package aghnet

import (

// IpsetManager is the ipset manager interface.
// TODO(a.garipov): Perhaps generalize this into some kind of a NetFilter type,
// since ipset is exclusive to Linux?
type IpsetManager interface {
	Add(host string, ip4s, ip6s []net.IP) (n int, err error)
	Close() (err error)

// NewIpsetManager returns a new ipset.  IPv4 addresses are added to an ipset
// with an ipv4 family; IPv6 addresses, to an ipv6 ipset.  ipset must exist.
// The syntax of the ipsetConf is:
// If ipsetConf is empty, msg and err are nil.  The error is of type
// *aghos.UnsupportedError if the OS is not supported.
func NewIpsetManager(ipsetConf []string) (mgr IpsetManager, err error) {
	if len(ipsetConf) == 0 {
		return nil, nil

	return newIpsetMgr(ipsetConf)