package main

import (

	yaml ""

const (
	dataDir   = "data"    // data storage
	filterDir = "filters" // cache location for downloaded filters, it's under DataDir

// logSettings
type logSettings struct {
	LogFile string `yaml:"log_file"` // Path to the log file. If empty, write to stdout. If "syslog", writes to syslog
	Verbose bool   `yaml:"verbose"`  // If true, verbose logging is enabled

// configuration is loaded from YAML
// field ordering is important -- yaml fields will mirror ordering from here
type configuration struct {
	ourConfigFilename string // Config filename (can be overridden via the command line arguments)
	ourWorkingDir     string // Location of our directory, used to protect against CWD being somewhere else
	firstRun          bool   // if set to true, don't run any services except HTTP web inteface, and serve only first-run html

	BindHost  string             `yaml:"bind_host"`
	BindPort  int                `yaml:"bind_port"`
	AuthName  string             `yaml:"auth_name"`
	AuthPass  string             `yaml:"auth_pass"`
	Language  string             `yaml:"language"` // two-letter ISO 639-1 language code
	DNS       dnsConfig          `yaml:"dns"`
	Filters   []filter           `yaml:"filters"`
	UserRules []string           `yaml:"user_rules"`
	DHCP      dhcpd.ServerConfig `yaml:"dhcp"`
	TLS       tlsConfig          `yaml:"tls"`

	logSettings `yaml:",inline"`

	sync.RWMutex `yaml:"-"`

	SchemaVersion int `yaml:"schema_version"` // keeping last so that users will be less tempted to change it -- used when upgrading between versions

// field ordering is important -- yaml fields will mirror ordering from here
type dnsConfig struct {
	BindHost string `yaml:"bind_host"`
	Port     int    `yaml:"port"`

	dnsforward.FilteringConfig `yaml:",inline"`

	UpstreamDNS []string `yaml:"upstream_dns"`

var defaultDNS = []string{"tls://", "tls://"}

// field ordering is important -- yaml fields will mirror ordering from here
type tlsConfig struct {
	ServerName       string `yaml:"server_name" json:"server_name"`
	ForceHTTPS       bool   `yaml:"force_https" json:"force_https"`
	PortHTTPS        int    `yaml:"port_https" json:"port_https"`
	PortDNSOverTLS   int    `yaml:"port_dns_over_tls" json:"port_dns_over_tls"`
	CertificateChain string `yaml:"certificate_chain" json:"certificate_chain"`
	PrivateKey       string `yaml:"private_key" json:"private_key"`

// initialize to default values, will be changed later when reading config or parsing command line
var config = configuration{
	ourConfigFilename: "AdGuardHome.yaml",
	BindPort:          3000,
	BindHost:          "",
	DNS: dnsConfig{
		BindHost: "",
		Port:     53,
		FilteringConfig: dnsforward.FilteringConfig{
			ProtectionEnabled:  true, // whether or not use any of dnsfilter features
			FilteringEnabled:   true, // whether or not use filter lists
			BlockedResponseTTL: 10,   // in seconds
			QueryLogEnabled:    true,
			Ratelimit:          20,
			RefuseAny:          true,
			BootstrapDNS:       "",
		UpstreamDNS: defaultDNS,
	Filters: []filter{
		{Filter: dnsfilter.Filter{ID: 1}, Enabled: true, URL: "", Name: "AdGuard Simplified Domain Names filter"},
		{Filter: dnsfilter.Filter{ID: 2}, Enabled: false, URL: "", Name: "AdAway"},
		{Filter: dnsfilter.Filter{ID: 3}, Enabled: false, URL: "", Name: "hpHosts - Ad and Tracking servers only"},
		{Filter: dnsfilter.Filter{ID: 4}, Enabled: false, URL: "", Name: " Hosts List"},
	SchemaVersion: currentSchemaVersion,

// getConfigFilename returns path to the current config file
func (c *configuration) getConfigFilename() string {
	configFile := config.ourConfigFilename
	if !filepath.IsAbs(configFile) {
		configFile = filepath.Join(config.ourWorkingDir, config.ourConfigFilename)
	return configFile

// getLogSettings reads logging settings from the config file.
// we do it in a separate method in order to configure logger before the actual configuration is parsed and applied.
func getLogSettings() logSettings {
	l := logSettings{}
	yamlFile, err := readConfigFile()
	if err != nil || yamlFile == nil {
		return l
	err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &l)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't get logging settings from the configuration: %s", err)
	return l

// parseConfig loads configuration from the YAML file
func parseConfig() error {
	configFile := config.getConfigFilename()
	log.Printf("Reading config file: %s", configFile)
	yamlFile, err := readConfigFile()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't read config file: %s", err)
		return err
	if yamlFile == nil {
		log.Printf("YAML file doesn't exist, skipping it")
		return nil
	err = yaml.Unmarshal(yamlFile, &config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't parse config file: %s", err)
		return err

	// Deduplicate filters


	return nil

// readConfigFile reads config file contents if it exists
func readConfigFile() ([]byte, error) {
	configFile := config.getConfigFilename()
	if _, err := os.Stat(configFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		// do nothing, file doesn't exist
		return nil, nil
	return ioutil.ReadFile(configFile)

// Saves configuration to the YAML file and also saves the user filter contents to a file
func (c *configuration) write() error {
	defer c.Unlock()
	if config.firstRun {
		log.Tracef("Silently refusing to write config because first run and not configured yet")
		return nil
	configFile := config.getConfigFilename()
	log.Tracef("Writing YAML file: %s", configFile)
	yamlText, err := yaml.Marshal(&config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't generate YAML file: %s", err)
		return err
	err = safeWriteFile(configFile, yamlText)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't save YAML config: %s", err)
		return err

	return nil

func writeAllConfigs() error {
	err := config.write()
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't write config: %s", err)
		return err

	userFilter := userFilter()
	err =
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Couldn't save the user filter: %s", err)
		return err

	return nil