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Benoit Marty 2021-01-22 17:32:00 +01:00
parent 25dbb3e9ea
commit 07ffd3ded3

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@ -98,22 +98,19 @@ internal class DefaultIdentityBulkLookupTask @Inject constructor(
// Catch invalid hash pepper and retry
if (canRetry && failure is Failure.ServerError && failure.error.code == MatrixError.M_INVALID_PEPPER) {
// This is not documented, but the error can contain the new pepper!
if (!failure.error.newLookupPepper.isNullOrEmpty()) {
val newHashDetailResponse = if (!failure.error.newLookupPepper.isNullOrEmpty()) {
// Store it and use it right now
hashDetailResponse.copy(pepper = failure.error.newLookupPepper)
.also { identityStore.setHashDetails(it) }
.let { lookUpInternal(identityAPI, threePids, it, false /* Avoid infinite loop */) }
} else {
// Retrieve the new hash details
val newHashDetailResponse = fetchAndStoreHashDetails(identityAPI)
if (newHashDetailResponse.algorithms.contains(IdentityHashDetailResponse.ALGORITHM_SHA256).not()) {
// TODO We should ask the user if he is ok to send their 3Pid in clear, but for the moment we do not do it
throw IdentityServiceError.BulkLookupSha256NotSupported
lookUpInternal(identityAPI, threePids, newHashDetailResponse, false /* Avoid infinite loop */)
if (newHashDetailResponse.algorithms.contains(IdentityHashDetailResponse.ALGORITHM_SHA256).not()) {
// TODO We should ask the user if he is ok to send their 3Pid in clear, but for the moment we do not do it
throw IdentityServiceError.BulkLookupSha256NotSupported
lookUpInternal(identityAPI, threePids, newHashDetailResponse, false /* Avoid infinite loop */)
} else {
// Other error
throw failure