Merge: + Configuration: add "Specifying upstreams for rDNS" section

* commit 'b34ba199104558c2aa7d0bf5b80296c8849524d7':
  * minor
  + Configuration: add "Specifying upstreams for rDNS" section
Simon Zolin 2019-11-12 18:59:24 +03:00
commit c1fedda956

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Most of these settings can be changed via the web-based admin interface. However
* [Command-line arguments](#command-line)
* [Configuring upstreams](#upstreams)
* [Specifying upstreams for domains](#upstreams-for-domains)
* [Specifying upstreams for rDNS](#upstreams-for-rdns)
* [Configuring clients friendly names](#friendly-names)
* [Configuration file](#configuration-file)
* [Reset Web Password](#password-reset)
@ -81,6 +82,20 @@ If one or more domains are specified, that upstream (`upstreamString`) is used o
Sends queries for `*` to `` except for `*` which are sent to `` (as long as other queries).
<a id="upstreams-for-rdns"></a>
### Specifying upstreams for rDNS
AdGuardHome automatically gets the names of connected devices using Reverse DNS lookup (rDNS).
It sends a PTR request with an IP address of a client to a DNS server and uses its name for "clients friendly names".
But what if you want AdGuardHome to use another DNS server for a specific IP address range?
You can do it using the same syntax as for general upstream servers, for example:
This rule instructs AdGuardHome to use `` DNS server for all rDNS requests to resolve clients' IP addresses ``.
<a id="friendly-names"></a>
## Configuring clients friendly names