mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 04:59:06 +03:00
Closes #6854.Updates #6875. Squashed commit of the following: commit b98adbc0cc6eeaffb262d57775c487e03b1d5ba5 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Wed Apr 10 19:21:44 2024 +0300 dnsforward: upd proxy, imp code, docs commit 4de1eb2bca1047426e02ba680c212f46782e5616 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Wed Apr 10 16:09:58 2024 +0300 WIP commit afa9d61e8dc129f907dc681cd2f831cb5c3b054a Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Apr 9 19:24:09 2024 +0300 all: log changes commit c8340676a448687a39acd26bc8ce5f94473e441f Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Apr 9 19:06:10 2024 +0300 dnsforward: move code commit 08bb7d43d2a3f689ef2ef2409935dc3946752e94 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Apr 9 18:09:46 2024 +0300 dnsforward: imp code commit b27547ec806dd9bce502d3c6a7c28f33693ed575 Merge: b7efca7886f36ebc06
Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Apr 9 17:33:19 2024 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into AGDNS-1982-upd-proxy commit b7efca788b66aa672598b088040d4534ce2e55b0 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Tue Apr 9 17:27:14 2024 +0300 all: upd proxy finally commit 3e16fa87befe4c0ef3a3e7a638d7add28627f9b6 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Fri Apr 5 18:20:13 2024 +0300 dnsforward: upd proxy commit f3cdfc86334a182effcd0de22fac5e678fa53ea7 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Thu Apr 4 20:37:32 2024 +0300 all: upd proxy, golibs commit a79298d6d0504521893ee11fdc3a23c098aea911 Merge: 9feeba5c7fd25dcacb
Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Thu Apr 4 20:34:01 2024 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into AGDNS-1982-upd-proxy commit 9feeba5c7f24ff1d308a216608d985cb2a7b7588 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Thu Apr 4 20:25:57 2024 +0300 all: imp code, docs commit 6c68d463db64293eb9c5e29ff91879fd68920a77 Merge: d8108e651ee619b2db
Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Thu Apr 4 18:46:11 2024 +0300 Merge branch 'master' into AGDNS-1982-upd-proxy commit d8108e65164df8d67aa4e95154a8768a06255b78 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Wed Apr 3 19:25:27 2024 +0300 all: imp code commit 20461565801c9fcd06a652c6066b524b06c80433 Author: Eugene Burkov <E.Burkov@AdGuard.COM> Date: Wed Apr 3 17:10:33 2024 +0300 all: remove private rdns logic
481 lines
12 KiB
481 lines
12 KiB
package dnsforward
import (
// TODO(e.burkov): Use the better approach to testdata with a separate
// directory for each test, and a separate file for each subtest. See the
// [configmigrate] package.
// emptySysResolvers is an empty [SystemResolvers] implementation that always
// returns nil.
type emptySysResolvers struct{}
// Addrs implements the aghnet.SystemResolvers interface for emptySysResolvers.
func (emptySysResolvers) Addrs() (addrs []netip.AddrPort) {
return nil
func loadTestData(t *testing.T, casesFileName string, cases any) {
var f *os.File
f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join("testdata", casesFileName))
require.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, f.Close)
err = json.NewDecoder(f).Decode(cases)
require.NoError(t, err)
const (
jsonExt = ".json"
// testBlockedRespTTL is the TTL for blocked responses to use in tests.
testBlockedRespTTL = 10
func TestDNSForwardHTTP_handleGetConfig(t *testing.T) {
filterConf := &filtering.Config{
ProtectionEnabled: true,
BlockingMode: filtering.BlockingModeDefault,
BlockedResponseTTL: testBlockedRespTTL,
SafeBrowsingEnabled: true,
SafeBrowsingCacheSize: 1000,
SafeSearchConf: filtering.SafeSearchConfig{Enabled: true},
SafeSearchCacheSize: 1000,
ParentalCacheSize: 1000,
CacheTime: 30,
forwardConf := ServerConfig{
UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{},
TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{},
Config: Config{
UpstreamDNS: []string{"", ""},
FallbackDNS: []string{""},
RatelimitSubnetLenIPv4: 24,
RatelimitSubnetLenIPv6: 56,
UpstreamMode: UpstreamModeLoadBalance,
EDNSClientSubnet: &EDNSClientSubnet{Enabled: false},
ConfigModified: func() {},
ServePlainDNS: true,
s := createTestServer(t, filterConf, forwardConf)
s.sysResolvers = &emptySysResolvers{}
require.NoError(t, s.Start())
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, s.Stop)
defaultConf := s.conf
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
testCases := []struct {
conf func() ServerConfig
name string
conf: func() ServerConfig {
return defaultConf
name: "all_right",
}, {
conf: func() ServerConfig {
conf := defaultConf
conf.UpstreamMode = UpstreamModeFastestAddr
return conf
name: "fastest_addr",
}, {
conf: func() ServerConfig {
conf := defaultConf
conf.UpstreamMode = UpstreamModeParallel
return conf
name: "parallel",
var data map[string]json.RawMessage
loadTestData(t, t.Name()+jsonExt, &data)
for _, tc := range testCases {
caseWant, ok := data[tc.name]
require.True(t, ok)
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s.conf = tc.conf()
s.handleGetConfig(w, nil)
cType := w.Header().Get(httphdr.ContentType)
assert.Equal(t, aghhttp.HdrValApplicationJSON, cType)
assert.JSONEq(t, string(caseWant), w.Body.String())
func TestDNSForwardHTTP_handleSetConfig(t *testing.T) {
filterConf := &filtering.Config{
ProtectionEnabled: true,
BlockingMode: filtering.BlockingModeDefault,
BlockedResponseTTL: testBlockedRespTTL,
SafeBrowsingEnabled: true,
SafeBrowsingCacheSize: 1000,
SafeSearchConf: filtering.SafeSearchConfig{Enabled: true},
SafeSearchCacheSize: 1000,
ParentalCacheSize: 1000,
CacheTime: 30,
forwardConf := ServerConfig{
UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{},
TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{},
Config: Config{
UpstreamDNS: []string{"", ""},
RatelimitSubnetLenIPv4: 24,
RatelimitSubnetLenIPv6: 56,
UpstreamMode: UpstreamModeLoadBalance,
EDNSClientSubnet: &EDNSClientSubnet{Enabled: false},
ConfigModified: func() {},
ServePlainDNS: true,
s := createTestServer(t, filterConf, forwardConf)
s.sysResolvers = &emptySysResolvers{}
defaultConf := s.conf
err := s.Start()
assert.NoError(t, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, s.Stop)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
testCases := []struct {
name string
wantSet string
name: "upstream_dns",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "bootstraps",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "blocking_mode_good",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "blocking_mode_bad",
wantSet: "validating dns config: " +
"blocking_ipv4 must be valid ipv4 on custom_ip blocking_mode",
}, {
name: "ratelimit",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "ratelimit_subnet_len",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "ratelimit_whitelist_not_ip",
wantSet: `decoding request: ParseAddr("not.ip"): unexpected character (at "not.ip")`,
}, {
name: "edns_cs_enabled",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "edns_cs_use_custom",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "edns_cs_use_custom_bad_ip",
wantSet: "decoding request: ParseAddr(\"bad.ip\"): unexpected character (at \"bad.ip\")",
}, {
name: "dnssec_enabled",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "cache_size",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "upstream_mode_parallel",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "upstream_mode_fastest_addr",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "upstream_dns_bad",
wantSet: `validating dns config: upstream servers: parsing error at index 0: ` +
`cannot prepare the upstream: invalid address !!!: bad hostname "!!!": ` +
`bad top-level domain name label "!!!": bad top-level domain name label rune '!'`,
}, {
name: "bootstraps_bad",
wantSet: `validating dns config: checking bootstrap a: not a bootstrap: ParseAddr("a"): ` +
`unable to parse IP`,
}, {
name: "cache_bad_ttl",
wantSet: `validating dns config: cache_ttl_min must be less than or equal to cache_ttl_max`,
}, {
name: "upstream_mode_bad",
wantSet: `validating dns config: upstream_mode: incorrect value "somethingelse"`,
}, {
name: "local_ptr_upstreams_good",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "local_ptr_upstreams_bad",
wantSet: `validating dns config: private upstream servers: ` +
`bad arpa domain name "non.arpa": not a reversed ip network`,
}, {
name: "local_ptr_upstreams_null",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "fallbacks",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "blocked_response_ttl",
wantSet: "",
}, {
name: "multiple_domain_specific_upstreams",
wantSet: "",
var data map[string]struct {
Req json.RawMessage `json:"req"`
Want json.RawMessage `json:"want"`
testData := t.Name() + jsonExt
loadTestData(t, testData, &data)
for _, tc := range testCases {
// NOTE: Do not use require.Contains, because the size of the data
// prevents it from printing a meaningful error message.
caseData, ok := data[tc.name]
require.Truef(t, ok, "%q does not contain test data for test case %s", testData, tc.name)
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
t.Cleanup(func() {
s.dnsFilter.SetBlockingMode(filtering.BlockingModeDefault, netip.Addr{}, netip.Addr{})
s.conf = defaultConf
s.conf.Config.EDNSClientSubnet = &EDNSClientSubnet{}
rBody := io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(caseData.Req))
var r *http.Request
r, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "http://example.com", rBody)
require.NoError(t, err)
s.handleSetConfig(w, r)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantSet, strings.TrimSuffix(w.Body.String(), "\n"))
s.handleGetConfig(w, nil)
assert.JSONEq(t, string(caseData.Want), w.Body.String())
func TestIsCommentOrEmpty(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
want assert.BoolAssertionFunc
str string
want: assert.True,
str: "",
}, {
want: assert.True,
str: "# comment",
}, {
want: assert.False,
str: "",
}} {
tc.want(t, IsCommentOrEmpty(tc.str))
func newLocalUpstreamListener(t *testing.T, port uint16, handler dns.Handler) (real netip.AddrPort) {
startCh := make(chan struct{})
upsSrv := &dns.Server{
Addr: netip.AddrPortFrom(netutil.IPv4Localhost(), port).String(),
Net: "tcp",
Handler: handler,
NotifyStartedFunc: func() { close(startCh) },
go func() {
err := upsSrv.ListenAndServe()
require.NoError(testutil.PanicT{}, err)
testutil.CleanupAndRequireSuccess(t, upsSrv.Shutdown)
return testutil.RequireTypeAssert[*net.TCPAddr](t, upsSrv.Listener.Addr()).AddrPort()
func TestServer_HandleTestUpstreamDNS(t *testing.T) {
hdlr := dns.HandlerFunc(func(w dns.ResponseWriter, m *dns.Msg) {
err := w.WriteMsg(new(dns.Msg).SetReply(m))
require.NoError(testutil.PanicT{}, err)
ups := (&url.URL{
Scheme: "tcp",
Host: newLocalUpstreamListener(t, 0, hdlr).String(),
const (
upsTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
hostsFileName = "hosts"
upstreamHost = "custom.localhost"
hostsListener := newLocalUpstreamListener(t, 0, hdlr)
hostsUps := (&url.URL{
Scheme: "tcp",
Host: netutil.JoinHostPort(upstreamHost, hostsListener.Port()),
hc, err := aghnet.NewHostsContainer(
hostsFileName: &fstest.MapFile{
Data: []byte(hostsListener.Addr().String() + " " + upstreamHost),
OnStart: func() (_ error) { panic("not implemented") },
OnEvents: func() (e <-chan struct{}) { return nil },
OnAdd: func(_ string) (err error) { return nil },
OnClose: func() (err error) { return nil },
require.NoError(t, err)
srv := createTestServer(t, &filtering.Config{
BlockingMode: filtering.BlockingModeDefault,
EtcHosts: hc,
}, ServerConfig{
UDPListenAddrs: []*net.UDPAddr{{}},
TCPListenAddrs: []*net.TCPAddr{{}},
UpstreamTimeout: upsTimeout,
Config: Config{
UpstreamMode: UpstreamModeLoadBalance,
EDNSClientSubnet: &EDNSClientSubnet{Enabled: false},
ServePlainDNS: true,
srv.etcHosts = upstream.NewHostsResolver(hc)
startDeferStop(t, srv)
testCases := []struct {
body map[string]any
wantResp map[string]any
name string
body: map[string]any{
"upstream_dns": []string{hostsUps},
wantResp: map[string]any{
hostsUps: "OK",
name: "etc_hosts",
}, {
body: map[string]any{
"upstream_dns": []string{ups, "#this.is.comment"},
wantResp: map[string]any{
ups: "OK",
name: "comment_mix",
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
var reqBody []byte
reqBody, err = json.Marshal(tc.body)
require.NoError(t, err)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
var r *http.Request
r, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
require.NoError(t, err)
srv.handleTestUpstreamDNS(w, r)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, w.Code)
resp := map[string]any{}
err = json.NewDecoder(w.Body).Decode(&resp)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, tc.wantResp, resp)
t.Run("timeout", func(t *testing.T) {
slowHandler := dns.HandlerFunc(func(w dns.ResponseWriter, m *dns.Msg) {
time.Sleep(upsTimeout * 2)
writeErr := w.WriteMsg(new(dns.Msg).SetReply(m))
require.NoError(testutil.PanicT{}, writeErr)
sleepyUps := (&url.URL{
Scheme: "tcp",
Host: newLocalUpstreamListener(t, 0, slowHandler).String(),
req := map[string]any{
"upstream_dns": []string{sleepyUps},
var reqBody []byte
reqBody, err = json.Marshal(req)
require.NoError(t, err)
w := httptest.NewRecorder()
var r *http.Request
r, err = http.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "", bytes.NewReader(reqBody))
require.NoError(t, err)
srv.handleTestUpstreamDNS(w, r)
require.Equal(t, http.StatusOK, w.Code)
resp := map[string]any{}
err = json.NewDecoder(w.Body).Decode(&resp)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Contains(t, resp, sleepyUps)
require.IsType(t, "", resp[sleepyUps])
sleepyRes, _ := resp[sleepyUps].(string)
// TODO(e.burkov): Improve the format of an error in dnsproxy.
assert.True(t, strings.HasSuffix(sleepyRes, "i/o timeout"))