package client

import "net/netip"

// runtimeIndex stores information about runtime clients.
type runtimeIndex struct {
	// index maps IP address to runtime client.
	index map[netip.Addr]*Runtime

// newRuntimeIndex returns initialized runtime index.
func newRuntimeIndex() (ri *runtimeIndex) {
	return &runtimeIndex{
		index: map[netip.Addr]*Runtime{},

// client returns the saved runtime client by ip.  If no such client exists,
// returns nil.
func (ri *runtimeIndex) client(ip netip.Addr) (rc *Runtime) {
	return ri.index[ip]

// add saves the runtime client in the index.  IP address of a client must be
// unique.  See [Runtime.Client].  rc must not be nil.
func (ri *runtimeIndex) add(rc *Runtime) {
	ip := rc.Addr()
	ri.index[ip] = rc

// rangeClients calls f for each runtime client in an undefined order.
func (ri *runtimeIndex) rangeClients(f func(rc *Runtime) (cont bool)) {
	for _, rc := range ri.index {
		if !f(rc) {

// setInfo sets the client information from cs for runtime client stored by ip.
// If no such client exists, it creates one.
func (ri *runtimeIndex) setInfo(ip netip.Addr, cs Source, hosts []string) (rc *Runtime) {
	rc = ri.index[ip]
	if rc == nil {
		rc = NewRuntime(ip)

	rc.setInfo(cs, hosts)

	return rc

// clearSource removes information from the specified source from all clients.
func (ri *runtimeIndex) clearSource(src Source) {
	for _, rc := range ri.index {

// removeEmpty removes empty runtime clients and returns the number of removed
// clients.
func (ri *runtimeIndex) removeEmpty() (n int) {
	for ip, rc := range ri.index {
		if rc.isEmpty() {
			delete(ri.index, ip)

	return n