2018-11-25 23:11:36 +03:00

310 lines
9 KiB

package main
import (
// Current schema version. We compare it with the value from
// the configuration file and perform necessary upgrade operations if needed
const SchemaVersion = 1
// Directory where we'll store all downloaded filters contents
const FiltersDir = "filters"
// User filter ID is always 0
const UserFilterId = 0
// Just a counter that we use for incrementing the filter ID
var NextFilterId = time.Now().Unix()
// configuration is loaded from YAML
type configuration struct {
// Config filename (can be overriden via the command line arguments)
ourConfigFilename string
// Basically, this is our working directory
ourBinaryDir string
// Directory to store data (i.e. filters contents)
ourDataDir string
// Schema version of the config file. This value is used when performing the app updates.
SchemaVersion int `yaml:"schema_version"`
BindHost string `yaml:"bind_host"`
BindPort int `yaml:"bind_port"`
AuthName string `yaml:"auth_name"`
AuthPass string `yaml:"auth_pass"`
CoreDNS coreDNSConfig `yaml:"coredns"`
Filters []filter `yaml:"filters"`
UserRules []string `yaml:"user_rules"`
Language string `yaml:"language"` // two-letter ISO 639-1 language code
sync.RWMutex `yaml:"-"`
type coreDnsFilter struct {
ID int64 `yaml:"-"`
Path string `yaml:"-"`
type coreDNSConfig struct {
binaryFile string
coreFile string
Filters []coreDnsFilter `yaml:"-"`
Port int `yaml:"port"`
ProtectionEnabled bool `yaml:"protection_enabled"`
FilteringEnabled bool `yaml:"filtering_enabled"`
SafeBrowsingEnabled bool `yaml:"safebrowsing_enabled"`
SafeSearchEnabled bool `yaml:"safesearch_enabled"`
ParentalEnabled bool `yaml:"parental_enabled"`
ParentalSensitivity int `yaml:"parental_sensitivity"`
BlockedResponseTTL int `yaml:"blocked_response_ttl"`
QueryLogEnabled bool `yaml:"querylog_enabled"`
Pprof string `yaml:"-"`
Cache string `yaml:"-"`
Prometheus string `yaml:"-"`
BootstrapDNS string `yaml:"bootstrap_dns"`
UpstreamDNS []string `yaml:"upstream_dns"`
type filter struct {
ID int64 `json:"id" yaml:"id"` // auto-assigned when filter is added (see NextFilterId)
URL string `json:"url"`
Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name"`
Enabled bool `json:"enabled"`
RulesCount int `json:"rulesCount" yaml:"-"`
contents []byte
LastUpdated time.Time `json:"lastUpdated" yaml:"last_updated"`
var defaultDNS = []string{"tls://", "tls://"}
// initialize to default values, will be changed later when reading config or parsing command line
var config = configuration{
ourConfigFilename: "AdGuardHome.yaml",
ourDataDir: "data",
BindPort: 3000,
BindHost: "",
CoreDNS: coreDNSConfig{
Port: 53,
binaryFile: "coredns", // only filename, no path
coreFile: "Corefile", // only filename, no path
ProtectionEnabled: true,
FilteringEnabled: true,
SafeBrowsingEnabled: false,
BlockedResponseTTL: 10, // in seconds
QueryLogEnabled: true,
BootstrapDNS: "",
UpstreamDNS: defaultDNS,
Cache: "cache",
Prometheus: "prometheus :9153",
Filters: []filter{
{ID: 1, Enabled: true, URL: "", Name: "AdGuard Simplified Domain Names filter"},
{ID: 2, Enabled: false, URL: "", Name: "AdAway"},
{ID: 3, Enabled: false, URL: "", Name: "hpHosts - Ad and Tracking servers only"},
{ID: 4, Enabled: false, URL: "", Name: " Hosts List"},
// Creates a helper object for working with the user rules
func getUserFilter() filter {
// TODO: This should be calculated when UserRules are set
var contents []byte
for _, rule := range config.UserRules {
contents = append(contents, []byte(rule)...)
contents = append(contents, '\n')
userFilter := filter{
// User filter always has constant ID=0
ID: UserFilterId,
contents: contents,
Enabled: true,
return userFilter
// Loads configuration from the YAML file
func parseConfig() error {
configFile := filepath.Join(config.ourBinaryDir, config.ourConfigFilename)
log.Printf("Reading YAML file: %s", configFile)
if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// do nothing, file doesn't exist
log.Printf("YAML file doesn't exist, skipping: %s", configFile)
return nil
yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't read config file: %s", err)
return err
err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &config)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't parse config file: %s", err)
return err
// Deduplicate filters
i := 0 // output index, used for deletion later
urls := map[string]bool{}
for _, filter := range config.Filters {
if _, ok := urls[filter.URL]; !ok {
// we didn't see it before, keep it
urls[filter.URL] = true // remember the URL
config.Filters[i] = filter
// all entries we want to keep are at front, delete the rest
config.Filters = config.Filters[:i]
// Set the next filter ID to max(filter.ID) + 1
for i := range config.Filters {
if NextFilterId < config.Filters[i].ID {
NextFilterId = config.Filters[i].ID + 1
return nil
// Saves configuration to the YAML file and also saves the user filter contents to a file
func writeConfig() error {
configFile := filepath.Join(config.ourBinaryDir, config.ourConfigFilename)
log.Printf("Writing YAML file: %s", configFile)
yamlText, err := yaml.Marshal(&config)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't generate YAML file: %s", err)
return err
err = writeFileSafe(configFile, yamlText)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't save YAML config: %s", err)
return err
userFilter := getUserFilter()
err =
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't save the user filter: %s", err)
return err
return nil
// --------------
// coredns config
// --------------
func writeCoreDNSConfig() error {
coreFile := filepath.Join(config.ourBinaryDir, config.CoreDNS.coreFile)
log.Printf("Writing DNS config: %s", coreFile)
configText, err := generateCoreDNSConfigText()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't generate DNS config: %s", err)
return err
err = writeFileSafe(coreFile, []byte(configText))
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't save DNS config: %s", err)
return err
return nil
func writeAllConfigs() error {
err := writeConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't write our config: %s", err)
return err
err = writeCoreDNSConfig()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't write DNS config: %s", err)
return err
return nil
const coreDNSConfigTemplate = `.:{{.Port}} {
{{if .ProtectionEnabled}}dnsfilter {
{{if .SafeBrowsingEnabled}}safebrowsing{{end}}
{{if .ParentalEnabled}}parental {{.ParentalSensitivity}}{{end}}
{{if .SafeSearchEnabled}}safesearch{{end}}
{{if .QueryLogEnabled}}querylog{{end}}
blocked_ttl {{.BlockedResponseTTL}}
{{if .FilteringEnabled}}
{{range .Filters}}
filter {{.ID}} "{{.Path}}"
ratelimit 30
hosts {
{{if .UpstreamDNS}}upstream {{range .UpstreamDNS}}{{.}} {{end}} { bootstrap {{.BootstrapDNS}} }{{end}}
var removeEmptyLines = regexp.MustCompile("([\t ]*\n)+")
// generate CoreDNS config text
func generateCoreDNSConfigText() (string, error) {
t, err := template.New("config").Parse(coreDNSConfigTemplate)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't generate DNS config: %s", err)
return "", err
var configBytes bytes.Buffer
temporaryConfig := config.CoreDNS
// fill the list of filters
filters := make([]coreDnsFilter, 0)
// first of all, append the user filter
userFilter := getUserFilter()
if len(userFilter.contents) > 0 {
filters = append(filters, coreDnsFilter{ID: userFilter.ID, Path: userFilter.getFilterFilePath()})
// then go through other filters
for i := range config.Filters {
filter := &config.Filters[i]
if filter.Enabled && len(filter.contents) > 0 {
filters = append(filters, coreDnsFilter{ID: filter.ID, Path: filter.getFilterFilePath()})
temporaryConfig.Filters = filters
// run the template
err = t.Execute(&configBytes, &temporaryConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Couldn't generate DNS config: %s", err)
return "", err
configText := configBytes.String()
// remove empty lines from generated config
configText = removeEmptyLines.ReplaceAllString(configText, "\n")
return configText, nil