mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 19:58:57 +03:00
Fix issues on Notification Event resolver
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 151 additions and 131 deletions
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import io.reactivex.Observable
class RxRoom(private val room: Room) {
fun liveRoomSummary(): Observable<RoomSummary> {
return room.roomSummary.asObservable()
return room.liveRoomSummary.asObservable()
fun liveRoomMemberIds(): Observable<List<String>> {
@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ interface Room :
* A live [RoomSummary] associated with the room
* You can observe this summary to get dynamic data from this room.
val roomSummary: LiveData<RoomSummary>
val liveRoomSummary: LiveData<RoomSummary>
val roomSummary: RoomSummary?
@ -39,4 +39,6 @@ data class CallInviteContent(
fun isVideo(): Boolean = offer.sdp.contains(Offer.SDP_VIDEO)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ internal class DefaultRoom(
RelationService by relationService,
MembershipService by roomMembersService {
override val roomSummary: LiveData<RoomSummary> by lazy {
override val liveRoomSummary: LiveData<RoomSummary> by lazy {
val liveRealmData = RealmLiveData<RoomSummaryEntity>(monarchy.realmConfiguration) { realm ->
RoomSummaryEntity.where(realm, roomId).isNotEmpty(RoomSummaryEntityFields.DISPLAY_NAME)
@ -68,6 +68,15 @@ internal class DefaultRoom(
override val roomSummary: RoomSummary?
get() {
var sum: RoomSummaryEntity? = null
monarchy.runTransactionSync {
sum = RoomSummaryEntity.where(it, roomId).isNotEmpty(RoomSummaryEntityFields.DISPLAY_NAME).findFirst()
return sum?.asDomain()
override fun isEncrypted(): Boolean {
return cryptoService.isRoomEncrypted(roomId)
@ -175,7 +175,10 @@ class PushrulesConditionTest {
return _numberOfJoinedMembers
override val roomSummary: LiveData<RoomSummary>
override val liveRoomSummary: LiveData<RoomSummary>
get() = TODO("not implemented") //To change initializer of created properties use File | Settings | File Templates.
override val roomSummary: RoomSummary?
get() = TODO("not implemented") //To change initializer of created properties use File | Settings | File Templates.
override fun createTimeline(eventId: String?, allowedTypes: List<String>?): Timeline {
@ -49,10 +49,7 @@ class VectorFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
private val notificationDrawerManager by inject<NotificationDrawerManager>()
private val pusherManager by inject<PushersManager>()
private val notifiableEventResolver by lazy {
private val notifiableEventResolver by inject<NotifiableEventResolver>()
// UI handler
private val mUIHandler by lazy {
@ -69,8 +66,8 @@ class VectorFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
Timber.i("## onMessageReceived()" + message.data.toString())
Timber.i("## onMessageReceived() from FCM with priority " + message.priority)
Timber.i("## onMessageReceived() %s", message.data.toString())
Timber.i("## onMessageReceived() from FCM with priority %s", message.priority)
mUIHandler.post {
if (ProcessLifecycleOwner.get().lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.STARTED)) {
@ -168,7 +165,7 @@ class VectorFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
val room = session.getRoom(roomId) ?: return false
return room.getTimeLineEvent(eventId) != null
} catch (e: Exception) {
Timber.e(e, "## isEventAlreadyKnown() : failed to check if the event was already defined " + e.message)
Timber.e(e, "## isEventAlreadyKnown() : failed to check if the event was already defined")
@ -209,44 +206,39 @@ class VectorFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
} else {
val event = parseEvent(data)
if (event?.roomId == null) {
//unsupported event
Timber.e("Received an event with no room id")
val event = parseEvent(data) ?: return
val notifiableEvent = notifiableEventResolver.resolveEvent(event, session)
if (notifiableEvent == null) {
Timber.e("Unsupported notifiable event ${eventId}")
Timber.e("--> ${event}")
} else {
var notifiableEvent = notifiableEventResolver.resolveEvent(event, session)
if (notifiableEvent == null) {
Timber.e("Unsupported notifiable event ${eventId}")
Timber.e("--> ${event}")
if (notifiableEvent is NotifiableMessageEvent) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notifiableEvent.senderName)) {
notifiableEvent.senderName = data["sender_display_name"]
?: data["sender"] ?: ""
} else {
if (notifiableEvent is NotifiableMessageEvent) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notifiableEvent.senderName)) {
notifiableEvent.senderName = data["sender_display_name"]
?: data["sender"] ?: ""
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notifiableEvent.roomName)) {
notifiableEvent.roomName = findRoomNameBestEffort(data, session) ?: ""
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(notifiableEvent.roomName)) {
notifiableEvent.roomName = findRoomNameBestEffort(data, session) ?: ""
notifiableEvent.isPushGatewayEvent = true
notifiableEvent.matrixID = session.sessionParams.credentials.userId
notifiableEvent.isPushGatewayEvent = true
notifiableEvent.matrixID = session.sessionParams.credentials.userId
private fun findRoomNameBestEffort(data: Map<String, String>, session: Session?): String? {
var roomName: String? = data["room_name"]
val roomName: String? = data["room_name"]
val roomId = data["room_id"]
if (null == roomName && null != roomId) {
// Try to get the room name from our store
@ -281,7 +273,7 @@ class VectorFirebaseMessagingService : FirebaseMessagingService() {
// TODO content = data.getValue("content"),
originServerTs = System.currentTimeMillis())
} catch (e: Exception) {
Timber.e(e, "buildEvent fails " + e.localizedMessage)
Timber.e(e, "buildEvent fails ")
return null
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class AppModule(private val context: Context) {
single {
single {
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class AppModule(private val context: Context) {
single {
NotifiableEventResolver(get(), get())
factory {
@ -46,6 +46,22 @@ class NoticeEventFormatter(private val stringProvider: StringProvider) {
fun format(event: Event, senderName: String?): CharSequence? {
return when (val type = event.getClearType()) {
EventType.STATE_ROOM_NAME -> formatRoomNameEvent(event, senderName)
EventType.STATE_ROOM_TOPIC -> formatRoomTopicEvent(event, senderName)
EventType.STATE_ROOM_MEMBER -> formatRoomMemberEvent(event, senderName)
EventType.STATE_HISTORY_VISIBILITY -> formatRoomHistoryVisibilityEvent(event, senderName)
EventType.CALL_ANSWER -> formatCallEvent(event, senderName)
else -> {
Timber.v("Type $type not handled by this formatter")
private fun formatRoomNameEvent(event: Event, senderName: String?): CharSequence? {
val content = event.getClearContent().toModel<RoomNameContent>() ?: return null
return if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(content.name)) {
@ -15,16 +15,19 @@
package im.vector.riotredesign.features.notifications
import android.content.Context
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.pushrules.rest.PushRule
import androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.Session
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.events.model.Event
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.events.model.EventType
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.events.model.toContent
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.events.model.toModel
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.Membership
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.RoomMember
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.model.message.MessageContent
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.room.timeline.TimelineEvent
import im.vector.riotredesign.BuildConfig
import im.vector.riotredesign.R
import im.vector.riotredesign.core.preference.BingRule
import im.vector.riotredesign.core.resources.StringProvider
import im.vector.riotredesign.features.home.room.detail.timeline.format.NoticeEventFormatter
import timber.log.Timber
// TODO Remove
@ -39,46 +42,44 @@ class RoomState {
* The NotifiableEventResolver is the only aware of session/store, the NotificationDrawerManager has no knowledge of that,
* this pattern allow decoupling between the object responsible of displaying notifications and the matrix sdk.
class NotifiableEventResolver(val context: Context) {
class NotifiableEventResolver(val stringProvider: StringProvider,
val noticeEventFormatter: NoticeEventFormatter) {
//private val eventDisplay = RiotEventDisplay(context)
fun resolveEvent(event: Event/*, roomState: RoomState?, bingRule: PushRule?*/, session: Session): NotifiableEvent? {
// val store = session.dataHandler.store
// if (store == null) {
// Log.e("## NotifiableEventResolver, unable to get store")
// //TODO notify somehow that something did fail?
// return null
// }
val roomID = event.roomId ?: return null
val eventId = event.eventId ?: return null
val timelineEvent = session.getRoom(roomID)?.getTimeLineEvent(eventId) ?: return null
when (event.getClearType()) {
EventType.MESSAGE -> {
return resolveMessageEvent(event, session)
return resolveMessageEvent(timelineEvent, session)
// EventType.ENCRYPTED -> {
// val messageEvent = resolveMessageEvent(event, bingRule, session, store)
// messageEvent?.lockScreenVisibility = NotificationCompat.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
// return messageEvent
// }
// EventType.STATE_ROOM_MEMBER -> {
// return resolveStateRoomEvent(event, bingRule, session, store)
// }
else -> {
EventType.ENCRYPTED -> {
val messageEvent = resolveMessageEvent(timelineEvent, session)
messageEvent?.lockScreenVisibility = NotificationCompat.VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
return messageEvent
return resolveStateRoomEvent(event, session)
else -> {
//If the event can be displayed, display it as is
// eventDisplay.getTextualDisplay(event, roomState)?.toString()?.let { body ->
// return SimpleNotifiableEvent(
// session.myUserId,
// eventId = event.eventId,
// noisy = bingRule?.notificationSound != null,
// timestamp = event.originServerTs,
// description = body,
// soundName = bingRule?.notificationSound,
// title = context.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_new_event),
// type = event.type)
// }
//TODO Better event text display
val bodyPreview = event.type
return SimpleNotifiableEvent(
eventId = event.eventId!!,
noisy = false,//will be updated
timestamp = event.originServerTs ?: System.currentTimeMillis(),
description = bodyPreview,
title = stringProvider.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_new_event),
soundName = null,
type = event.type)
//Unsupported event
Timber.w("NotifiableEventResolver Received an unsupported event matching a bing rule")
@ -88,57 +89,55 @@ class NotifiableEventResolver(val context: Context) {
private fun resolveMessageEvent(event: Event, session: Session): NotifiableEvent? {
//If we are here, that means that the event should be notified to the user, we check now how it should be presented (sound)
// val soundName = pushRule?.notificationSound
private fun resolveMessageEvent(event: TimelineEvent, session: Session): NotifiableEvent? {
//The event only contains an eventId, and roomId (type is m.room.*) , we need to get the displayable content (names, avatar, text, etc...)
val room = session.getRoom(event.roomId!! /*roomID cannot be null (see Matrix SDK code)*/)
val room = session.getRoom(event.root.roomId!! /*roomID cannot be null*/)
if (room == null) {
Timber.e("## Unable to resolve room for eventId [${event.eventId}] and roomID [${event.roomId}]")
Timber.e("## Unable to resolve room for eventId [${event}]")
// Ok room is not known in store, but we can still display something
val body = event.content?.toModel<MessageContent>()?.body
?: context.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_new_event)
val roomName = context.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_room_name)
val senderDisplayName = event.senderId ?: ""
val body =
?: event.root.getClearContent().toModel<MessageContent>()?.body
?: stringProvider.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_new_event)
val roomName = stringProvider.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_room_name)
val senderDisplayName = event.senderName
val notifiableEvent = NotifiableMessageEvent(
eventId = event.eventId ?: "",
timestamp = event.originServerTs ?: 0,
eventId = event.root.eventId!!,
timestamp = event.root.originServerTs ?: 0,
noisy = false,//will be updated
senderName = senderDisplayName,
senderId = event.senderId,
senderId = event.root.senderId,
body = body,
roomId = event.roomId ?: "",
roomId = event.root.roomId!!,
roomName = roomName)
notifiableEvent.matrixID = session.sessionParams.credentials.userId
// notifiableEvent.soundName = soundName
return notifiableEvent
} else {
val tEvent = room.getTimeLineEvent(event.eventId!!)
val body = event.content?.toModel<MessageContent>()?.body
?: context.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_new_event)
val roomName = event.roomId ?: "room"
val senderDisplayName = tEvent?.senderName ?: "?"
val body = event.root.getClearContent().toModel<MessageContent>()?.body
?: stringProvider.getString(R.string.notification_unknown_new_event)
val roomName = room.roomSummary?.displayName ?: ""
val senderDisplayName = event.senderName ?: ""
val notifiableEvent = NotifiableMessageEvent(
eventId = event.eventId!!,
timestamp = event.originServerTs ?: 0,
eventId = event.root.eventId!!,
timestamp = event.root.originServerTs ?: 0,
noisy = false,//will be updated
senderName = senderDisplayName,
senderId = event.senderId,
senderId = event.root.senderId,
body = body,
roomId = event.roomId ?: "00",
roomId = event.root.roomId!!,
roomName = roomName,
roomIsDirect = true)
roomIsDirect = room.roomSummary?.isDirect ?: false)
notifiableEvent.matrixID = session.sessionParams.credentials.userId
notifiableEvent.soundName = null
//TODO get the avatar?
// val roomAvatarPath = session.mediaCache?.thumbnailCacheFile(room.avatarUrl, 50)
// if (roomAvatarPath != null) {
@ -162,21 +161,24 @@ class NotifiableEventResolver(val context: Context) {
return notifiableEvent
private fun resolveStateRoomEvent(event: Event, bingRule: BingRule?, session: MXSession, store: IMXStore): NotifiableEvent? {
if (RoomMember.MEMBERSHIP_INVITE == event.contentAsJsonObject?.getAsJsonPrimitive("membership")?.asString) {
val room = store.getRoom(event.roomId /*roomID cannot be null (see Matrix SDK code)*/)
val body = eventDisplay.getTextualDisplay(event, room.state)?.toString()
?: context.getString(R.string.notification_new_invitation)
private fun resolveStateRoomEvent(event: Event, session: Session): NotifiableEvent? {
val content = event.content?.toModel<RoomMember>() ?: return null
val roomId = event.roomId ?: return null
val dName = event.senderId?.let { session.getUser(it)?.displayName }
if (Membership.INVITE == content.membership) {
val body = noticeEventFormatter.format(event, dName)
?: stringProvider.getString(R.string.notification_new_invitation)
return InviteNotifiableEvent(
eventId = event.eventId,
roomId = event.roomId,
timestamp = event.originServerTs,
noisy = bingRule?.notificationSound != null,
title = context.getString(R.string.notification_new_invitation),
description = body,
soundName = bingRule?.notificationSound,
eventId = event.eventId!!,
roomId = roomId,
timestamp = event.originServerTs ?: 0,
noisy = false,//will be set later
title = stringProvider.getString(R.string.notification_new_invitation),
description = body.toString(),
soundName = null, //will be set later
type = event.getClearType(),
isPushGatewayEvent = false)
} else {
@ -187,6 +189,6 @@ class NotifiableEventResolver(val context: Context) {
//TODO generic handling?
return null
} */
@ -22,7 +22,8 @@ import android.graphics.BitmapFactory
import android.text.TextUtils
import androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat
import androidx.core.app.Person
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.Session
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.Matrix
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.session.content.ContentUrlResolver
import im.vector.riotredesign.BuildConfig
import im.vector.riotredesign.R
import im.vector.riotredesign.core.utils.SecretStoringUtils
@ -36,14 +37,14 @@ import java.io.FileOutputStream
* organise them in order to display them in the notification drawer.
* Events can be grouped into the same notification, old (already read) events can be removed to do some cleaning.
class NotificationDrawerManager(val context: Context, private val outdatedDetector: OutdatedEventDetector?) {
class NotificationDrawerManager(val context: Context,
private val outdatedDetector: OutdatedEventDetector?) {
//The first time the notification drawer is refreshed, we force re-render of all notifications
private var firstTime = true
private var eventList = loadEventInfo()
private var myUserDisplayName: String = "Todo"
private var myUserAvatarUrl: String = ""
private val avatarSize = context.resources.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.profile_avatar_size)
@ -156,17 +157,11 @@ class NotificationDrawerManager(val context: Context, private val outdatedDetect
fun refreshNotificationDrawer() {
if (myUserDisplayName.isBlank()) {
// initWithSession(Matrix.getInstance(context).defaultSession)
if (myUserDisplayName.isBlank()) {
// Should not happen, but myUserDisplayName cannot be blank if used to create a Person
// return
val session = Matrix.getInstance().currentSession ?: return
val user = session.getUser(session.sessionParams.credentials.userId)
val myUserDisplayName = user?.displayName ?: ""
val myUserAvatarUrl = session.contentUrlResolver().resolveThumbnail(user?.avatarUrl, avatarSize, avatarSize, ContentUrlResolver.ThumbnailMethod.SCALE)
synchronized(eventList) {
@ -15,10 +15,9 @@
package im.vector.riotredesign.features.notifications
import android.content.Context
import im.vector.matrix.android.api.Matrix
class OutdatedEventDetector(val context: Context) {
class OutdatedEventDetector() {
* Returns true if the given event is outdated.
Add table
Reference in a new issue