519_TYPE)
// Let's now claim one time keys
val claimParams = ClaimOneTimeKeysForUsersDeviceTask.Params(usersDevicesToClaim)
val oneTimeKeys = withContext(coroutineDispatchers.io) {
oneTimeKeysForUsersDeviceTask.executeRetry(claimParams, ONE_TIME_KEYS_RETRY_COUNT)
// let now start olm session using the new otks
devicesToCreateSessionWith.forEach { deviceInfo ->
val userId = deviceInfo.userId
val deviceId = deviceInfo.deviceId
// Did we get an OTK
val oneTimeKey = oneTimeKeys.getObject(userId, deviceId)
if (oneTimeKey == null) {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("No otk for ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()}")
} else if (oneTimeKey.type != MXKey.KEY_SIGNED_CURVE_25519_TYPE) {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("Bad otk type (${oneTimeKey.type}) for ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()}")
} else {
val olmSessionId = verifyKeyAndStartSession(oneTimeKey, userId, deviceInfo)
if (olmSessionId != null) {
val olmSessionResult = MXOlmSessionResult(deviceInfo, olmSessionId)
results.setObject(userId, deviceId, olmSessionResult)
} else {
.d("## CRYPTO | cant unwedge failed to create outbound ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()}")
return results
val usersDevicesToClaim = MXUsersDevicesMap<String>().apply {
devicesToCreateSessionWith.forEach {
setObject(it.userId, it.deviceId, MXKey.KEY_SIGNED_CURVE_25519_TYPE)
// Let's now claim one time keys
val claimParams = ClaimOneTimeKeysForUsersDeviceTask.Params(usersDevicesToClaim)
val oneTimeKeys = withContext(coroutineDispatchers.io) {
oneTimeKeysForUsersDeviceTask.executeRetry(claimParams, ONE_TIME_KEYS_RETRY_COUNT)
// let now start olm session using the new otks
devicesToCreateSessionWith.forEach { deviceInfo ->
val userId = deviceInfo.userId
val deviceId = deviceInfo.deviceId
// Did we get an OTK
val oneTimeKey = oneTimeKeys.getObject(userId, deviceId)
if (oneTimeKey == null) {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("No otk for ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()}")
} else if (oneTimeKey.type != MXKey.KEY_SIGNED_CURVE_25519_TYPE) {
Timber.tag(loggerTag.value).d("Bad otk type (${oneTimeKey.type}) for ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()}")
} else {
val olmSessionId = verifyKeyAndStartSession(oneTimeKey, userId, deviceInfo)
if (olmSessionId != null) {
val olmSessionResult = MXOlmSessionResult(deviceInfo, olmSessionId)
results.setObject(userId, deviceId, olmSessionResult)
} else {
.d("## CRYPTO | cant unwedge failed to create outbound ${deviceInfo.shortDebugString()}")
return results
private fun verifyKeyAndStartSession(oneTimeKey: MXKey, userId: String, deviceInfo: CryptoDeviceInfo): String? {
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