diff --git a/Configuration.md b/Configuration.md
index 2c98c2d..47b9f97 100644
--- a/Configuration.md
+++ b/Configuration.md
@@ -508,14 +508,16 @@ Settings are stored in [YAML format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML), possib
 - `querylog` (**since v0.107.24**) — Query log settings section:
     - `enabled`: Query log status.
     - `file_enabled`: Write query logs to a file.
-    - `interval`: Time interval for query log files rotation.  It's a
-      human-readable duration in hours, the possible values are: `2160h`,
-      `720h`, `168h`, `24h`, `6h`.
+	- `interval (**since v0.107.27**)`: Time interval for query log files
+	  rotation.  It's a string with human-readable duration between an hour
+      (1h) and a year (8760h).
     - `size_memory`: Number of entries kept in memory before they are flushed to disk.
     - `ignored`: List of host names, which should not be written to log.
 - `statistics` (**since v0.107.24**) — Statistics settings section:
     - `enabled`: Statistics status.
-    - `interval`: Time interval for statistics (in days)
+	- `interval`: Time interval for statistics. (**before v0.107.27**) It's a
+	  number with duration in days. (**since v0.107.27**) It's a string with
+      human-readable duration between an hour (1h) and a year (8760h).
     - `ignored`: List of host names, which should not be counted.
 - `filters` — List of filters, each filter has the following values:
   - `enabled` — Current filter's status (enabled/disabled).