#!/bin/sh # This comment is used to simplify checking local copies of the script. Bump # this number every time a remarkable change is made to this script. # # AdGuard-Project-Version: 3 verbose="${VERBOSE:-0}" readonly verbose # Don't use -f, because we use globs in this script. set -e -u if [ "$verbose" -gt '0' ]; then set -x fi # Source the common helpers, including not_found and run_linter. . ./scripts/make/helper.sh run_linter -e shfmt --binary-next-line -d -p -s \ ./scripts/hooks/* \ ./scripts/install.sh \ ./scripts/make/*.sh \ ./scripts/snap/*.sh \ ./snap/local/*.sh \ ; shellcheck -e 'SC2250' -e 'SC2310' -f 'gcc' -o 'all' -x -- \ ./scripts/hooks/* \ ./scripts/install.sh \ ./scripts/make/*.sh \ ./scripts/snap/*.sh \ ./snap/local/*.sh \ ;